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Xbox Crackdown Appreciation Thread

anyone know where the big statue of the agent is? ive been there once and i could have sworn it was right near one of the supply points on the northern los muertos island. i thought it was standing right over the tunnel that the highway goes through. where did it go?
has anyone been killed or arrested by the peacekeepers yet? it seems to me that i kill as many people as i want and i can always get away.
The game was really fun when I was waiting for the H3 beta but after that it got old
The game was really fun when I was waiting for the H3 beta but after that it got old

True....You need to play multi with a friend though...Just messing around with a friend is really endless fun. I still find it to be a good game to pick up and just mess around for about 30 minutes or so.
True....You need to play multi with a friend though...Just messing around with a friend is really endless fun. I still find it to be a good game to pick up and just mess around for about 30 minutes or so.
Yeah I messed around plenty back in the day. But I just dont have any desire to play it any more. Plus none of my friends play it
I can never seem to find anyone to play this with online... so if anyone wants to play my gt is ilikereefer.
Im still feeling the crackdown love....raise the roof people and shoot some mofo's
"Crackdown 3 effectively turns your Xbox One into the most powerful console ever made."
So, Crackdown 3 might be the most impressive demo I've ever seen. We'll have a full preview up later today, but suffice it to say that all that bluster about "leveraging the Cloud" to bring hitherto unseen levels of physics-based destruction is totally accurate. That moment in the CG teaser trailer where an Agent collapses a building into another building to kill the naughty crime boss inside? You can do that. Easily. I've seen it happen. I have seen such things.

You'd think this would require an immense internet connection to keep it rolling, not least when four players (this is the current maximum size for a multiplayer party, although it could increase) are doing the same thing in four separate corners of the city, but the relative ease of swapping information between Xbox and server means the strain is fairly small. Jones says that his team are optimising the game for a 2-4mbps connection.

So, I ask the question - does this technology make the Xbox One more powerful? Jones nods. Does it, effectively, make it the most powerful console ever made while those servers are running? Jones nods. While Crackdown utilises it purely for physics, the opportunity here is clear. Who knows what another company could make with this, given the time? For the moment, though, I'm not entirely bothered - I just knocked a penthouse balcony off its moorings and watched it take 20 others out on its way to the ground. I'm still smiling.
Crazy to think that every building in the whole city has a full interior.

Xbox One, PC
[FONT=&quot]Crackdown 3 delayed to 2017[/FONT]

Published 6 mins ago. 0 comments.
Xbox One and PC sequel won't be at E3 2016.


Crackdown 3 will launch for Xbox One and Windows 10 PC in 2017, Microsoft announced.

It will be a “Play Anywhere” title, meaning one purchase will let you play the game across both platofrms.

“Crackdown 3 is a game built for the future with a multiplayer experience that will redefine what it feels like to play games, and as we continue to work on this, it has become clear that our original timeline of delivering multiplayer to fans this summer, while maintaining the size, scope and quality of the game, would be challenging,” creative director Dave Jones said in a blog post.

“Our top priority is to give gamers an experience they have never seen before at a scale never thought possible, and sticking to our original timeline would have compromised that goal.”

Crackdown 3 won’t be at E3, but Jones adds that it will have more to share soon.

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PC, Xbox One, Cloudgine, Crackdown 3, Delays, E3 2016, Microsoft

source: Gematsu

Crackdown 3 - Co-op against Crime Lords, fully destructible cities, and everything you need to know

3 days ago


[FONT=&quot]Fast Facts

  • Release date: 2017
  • Format(s): Xbox One, PC
  • Developer: Reagent Games
  • Price: TBD
Crackdown 3, the premiere open world cops versus robbers demolition fest for Xbox One, due out in summer 2016! Or not. Definitely not at this point. Once positioned as a showcase for the Xbox One's cloud computing functionality, this sequel to the cult Xbox 360 franchise hasn't been seen since March 2016 when a handful of new screenshots were released. What's going on with with Microsoft's game which was shown off in playable form all the way back in 2015? Here's everything we know.
The Crackdown 3 release date is 2017

