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Sequels Continued from the conversation in the "Wolverine" forum...


Apr 23, 2005
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That's too many girls though..... plus i'd rather see emma not go to the xavier institute so she can go down a darker path... id rather he join the hellfire club, or something like it.

i also would rather gambit not show up. It'd be awkward.... alot of us want to see him with rogue some how. Plus character wise, i don't see him meshing well with the originals.

yes a new and young brotherhood would work too, but i still think overall there needs to be more then a repeat of X1... they should take them to other sceneries.. savage land? genosha? muir island? etc...

personally for characters like emma, psylocke, and gambit, id rather see join an X-team post X3.... Infact on top of an X-men Origins: First Class film, i'd also like a "new mutants" or "young X-men film" that focused on new students joining the school post X3... could also deal with emma and her hellions.

Well, I don't particularly care for a sequel to X-Men 3 because I don't think the X-Men should continue without Cyclops, Xavier, and Jean Grey, the core of the team. I also think that a lot of things can actually be redeemed with a prequel movie.

There's a reason why I think that Emma needs to be part of the original team. I actually think it could help to develop the Hellfire Club within a First Class series. I actually have a lot of ideas for the First Class movie, but here's some of the basics I've been working in my head:

We would see a bit of Magneto, and him meeting Xavier during World War 2 (I think that the Magneto movie should be scrapped, and merged with First Class). They would discuss their views on mutant liberation, and after the war, come back to America and work towards mutant rights. That would lead to them starting the school, and recruiting the first students.

We see from the timeline that Jean is actually Xavier's first student, not Scott, so we'll work with that (Jean's introduction in X-Men 3 is stated to be "20 years ago", while the events of X-Men Origins: Wolverine in which Cyclops is involved, is stated by Stryker in X-Men 2 to be 15 years ago "How long's it been? 15 years?"

I don't know if we'd really need to go into too much detail on how Storm and Beast were recruited, but if necessary, we can.

I would have the Friends of Humanity be the antagonist. This would begin Magneto's beliefs that humans will never accept mutants. The Friends of Humanity would finally take to the streets, and attack a group of mutants. Xavier would send in his young team to stop them. When the X-Men arrive, they'd witness the attack, and jump in to try to protect the innocent mutants. 2 victims in particular would stand out:

1. A young girl would be attacked. Jean Grey would rush to the young girl's aid, but it'd be too late. The young girl would die in Jean's arms. As the girl dies, however, Jean's powers would create a psychic connection with the young girl, and Jean would mentally feel the girl dying, experiencing the death as if it were her own. This experience would begin to drive Jean mad, and she would need to be subdued psychically by Emma Frost.

2. A young man would rush to the aid of another helpless victim, another young girl. As he rushes to her aid, his skin becomes metalic, and his body indestructable. He uses his powers to protect the young girl from the mob. After the mob had been fought off, the X-Men would take the young girl and her protector back to the X-Mansion to help her recover. The young man who protected the girl would reveal that was her sister, that he and his sister had come over from Russia, but were orphaned soon after. Xavier then offers to give the young mutant, and his sister Ilyana, a home at the mansion.

The bulk of the mutants attacked - targeted for their blatant physical deformities - would begin to band together, taking refuge in abandoned buildings and such. A young woman, named Callisto, would step up and take charge of this band of outlaw mutants.

With the knowledge of this newfound band of mutants, a student at Xavier's school, one Betsy Braddock, would volunteer to aid these mutants, to help protect them from another attack by the Friends of Humanity. Meanwhile, Graydon Creed, the leader of the F.O.H. is on the prowl to eliminate the group of mutants now calling themselves "Morlocks". Creed stumbles upon a shady character who had a particular interest in these Morlocks, a man named Dr. Essex. Essex has the means to find the Morlocks, and volunteers to help Creed find them, if Essex is allowed to use the Morlocks for his own purposes.

Upon their agreement, Essex finds one Remy LeBeau, claiming that LeBeau owes him a favor for their past transactions (which I currently can't mention due to the spoiler ban). LeBeau leads a group of F.O.H. to the Morlock's hideouts, and the F.O.H. begin to slaughter the mutants. Psylocke tries to lead a resistance against the F.O.H, but there are too many of them.

Psylocke returns to the X-Men to inform them of what happened with the Morlocks. At this same time, Gambit arrives at the mansion, bringing a young mutant that he was able to save from the massacre. Xavier asks Gambit to join the X-Men to help them in their battle against the F.O.H., but Psylocke recognizes Gambit from the massacre.

