How would you have constructed the DCEU?

World's Finest - Don't need a new set up for Superman and Batman or a movie of them fighting each other
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
Justice League
"The Path of Least Batfleck Resistance"

- Man of Steel (2013)

- Man of Steel II (2016); Main plot is the fallout from MoS where Clark is a polarizing figure with multiple enemies mobilizing after losing someone in The Black Zero event: Lex Luthor and Wallace Keefe, who becomes Metallo; Doomsday does not appear and Superman does not die; Features cameo from Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince at the LexCorp gala and then a post-credits scene where Bruce discovers Diana is Wonder Woman

- The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (2016); First act sees Joker, the ruler of Gotham's criminal underworld, picking up Harley from his club with someone on his tail as Harley reminisces about how she first met Joker at Arkham and fell for him; Second act sees a frustrated Joker knock Harley unconscious, leading to her dreaming about a perfect normal life where neither are criminals but are married with children; Harley awakes in the third act and realizes her relationship with Joker is toxic, so she grapples for control of the wheel as the car crashes into the river; A fresh out of retirement Batman cameos throughout the film as a mysterious figure flying above Harley and Joker in the Jokermobile before catching them in the end where Harley is arrested for accessory to murder and Joker escapes, setting up James Gunn's The Suicide Squad

- Wonder Woman (2017); JL tease in the post-credit as Bruce and Diana decide to remain in contact

- Justice League (2017); Lex's Legion (Deathstroke, Deadshot, Livewire, Captain Boomerang & Killer Croc) steal various ancient artifacts to unleash The Enchantress, who is possessing Wonder Woman's associate, Dr. June Moore; Vanessa Hudgens plays Livewire; Superman recruits Cyborg, Wonder Woman recruits Aquaman and Batman reluctantly recruits The Flash to hint at Robin's death that pushed him into the retirement he had recently exited after MoS II; Batman vs. Deadshot, Superman vs. Livewire, Wonder Woman vs. Enchantress, Flash vs. Captain Boomerang, Aquaman vs. Killer Croc and Cyborg vs. Deathstroke all branch together in the third act; After The Legion is defeated, Lex reveals it was all a misdirect to buy him time as he unleashes Doomsday, who dies alongside Superman; The movie starts with Bruce having a nightmare of an evil Superman becoming the dictator of a dystopian Earth and killing Batman's insurgency so this begins Bruce's arc to trust Clark despite what happened to Wayne Enterprises employees at the Black Zero event as Clark sacrifices himself in his place against Doomsday

- Aquaman (2018)

- Shazam! (2019)

- The Birds of Prey (2020) - Harley Quinn does not star the film, which is about the power vacuum in Gotham following The Joker's disappearance that Black Mask has benefitted from as the new crime lord; Huntress, Black Canary and Renee Montoya join forces to protect Cassandra Cain from Black Mask, who dies in the end; Post-credit scene is Harley being transferred to Belle Reve to further tease The Suicide Squad

- Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) - Cheetah is the main villain instead of Maxwell Lord; Steve Trevor is brought back as a ghost, no body swap; I don't know how else to narratively make this film better

- Justice League II (2021) - It's literally the Zack Snyder Cut but with Steppenwolf using two Mother Boxes to resurrect and brainwash Superman so not only is Earth terraformed into Apokolips (all three Mother Boxes are needed) but Steppenwolf has what he needs to dethrone Darkseid; Having been prepared, Batman brings Lois to Russia, where Superman helps Steppenwolf defeat the JL and get all three boxes before Clark leaves with Lois to regain his memories in Smallville; With his ultimate plan of hold, Steppenwolf's search for Superman in Metropolis is forced to end when Darkseid orders he terraform Earth immediately; Superman returns to help the JL defeat Steppenwolf, who transported back to Apokolips by Darkseid to be killed by the Parademons

- James Gunn's The Suicide Squad (2021)

- The Batman (2022) - Hopefully Affleck's personal issues are cleared up enough for him to get his solo film directed by Matt Reeves; The arc involving Joker killing Robin years before is wrapped up as Batman must protect his greatest foe from a mysterious bounty claimed by Deathstroke; It's revealed that Joker put the bounty out on himself and proceeded to return to a Gotham that had moved on without him in hopes that Batman would finally kill him and cement his legacy, which does not work as he is spared; Batman defeats Joker in the same Wayne Manor that Joker burnt down after killing Dick Grayson; Realizing that Joker's entire life is a trap like the lives of other rogues, Bruce no longer holds any ill will towards them and takes Joker back to Arkham, which Wayne looks at as a metaphor for the dreadful cycle he easily could have fell into after his parents and Dick died; Film ends with Bruce tearfully embracing Alfred in the Batcave while the graffiti covered Robin suit is now clean; If Affleck is a no go, Jon Hamm can take his place in a recast

- The Flash (2022)

- Aquaman 2 (2022)

- Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)

- Black Adam (202?)

