Gina Rodriguez is Carmen Sandiego

Isn't Carmen suppose to be a villain?
My memories of playing the game aren't great but I don't recall her doing anything heroic. The animation is terrible in this though.
My memories of playing the game aren't great but I don't recall her doing anything heroic. The animation is terrible in this though.

There's been 3 series. The one that focused mainly on animation had her heading more towards an anti-hero stance.
Isn't Carmen suppose to be a villain?
Games may have played it different as there were several incarnations.
As for the Where on Earth cartoon, she was always a professional thief, more nuanced than straight villain, bit of an anti-hero and absolutely the antagonist in that she was stealing treasures from around the world, although she did it for the challenge, she intentionally left clues for ACME agents to pursue her, as it was all about the chase for her.
She was otherwise ethical and often helped and protected even saved those pursuing her. Which all always made her more interesting.
There were other characters members of V.I.L.E. who fit the straight up villains role, violent criminals, and others after Carmen herself, or seeking revenge on her.

Looks like they will have fun with that, and with peoples confused perception of her.

Bout time.

This actually looks surprisingly terrific!
She's obviously allot younger in this take, yet there is a maturity to her character so it works.
And the heavily stylized animation and look is a huge departure, although that seems to be the trend.
It helps that I like her look, and the aesthetic of it. all. Looks really fun!
And looks like she has her gadgets!:yay:
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My memory is a bit hazy but I thought part of the story was Carmen used to be a gumshoe/good and left( I don’t think they ever said why). She had a line she wouldn’t cross about hurting people but she wasn’t a anti- hero. She was out for herself and messing with her former side(player) was a bonus.
This looks like garbage though. Animation and story.

What’s with the new generation of animation and obscuring ages 18 -25?

It’s like some reverse 90210 philosophy where 18 looks every age until like 35.
Yeah....not into it. So Carmen is Robin Hood now? I still enjoy the FOX cartoon, and I could get wanting not to copy it, but why do I feel like they couldn't present Carmen like how she was in that cartoon in today's time for societal reasons :/
This looks like garbage though. Animation and story.

What’s with the new generation of animation and obscuring ages 18 -25?

It’s like some reverse 90210 philosophy where 18 looks every age until like 35.

It's rather simple.

It's about $$$

Voltron had some great animation. But it was clear that they did not have the budget to maintain that first season of quality. And frankly the tricks to save budget is kind of annoying me as I see it more often. In theory, this style is cheaper to animated. As we can see, the movement is pretty smooth. I understand not liking the style. But I am opening up to different styles if it means the animation doesn't have to take clear hits.
Yeah I was hoping Carmen would be on more of the villain side, but way to heroic in this trailer for my liking. I can work with the animation but the story needs to be engaging. Looking forward to it.
She's still a professional and Master Thief, which is absolutely the most important definitive element.
Her motives were stealing to see if she could get away with it, and about the chase, she even left clues so they could pursue her.
Even still part of V.I.L.E, and pursued by ACME agents.
She still gets to do that.
The main dynamic is all there, that hasn't changed.
I guess people can just complain for the sake of it?
Trailer looks great though! Like most here I'm absolutely willing to give it a shot.
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It's rather simple.

It's about $$$

Voltron had some great animation. But it was clear that they did not have the budget to maintain that first season of quality. And frankly the tricks to save budget is kind of annoying me as I see it more often. In theory, this style is cheaper to animated. As we can see, the movement is pretty smooth. I understand not liking the style. But I am opening up to different styles if it means the animation doesn't have to take clear hits.

I can understand the simpler animation being budget friendly. My thing is that this visual style is replicated so much that it makes it seem like there are only 5 guys in charge of animation studios so this is all we get.

I mean if you old enough to remember Sunday comics you would get a variety of simple styles from Garfield, Calvin, or Beetle Bailey.
Oh I was hoping for more of a vampy villainous Sandiago

New music theme is not great, although it perfectly conveys the spy/espionage thriller plus some latin castanets and guitar flavor thrown in.
I do however, absolutely love the way this looks.
And f-yeah the final hang-glider escape!
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Really love the noir/pulp (somewhat airbrushed) look of this.
Awesome trip round the world...



Brooklyn Bridge, NY...Pisa, Italy

Teotichuacan, Mexico City? (or more likely Chichén Itzá}



Agra, India ...





Imperial City, Beijing, China...

Machu Picchu, Peru...
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This looks so good. People comparing this to uglier looking flash shows need to get their eyes checked. This is pretty and has some nice art direction to it.
gotta say it is pretty cool having Rita Moreno who was voice of the original animated Carmen have a voice as a character on the new show I was like I KNOW that voice and saw the credits and was like dang
So, watched the first 3 episodes. Liking it so far. It looks like it has taken a ton from the old cartoon. Even get that them in an elevator, which I love. I was a bit worried about the educational content based on the first 2 episodes, but the third assured me that they are keeping that stuff intact, even if it will be less than in the old cartoon. But, I like how they seem to be doing it so far, as you get a bit more of a focus, and they will list out stats, and then kind of flesh out those facts in the episode. Hopefully they stick with that format.

It is also surprisingly adult, in somethings. But I do like the set up they have, with Carmen, Interpol, Vile, and ACME as kind of all separate groups. We will see how that dynamic plays out in the 20 episodes.
yeah having the 90s theme as 'elevator music' was gold oh and I laughed when Tigress referred Carmen as "Fedora the Explorer"

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