The climax would be the X-Men fighting against the F.O.H. (I'd like for the F.O.H. to be backed by a type of Sentinel program, but I'm not sure exactly how it'd play out). Psylocke and Callisto would lead the Morlocks into the battle as well, who would also begin fighting against the X-Men, feeling they were involved in the massacre seeing Gambit's involvement with the X-Men.

After the fight, Psylocke would stay with the Morlocks (setting up her appearance in X-Men 3), Gambit would leave the X-Men (explaining why he's not in X-Men), and we could also see Beast going off into politics, and Emma Frost leaving to go to work for a company called Shaw Industries (as seen in X-Men 2). Magneto, now furious with humanities lack of acceptance of mutantkind, would officially have his falling out with Xavier, leaving to eventually form his Brotherhood of Mutants.

And before everyone says I'm just using the Mutant Massacre to shoehorn Gambit into the film, there would also be a rather huge subplot revolving around Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Emma Frost, as well as seeing Xavier putting in the mental blocks in Jean, and the fallout between Xavier and Magneto because of it. Emma would basically be trying to convince Cyclops that Jean Grey is bat **** crazy, that he needs better, and use that to try to seduce him. That'd obviously enrage Jean Grey, and cause a conflict within that as well.

Beast, with his intellect, and savy, would be the one to stumble on the information that Graydon Creed is the son of a mutant (Victor Creed), which would have the F.O.H. turning on Graydon.
I didn't read your entire post, as I'm half asleep.

But, I agree that Emma should be on the X-Men in First Class. Especially after her cameo in Wolverine. It seems like her and Scott where basically set ups for this film, and honestly I like the idea.


Sure, that's more female then male, but who cares? I'd also LOVE to see Gambit, as Taylor is just the right age. Perhaps have him start off as a member of the brotherhood?
When we first encounter the X-Men in X-Men, there are more women than men, so I don't think it should be a problem. Plus, Professor Xavier will be there, so he kind of evens out the roster.

I wonder if we'll see how Xavier loses his ability to walk?
When we first encounter the X-Men in X-Men, there are more women than men, so I don't think it should be a problem. Plus, Professor Xavier will be there, so he kind of evens out the roster.

I wonder if we'll see how Xavier loses his ability to walk?

I kinda had an idea that perhaps an early battle with Jean, while trying to implement the psychic barriers, would result in Xavier losing the use of his legs.
If this is a 3 film series, I'd love for them to attempt a better Dark Phoenix story. It can be so catastrophic that Xavier not only wipes it from everyone's memories, but would explain why he puts the psychic barriers.
If this is a 3 film series, I'd love for them to attempt a better Dark Phoenix story. It can be so catastrophic that Xavier not only wipes it from everyone's memories, but would explain why he puts the psychic barriers.

I dunno if I really like the mind wipes - I mean we're already getting that in one film. Do we really need everyone getting their mind wiped?

BUT I would be all about a mini-Phoenix Saga type thing that really sets up the situation for X2 / X-Men 3.
A better Pheonix story is a a really good concept. It would interesting if Jean's power started getting out of control in this series and it would make the Professor's decision seem more reasonable.
I dunno if I really like the mind wipes - I mean we're already getting that in one film. Do we really need everyone getting their mind wiped?

BUT I would be all about a mini-Phoenix Saga type thing that really sets up the situation for X2 / X-Men 3.
We already got a mini-phoenix saga type thing. I want a BIG Phoenix saga type thing. :p
I dont really want a Phoenix thing, as it will feel abit repeatative and it probably wont be as good as we imagine.

I would like in the First Class Team... Jean, Cyclops, Beast, Banshee, Emma. and Storm to join halfway/towards the end.

Emma should betray the X-men which leads to Banshee's death and Storm comes in and shows some extreme weather powers.

Emma joins the Hellfire Club, Where Sinister is a member and Gambit is his Right Hand man. (cos i want to see the X-men vs Gambit fight)
The possibilities are endless, and that excites me.
I agree and disagree with Nell on this im afraid,

What i agree on is the fact that we dont need a Magneto and First Class movie, The story could easly be told together in one movie Titled "X-Men The Origin" I also agree we need to move away from a repeat of the first movie but i think by the end of the movie you could see how it leads into X-Men 1...