- Justice League III (202?)
- JL goes to Apokolips and loses; With the other DCEU characters we've met along the way, JL defends Earth from Darkseid's invasion with Batman sacrificing himself
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Okay, assuming I had creative control all the way back to Man of Steel, my overall outline for getting from there to Justice League. I'm not going to delve into a bajillion spinoffs and personal passion projects, just the solid skeleton of a meta-franchise.

-Man of Steel: Superman origin movie. The outline is fine, you still have Zod as the big bad, just, you know, actually written and directed well, with an actual paragon of virtue Superman. Aside from general "Not trying to hate Superman as a concept" theme and tone, the main change I'd make is to drop in some hints ( via Clark's world wandering period, Lois' investigation, and the various government characters ) that Superman is a world changing event, but via scale and publicity rather than fundamental kind. There's weirdness, or signs of weirdness, but its either smaller scale or much more secretive. In particular, have some kind of Mysterious Figure.

-Wonder Woman: WW origin movie. Again, largely can keep the movie that exists in broad strokes, though I would rework it so the gods are not all dead, and probably modify the ending so Ares is beaten via a persuasion check rather than a battle ( though there is *also* a battle ). Structurally, its purpose is to delve into some of those hidden aspects of the world that MoS hinted at. Plus, you know, its Wonder Woman, she should have gotten a movie long ago. You can change the framing story so that it references MoS and the masquerade dropping, plus have another appearance by Mysterious Figure.

-World's Finest: A sequel to Man of Steel, and substitute for BvS. Its Lex Luther engineering a conflict between Superman and this mysterious vigilante Batman, only built from the ground up. Introduction of the new Batman, who is both brilliant and not a murderous *******. Philosophical conflict revolves around Openness and Inspiration vs Secrecy and Manipulation. Ultimately concludes with both acknowledging the legitimacy of the other, and foiling Luther's larger plot ( which does *not* involve Doomsday ). Luther loses but escapes justice via plausible deniability, because Luther. Batman and Superman shake hands and agree to cooperate in the future. Double stinger: Superman gets contacted by Mysterious Figure again, while Batman contacts Wonder Woman about something.

-The Batman: Its Batman, he has to get his own movie. This is an in media res Batman story, with a Batman whose been Batman for several years. Experienced, but not the "Old Bat" from the DCEU. I am inclined to largely steal Heart of Ice for the main plot, both as a way to establish the more superheroic direction for this take on Batman ( versus grim and gritty ), as an excuse for a genius vs genius conflict, and because Heart of Ice is awesome. Stinger ends with Mysterious Figure showing up, asking for Batman's help specific with investigating a mystery, a world spanning one. . .

-Justice League: The big teamup payoff. Some of the threads dropped in the previous movies lead to all three main heroes discovering a terrible new threat. Spoiler- its the White Martians, essentially, though elements of some other alien threats can be mixed and matched. Mysterious Figure reveals himself to be J'onn J'onnz, the three main heroes unite together, and put out a call for others to join. That's four heroes, and exactly which other heroes join the League will depend on exactly who you want to appear in later movies, and who you could fit minor teases in prior ones. I'm inclined to say at least Flash and Green Lantern, and the latter absolutely is John Stewart. Heroes unite, save the day, fireworks display. Probably have it end with them building the Watchtower in orbit.

From there, you can spin out in any direction you want. Sequels for the major heroes, new movies for those introduced in JL, spinoffs, whatever you want. The key is you have now established a solid 3-4 heroes that can act as anchor points around which various aspects of your setting can resolve, the general world status quo vis a vis heroism as an idea, and a good number of organizations and settings within the world.
I'm not sure, but I think both Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman needed 2 films each before BvS.

Green Lantern, Aquaman, The Flash and Green Arrow should be introduced around these first two phases, either in their sole films or as supporting characters in the "main" heroes films.

Maybe sidekicks should be introduced too.

The Death of Superman should be a third sole film.

The first Justice League shouldn't feature the Superman and would show how the heroes struggle to deal with a big menace without him.

Captain Marvel would raise after Justice League, like it happened.

