Discussion: The REPUBLICAN Party II

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You guys need to stop using my name in vain.....I could get a complex....
I've never claimed Hitler was a Marxist.

I've only pointed out Hitler was a Hamiltonian.

Sorry. You've called him a leftist socialist (I'm aware that socialism is in the Nazi name, but that doesn't mean that is the kind of government they enacted) and try to defend people calling Obama Hitler by draw a line between Obama and Hitler based on the health care system.

That is just silly.
I am not sure if I actually called him a socialist, but I did call him a leftist (there is nothing remotely "right" about killing Jews and that's the biggest difference between Nazis and Progressives).

And you know what, it may be a bit silly to defend Hitler comparisons considering Hitler's bloodlust does kinda overshadow the rest of his political agenda - but at least I can defend my position.

You can't. :)

Way to focus on the budget, deficits and jobs y'all campaigned on, guys.

For the record their bill is just an addition onto the Hyde Amendment that would basically be the Stupak Amendment that was unable to get through the House last year. Albeit, President Obama signed an Executive Order that enforces this. I suppose, they think this is more official. However, I think they really think this is more divisive and a good social issue to talk about to distract from limited ideas to fix the economy and debt. Who knows how the Senate will react in the coming weeks.
...but I thought the GOP swore off social issues in this past election? I thought they said their focus was going to be on jobs and the economy? :whatever:
More distraction tactics to hide the apparently unchanged fact that they don't have any solutions of their own.
Hmmmm.....I'm going to hold off on judgment until we get the CBO numbers on what they have already given to them....that will take some time.

All I have to say is this......give'um rope.....give'um rope.
So now that they've wasted enough time on a hopeless attempt to repeal Healthcare, now they're starting to bring out abortion instead of job growth.

Across Country, Lawmakers Push Abortion Curbs

Where are the job programs, Boehner?

:doom: :doom: :doom:

The only thing that surprises me in all of this is how quickly they've started to throw social issues to the forefront. I thought they would have at least given the illusion that they meant what they campaigned on (jobs, jobs, jobs) but...
all these babies that they dont want aborted are gonna need jobs.

And every job created in the public sector leads to the destruction of more than one job in the private.
I'm telling you right now that Gary Johnson will win New Hampshire in 2012.

The New Hampshire Straw Poll went as follows:

  • Mitt Romney - 97 (35.14%)
  • Ron Paul - 29 (10.51%)
  • Tim Pawlenty - 21 7.61%)
  • Sarah Palin - 19 (6.88%)
  • Michele Bachmann - 14 (5.07%)
  • Jim DeMint - 14 (5.07%)
  • Herman Cain - 11 (3.99%)
  • Chris Christie - 9 (3.26%)
  • Rick Santorum - 9 (3.26%)
  • Mitch Daniels - 8 (2.90%)
  • Newt Gingrich - 7 (2.54%)
  • Mike Huckabee - 7 (2.54%)
  • Mike Pence - 7 (2.54%)
  • Rudy Giuliani - 6 (2.17%)
  • Judd Gregg - 5 (1.81%)
  • Gary Johnson - 5 (1.81%)
  • Other - 5 (1.81%)
  • Donald Trump - 3 (1.09%)
  • Henry Barbour - 2 (0.72%)
  • Jon Huntsman - 0 (0.00%)
  • John Thune - 0 (0.00%)
Romney's success comes from name recognition and his business background. Johnson has the same business background and will have tons of name recognition come primary time simply because his drug policy is story-worthy.

Ron Paul won't run if Gary Johnson runs, and Gary Johnson will take his supporters.
Yeah, I agree that if Ron Paul doesn't run, his followers are going to easily go to Gary Johnson. I really do think that the 2012 Republican primary is going to come down to Mitt Romney and a libertarian candidate like Ron Paul or Gary Johnson.
Actually now that I think about it, I think it's going to come down to Mitt Romney and Gary Johnson. I think that with someone he can throw his support behind, Ron Paul won't run. He's too old, he knows it, and I think he really does want to pass the torch onto someone who shares his beliefs. I think the only way Ron Paul will run is if Johnson doesn't, which appears very unlikely.
If that is the case, Romney wins the nomination.
Wow, Gary Johnson. A Right Wing, Tea Party wet dream.

Please, please, make sure he gets the nomination.

President Obama's 2nd Term sends it's thanks.
If that is the case, Romney wins the nomination.

I wouldn't say it's a sure thing at all. I think that Gary Johnson, if he runs, will end up dominating Northern New England (New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine), even more of the West than Romney did, and Midwest. Meanwhile, I think that Romney will end up taking Southern New England (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut), the Pacific coast, Michigan and Utah.

The places to watch for the Republican primaries are going to be the South and Rust Belt and to see how Mike Pence will end up doing. I think that the social conservative candidate can really end up throwing a wrench into both Johnson and Romney making it a free for all.
I also found out that Jimmy McMillan of the Rent is Too Damn High Party is running for President and is switching to the Republican Party to run in the primary. Now here's a guy to watch out for :p
I also found out that Jimmy McMillan of the Rent is Too Damn High Party is running for President and is switching to the Republican Party to run in the primary. Now here's a guy to watch out for :p

Oh my...
Wow, Gary Johnson. A Right Wing, Tea Party wet dream.

Please, please, make sure he gets the nomination.

President Obama's 2nd Term sends it's thanks.

That's rather arrogant to say. Now if it were someone like Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle, or Michelle Bachman, I'd agree with you. There are a lot of "Tea Partiers" who would not only turn independents towards Obama, but would also fracture Republicans to go third party or simply not vote like they did with McCain.

But voters aren't just going to automatically reject a right winged, Tea Party candidate. Voters are open to a right winged, Tea Party candidate when they come off as intelligent and competent. It's why Marco Rubio won 50% of the vote in swing state Florida. An intelligent and competent Tea Partier like Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, and Marco Rubio can really pose a challenge to Obama in 2012, especially since Republican stronghold states are going to get more electoral votes in 2012 while Democratic stronghold states are losing them. A competent Tea Party candidate can really keep the Republican base united and energized while have a legitimate chance at courting independents.
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