What i disagree with is the use of Emma Frost being in the mix of students at xavier's school, mostly because i feel you would have too many psychics for a start which leads to cheap and easy writing on the writers part... who wants to see a movie where three psychic mutants sit there and have a battle of the minds, to the avail of the rest of the team who only sees three people sitting in a room thinking? I also disagree with Mr Sinisters appearance and storyline because when you get sinister he is too easly connected to Apocalpyse and if Sinister was used fans would just get too excited that someday Apocalpyse will appear of be behind Sinisters motive.

I feel that X-Men The Origin should have two Focuses, 1 - the relationship between Charles Xavier and Eric Lenshire. 2 - and why there was a need to create the x-men...

I have a thoery on how the movie would play out... let me talk you through it.

Act One:
> We learn how young magneto is rescued from the camp in WW2 by the american task force
> We learn how young magneto meets magda, probably after being rescued.
> We Jump to Vietnam War were we learn Magneto became a soldier in a special team
> We also learn that Magda and Magneto become an item and are seperated by the war.
> We learn how Magneto meets Xavier probablly in a M.A.S.H style medical camp upon learning each others abilities.
> Something happens where it prompts Magneto and Xavier to work together.
> The colaboration causes a disaster, Xavier at this point didnt have full control of his powers and instead of the rescue mission they both tried to do, Xavier unleashes a psychic wave causing an onslaught of power that kills everyone, except Magneto because he was wearing a helmet that because of his magnetic powers caused the helmet to become deflective of Xaviers Psychic accident. Both vow to work together to help control each others powers.
> After the war Magneto tries to find Magda only to find she has disappeared.
> Magneto goes to Xavier for help in finding her but Xavier cant find her, the result is that they build cerebro at Xaviers mansion.
> reading about a new young scientist Beast pre-blue fur who is studying mutation, he talks about the levels of mutant powers. Beast although having larger hands and feet doesnt realise he is actually a mutant himself a fact he dismisses. Xavier offers Beast the chance to work with them at the instatue to help better understand mutants.
> Using Cerebro they find a level 5 mutant Jean Grey, unsure of her power Xavier asks Magneto to come with him to visit her. (X-Men Last Stand Opening scene)
> Later at the school we learn that Jean Grey knew of Magda and explains about a place called Wondagor where Magda worked. This leads Magneto to head to Wondergor for his search of Magda.

Act Two
> Upon visiting Wondagor, he discovers that Magda was working for the pre-high evolutionary Herbert Edgar Wyndham - Herbert was studying mutant evolution and the ability to transfer abilities to non-mutants. By the use of techonological advances and research. (The future awakening of where Magneto go the idea for his machine in x1)
> We learn that Magda was killed by a anti-mutant group because she was working pro-mutant cause. This is the fuel that angers Magneto, the turning point if you will.
> In the outrage and as he is leaving he rescues a young Mystique who is being chased by locals.
> Meanwhile back at xaviers mansion, we learn that Xavier has rescued some new mutants from experimentation... "young Cyclops, Storm, Toad and Jason Stryker" from experimentation (I havent seen the leaked film, but im going by X2 with the idea that Jason was once a mutant at Xaviers school and the fact that Cyclops seems to be involved somehow in wolverine movie, im guessing he is being chased by stryker.)
> We also learn that Jean is struggling to control her abilities. Something that Cyclops can relate too. Leading to potential pairing of the two characters.
> Magneto furious wants to take action that mutants are being made prisoners giving him flashbacks to his imprisonment years ago. Where as Charles tries to be more rational about it.
> We learn that Magneto has lost faith in Charles Xavier, believing his dream is unrealistic and that Magneto would need to take action but knowing how powerful Xavier is he would need to part ways but give Xavier some kind of distraction in the process.
> We learn how Magneto uses Jason Stryker currupting him, Knowing that Jason is controlable Magneto uses Jason to taunt Jean Grey to believe her powers were going out of control, thinking this causes Jeans powers to become out of control.
> Jean Grey's losing control of her powers is basically Magneto's way of showing Xavier his dream to help mutants control there powers cant always be possible. The two have words and Magneto taking Jason, Mystique and Toad with him, Mystique really out of loyalty and Toad because he believes the same as Magneto. Learning that Jason's father was the person who hunted Magda. Magneto turns Jason who already hates his parents to use his ability to torment them. Jason then torments both parents to the point that his mother dies. "By boring the images out of her mind"
> Xavier manages to put mind blocks on Jean that causes her Phoenix manifestation to become dormant but realises this may not be perminate. Upon investigating he finds out the truth via Jean who sensed that Jason caused this under order of Magneto who is on a bid to cause a brotherhood of mutants to stand against human kind. Because of this Xavier decides to make The X-Men.