The Return of Superman should be a fourth sole film.
Then we would have League 2, now featuring Superman.

If the sidekicks have been introduced, then a Titans film could come after. Including Superboy.
Two films for all JL members in separate universes.

Crisis movie folding them all into one. Then team up shared universe flicks.

Then second crisis to allow for cast members to come and go.

The fact WB never leaned on the multiverse angle from the get go is their greatest error. Instead the failed to copy Marvel’s template.
Once upon a time, J.J. Abrams was involved in another Superman project that, alongside Batman Begins and WB’s cancelled Wonder Woman film in 2007-09, could have served as the launchpad for the Trinity of a DC Cinematic Universe...

Turning in a first draft in July 2002 and a tighter second draft in October 2003 (removing the infamous Lex/Kryptonian sleeper agent reveal in favor of a more familiar corrupt businessman adaptation, removing all mention of Ninja Kryptonian warriors and significantly cutting back the Krypton action, in addition to a better-written Jimmy Olsen), J. J. Abrams'
Superman: Flyby is greenlit by Warner Brothers Studios for a holidays 2005 release, making it the studio’s “year of the superhero” with Batman Begins in theaters earlier that June.

Warner Bros. hires Chris Columbus to launch the new trilogy franchise, fresh off his successful adaptation of the first two Harry Potter films for the studio. He casts newcomer Matt Bomer as the Man of Steel and readies for production in Australia, even casting several lead roles with Aussie talent.

directed by Chris Columbus
written by J.J. Abrams

Holidays 2005
In the film, Krypton is besieged by a civil war between Jor-El and his corrupt brother Kata-Zor, resulting in a devastating assault on the planet’s holy capital Menna that nearly cracks the planet in two.

Amidst the devastation, Jor-El and his wife Lara jettison their only son Kal-El to Earth to fulfill an ancient prophecy. Adopted by Jonathan & Martha Kent and raised as their son Clark, he becomes a journalist at the Daily Planet working with the fiery Lois Lane. However, Lois is more interested in exposing Lex Luthor, eccentric billionaire LexCorp CEO forever changed years ago by a fateful encounter with a Kryptonian scout ship sent to find Kal-El.

Clark reveals himself to the world as Superman in a stunning midair rescue of Air Force One, prompting Luthor to send out a beacon using the scout ship from years ago and alert Kata-Zor’s forces.

Back on Krypton, Kata-Zor‘s son Ty-Zor captures Lara who’s been in hiding since the fall of Menna. Jor-El has been kept as a political prisoner of war in Kata-Zor’s fortress for all these years, tortured and beaten but never broken. Ty-Zor slays Lara in front Jor-El, a cruel act that surprises even his father. He’s then sent to Earth to kill Kal-El and end the prophecy.

After a brutal confrontation against Ty-Zor that spans the city, Superman is defeated and killed. Jor-El senses this & commits suicide from his prison cell to visit his son on the astral plane of the afterlife. He imbues his son with his power and knowledge, and breathes life back into him.

Resurrected, Superman battles with Ty-Zor once more, and eventually defeats his villainous cousin. In a last attempt to kill Superman, Ty-Zor fails once more and accidentally impales himself with a shard of Kryptonite.

The film ends with Superman off to Krypton to help his people and fulfill the ancient prophecy, leaving a cliffhanger for the sequel to explore...
Clark Kent / Superman: Matt Bomer

Lois Lane: Rose Byrne

Lex Luthor:
Robert Downey Jr.

Ty-Zor: Joel Edgerton

Mr. Dunn:
Bokeem Woodbine

Sean Penn

Lara: Monica Bellucci

Kata-Zor: Hugo Weaving

Perry White:
Martin Sheen

Jimmy Olsen: Rick Gonzalez

Jonathan Kent:
Sam Neill

Martha Kent: Sally Field
























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directed by Kathryn Bigelow
Screenplay by Matthew Jennison and Brent Strickland

Summer 2009
Inspired by details included in Original Script review by El Mayimbe of the Jennison/Strickland script:

The film opens with QUEEN HIPPOLYTA and her THREE THOUSAND AMAZON WARRIORS all clad in battle armor and bracelets.

The camera pulls back even further and FIFTY THOUSAND MEN, all armed for war, advance on the Amazon.

IN VOICEOVER, Hippolyta tells the audience that the Amazons “were created to guard against the evils of the world. Strong, wise, and compassionate, HERA gave breath to the AMAZON.” In the ancient days, they lived among mankind, …but Man fears what it cannot control. Man ravaged the world & sought to take the power of the Amazon, but doing so would have destroyed Man’s world.

