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Green Lantern Corps in the Marvel Universe

Ultra Lantern

In Darkest Night!
Jan 4, 2011
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Would the Green Lantern Corps survive in the Marvel universe against all evil?



My vote is yes,because,the Corps can fight as an army and the Guardians of Oa can help them.
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Doesn't Marvel already have the NOVA Corps which pretty much corners the market for space cops?
don't know much about the dc universe as a whole, only really reading gl stuff. the marvel universe if full of telepaths, how many telepaths does the dc universe have? i think telepaths would really give them trouble. also not sure they can handle the universes super powers that are out there. like the shi'ar, kree, skrull, galactus, the celestials, negative zone, and so on.
The GL Corps would probably have their hands full with Galactus,The Skree,The Skrull, & so many others.......
don't know much about the dc universe as a whole, only really reading gl stuff. the marvel universe if full of telepaths, how many telepaths does the dc universe have? i think telepaths would really give them trouble. also not sure they can handle the universes super powers that are out there. like the shi'ar, kree, skrull, galactus, the celestials, negative zone, and so on.
the DCU has telepaths of its own, and they also have the equivalents of the cosmic "super power" universal beings.
Well, you have Martian Manhunter and basically all Martians, Hector Hammond, Raven, Saturn Girl and the Titanians, Aquaman, Maxwell Lord, Gorilla Grodd, Wonder Woman... Have I left any out? They are probably not as spectacular as Marvel's numerous telepaths, but Green Lanterns have faced them, and have overcome them in the past.

The DC and Marvel universes aren't so incompatible that anyone from either universe would have a hard time in the other universe. Stop asking these questions.

:hal: :hal: :hal:
don't know much about the dc universe as a whole, only really reading gl stuff. the marvel universe if full of telepaths, how many telepaths does the dc universe have? i think telepaths would really give them trouble. also not sure they can handle the universes super powers that are out there. like the shi'ar, kree, skrull, galactus, the celestials, negative zone, and so on.

DC Universe is more diverse than Marvel Universe (IMO.)

Let's see...

Galactus------------------------Anti Monitor
The Celestials-------------------New Gods
Negative Zone------------------Anti matter Universe
-------------------------------Minions of Apokolips
-------------------------------Qwardian Weaponers

more Planets are Kroguar, Ysmault, Zamaron, Odym, Ryut., Okaara and so on.

DC Universe Telepaths: martian Manhunter and White Martians, Dr. Fate, Gorilla Grodd, Maxwell Lord, Strarro, Sandman, Raven, Morgaine le Fey .
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Just because there's not a lot of clear other-universe counterparts doesn't mean that there's more or less diversity.
Plus his list is incomplete.

In Betweener
Chaos and Order
The Stranger
Love and Hate
Dire Wraiths
Space Knights
Guardians of the Galaxy
Thanos and the Titans
Adam Warlock
Nova Corps and Xandar
The Brood
The Shaper of Worlds

...and that's off the top of my head.

:ff: :ff: :ff:
I am just including major alien planets and major aliens in the list, not all characters in DC Universe. (Not Including /repeating any that are already mentioned)

War World
Bolovax Vik
Bizzaro World
Argo City
52 Parallel Universes


Green Lantern Corps
Sinestro Corps,
Red Lantern Corps,
Violet lantern Corps
Blue lanterns
Orange lantern.
Black Lantern

some aliens -

Mon El
Kanjar Ro
Guardians of Oa
Big Barda

other Cosmic characters (not sure if they are aliens or not.)

The Phantom Stranger
Adam Strange
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You guys can continue this but I would suggest to give up, the Guardians of Oa have mapped the known Universe into 36000 sectors each with at least one alien world for GL corps, plus there are alien worlds that do not have any one in the GL Corps, then there are Seven such colored Corps and then 52 parallel Universes.

Just some of the GL Corps members -
Kilowog, Tomar Re, Salaak, G'hu, hannu, Isamot Kol, Hannu, Rot lop fan, Sinestro, C'hip, Abin Sur, Sodam Yat.

Here's a Wiki Link that gives most of the known corp members -

What? Why would all that information I already know be reason for me to give up? (Nevermind, what exactly would I be giving up?)

Neither company's universe is more or less diverse than the other on any scale.
I could keep listing proper names too, but my point was that you left the Marvel spots blank in your Dramatist Personae.

:cap: :cap: :cap:
Oh, I was just replying to what misjuevos posted.

As far as comparisons go DC has over the years accumulated many characters that were initially not of DC origin, that was why I said that DCU is more Diverse, of course opinions can differ but no one can put up exhaustive list comparing the two, so I said to give up, I am.
Well, I see what they wanted to list but since they had included Superman and Superboy Prime, so adding aliens and GL corps may result in a broader more comprehensive list.

That site does not need to add all aliens, their list is more or less alright, but here we were discussing various aliens and their worlds in both Marvel and DC Universes, somehow Cosmic entities got involved in this thread.
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Well, I see what they wanted to list but since they had included Superman and Superboy Prime, so adding aliens and GL corps may result in a broader more comprehensive list.

That site does not need to add all aliens, their list is more or less alright, but here we were discussing various aliens and their worlds in both Marvel and DC Universes, somehow Cosmic entities got involved in this thread.

I'm pretty sure they meant of Superman Earth 2, since he survived the destruction of the last multiverse.

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