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Gotham Gotham Season 2, Episode 4 "Strike Force" General Discussion


Definitely Not 40
Apr 4, 2004
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"GOTHAM" - (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1


Michael Chiklis Joins The Cast of GOTHAM!

Captain Barnes (Michael Chiklis) is called to duty to create a law-abiding task force, with the help of Gordon. Meanwhile, Penguin gets caught up in a favor for Galavan, and Nygma asks Kringle out on a date in the all new "Rise of the Villains: Strike Force" episode of GOTHAM airing Monday, Oct. 12 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (GTH-204) (TV-14 D, L, S, V)

Twists & Turns

A Beautiful Introduction
Penguin meeting Galavan ought to be interesting
How long do you think Chiklis' character will last? Obviously up to at least episode 9 but do you think he will survive the season?
I've missed Butch.

Alfred, not afraid of hitting a girl.
Damn Alfred, didn't see that coming with smacking the girl
Alfred smacking Selina was long overdue considering it was a thread left hanging from the last season. Michael Chiklis shows us why he was the Thing. He's kind of like the GCPD version of Falcone.
Liking the direction of the season so far. It feels a bit more cohesive than last season.
I hope they don't turn Alfred unlikable.
This seems like another strong start to a mini-arc for the show, and it did a wonderful job of setting up Penguin and Jim's conflict for the rest of the arc, maybe the season, and gave Bruce and Selina something to do.

Penguin's a creepy knife murderer, but we as the audience have a reason to cheer for him, not just because his mom's in trouble, but because he's a known factor. That little spiel they gave him at the start of the episode makes him the new face of the stagnant but colorful Gotham underworld; still horrible, but less of a threat than Galavan and arguably cleaner than Falcone's style of rule. And now we have his and Jim's almost cordial falling out; yes, they're gunning for each other, and Penguin will bring Jim down with him if he goes. W snow have a vested interest in seeing the scum all find a way out.

Barnes is a fun edition, and you gotta love the energy he brings to the series. He's a very different archetype than Essen for the big cop. She was built and played for a procedural, everything about him is made for serialized Tv. I see him and Bulock having a public clash before we see the inevitable Gordon V. Barnes conflict.

And Alfred, Bruce, and Selina were once again tied right into the A-plot for the season with Galavan's manipulations and questioning of the Wayne murders. And now we've got Silver as the too-good-to-be-true Princess for Bruce to entertain, directly contrasted with the still sympathetic Selina. Yeah, it's soapy, but comics are soapy to, and this love triangle already has a thief, a murder, an evil city destroying patriarch, and an ex-SAS butler all involved in it. At least it should be an interesting train wreck to watch on Tumblr!
Alfred needs to slap the writers who keep bungling Selina's character arc instead
Barnes is a fun edition, and you gotta love the energy he brings to the series. He's a very different archetype than Essen for the big cop. She was built and played for a procedural, everything about him is made for serialized Tv. I see him and Bulock having a public clash before we see the inevitable Gordon V. Barnes conflict.
Yeah I like Barnes, I enjoy his no-nonsense attitude in trying to clean up the GCPD.

BUT I think we all know that trying to walk a straight line in Gotham is not going to work...it is going to backfire exponentially. It's as Bullock said "there are no straight lines in Gotham"...if it was that easy to just come in and change things then the city would never end up needing a Batman, etc.

Barnes seems as idealistic as Jim used to be when he started, but now Jim is the one with skeletons in his closet, and Penguin has the 'key', he's not going to let Jim take him down without taking Jim with him.

It will be an interesting dynamic to say the least.

And now we've got Silver as the too-good-to-be-true Princess for Bruce to entertain, directly contrasted with the still sympathetic Selina.
Oh yeah, I wonder if they are going to play up the whole 'Good Girl vs Bad Girl' triangle for Bruce.
Jim will save Mrs Kabelput. Penguin will then be mum about Jim. And due to a good lawyer and lack of solid evidence he will slip a conviction.

Silver will turn out to be a spy for Galavan and probably try to persuade Bruce into doing what Galavan wants. But Selena isn't going to let that happen and will get the goods on Galavan ,warn Bruce and help send Galavan away. Saving the day and earning a begrudged apology from Alfred.
I actually don't want Silver to be another, more malevolent femme fatale to young Bruce. That's a bit too predictable. And the character was never really that interesting. She's mostly just the most successful variation on the "normal" girlfriend for Bruce.
Another solid episode. Barnes totally waltzed in and breathed new life into the stagnant police aspect of the show. He's compelling and dynamic , and hopefully the writers won't be foolish enough to kill him off. I also liked the Untouchables aspect ,the Galavan story, and the first ever live action appearance of Silver St Cloud.

I also liked that Alfred told Selina to take a walk. Her character has been meandering for a while, and I hope we see her go down her own separate path which isn't so dependent on Bruce.

The only negative was the Edward love storyline which is leftover baggage from season one.

All in all , good episode with some strong writing , and as long as they stick to the interesting characters and refrain from killing them off or ditching them, this season can be a vast improvement over last season.
they shouldn't have cut Selina from the "find out what happened to my parents" arc

I liked her helping Bruce expose Wayne Enterprises

she was all in with him and then she just up and left, I know they sorta explained it with the whole Reggie thing but it was still strangely abrupt
I think the writers may have abandoned the "who killed the Wayne's" stuff for now, hence which is why Selina's character has kinda just been orbiting with nothing to really contribute.

It does seem like the writers are clearing the decks of alot of the unfinished, unrealized, and bad ideas from the first year, and are starting fresh in alot of ways.

Gordon is matched with an Actress he has more chemistry with
Barbara seems much more at home as the proto Harley,
Bruce is on his path to becoming Batman with Alfred and Lucius in tow
There's a compelling lead villain with an actor who can be the heavy, counter weighted by another compelling character in Barnes who's on the other side,
and alot of the muddled stories and motivations from last season have been jettisoned.

I like the direction the show seems to be heading in .
Chiklis is freaking AWESOME in this I always liked the guy even going back to his The Commish days back in the 80s.
Oh, sweet, didn't realize Pris from Blade Runner would be in this episode. :o On Penguin's right hand side when he sits down in the opening scene.
Chilkis was fantastic, hope he stays around for a long time. Episode was better than I expected but the void left by Jerome being taken out could still be felt...
I knew Alfred was going to tell Selina to "jog on" before he said it.

I like Zsasz being badass.

I get a Zachary Gate (the Architect) vibe a little from Theo Galavan when he talks about his ancestors building Gotham.

Montoya and Allen should join the Task Force or at least switch from internal affairs to the Gotham precinct Gordon and Bullock work at.

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