After some explosive showings back in 2015, Crackdown slipped past its summer 2016 release date and was very quietly delayed until sometime in 2017. And while we eagerly await more concrete details on the progress that's been made over the past year, there's still plenty to sift through regarding Crackdown 3's unique take on metropolis-demolishing mayhem. There may be multiple culprits that pushed the game back even though it was in beta form last year. Crackdown 3 was moved into the Xbox Play Anywhere program across Xbox One or Windows 10 PCs. Given how it was going to leverage cloud processing power, Microsoft may also be holding back to reposition the game as a signature game for the beefed up Scorpio.

The Crackdown 3 trailer promises a massive futuristic city

The most recent Crackdown 3 trailer actually dates back to Gamescom 2015 so it's unclear how representative of the final game it is at this point. Aged as it might be, though, it does at least promise that this entry in the series will hew closer to the Robocopian mix of humor and comic book action that made the original so special as opposed to the po-faced Crackdown 2.
Crackdown 3 gameplay is based around being a super-cop in a futuristic, open-world sandbox

The quick pitch: Crackdown's a third-person sandbox like Grand Theft Auto, but instead of playing as a modern-day carjacker, you're an Agent of law enforcement in a near-future metropolis. It's got more in common with a superhero game than a crime drama, given how your cel-shaded Agent can bound up and over buildings or kick cars like they were soccer balls. And unlike Superman, ethics aren't a huge priority: when you're determined to take down a perp, you've got the freedom to unleash a barrage of bullets, grenades, and rockets into crowded areas without a care in the world.
When you're not taking out gang leaders through whatever anarchic methods you deem appropriate, you can cruise around in a transforming car or enhance your supernatural strength by collecting brightly colored orbs sprinkled around the city rooftops. Crackdown 3's being developed by many of the same team members who made the original, including series creator Dave Jones, which should make this sequel feel closer to the first game than Crackdown 2, which was given to a different studio with a shorter deadline.

The Crackdown 3 single-player campaign is a city-wide war on crime

For whatever reason, your employers at the Agency are perfectly content to send you into a crime-filled city all by your lonesome, turning you into a police force of one against an underworld of thousands. There's no word yet on whether or not Crackdown 3 takes place in the series mainstay of Pacific City, but wherever you end up fighting an army of felons, you'll have to factor in a new, frankly named mechanic: the Hate System.
Your primary targets are the many Crime Lords who are orchestrating all the misdemeanors going down at street-level, but you can't simply kick down a door and shoot them dead. They'll only show themselves once you've gotten their attention after building up a Hate Meter by systematically eliminating their network of hired goons and reclaiming their territory for the side of the law. All the while, those Crime Lords will be taunting and/or threatening you via giant holograms throughout the city, a la Batman: Arkham Knight. Accrue enough of their Hate, and they'll personally try to take you down in all-or-nothing boss fights.

Crackdown 3 multiplayer offers a huge draw: fully destructible environments

Here's the literal game-changer. While massive explosions are commonplace in the first two Crackdowns, your surroundings never really reflect all the chaos that threatens to tear the city apart. But in Crackdown 3, you can actually tear the city apart piece by piece, because every structure is completely destructible. And not in a 'scripted crumbling animation once you've done enough damage' kind of way - you can disassemble a skyscraper in whatever method pleases you, and the resulting wreckage will be totally determined by in-game physics.
The catch is that thus far, this potentially revolutionary mechanic has been restricted to Crackdown 3's multiplayer campaign. And judging by a statement from Microsoft Studios' Shannon Loftis, it sounds as though the Crackdown 3 development laid the multiplayer groundwork first, then built the single-player campaign atop that framework. As with the first two games, you'll have the option between tackling a single-player or online co-op campaign, but Crackdown 3's multiplayer takes place in different city entirely. You'll probably want to jump online anyway, because...

