Futuristic French Cloud Airship


Infinity Ammo
Feb 21, 2005
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Manned Cloud

Manned Cloud, the latest from French designer Jean-Marie Massaud, aims to be the world's first luxury hotel in the sky. Click HERE for more pics & info...

The double-decker carrier can travel 5,000 consecutive km, and is able to accommodate 40 guests (and 15 staff members) in its 1,100 sq. meter space. Developed with ONERA, the French national aerospace research body, Manned Cloud gives the jetsettiest of world travelers the opportunity to "explore the world without a trace: to re-experience travelling, timelessness and enhance the consciousness of the beauty of the world - and to experience spectacular and exotic places without being intrusive or exploitative" (save for the energy used to fly the thing). The flying hotel includes a restaurant and bar, lounge, library, fitness center, 20 rooms and terrace.

It looks like a final fantasy, epic, dream-like, airship.
paint it blue and you got a flying whale :p
Wow, that's incredible :)

Good find :up:
I wanna be captain of one so that people can address me as SkyCaptain
More info

Here are the details from Massaud:


MANNED CLOUD Cruise Airship, Paris, France

Living in the sky, watching the Earth from above. Rediscovering the marvel of traveling, experiencing contemplation. Exploring the world without trace

Manned Cloud is an alternative project around leisure and travelling in all its form, economic and experimental, still with the idea of lightness, human experience and life scenarios as the guiding principles. The spiral of Archimedes is the driving force of this airship in the form of a whale that glides through the air.

Manned Cloud is a hotel with a capacity of 40 passengers and staffed with 15 persons, that on a 3-day cruise in 170 km/h permits man to explore the world without a trace: to re-experience travelling, timelessness and enhance the consciousness of the beauty of the world - and to experience spectacular and exotic places without being intrusive or exploitative. For me this project sums up a way of thinking that is the stake of tomorrow.

Technical characteristics:

Capacity: 40 passengers + 15 crew members

Volume: 520.000 m3

Dimensions: L 210m x W 82m x H 52 m

First deck (500 m2) : Restaurant, lounge, library, fitness

Second deck (600 m2) : 20 rooms, terraces, spa, bar

Range : 5000 km / 72 h.

Maximum speed: 170 km/h

Cruising speed: 130 km/h

Scientific partnership and project development

ONERA (Office National d’Etudes et de Recherche Aérospatiale)

As the scientific partner of the project, the ONERA has started to carry out the first research and analysis. The ingeneers of the ONERA should be in a position to present the conclusion of the first system mission (initial scientific analysis; technical feasability) by summer 2007.
so, over the course of 3 days you'd go all around the world?

jesus... i have to do it.
I would wait a few years before I would get a ride in that. You know, wait til after they get the 'kinks' and first few crashes out of the way. ;)
there are no icebergs in the sky and this time they won't leave the keys to the binoculars in the port at Southampton.
It sounds like an interesting idea. I'd be interested in a trip, but like it was mentioned earlier... only after all the kinks have been worked out.
what kinks? it's just a fancy, futuristic blimp.

i'm pretty sure they've worked out all the kinks... they've been around for like, a long time.
what kinks? it's just a fancy, futuristic blimp.

i'm pretty sure they've worked out all the kinks... they've been around for like, a long time.

It's a different kind of airship, though, so the kinks are bound to be there.
i'd be willing to bet that the changes are all aesthetic... like i said, it's just a nicer looking blimp.

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