Justice League For the Lead Up Films: How to Differentiate From "The Avengers Stretegy".


C'mon Son
Oct 29, 2008
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I don't want this thread to turn into one of the Separate Universe vs Lead Up films threads.
I just wanna ask: If WB/DC were to have films lead up to the Justice League, how would you make the strategy less like the one Marvel used?

1. Little to no stingers/post credit scenes. I'm just tired of seeing these. If there gonna do it, do mid credit scenes. But either way, connecting the films by having people wait until the end of the credits is stupid imo

2. No cheap cameos by other heroes. Like Hawkeye in Thor. I dont think that's really needed and really, however brief it is, will take something away from the solo heroes story.

3. Don't reuse a villain in JL that was already seen in the solo films.

What are your opinions about differing the strategies.
The biggest diffrenciation of all: keep it grounded and real-world.

Use the perspective lense of "what if this was happening in our real world" as opposed to embracing comicbook fantasy.

I think that's exactly what they'll do.
The biggest diffrenciation of all: keep it grounded and real-world.

Use the perspective lense of "what if this was happening in our real world" as opposed to embracing comicbook fantasy.
but nothing about DC happens in the "real world".

you have Metropolis, Gotham, Star City, Central City, none of which are real or connect you to any actual sense of danger FOR those in that city.
but nothing about DC happens in the "real world".

you have Metropolis, Gotham, Star City, Central City, none of which are real

So just treat them as if they were real places.

or connect you to any actual sense of danger FOR those in that city.

What does this mean?
It's the tone that's going to make it different, sure, i agree. But there's more ways than one.

How the characters interact with each other. It's very easy to have a Nick Fury of the group who happens to be african-american, the female bad-ass, the comic relief, the wildcard, the serious good leader, etc. Plus having that same interaction between them that the Avengers had.

It's too easy at this point to copy the formula. So they need to change it. How? maybe a not so obvious lineup. It's way too simple to write Martian Manhunter as the Fury, Hal Jordan as the Tony Stark who fights with Aquaman or Batman just like Starks verbal banter with Cap. Some of these things have to stick but not every single one.

JLA are the originals and it's annoying that they have to change these things or else the general audience will think it's just a rip-off of Avengers. That's a bit irritating. A lot of that banter would have worked if this movie was made beforehand. But now WB needs to do everything in their writing power to change it up.

Though it's a blessing in disguise cuz it forces them to think outside the box and be creative. A darker, more mature team-up would be a pretty interesting twist on what fans saw with Avengers.
I made this thread more to talk about the actual business strategy of making JL with a lead up universe. Like how would you do the lead ins differently.

Because I think it's easy how to make JL different in terms of tone and all that but with the business strategy it could be harder
That parts just as easy. Man Of Steel kicks it off, Flash & Wonder Woman movies, Batman reboot, JLA. Green Lantern brought in or recast for the team up, Aquaman doesnt necessarily have to be given a solo film until the movies complete. Same with a GL sequel.

It's the same as Avengers but that's not something that has to be different. If they want it to be different they can also go right for the JLA, straight away...with only Man Of Steel before it.
Man of Steel, followed by Wonder Woman, Flash, and then Green Lantern (John Stewart) as lead the lead up to the JL. JL would introduce the new Batman (no need for a movie beforehand since everyone should know the gist of his background by now).
How do you top heroes teaming up? Easy; villains team up. That's right, THE LEGION OF DOOM! Luthor, Sinestro, Captain Cold, The Joker, Cheetah, Grodd!
^ Maybe they should do the Justice story just a little toned down as far as the amount of characters go.
I don't want this thread to turn into one of the Separate Universe vs Lead Up films threads.
I just wanna ask: If WB/DC were to have films lead up to the Justice League, how would you make the strategy less like the one Marvel used?

1. Little to no stingers/post credit scenes. I'm just tired of seeing these. If there gonna do it, do mid credit scenes. But either way, connecting the films by having people wait until the end of the credits is stupid imo

2. No cheap cameos by other heroes. Like Hawkeye in Thor. I dont think that's really needed and really, however brief it is, will take something away from the solo heroes story.

3. Don't reuse a villain in JL that was already seen in the solo films.

What are your opinions about differing the strategies.

How did Hawkeyes cameo take away from Thor's story?
I didnt say Hawkeye took away from Thor's story. I said an example of a "cheap cameo" was Hawkeye in Thor and then said dont make a cameo that will take away from the story. I didnt use Hawkeye as an example of that
For me, I think one of the best ways to differentiate a Justice League film from the Avengers is just to drop the movie and then springboard individual franchises off of it. Perhaps the movie can tell the story of how the team came together, but individual movies can do character origin stories (if necessary) after the fact.

Justice League might be the perfect way to finally get Flash, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman films. And another Green Lantern and maybe even Martian Manhunter. And fingers would be crossed to see if we could get a Black Lightning or Vixen film out of the deal too. A JL film might be a good set up for Blue Beetle and a host of other DC characters that could be in their own movies or TV shows.

As for minor or 'cheap' character cameos in films like Man of Steel, I'm not opposed to them at all. I did like Amanda Waller showing up in Green Lantern and was hoping she would be like a Sam L. Jackson Nick Fury for the DCU that would show up in other films. Heck I even liked the mention of Metropolis in Batman Forever back in the day.
For me, I think one of the best ways to differentiate a Justice League film from the Avengers is just to drop the movie and then springboard individual franchises off of it. Perhaps the movie can tell the story of how the team came together, but individual movies can do character origin stories (if necessary) after the fact.