Crackdown 3 co-op lets you recruit help to take down those Crime Lords

The cinematic trailer that served as Crackdown 3's announcement shows three Agents working in tandem to bring down a gang leader's bulletproof fortress. You've got one gruff-looking Agent driving a truck covered in demolition charges, another guy triggering a controlled explosion to turn an adjacent building into a makeshift ramp, and the default Agent acting as the sniper that shoots the combustible payload, turning a toppling tower into a devastating battering ram. Clearly, teaming up with other players will let you really do some damage to the criminal underworld.
Crackdown 2 allowed up to four players in co-op, but it looks like Crackdown 3 will up the ante even further: the most recent gameplay footage clearly shows eight little 'A' nodes tearing up the city (the A being short for Agent or the Agency, though no one could blame you for assuming it stood for Anarchy). No word yet on whether or not Crackdown 2's player-vs-player shootouts will make a return.

Crackdown 3 Xbox One has smashable skyscrapers made possible by cloud computing but what about Scorpio?

In order to make previously unseen levels of in-game destruction possible, Crackdown 3 has to use some brand new tech. Enter Microsoft Azure, the cloud computing platform that can supercharge your Xbox One's performance with the mighty powers of the internet. Normally, the level of destructibility seen in Crackdown 3 would make a game unplayable within minutes, since the Xbox One's memory would be overloaded by all the bits and pieces of metal and concrete. But connecting to the cloud can effectively offload all those taxing computations to a faraway server and send the info back to your console.
All that is to say: you get to behold every glorious moment of skyscraper-toppling destruction without having to suffer through performance issues or sluggish framerates. The city itself is divided up into districts, with separate servers for each cluster of buildings; our Crackdown 3 demo actually showed how many servers were being tapped at any given time, depending on how many apartment complexes and swanky offices were being pulverized at the moment. Crackdown 3's Gamescom trailer boasts that the cloud integration provides "20 times the computational power of your Xbox One", which effectively turns your Xbox One into the most powerful console ever made (thus far).
But Xbox One is about to be joined by an even more powerful successor: Xbox Scorpio. Given the new console's emphasis on computing horsepower, it's possible that Crackdown 3 may need to rely less on Azure on Scorpio than on Xbox One.

Crackdown 3 debris doesn't just vanish after you've toppled a building

It'd be a shame if all the work done by your artillery-powered wrecking crew was just for show, and the twisted heap of what was once a building simply faded away or had no impact on its surroundings. That's why Crackdown 3 makes an astonishing commitment to tangible changes in your environment. Felling a 50-foot skyscraper isn't just a fireworks show; you could use the resulting wreckage to act as a bridge to another building, or cause a domino effect of destruction throughout an entire city block. Every chunk of concrete becomes a new piece of level geometry, some of which you can pick up (depending on your degree of super-strength).
Leveling a skyscraper won't exactly be easy - even with a super-powered rocket launcher, it can take a while to whittle away the foundation of a building to the point that it collapses. If you're feeling impatient, you can try to ignite the gas main, which will trigger an explosion throughout the whole structure. And really, it's probably for the best that those high-rises don't crumple like cardboard; inevitably, the city would be reduced to a flat wasteland in minutes, and what fun is that?
Related Crackdown 3 news

Check out a couple of new Crackdown 3 shots
Crackdown 3 is out this summer... but just the multiplayer mode
Your Xbox is chewing through virtual consoles in Crackdown to make all that destruction happen
The only thing standing in the way of Crackdown 3 is your Internet Provider
Crackdown 3 is basically two games, and I want to play them both
Crackdown 3 effectively turns your Xbox One into the most powerful console ever made[FONT=&quot]


wouldn't be surprised if this is positioned as a Scorpio "launch" title.
I did love the first one. The second was kinda meh.