At the front lines, Hippolyta erupts in a battle-cry; and the Amazon charge forward, meeting the Army of Man head-on in battle. The action is EPIC in scale and scope (akin to the prologue battle sequence in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)

The Amazon are shown to be superior warriors, but the numbers of Man’’s army are too great and the Amazon take HEAVY CASUALTIES .

Hippolyta further narrates: that “to protect the world from such devastation, [they] would do anything...

Even FLEE.”

Hippolyta leads twenty AMAZON SHIPS into the open ocean with an armada of Man’s army in hot pursuit, narrating that they “sailed forth without a destination, guided only by their faith.”

“Hera heard our prayers.”

Hippolyta steers her ships toward a heavenly star and the Amazon make it past a RAGING STORM, which engulfs Man’’s ships, towards the paradise island of– THEMYSCIRA.

Hippolyta finishes her voiceover by telling us that “Themyscira has been The Amazon’s’ home for three thousand years—a place where we could live in peace, protected from the ravages of time, and hidden from the world of man.”

One STORMY NIGHT on the beaches of Themiscrya, Hippolyta sculpts a CHILD out of CLAY and holds it up high. Hera breathes life into the clay, and we hear A NEWBORN’S CRIES...

(credits roll over a montage sequence of Hippolyta’s YOUNG DAUGHTER growing up on Themiscrya —INTERCUT with the stark contrast of MILITARY IMAGERY showing the HISTORY OF MANKIND’S WARFARE growing even DEADLIER, leading us directly into the film:


Germany, 1943:
, a handsome “son-of-a-senator-but-made-it-on-his-own” AMERICAN in a NAZI SS DISGUISE, snaps photos of Nazi Jet BLUEPRINTS that look incredibly advanced for the 1940s.

The words “AMERIKA BOMBER” and FLEISCHER GESELLSCHAFT” appear on the bottom of each design. Steve discovers that the Nazis are going to bomb Washington D.C. and New York.

During his mission, Steve’s cover is blown and he gets chased by the Nazis, led by MAIN NAZI VILLAIN. Steve makes it to the Nazi hangar and steals a Nazi jet, which looks more like a STEALTH-BOMBER than a WWII era plane— as it turns out, it’’s the “Amerika Bomber“ from the aforementioned blueprints.

Steve navigates it out of there as the Nazis open fire on the jet. Steve makes it over the ocean and through the clouds, but the aircraft is leaking fuel. Luckily, he sees land ahead and flies towards a TROPICAL ISLAND...

A majestic city hugs the coastline and stretches up into the mountains. Its architecture is a mix of GREEK TEMPLES and ELABORATE TOWERS standing watch over the gleaming streets.

A huge COLISEUM stands in the center of the city, its rim decorated with STATUES of the GRECIAN GODS.

We descend into a long street-level tunnel that empties into the arena floor. At the end of the tunnel we see the SILHOUETTE of a young woman, DIANA.

She takes a deep breath and places a HELMET on her head, OBSCURING HER FACE before we see it. She enters the coliseum and wears a maroon red skirt of leather strips and a GOLDEN BREASTPLATE with the form of an EAGLE, wings spread. Her bodice and leather boots are both dark red.

HUNDREDS OF AMAZONS in colorful robes fill the stands. A cheer rises as the red Amazon warrior (Diana) moves to the center of the ring, where another masked Amazon waits. This one wears dark green, and she is known as PHILLIPUS.

We watch a series of Amazonian games to determine the strongest and best suited to find their lost sister, GALINA. Hera’’s choice will soon be revealed, and we arrive at the final four:

Diana, our hero, wins.

Artemis wins.

Before the final match, both warriors are called to appear before the queen.

Diana, her face still covered, kneels before Hippolyta on the coliseum floor, beaming proud to have proven herself an Amazon warrior today. The winner will be tasked to return to Man’’s world and find their Amazon sister, Galina.

Hippolyta asks the warriors to reveal themselves before their final match. Diana hesitates, but ultimately she removes her helmet and for the first time we see her. She’s BEAUTIFUL, with long black hair just like her mother –Hippolyta.

Hippolyta has a fit—she has forbidden Diana from competing in the contest; Hippolyta orders her to go to the palace & ends the contest abruptly.

Steve, meanwhile, crashes the stolen-German aircraft near the shores of Themyscira. Diana, on her way to the palace, sees the plane go down & dives into the water to free Steve from the sinking wreckage and save his life.

