Doctor Who- the comic

Hmm... maybe I should read some McGann stuff.

Check out the 8th Doctor trade paperbacks (although they are listed on the covers as graphic novels, they ain't). They are such great stories they would work with any Doctor. There are four in total, comprising all the 8th Doctor comics printed in Dr Who magazine, and I'd recommend the latter two, Oblivion and The Flood, as they are full colour.
Re: The superhero argument.

I consider the Doctor a superhero, but more in line with Mr. Fantastic than Superman. He's a scientist and explorer who likes to save the world from regular alien invasions.

And he does have superpowers. He's been shown slowing down time (or just observing time at a slow pace) to walk through a large cooling fan. He could sense Captain Jack becoming immortal. He breathed some of his own life energy into his time machine to bring it back to life. He can read minds. Charges of electricity strong enough to kill humans only slow him down. In the classic episode "City of Death," he could sense someone trying to tamper with time. He knows a little bit of "magic." He can temporarily change his smell. He can live for hundred of years before dieing of old age. If you kill him in a way that leaves his body in tact, he can regenerate into a new form.
Re: The superhero argument.

I consider the Doctor a superhero, but more in line with Mr. Fantastic than Superman. He's a scientist and explorer who likes to save the world from regular alien invasions.

And he does have superpowers. He's been shown slowing down time (or just observing time at a slow pace) to walk through a large cooling fan. He could sense Captain Jack becoming immortal. He breathed some of his own life energy into his time machine to bring it back to life. He can read minds. Charges of electricity strong enough to kill humans only slow him down. In the classic episode "City of Death," he could sense someone trying to tamper with time. He knows a little bit of "magic." He can temporarily change his smell. He can live for hundred of years before dieing of old age. If you kill him in a way that leaves his body in tact, he can regenerate into a new form.

So are you defining a superhero as, ' a super-powered hero'?

The Doctor is an adventurer and a traveller. He doesn't actively make it his goal in life to become a hero, which is something that defines superheroes. Being a superhero is almost a profession. The Doctor fights evil and saves lives when he can, but so do most fictional heroes. The Doctor does not go looking for acts of injustice, he travels around the universe exploring.

Also, the Doctor very rarely fights bad guys physically (although he does do this when he has to). Most superheroes have powers that they can use in physical combat, whereas the Doctor does not.
So are you defining a superhero as, ' a super-powered hero'?
Um... yes. In my book, a superhero is someone who's a hero, and super. The Doctor is both. No need to complicate the definition with questions of how much of their lives they dedicate to it. However, if goals are what make the superhero, then we can still say his former companions Captain Jack Harkness and Sarah Jane Smith are superheroes.
Also, the Doctor very rarely fights bad guys physically (although he does do this when he has to). Most superheroes have powers that they can use in physical combat, whereas the Doctor does not.

Although I'll bet the Doctor still remembers some "Venusian karate" moves from his Pertwee days. :cwink:
Um... yes. In my book, a superhero is someone who's a hero, and super. The Doctor is both. No need to complicate the definition with questions of how much of their lives they dedicate to it. However, if goals are what make the superhero, then we can still say his former companions Captain Jack Harkness and Sarah Jane Smith are superheroes.

Okay. So is Doctor Who a superhero TV show? Are the 60's movies and the 1996 TV movie superhero movies?
Um... yes. In my book, a superhero is someone who's a hero, and super. The Doctor is both. No need to complicate the definition with questions of how much of their lives they dedicate to it. However, if goals are what make the superhero, then we can still say his former companions Captain Jack Harkness and Sarah Jane Smith are superheroes.
Jack would be an anti-hero at best. That much moral ambiguity can't comfortably fit into a superhero mold.
Okay. So is Doctor Who a superhero TV show? Are the 60's movies and the 1996 TV movie superhero movies?
Probably about as much as any other sci-fi TV show with clearly defined heroes with superpowers are superhero TV shows, yeah.
Jack would be an anti-hero at best. That much moral ambiguity can't comfortably fit into a superhero mold.
True enough.
Jack would be an anti-hero at best. That much moral ambiguity can't comfortably fit into a superhero mold.

Yeah, I can't see Spider-Man holding someone's hand while they suffocate themselves or shooting Welsh, Hills Have Eyes-wannabes...
Yeah, I can't see Spider-Man holding someone's hand while they suffocate themselves or shooting Welsh, Hills Have Eyes-wannabes...

If only Sam Peckinpah had made a Spidey movie....:(
The Doctor does have powers. He has two hearts, is capable of telepathy (but usually only uses it with other Time Lords), and can regenerate from death.
(but usually only uses it with other Time Lords)

He's been using it quite recently lately. Three times in two series (The Girl in the Fireplace with Reinette, Fear Her with the little girl and Shakespeare Code with the architect)...
so i spent ages looking for this thread only to remember that the search function works again now...

anyhoo i finaly picked up the first issue and it was ok, better than the actual eps with martha in but at the same time the art was kinda annoying but it fitted tennant's dr well. the ending was slightly meh but it had a big fecking sycorax so who cares...

i'm waiting on issue 2 arriving from ebay:csad:
I decided to pass because of the art. The covers and promo pics I saw looked really awful.
they changed some of the art on the's really not that bad once you get used to it...

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