And plenty of "boom"

Crackdown fans have been waiting for a new installment in the series since 2010. The latest iteration of the game has been in development for a while, after getting hit with a delay to allow developers more time with the game's campaign.

Last month, the Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, hyped up Crackdown 3, saying it was one of the "best" Crackdown experiences he has had.

Other than that, we haven't really heard too much on the game, A recent 'This Week on Xbox' video, Shannon Loftis, the General Manager at Microsoft Studios revealed a bit more details on the upcoming Crackdown game.
"Well, if you remember how great the original Crackdowns were, with the big open cities, and as you leveled up, your cars and weapons leveled up, imagine all that time 10. Crackdown 3 is all about the boom. It is a massive futuristic city. You have smarter enemies, more vehicles, new weapons -- and the explosions and the destruction. I mean it's really an incredible experience."
Basically, Loftis is hyping up the game for its release later this year. We will more than likely be seeing more of this game at E3 2017.

source: http://www.gamezone.com/

[FONT=&quot]We're ready to crack down on this news too.
[FONT=&quot]News on Crackdown 3 has been pretty slim lately, but according to their official Twitter, that may change very soon.[/FONT]
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Crackdown @crackdown

2017 is shaping up to be great! #Crackdown3 info is on the horizon, and we're ready to bring the boom!​
5:09 PM - 4 Apr 2017

[FONT=&quot]Crackdown 3 was hit with a delay, but only to allow more time to develop the game's campaign.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]According to the General Manager at Microsoft Studios, Crackdown 3 is a substantial upgrade to the series. "Well, if you remember how great the original Crackdowns were, with the big open cities, and as you leveled up, your cars and weapons leveled up, imagine all that time 10. "[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Digital Foundry is set to have an exclusive Scorpio reveal tomorrow, where we could hopefully see some Crackdown 3 in action.[/FONT]


source: http://www.gamezone.com/
That's "Play Anywhere" for ya

[FONT=&quot]Crackdown 3 is finally nearing its release after being delayed time and time again, and today even more good news arrived, Crackdown 3 will also be coming to PC![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]That's right, one of Microsoft's big exclusive franchises will be coming to all of their current platforms, which means both Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs. It will be available as a PC game via their Play Anywhere program, which Microsoft announced at last year's E3. [/FONT]
Crackdown 3 will indeed be a Play Anywhere title! https://t.co/radWMMG0KT
— Crackdown (@crackdown) 23 maj 2017
[FONT=&quot]Making Crackdown 3 a Play Anywhere title means that gamers only have to purchase the game once and will then be able to play it on both platforms, save data, achievement data, and other game progress will also be shared between the platforms, and, if the developer allows it, Play Anywhere will even allow for PC Xbox cross-platform multiplayer.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]With Crackdown 3 getting released this year, hopefully, we'll get a proper reveal of exactly how far their Play Anywhere service will stretch for the game. Likewise, with E3 coming along soon we'll probably get another nice list of new Play Anywhere titles to enjoy both on PC and on Xbox One. Already, Resident Evil 7 has been transformed into a Play Anywhere title so we might even get to see some bigger third-party games get announced as Play Anywhere titles at E3 this year as well, we'll keep our eyes peeled for you.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Want to know when each E3 show will begin and what to expect from them? Then click here for all current E3 info![/FONT]



source: http://www.gamezone.com/
They better announce a release date for this at E3... It's taking way too long at this point to come out with any solid information on the release of this game.


[FONT=&quot]Three years after its initial reveal, Crackdown 3 finally has some actual gameplay, a release date, and more! The game will feature four characters (one played by Terry Crews) who are going to rain hell on the criminals in the city they are sworn to protect.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Not a whole lot of details were given but the trailer speaks for itself.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Crackdown 3 will release as a launch title for Xbox One X on November 7th, 2017.[/FONT]



source: http://www.gamezone.com/

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