"Flash and Substance" Talkback/Discussion

I Love Dreads reviews and it pisses me off to see that 80% of it is gone. It is usually freakin the best thing I read on the boards. Dread your the best. I think I was the one that requested your review a couple of posts back. So dont say i dont care dammit!!! LOL.
Hush said:
I Love Dreads reviews and it pisses me off to see that 80% of it is gone. It is usually freakin the best thing I read on the boards. Dread your the best. I think I was the one that requested your review a couple of posts back. So dont say i dont care dammit!!! LOL.
Thanks for the kind words, both you and Anubis. I did actually attempt to retype that post on Page 4, if you wish to read it, go ahead. It's not the same but I tried to do my best. Thanks for reading.

I will also add that "Dead Reckoning" looks good, as it will feature the Big Three as well as further the Legion arc, as well as possibly deliver the Superman vs. Bizarro fight I have been waiting for. :cool:
Did anyone catch the little baby being held up to take a picture under the helmet of Jay Garrick??? Nice!!! :up:
Dread, you know you're my favorite poster on the hype. I love the reviews you do. Anyone with your analytizing abilities and critical points should be praised. Hell, if I ever wrote for something like JLU, I'd consult you on story ideas.
Yes, I did notice the helmet of Jay Garrick. I'm sure more knowledgeable DC fans than I could post screencaps of items and villian cameos that I likely missed. That may be fun, actually.

Glad you feel that way, Jaydawg.

To clear things up, I have not been in a very good mood over the past two days or so, a fact that is not directly caused by the holiday of Valentine's Day, but is far from aided by it. I let myself flip out over losing some posts and then I needlessly projected those emotions on a message board like a petty spoiled brat. I don't like doing such things and it was not proper to do. So once again, to everyone in the topic, I apologize. I was being very childish. I try not to let my emotions come out in posts and prefer to remain civil, but I wigged out this time for sure, and it was unwarrented. I'll try not to flip out like that again in the future.

I will state that it is my enjoyment of the animated DCU that started with B:TAS and may climax with JLU that allowed me to see worth in DC characters to begin with (beforehand I was, and still am, more of a Marvel Zombie to tell you the truth, aside for passing interest in Batman and Superman like most little kids) and interested me in bothering with some of their comics now and again. Before JUSTICE LEAGUE started I barely cared about the Flash very much. But after a few seasons, thanks to decent writing and a great voice portrayal (Rosebaum's seemed better than his VA for that one episoide "Speed Demons"), he's but one of many DC characters I have more of an appreciation for because of the show, and this episode will naturally be on that mantlepiece as a reason.
Hey u can call me a Dreadhead cuz I live to read your reviews as well. You sir are one of my favorite poster next to Hunter.
I think alot of us appreciate Dread's reviews. I'm all for critical analysis.:up:
Thanks for the kind words.

Anyway, with help from the Flash: Those who Ride Lightening website @ http://www.hyperborea.org/flash/ , here are some identifications for some of those rogues seen at the diner.

Pics from World's Finest:


From Left to Right: Mr. Element, Mirror Master, Trickster, Captain Cold [all three in booth], Dr. Alchemy with The Thinker (?) leaning on his shoulder, Weather Wizard entering with unknown (Pied Piper?), Fiddler passed out on the bar, Turtle-Man and Abara Kadabara seated at the last booth, with The Top entering.

Interestingly, I could have sworn upon seeing The Thinker as a member of Grodd's group in "I am Legion", or at least he seemed to be there that day.


And Thinker IS there, along with Weather Wizard and Heat-Wave, amung other rogues (those 3 simply are Flash's enemies).

So is this simply a lazy duplication of character models or will it tie together?


Notice the replica of the KID FLASH costume on your left.


And the aforementioned Jay Garrick helmet.


According to TV.com, that red Flash symbol is an homage to the CBS TV show, much as Hamill's Trickster is.
after reading the 1st 4 pages, no one commented on what orion said at the end, i loved it, i even used it for my sig:D
"Now I understand. You play the fool to hide a warrior's pain."

Orion doesn't still fully get Flash. Oh well, there's always Season 6.
That was the Top that came in with Weather Wizard. And the guy at the booth with Turtle and Abra kadabra is Piper. (Cool character who became a good guy later on.)
i watched my tape of this ep yesterday for the first time
now i know what the FLASH TAS would look like and believe me its GOOD
I get that Orion still was a bit off on the Flash, but I feel that was what made the character work here; if he was an alien who simply quickly adjusted to the bizarre uniqueness of humans, he'd be no different than Superman or Hawkgirl here. In a way he reminded me of Big Barda from "Ties That Bind"; due to his unfamiliarity with Earth due to being raised on Apokolips or New Genesis, he simply was unfamiliar with a non-God or Warrior culture. And he also underestimated Flash and fell for his "facade" of being goofy.

"Divided We Fall", "A Better World" and this episode showed that Flash can be a mature hero, just chooses not to act it to throw people off and likely ease tension, like Spider-Man.
I loved his characterization in this episode. When the chips are down make a really bad jokes, the worse the situation the worse the joke.
Plus it showed that he loves his powers, loves what he does, and loves his life. Like he doesnt have time to let things get him down.
Dread said:
Thanks for the kind words.

Anyway, with help from the Flash: Those who Ride Lightening website @ http://www.hyperborea.org/flash/ , here are some identifications for some of those rogues seen at the diner.

Pics from World's Finest:


From Left to Right: Mr. Element, Mirror Master, Trickster, Captain Cold [all three in booth], Dr. Alchemy with The Thinker (?) leaning on his shoulder, Weather Wizard entering with unknown (Pied Piper?), Fiddler passed out on the bar, Turtle-Man and Abara Kadabara seated at the last booth, with The Top entering.

Interestingly, I could have sworn upon seeing The Thinker as a member of Grodd's group in "I am Legion", or at least he seemed to be there that day.


And Thinker IS there, along with Weather Wizard and Heat-Wave, amung other rogues (those 3 simply are Flash's enemies).

So is this simply a lazy duplication of character models or will it tie together?


Notice the replica of the KID FLASH costume on your left.


And the aforementioned Jay Garrick helmet.


According to TV.com, that red Flash symbol is an homage to the CBS TV show, much as Hamill's Trickster is.

Thanks for the pics Dread.

And really, great job with those reviews.
I finally got to see flash & substance thanks to Boyscout . but this episode was good , but it lacked a little. i think flash could of done better in the fight sceneces & some things felt a little corny.

like when he enetered that old club & mirror master set that trap to captured him. something was missing. the trap that mirror master set up for falsh. didn't really fell life threating at all.

out of all the traps batman has fell in. they all felt life threating. but light reflecting off a disco ball. how is that THREATING!!! but the rest of the episode did what others said it did.

it showcased flashes backstory & what he as a superhero ment to central city. i aslo had been wating for this epsidoe & it was a treat to see it. glad for those pics Dread cause i didn't even notice kid flahses design. it just looks older in jlu then in teen titans. & Dread keep doing what your doing!, like many of us have already stated. your a golden addition to these hype boards.

if you left one day. super hero hype would never be the same agian. & now i got a little hindsight of what you go through when you type those long reviews. i say its a pain in the a** , but at the end your work shows. so never stop:up:
Save it to Microsoft word before posting. Just in case.
You know this episode is what a Flash spin-off could be like.
Anyone else think this is the best episode all season?
So far in the season, possibly. Dead Reckoning was pretty good too. However being the internet pirate that I am, I will have to defer my choice for best episode. It has yet to air in the US.

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