CBS picks up God Friended Me

sounds like an assinine concept to ME...
Sounds like CBS is trying to create their own Good Place to me.
So The Mayor is done already? It got decent reviews.
Watched a trailer for this. Reminded me of that show Touch, which I hated and dropped after 2 episodes. But then I thought about it some more, and it also reminded me of Signs, which I was highly pessimistic of before seeing and ended up really liking it. So maybe I'll give this a chance.
The concept sounds sort of like Joan Of Arcadia except Joan didn't have any set belief but her father was actively hostile to religion and as the show developed her mother was moving towards attending church again.
So I watched the pilot. Having watched the trailer, I knew most of what was going to happen. Not really sure I understand the whole concept though.
God sends a friend request to a guy (Miles) who's an atheist and runs a podcast about being an atheist. When Miles cancels the request, God sends more requests. When Miles finally gives up and accepts the request, he immediately gets a friend referral for a guy who's walking by him right that second. Miles follows him and ends up saving his life. Late that guy (who's a doctor) randomly shows up after Miles' new friend gets hit by a car (which wouldn't have happened if she hadn't been hanging out with Miles due to another friend referral sent by God). So God has Miles save a doctor who will magically be around to save a girl that was put in jeopardy because God sent Miles to her. It seems like it's a big case of God being a giant jerk and jacking with this guy Miles just for fun. Miles is the only one receiving friend requests and having his computer and thermostat hacked by God, but God obviously doesn't need him to do anything because he can move anyone anywhere he wants without doing any of the stuff he's doing to Miles (case in point, doctor magically at scene to save Miles new friend). It would have been nice if magic guy had at least said what he was doing or where he was going when he just happened to show up (all we know is he was riding in a taxi somewhere). When I watched the trailer, it almost looked like magic doctor was the guy driving the car that hit Miles' friend. That would have been interesting. Also, it would mirror the story Miles told of why he lost his faith, about how his mother had been given 6 months to live, and made a miraculous recovery but was then was killed in a car crash on the way home from the hospital. Which brings up an interesting question. Wasn't the family also in the car with the mother when it crashed? She was coming home from the hospital where she'd just been released from cancer care. She would not have been driving herself. But no mention of any other family members being hurt or killed during the wreck. And no mention by the father of feeling guilty over driving a car that crashed and killed his wife. He did say he struggled with his faith after his wife was killed, but no mention of any involvement on his part.

So I'll watch another ep or two, but this one's on a pretty short leash. I'd be surprised if I kept watching for too long. (Also, because it's on Sunday on CBS, it's going to be constantly delayed because of NFL games, so dealing with that hassle further strains the leash it's on.)
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If God unfriends you, do you go to hell?
That's the rule.

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