As the two begin to introduce themselves, Steve is then arrested by the AMAZON GUARD headed by Queen Hippolyta, General Phillipus, and Artemis in HOVER CHARIOTS.

Hippolyta takes Diana on her hover chariot, and provides exposition to catch the audience up to speed:

WEEKS AGO, Galina was sent to Man’s world to ensure that PANDORA’S BOX is secure. However, she’s apparently gone missing (hence the contest for an Amazon warrior to go find Galina).

Hippolyta tells Diana that she has chosen Artemis to go to Man’s world to find Galina, much to Diana’s DISMAY. Mother & daughter get into an argument about Diana’s place on this island—and she begins to question her purpose in life. Her DESTINY.

Steve is taken straight to the SENATE HALL. Hippolyta puts the GOLDEN ROPE around Steve and he tells the truth—he was not aware of this island before crash-landing and wants to get home to end the war.

The Amazons don’’t believe him—they think Man captured Galina and seek to steal the Amazon technology. After a quick trial, and despite Diana’s protests, Steve is sentenced by the senate to death.

We then find out that the Amazons protect the KEY to Pandora’s Box. The key itself is a CRYSTAL that hangs around Hippolyta’s neck like a medallion. If Man came into possession of Pandora’’s box & its key, and unlocked its horrors—the results would be CATASTROPHIC.

In the dead of night, Diana offers to rescue Steve from his cell and take him back to Man’s world, unharmed, if he agrees to help her find Galina and secure Pandora’s Box.

She also steals a GOLDEN BELT (the belt of Aphrodite) which allows an Amazon to walk in disguise among men. Diana also steals a GOLDEN ROPE –(Hestia’s Golden Lasso) which is unbreakable and any whom it binds, must speak the truth.

Diana and Steve make their getaway from Themyscira on, you guessed it,– THE INVISIBLE JET. Diana controls the jet with her GOLDEN TIARA.

Act I ends with Diana and Steve racing out of Themyscira, heading back to WASHINGTON DC!

From there, the story follows similar story beats to the final 2017 Wonder Woman script with Diana exploring Man’s world with Steve:
  • Instead of WWI London, the home setting is WWII Washington D.C.
  • Wonder Woman learns of (and rebels against) the traditional roles for women in modern 1940s-society through her interactions with ETTA CANDY in DC.
  • Diana & Steve join forces with THE LOSERS (led by CAPTAIN STORM) in place of the 2017 film’s supporting characters.
Galina’s character is similar to the 2009 animated Wonder Woman’s tragic antagonist, Persephone (i.e. a renegade Amazon).
  • Galina is seduced by ARES to betray her sisters & open Pandora’s Box—which will ignite WAR & DEATH across the globe granting Ares’ freedom and IMMENSE POWER.
The second part of Act II finds Diana, Steve, and The Losers traveling to BERLIN, GERMANY to track Galina down & stop the German forces from unleashing their FUTURISTIC WEAPONS (such as WAR WHEELS) on the Allies.

When Diana finally makes her debut as WONDER WOMAN, her superhero outfit is a combination of her AMAZON BATTLE GEAR and the AMERICAN FLAG.
  • In a sequence similar to 2017’s “No Man’s Land,” Diana advances into enemy territory with little more than her LASSO and SHIELD against NAZI SOLDIERS and WAR WHEELS. Steve and the Losers follow her lead, and the occupied-village is liberated. The day is saved at the end by ADDITIONAL AIR SUPPORT from the BLACKHAWKS (Steve, a pilot, will have already shared stories about the FABLED FIGHTER PILOT SQUADRON with Diana & the Losers prior to their arrival).
  • It’s in these moments that Diana begins to see the potential for good in Man, and starts to develop feelings for Steve (who fell in love with her the moment he saw her on Themiscrya).
Act III features a BATTLE ROYALE FINALE that takes place back on Themyscira:

The Amazons (armed with HOVER CHARIOTS) defend their home against a FLEET of NAZI AMERIKA BOMBERS. The enemy forces are led by the Main Nazi Villain who is being fueled by Ares (revealed to be imprisoned within Pandora’s Box in Act II).

Ares has promised the Nazis enough power to not only win the war, but TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
  • Ares’ influence is pushing the Main Nazi Villain further past the brink of INSANITY—it’s revealed that he’s placed ADOLF HITLER in SUSPENDED ANIMATION, believing that der Führer is not willing to go far enough—the Nazis will now follow his lead.
  • The Nazi’s advanced weaponry is explained as a result of Ares PSYCHICALLY pushing forward the IDEAS OF WAR in Nazi scientists’ minds.
It’s ALL-OUT WAR for the KEY/CRYSTAL around Hippolyta’s neck.