Justice League might be the perfect way to finally get Flash, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman films. And another Green Lantern and maybe even Martian Manhunter. And fingers would be crossed to see if we could get a Black Lightning or Vixen film out of the deal too. A JL film might be a good set up for Blue Beetle and a host of other DC characters that could be in their own movies or TV shows.

As for minor or 'cheap' character cameos in films like Man of Steel, I'm not opposed to them at all. I did like Amanda Waller showing up in Green Lantern and was hoping she would be like a Sam L. Jackson Nick Fury for the DCU that would show up in other films. Heck I even liked the mention of Metropolis in Batman Forever back in the day.

I don't want this thread to turn into one of the Separate Universe vs Lead Up films threads.
I just wanna ask: If WB/DC were to have films lead up to the Justice League, how would you make the strategy less like the one Marvel used?
The thread is about the lead up films and how to differentiate them
Yep, all Hawkeye does is pose like a toy and break the number one rule of an action film, a setup with no payoff.
Hawkeyes cameo didn't screw with the story but it was a cheap move. It was painfully obvious after that scene that Hawkeye was thrown into it because they couldn't think of a better way to show him before Avengers kicked off.

We don't need that crap with Justice League. I don't care if it's one of the lesser characters, i dont want Aquaman in a 5-10 second cameo in a Flash movie just because the studio doesn't have the confidence to do a solo Aquaman movie before the team-up.

That's another way to seperate from how Marvel Studios do things. Sticking Black Widow in an Iron Man movie is just a way to have a hot chick in ur movie doing flips so you can A) Bring horny dudes to ur movie & B) Introduce the character without committing to an entire flick centered around Scarlett.

Please DC/WB. Do NOT give the people a solo movie for these characters beforehand UNLESS you have a plan on focusing on them and them only. Iron Man 2 was a bag of **** compared to the first because it was a cheap way to make money off the first one while hyping up the Avengers. They could have easily had that one Iron Man movie to kick-start it, while pumping out ur Hulk, Thor, Cap solos.
I didnt say Hawkeye took away from Thor's story. I said an example of a "cheap cameo" was Hawkeye in Thor and then said dont make a cameo that will take away from the story. I didnt use Hawkeye as an example of that
Would you have rather had a Hawkeye solo movie?
The only saving grace to the Hawkeye cameo WAS the fact that they didnt bore us with a solo movie. But i still dont like the stupid idea.

The Nick Fury post-credits (from Iron Man, Cap & Thor) were executed well. The one attached at the end of Incredible Hulk was pointless and the "Thor tease" for IM 2 was random. Not every movie needed one. It worked with Fury but it's not necessary for JLA.
No I don't think Hawkeye needed a solo movie. I dont think he was needed at all in the build up films (in fact I think Hawkeye was the worst handled character in the MCU). Neither was Black Widow. However, if they REALLY wanted to have Hawkeye before Avengers. They shouldve upped his role to at least Coulson level of screentime in Thor

AS Blitzreig bop kinda said, all Hawkeye really did was pose and spout of one liners. and then he was gone. For anyone who didnt know who Hawkeye was, I'd imagine that the Thor cameo was just kinda a weird scene.

And that's what I dont wanna see in DC lead up films, no character cameos just to wink at the audience. For example, I don't want during A Flash movie when there's a new report have it intercut with Green Arrow/Oliver Queen watching the news and saying jokes just for the sake of nudging to the audience, this guy's going to be in the JL movie. It's cheap imo
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The only saving grace to the Hawkeye cameo WAS the fact that they didnt bore us with a solo movie. But i still dont like the stupid idea.

The Nick Fury post-credits (from Iron Man, Cap & Thor) were executed well. The one attached at the end of Incredible Hulk was pointless and the "Thor tease" for IM 2 was random. Not every movie needed one. It worked with Fury but it's not necessary for JLA.

The only post credit I really liked was Iron Man's. That was a well done one and then I liked Cap's but I mean c'mon it was a teaser for the Avengers.
Post credit scenes have kinda gotten outta control. I hope WB doesnt follow this route
Actually the Thor scene was the one with Loki right? K scratch that one lol. But i did enjoy Caps and the first IM. The rest meh. So the first movie and the last movie before Avengers were the good ones for me, they should of kept it at that. It got repetitive after a while.
make it real. a more believable universe with the fictional cities can work. think about a world where super powered beings try to "protect" but end up causing massive damage to the cities. i see it as more of a general consensus that the world doesn't want these so called "heroes" in it. oh and also have a plot. as much as i loved avengers it had no real plot. :D
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The biggest diffrenciation of all: keep it grounded and real-world.

Use the perspective lense of "what if this was happening in our real world" as opposed to embracing comicbook fantasy.

Superherohype agrees:


This is WB/DC's biggest trump card. Especially with Nolan as a creative consultant.

agreed. please no, dont use darkseid bcos he is copying thanos. like please. just no.
The biggest way they can differentiate themselves is make it extra realistic like nolans batman.

the tone of the movies is extremely important. One reason why I think dc should do a justice league first is because people would be crazily excited to watch a justice league movie and they because previous few failed attempts at solo hero movies/tv show have left people with a bad taste in their mouth, the movie would start afresh and lead into increased interest in the solo heroes. Dont forget DC has always been better at producing solo heroes than groups. Thats why DC has so many solo books while marvel cant even keep their solo hero's books in publish for more than 30 issues.
i also think a justice league would automatically be different from avengers because justice league got not nick fury. Our heroes has always banded together because they have to, not because they were told to.

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