Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Is this the new title)

JokerNick said:
so, do you think we will see Glactius in this movie?
If nothing else, we should see him in the closing moments - assuming it's a cliffhanger.
Malus said:
If nothing else, we should see him in the closing moments - assuming it's a cliffhanger.

I HOPE!!! This storyline is extremely complex, and ALOT of people were unhappy with the Dark Phoenix "treatment" in Last Stand, so I'm looking for FOX to give Galactus his proper stature as a Universal Force of Nature...nearly untouchable, and beyond our comprehension. I D-O N-O-T wanna see a simplistic character with silly motivations...the guy eats've gotta take it in a serious manner, or it will look VERY silly. The third film....Fantastic Four: Galactus! I'm not one bit concerned about he Fantstic Four getting overshadowed, since we can hope for another story arc with the Franklin storyline and other villians, such as Blastaar, Annihulus and the whole n-zone thread. Which would hold as much stature comparable to the coming of Galactus story. Doom can always be present of course, as he's exposing the world to all these dangers in his mad quest for mroe power...ties up nicely to me. :up:
If you didn't like the way Phoenix was handled then your most likely going to be disappointed with Galactus.
RedIsNotBlue said:
If you didn't like the way Phoenix was handled then your most likely going to be disappointed with Galactus.

I didn't dislike it, but it could have been a bit better. The whole film was too compressed for my liking, and I wish it had been a bit longer to flesh out some details, which they had better do for Galactus...which is why he needs a movie solely concentrated on him.
MarvelMovies said:
Not a big fan of the "Rise of the"... since he was never introduced in the first place, so to rise from that spot would be well... strange.

Anyways, I'm in favor of just the Fantastic Four 2 route, much like Spider-Man 2 or Spider-Man 3.

Even the X-Men 3: The Last Stand was alright, so maybe a subtitle with a number.

Fantastic Four 2: Doomsday (Common subtitle being discussed)

Fantastic Four 2: Doom-olition! (like Doom + Demolition) :D

Anyways, the number 2 should be incorporated some way.

This is a new trend happening with studios. Leaving numbers out of the sequel titles and replacing it with a subtitle. They think that it'll give better business to their films by leaving the nbrs out or something like that...I read it in an article :O
I like this title better than the "And The Silver Surfer".
Clint Howard for the Watcher. :up:

demento said:
Clint Howard for the Watcher. :up:


I'd prefer a CGI Watcher, SINCE the screen time shouldn't be too much. :up:
Lightning Strikez! said:
It's waaaay too wordy. Jeezopeets, why can't they simplify this to...oh, I dunno...Fantastic Four II? :p

Anyways, it's good to see everyone back!

Then they would be saying, what a silly title. Couldn't they come up with anything better ? How generic. Can't please everyone. Doesn't matter to me what they call it. FF 2 would have been fine. The esence of the movie is important, not the wrapping paper it comes in. You can take garbage, wrap it up in pretty paper, and put a nice bow around it, but when you open it up it's still garbage, so who cares about the name. What packing they put it in is trivial. Rise of the SS is fine. FF Vs SS is fine, FF and the SS is fine, Comming of Galactus is fine. Catch my drift ?
FF2 would be the best title, but Rise of the Silver Surfer is nice to me. :cool:
I also love the synopsis. Maybe the Surfer goes to Latveria, and then Doom goes beast mode.

Cant wait for this.

I think that people will just call this FF2 anyway...:)
lordofthenerds said:

I think that people will just call this FF2 anyway...:)

Fantastic Four: Rise of F***ing the Silver Surfer? :o :confused: :D
Hiruu said:
I didn't dislike it, but it could have been a bit better. The whole film was too compressed for my liking, and I wish it had been a bit longer to flesh out some details, which they had better do for Galactus...which is why he needs a movie solely concentrated on him.

Which is why you will most likely be disappointed. Fox mainly gives us compressed films. And it sounds like Silver Surfer is gonna be a big focus which sucks considering the focus should be the FF. I think maybe they should have done a Silver Surfer movie I dunno.
Malus said:
"Rise" from WHAT?

From his enslavement to Galactus, more than likely.

Anyway, i dig it. It's WAY better than the somewhat bland previous title, imo...we'll see if it sticks.

Definitely sounds like The Big "G" wont be putting in an appearance until the very end, or maybe not even until the NEXT movie.

That might be for the best though, as we dont want the movie to be TOO cluttered with characters.

Things seem to be moving along.
Malus said:
If nothing else, we should see him in the closing moments - assuming it's a cliffhanger.

Im thinking we may just see his world ship hovering over Manhatten, which could be pretty cool.
Best title yet.

Next Chapter and And The Silver Surfer both sucked.
Doomsday damnit. Ah I'm totally fine with this title. It makes sense, it sounds good and I'm happy.
CaptainStacy said:
From his enslavement to Galactus, more than likely.

I really doubt that's what they're going for. And that has nothing to do with the fact Fox isn't deep anymore. It's just trying to be all cool and ****.
The plan is to do a Silver Surfer spinoff after this hopefully telling his origin before coming to Earth. That's gonna be a unique film though might be kind of strange to the general audiences without some grounding in the real world like the FF. I know that sounds weird but I hope they go straight out sci-fi, and we see another herald like Thanos.

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