Amidst the battle, Hippolyta finds Galina and their SWORDS CLASH. When the Queen Hippolyta delivers the KILLING BLOW, Galina speaks her truth—they are Amazons, yes, but they are women too. As she dies, the Queen has a moment of clarity.

Steve Trevor later SACRIFICES HIS LIFE to save Diana and the Amazons by flying a HEAVILY-ARMED Nazi Amerika Bomber up away from Themiscrya and into the HEAVENS.
  • Awe-inspired by his selfless actions, Queen Hippolyta later names him an HONORARY AMAZON.
Diana battles an UNLEASHED Ares and, in the end, is able to reseal him within Pandora’s Box (using a trick that Steve taught her) that stops the bloodshed—the Main Nazi Villain and his remaining forces SURRENDER as the Amazons CHEER their VICTORY.

As the film closes, Diana is set to remain in Themiscrya, having completed her mission. Instead, Queen Hippolyta names Diana as Themiscrya’s EMISSARY to Man’s world.

“Your destiny is not on this island. It never was.”

The two embrace & Diana says goodbye: “I will see you again, Mother.”

The film ends with WONDER WOMAN flying away from Themiscrya in the INVISIBLE JET back to Man’s world with a SMILE.


Diana / Wonder Woman: Anne Hathaway

Steve Trevor: Ryan Gosling

Queen Hippolyta:
Catherine Zeta-Jones

Phillipus: Regina King

Artemis: Rosario Dawson

Mark Strong

Galina: Scarlett Johansson

Main Nazi Villain: Til Schweiger

Capt. William Storm: Kyle Chandler

Johnny Cloud: Adam Beach

Sarge Clay: Domenick Lombardozzi


Gunner MacKay: Sam Rockwell

Etta Candy:
Melissa McCarthy

Young Diana: Marlene Lawston

Lynda Carter as Hera


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I would not let Snyder make every creative decision behind the DCEU. I'd give him a set of constraints and let him direct MOS2 (without David Goyer). Between 2013 and 2017:
  • Wonder Woman (Q1 2015)
  • Aquaman (Q2 2015)
  • Man of Steel 2 (Q1 2016)
  • The Flash (Q2 2016)
WW and Aquaman both come before MOS2. Bruce gets hinted at (but he never shows up). Justice League comes after.
I would have made the Nolan films as being the first films in the continuity. 3, 4, probably even still 5 years after TDKR later was wat too soon to have a new version of Batman, let alone the idea of starting him over. Give Bale the money he would want to continue appearing.

Green Lantern coming early was a good idea but the movie have been ... good (especially with regard to Hal). Man of Steel could have fit in next, though I would have made Superman at least a little more proactive and probably some role for Lex. You can have a Batman vs. Superman next but without Wonder Woman (or Flash, Aquaman or Cyborg) and no Doomsday/death of Superman, then Wonder Woman and then Justice League (probably including Plastic Man, or he could be saved for later) & Aquaman, then more sequels especially for Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.
I would have made the Nolan films as being the first films in the continuity. *snip* Give Bale the money he would want to continue appearing.

Those seem contradictory inclinations, seeing as by the end of the Nolan movies, Bale isn't playing Batman anymore. *cough*
Either the apparent death/retirement ending would be different or he retires so that he can later return or have to return ;) :) I could see the character returning if something bad happened to Blake Batman.
Either the apparent death/retirement ending would be different or he retires so that he can later return or have to return ;) :) I could see the character returning if something bad happened to Blake Batman.

My point is that doing such would defeat the purpose of making the Nolan films part of said continuity, since you would be taking the movies, and then eviscerating them on a plot and theme level.
I think the idea of Batman succeeding to retiring isn't a big part of, is even kind of against, the first two films.

The death and then return of Superman could have been a good epic one-two punch in 2018-2019 (as did happen in animation), Superman's death being in his at least fourth (after his new origin, BvS and JL), rather than second, film appearance.
The multiverse is their excuse for plot & continuity discords. Or the creative freedom excuse. DC doesn’t have one producer like Kevin Feige that does everything, which I guess is intentional. Well they have Walter Hamada but he has no role on the sets, just the business officer. DC is more director-driven than Marvel. Yeah if you wanna direct a Marvel movie you get some freedom. But you’re signing up to make Marvel’s movie, Kevin Feige’s movie at the end of the day.

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