Iron Man 2 do you think IM2 was better or worse than the original?

I don't see how anyone could think Vanko stood out more in a positive way over Stane. Jeff Bridges was terrific and felt like the most menacing villain of the bunch. He was that inner threat. Someone close to Tony who was really a snake in the grass waiting to stab him in the heart and take everything he owned.

I loved the scene when he paralyzed Tony with that sonic device and then removed the arc reactor from Tony's chest, all the while revealing he was the one who ordered the hit on him, he was going to kill Pepper, take his technology and his company etc.

Another gem of a scene was the one with Pepper, when she's just discovered all the incriminating evidence against Stane on his computer, she's downloading it onto a memory stick, and Stane walks in on her, and starts casually talking to her about Tony and how "happy" he was to have him back. Pepper hides the memory stick under the newspaper, and sticks the screensaver on the computer screen. What a great scene. First time I saw it I thought Stane was going to catch her and take her hostage. Probably the most intense scene of the trilogy. One of the few scenes in the Iron Man movies that has no humor at all.

Stane was just so intense once his true colors were revealed. That was another thing, the transition from friendly fatherly type business partner who is so buddy buddy with Tony, plays the piano, and brings pizza back from board meetings, to psycho murderer was amazing. Bridges is so versatile.

Vanko's best and frankly only really memorable scene is the attack in Monaco. For most of the movie he is sitting in Hammer's base typing on key boards, and asking for his bird. Even Mickey Rourke dissed the movie saying his role was not nearly as good as it should have been.
IM1 is great, one of the best superhero movies out there. IM2 is mediocre and IM3 is average. Sucks that the main Avenger has the weakest sequels. Enjoyed Thor 2 and Cap 2 a lot more than IM2/IM3.
IM 2 wasn't as captivating or thrilling as IM 1. The movie moved much slower, had worse villain, felt like it was smaller in scope despite having a bigger cast.
IM2 is mechanically inferior to its precursor; however, I find it more enjoyable than the first film, which I cannot watch anymore.
I have seen IM2 and Thor:TDW once. No interest in revisiting them.
Thor 2 was equally as weak, if not more, than IM2.

I enjoyed the humor in Thor 2 a lot more than IM2's attempt at humor. Plus Hiddleston's Loki is always a fun character. None of the supporting characters in IM2 were interesting.
I enjoyed the humor in Thor 2 a lot more than IM2's attempt at humor. Plus Hiddleston's Loki is always a fun character. None of the supporting characters in IM2 were interesting.

The part where he pees in his suit was so bad it's good.
Well, it was inferior to IM but infinitely better than IM3 IMO.
The first half of IM1 blows the sequel away, but the second half is so dull with a horrible climax. IM2 is more consistent throughout, but never reaches the level of its predecessor's first half. I'm not sure what I'd prefer: half a great film, or an okay full film. Either way, 3 kills them both.
Yea IM3 is the best of the trilogy for me.

IM2 is somewhat underrated though. Vanko is a weak villain. But i think Rockwell's Hammer is really under-appreciated. There is some great character traits and quirks with his performance that makes him a fully formed and real person.
That's Sam Rockwell. I always find him a joy to watch, even in bad films. So likeable. It's decided, pizza and Seven Psychopaths tonight. :up:
I've long have gotten the impression that they filmed some other scenes with Vanko that would've fleshed him out a bit more. If that's true, I'd be interested in seeing them someday.
I believe Rourke said some of his best stuff was left on the cutting room floor, I believe.
Far worse. Tony has a pulsating character arc throughout Iron Man where he is a proactive hero, an element that has always served the character well. He is brash and egotistical, even at his most heroic. Sulking around his weaknesses and his enemies attacks just isn't his style. You corner Tony, you strip him of all of his vast resources, he will put his magnificent brain to use, make resources, and come back stronger than ever. Every great Tony Stark story has this element as a basis. This is what makes Iron Man and Iron Man 3 so good. They get Tony. They make him a vastly proactive protagonist facing insurmountable odds. Iron Man 2 has none of these. Tony Stark is less the loveable snark than he is the tiresome *****e. This makes him unsympathetic.
I loved both of them. I think IM2 had more of a fun theme than the first one. You saw more humor in the second film and got to see a different side to Tony, as well as seeing how people reacted to him revealing he was Iron Man.
I loved both as well. I have to give the slight edge to the first one, but I could watch Tony's Iron Man 1, Iron Man 2, and The Avengers incarnations all day long.
It wasn't better.

For me,Iron Man still has the crown of best solo Marvel movie.

IM2 was somehow disappointing but in the end I enjoyed it.
I just watched Iron Man on tv the other night and hadn't seen it in a while. Forgot how amazing it was. Still love all of them though.

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