The Dark Knight Rises How would you end the last movie of the Batman Begins Saga?


Aug 11, 2005
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In response to thread for how you would end the saga, here' s a thread on how you would end the Batman Begins saga whether its 3,4,5,6 films long.

Here's how I would do it.



the action has ended in this movie, and Bruce is at his house contemplating on wheter he should be Batman or not eh visits his parents grave and stuff, the Bat signal shines in the sky and he leaves.

We go to the rooftop where Gordon is waiting for him.

BATMAN: What is it "Rank" Gordon?

GORDON: It's Commisoner Gordon now?

BATMAN: Congratulations, Gotham City is in good hands.

Batman shakes his hand.

GORDON: we have cleaned up the streets of Gotham, put the Joker away, put the Narrows back together and captured all the escaped inmates of Arkham. Our mission is sucessful, does this mean the end of Batman...?

BATMAN: I made a vow along time ago, to save Gotham, but its much more than putting away criminalsa blah blah it's a never ending battle against crime Commisoner, this is just the Begining.

GORDON: I look forward to are continuing partnership than...

News of a crime comes up on Gordons radio....

Batman than runs to the rooftop to respond.

GORDON: Thank you...

Batman stops before, he jumps off. He than hovers off into the NIGHT!



So wats ur ending (hows mine:up: :down )
A big sing and dance number.
Leave it with Batman slowly dying in Robins arms.

Just for ****s and giggles and fanboy psychoticness/
If it's the next movie than:

- Joker in prison meeting Harley Quinn.

- Batman, Harvey Dent, and Gordon on a rooftop celebrating for a job well done.

-Silhouette of The Penguin in the shadows armsdealing and smuggling new high-tech weaponry to the Narrows' escape cons still at large. He's accompanied by his henchman Killer Croc.

With him ending, "You underestimate my power Batman. This is only the beginning... I own Gotham now. Falcone is dead and so are the Maronis, but the Cobblepots shall have their day..."
NinjaTurtleFan said:
If it's the next movie than:

- Joker in prison meeting Harley Quinn.

- Batman, Harvey Dent, and Gordon on a rooftop celebrating for a job well done.

-Silhouette of The Penguin in the shadows armsdealing and smuggling new high-tech weaponry to the Narrows' escape cons still at large. He's accompanied by his henchman Killer Croc.

With him ending, "You underestimate my power Batman. This is only the beginning... I own Gotham now. Falcone is dead and so are the Maronis, but the Cobblepots shall have their day..."

:up: :up: :batman:
For 2...

Batman Dent and Gordon Celebrating a job well done on kidnapping the joker.


Joker laughing hysterically while being dragged away after throwing acid on Dents face.


The joker sitting in a holding cell ion Arkham laughing while holding onto a bottle of acid.

For 3...

Batman and dent talking about how Dent has redeemed himself by killing the joker and getting help for himself.


Wayne looking at his parents grave, then walking over to Dents, then seeing the bat signal.


Gordon and Batman on a rooftop having a meeting, when Gordon mentions a green box with a question mark on it and have some sort of puzzle in it, almost a riddle if u will, when Batmans about to leave, Gordon mentions something else being found. A red X being spraypainted on walls beside Tony Zucco's henchmen.

Im gonna get flamed for that last one.
Mee said:
A big sing and dance number.


Then we could really use Hugh Jackman as Two-Face, I think he has some experience in that field.

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