Act Three
> We learn the formation of the first x-men team, Beast, Jean Grey, Cyclops and Storm...
> We also learn that Magneto is seeking out powerful mutants to help aid his war, Toad introduces Magneto to Caliban a mutant who one of strykers prisoners who was used by stryker to find mutants...powerful mutants. Caliban did not join the xavier instatue because he doesnt deal well with personal contact, he is a bit of a recluse. Caliban however give Magneto a list of powerful mutants whose abilities will be an assist to his cause, the four mutants are, Blob, Avalanche, Destiney and young 5 year old Iceman...
> Xavier visits William Stryker in hospital traumatised by his sons attack, not knowing Xavier is a mutant Stryker reveals that his son needed curing and his team has found a better use for him. Xavier also learns what stryker did to Magda... by scanning Strykers mind he finds out about Caliban...
> Xavier with the young x-men go to Caliban who explains he thought he was doing the right thing with Magneto. Caliban tells Xavier of the list.
> As Xavier scans for those mutants he finds out that Magneto was speaking with Blob, Xavier is unable to scan for Magneto because he found a way to block the device however he can read Blobs mind and see through his eyes. Finding Eric talking to Blob they head there to speak with him, to hopefully change his mind and stop him on his path.
> Whilst at Blobs boxing ring, xavier discovers Blob declined the offer... this isnt true, see Magneto had already saw Xavier's visit via Destiney and the it is revealed Magneto's own Brotherhood team... Toad. Mystique, Avalanche and Destiney. There is a fight between the new x-men team and brotherhood but because of there inexperiance the x-men loose and Magneto cripples Xaviers spin. thus learning the origin of the wheelchair bound xavier. Magneto warns xavier of his path and not to follow if he values the lives of his students who he will let live out of respect that they are fellow mutants.
> Magneto's plans are revealed, Magneto is going to cause a flood, a tidely wave of massive proption. To do this he plans to drop a massive astoride into the ocean, project named "Asteroid M" just for a bit of a laugh. In order to do this he needed the following mutants someone who can distube the tectonic plates... AKA Avalanche, someone who is unmovable that could withstand the tide to help cause more devistation... AKA Blob, Destiney becomes an added bonus so that Magneto can be prepaired but Magneto needs a mutant that can bond meterial together to form the asteroid, He was going to untiles a young Iceman to help him do this, Magneto can hold the metal together but because his powers are limited by the magnetic pull of earth he would not beable to keep the astoride together and so Iceman would use his mutant ability to do that, unbeknowning that is why he is doing it for. So a bit of trickery would be involved.
> Knowing of his plan and now critically hurt in hospital Xavier talks to his team and tells them they must prevent Magneto from getting the Young Iceman, using the little strength he has xavier discovers he is on a school bus that Magneto and his brotherhood plan to stop and retrieve him from.
> The second find occures leading to a spectacular fight between the brotherhood and x-men as they learn to work as a team to defeat the brotherhood.
> in the process Avalanche and Blob are badly hurt and caught by the goverment. Destiney is killed when Jean learns to fight around her ability to see into the future by making her mind see an alternative future. Indirectly Destiney is killed by accident. Upon her death Magneto realises his plan is flawed and instead of risking another life of his fellow mutants he escapes with Mystique and Toad.
> Jean then uses her powers to make people believe this never happend. which causes her nose to bleed, indicating he mental blocks are not holding. After rescuing Iceman they return to the Xavier instatue...
> The following scenes would then tie the rest of the movie in the path towards x1
... Xavier is now wheelchair bound
... Iceman becomes the youngest student to join the school
... We learn that Styker turns his interest towards Xaviers School.
... Magneto leaves to reformulate his plan revisits Wondagor to steal The High Evolutionaries plans for the machine that will turn mutants into humans. Whilst there we learn that Stryker sent Sabretooth to kill the high evolutionary however the high evolutionary had already built his machine and upon using it caused Sabretooth to look from his more human looking X-Men Origins: Wolverine look to his more Feral X1 look... Sabretooth has no memory of who he is to which Magneto offers his a place to use his abilities, or to do what he does best.

Theeee end.

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