How old is socially acceptable for adult males to think a girl is hot

I say it depends on the mind set of the 2 people involed.
The difference four years make.

Damn, that was only four years ago? I was 20 then, so it was okay for me to find all of these ladies hot

I hear a lot of young girls say they'll date an older man because he's more mature than guys their own age. Maybe so, but other than sex and arm candy, what does the guy get out of it? I mean, does a grown man really want to hear about the problems of a teenage girl (unless it's his daughter)?

Sure the guy may be "mature" but what makes the girl think that she is?
Yeah of course it is you are human, they are human.

What the hell is wrong with lusting. Just don't go over the edge.
Dakota is soooooo dreamy :kaine:

It's nice that I'm never quite forgotten even if I don't post much.

I've struggled with Whirly's question myself. When I was 18, 19, I worried that I would always find schoolgirls hot. Eventually, without even really noticing, I found less and less of them hot. The older you get, the younger these young girls seem, the less you find them attractive.

I think though, as long as a girl looks adult-ish, I'll always find 18 year olds hot.
I think what's more strange is an adult woman who looks like a little girl.
That's what I love about high school girls... I keep getting older, they stay the same age, hehehe, yes they do, yes they do....
It depends on the social circle and the age of the male.

I might think a 16 yr old girl is hot, but that don't necessarily mean I'm gonna talk to her or want to hit it.
At 27, it would just make me feel creepy.
I would acknowledge that they are attractive but I wouldn't take it any farther than that. I wouldn't be all "Damn!! she's bangin', I'd hit it". :huh:

Ever notice how Vanity Fair seems to be the official magazine of upscale men who lust after teenage girls?

Anyway, the answer to the question lies in the circumstances and conditions of how the adult male responds to the younger (read: teenage) girls.

Being in my thirties, I really should be more mature than to oogle 16 year-olds at my local mall. However, if I were to take note that a teenage celebrity in a particular movie or magazine was attractive, that's not as bad (depending on how obsessed I was with said celebrity of course).

For example, I have no qualms in saying that teen actresses Hayden Panetierre (Heroes) and Imogen Poots (28 Weeks Later) are really hot, because I also think that actresses Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliette on Lost) and Jennifer Garner (Alias) are incredibly hot too, and they're both my age group.

But again, real life is a different situation. Taking note of a pretty teen is one thing, but following her down the street or taking secret pics when she's not looking is something else.
At 27, it would just make me feel creepy.
I would acknowledge that they are attractive but I wouldn't take it any farther than that. I wouldn't be all "Damn!! she's bangin', I'd hit it". :huh:

Trust me, as you get older you'll feel differently.....
It's even bad when some of these girls lie about their ages.
The more and more you look, the younger the girls get TELEVISION and media turns these little girls into sex symbols.
Hitting on girls on MySpace s difficult too. A LOT of girls put their "age" as 18 so that way their profile won't automatically be private and instead stay visible to all. Hell, some girls say they are 19 or 20 yrs old near their profile pic, but then you read their "about me" description and they write "I'm a 16 yr old junior at so-and-so high school". Then, on top of all that, they take the most PROVOCATIVE and LUSTY pictures imagineable, and dress themselves up to look like they're young, sexually-objectified women, and they snap photos of themselves drinking at parties (cause, ya know, they wanna look "cool" and consuming alcohol = coolness) then you THINK they're legally eligible to drink.....In other words, MySpace is a pedophile's dream website and it's confusing to navigate through female profiles cause girls lie about their age.
I was just wondering about your opinions here, but this actually happened to me a few days ago at work. Some young guy ask me for my number because he said his cousin was interested in me. Mind you I'm 35 and this cousin was between 21 -24 years old. (First the guy said 21 then amended to 24 so I'm thinking the cousin was 21.) I told the ambassador that I like to get a visual on whom is interested in me first and alas, my would be suitor never showed himself. (Dammit! What's wrong with you guys and your shyness?) In my mind early twenties is a little too young for me because especially with guys they haven't lived a little and gotten certain weaknesses out of their system yet.
I was just wondering about your opinions here, but this actually happened to me a few days ago at work. Some young guy ask me for my number because he said his cousin was interested in me. Mind you I'm 35 and this cousin was between 21 -24 years old. (First the guy said 21 then amended to 24 so I'm thinking the cousin was 21.) I told the ambassador that I like to get a visual on whom is interested in me first and alas, my would be suitor never showed himself. (Dammit! What's wrong with you guys and your shyness?) In my mind early twenties is a little too young for me because especially with guys they haven't lived a little and gotten certain weaknesses out of their system yet.

Well yeah that example is a good one that shows someone much younger than you is obviously imature so the relationship would fail before it began. However if you did get to see that guy and he was hot you may have said you would of liked to try just because he was hot....
hmmm... difficult question. In this country half the girls have kids already by the time they're 16.

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