CFE's 100 Science Fiction Film Countdown

I'd never seen it so last month I rented 2001: A Space Odyssey, it kinda felt like half a movie with long musical bits with spaceships flying, people walking and nothing really happening. I think it's either way over hyped or aged badly.
Definitely isn't for people looking for a particular plot.
Someone once described it as a visual poem, which it is. It's a masterpiece within the art of cinema, and not particularly within the art of narrative cinema. Basically, it's a long stream of amazing images and music. It's not as cerebral as many people say it is. You can watch it without thinking. It's an experience, or as the tagline stated ''the ultimate trip''.

Kubrick was a genius, perhaps the greatest genius in the history of cinema (When you think of how far ahead of everybody he was, you would imagine that he had one of those monoliths standing in his office to help him along with the evolution of cinema), because I think that in the future of this art-form it will become less and less dependable on stories and structure and more and more a flow of imagery, hinged on a theme or an idea. Maybe not in our lifetimes though.
So CFE it would be nice to know where you would roughly rank Avatar in your top 100?

Sounds like it would easily make it into the top 50
Someone once described it as a visual poem, which it is. It's a masterpiece within the art of cinema, and not particularly within the art of narrative cinema. Basically, it's a long stream of amazing images and music. It's not as cerebral as many people say it is. You can watch it without thinking. It's an experience, or as the tagline stated ''the ultimate trip''.

Kubrick was a genius, perhaps the greatest genius in the history of cinema (When you think of how far ahead of everybody he was, you would imagine that he had one of those monoliths standing in his office to help him along with the evolution of cinema), because I think that in the future of this art-form it will become less and less dependable on stories and structure and more and more a flow of imagery, hinged on a theme or an idea. Maybe not in our lifetimes though.

Well said. But for me, Kubrick is and I think will always be ahead of our time in cinema. We can understand his methods, but I don't think a film director can ever do again what he did. We're all simply inspired by him at the most.
"Jurassic Park" always felt more like an action-adventure film personally...

Independence Day, all of the Star Wars movies, all of Schwarzenegger’s movies here, I Robot, Starship Troopers, Aliens. All on the list, and all are Action/Adventure movies with a Sci Fi premise, like Jurassic Park. I’m only really harping on this because it’s one of my favorite movies of all time and I was looking forward to seeing your review of it and where it would fall on the list.

Otherwise, keep up the good work.
Very good job CFE I can tell you put good hard work into this. Though I disagree with the top 15 in the order you put them, but that's irrelevant. Your list is very well done. Bravo.
Very nice list overall CFE, applaud you for even trying to arrange such a fantastic array of films into an actual top 100 rank list, I would of switched a few lower places around with higher places ones (Silent Running, Mad Max, Serenity, Cube to name a few) but great list.
Metalstorm: The Destruction Of Jared Syn was ROBBED!

Also, the fight scene in They Live is better than half the movies listed.

Otherwise, great work.
CFE, has that avatar review appeared in print or on the internet? I had a dsitinct feeling of deja vu reading especially the 4 reasons people list to discreadit the movie.

I posted it in the 'Avatar' thread and you asked why I only gave it an 8/10 after gushing about it...
Oh and before I forget...I WILL do that 50 Comic Book TV Show list as well.
On your 50 best comic tv shows, is Spider-Mans appearances on Electric Company number 1?
You should do countdowns, Heretic...that way the underdogs and dark horses cereal was talking about get their proper due :up:
You don't want me doing countdowns...I list Monsturd among my favorite horror films...
Very Impressive list but did you include animated ones like Wall-E :p
Well said. But for me, Kubrick is and I think will always be ahead of our time in cinema. We can understand his methods, but I don't think a film director can ever do again what he did. We're all simply inspired by him at the most.

Dude, just imagine if he were alive today. I wonder if he would become obsolete, like Hitchcock in the 70's, or if he would continue to be among the leading directors. I would assume the latter, but you can never be sure. I mean....who would have imagined that Hitchcock would be outdated in his lifetime?
Dude, just imagine if he were alive today. I wonder if he would become obsolete, like Hitchcock in the 70's, or if he would continue to be among the leading directors. I would assume the latter, but you can never be sure. I mean....who would have imagined that Hitchcock would be outdated in his lifetime?

Hitchcock wasn't outdated. His second last movie, FRENZY, is a great one.

If Hitchcock's later work suffered I'd suggest it was because a) he got old (and in ill health) and rich and lost some of his edge and b) the studio system collapsed leaving him to scramble in a new landscape for limited resources. Nobody really likes TOPAZ and TORN CURTAIN, but there are plenty of defenders for pretty much everything else post-1950 with the goof of FAMILY PLOT and the psycho-sexual MARNIE getting mixed reviews.
I posted it in the 'Avatar' thread and you asked why I only gave it an 8/10 after gushing about it...

ha ha KNEW it read it somewhere. I thought I read the review on rotten tomato :woot:
CFE have you considered collating your reviews and bringing them to a publisher?
You should do countdowns, Heretic...that way the underdogs and dark horses cereal was talking about get their proper due :up:

You think when I said that I was only referring to movies that Mystery Science Theater 3000 would make fun of, don't you?
Dude, just imagine if he were alive today. I wonder if he would become obsolete, like Hitchcock in the 70's, or if he would continue to be among the leading directors. I would assume the latter, but you can never be sure. I mean....who would have imagined that Hitchcock would be outdated in his lifetime?

I have imagined it many time. If he were alive today I think he would be like Mallick. He probably would of made one film this decade. But I sometimes think he would of gotten fed up with movies today and stop all together. I mean imagine Kubrick in this decade making films, they have changed alot. He wouldn't have which is a great thought. That's just my two cents though. But if he were asked about moves today I wonder what he would think of them?
I think I mentioned it at the very beginning of the thread, but after these 100 reviews, I think CFE and others would get a real kick out of Bill Warren's Keep Watching the Skies which goes over every single science fiction film released in America from the 1950s and early 60s in detail. The old edition is probably floating around a nearby library, but there's a brand new edition out that was revisited after DVD made all the films available again. Well worth checking out.

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