Comics If YOU Ran The X-Books

First, id find a way to wipe out everyting that happened from X-Cutioner's Song to now, since everything since has SUCKED!!!!!!! Then I'd kill off alot of people and make it stick. Cable included (i seem to wanna puke when i look at the most popular charecters in the 90's, like carnage, venom, and Cable). Wolverine's origin would be flushed out and set in stone, and there would be a baseball bat waiting for anny writer who decided to re-work it for thier own pleasure. WOlverine himself would only be in ONE book. ONE! ANd finally id seperate the X-teams. One X-men team in the mansion, one x-men team in the old reavers base in Austrailia, X-factor in Manhattan, X-Force (led by cannonball) in a similar base to the Rever's but only out west in like Arazona or somthing like that, and finally Excalibur in London. Plus there wouldnt be a single crossover for about 5 years. All the writers would be forced to develope the charecters and teams independantly, instead of just having them whine about how theyre feared and hated while waiting for the next crossover to happen. and after 5 years when that crossover did happen it would be a bursting of the whole 'next stage of human evolution' crap. The Celestials would come down for thier final judgement of humanity and all the x-teams would learn about how the Celestials made humanity and represed humans full genetic potential untill they conqured the atom, and the slight rising of radiation levels in the Earth activated the full genetic potential in the human genome (all marvel continuity btw, read the official marvel universe handbook from the 80's wich was a printing of the marvel comics universe bible).
XFanTim said:
Juggernaut returns to his classic power level (on par with people like Hulk or Thor).

What is his present power-level?.
If I ran the X-Books to my every wish without caring about the fans (much like JQ), I'd do the following:

4 Books
- Uncanny X-Men (Brian K. Vaughn, Salvador Larocca)
- X-Men (Gail Simone, Chris Bachalo)
- X-Factor (Peter David, Leinil Francis Yu)
- New Mutants (Judd Winnick, Clayton Henry)

The following will be instated:
- No more ressurections (other than what is done post-HoM). Subsequently, there will be a severe limit on deaths.
- No more alien/space related stories. Clones are also off-limits.
- Powers will stick to their basic nature. No stretching them beyond their basic principles.
- No new mutants introduced for a while. After this rule, mutant intros will be limited.
- Human members (non-mutant) will be moved to Excalibur, which will be moved to the Marvel Heroes section.

- The Marauders originals were found to be alive.
- Various "mutates", such as Polaris, Abyss, Cloak, Dagger, and others will be definitively established as always having their current mutations as part of their X-Gene.
- Songbird will be retconned into having the X-Gene.
- Wanda's actions were actually the manipulations of Doctor Strange. Her powers will remain, following HoM, the ability to generate hex bolts that cause the improbable to become possible, working events in her favor. They are in a limited scale and will not reach HoM scales...EVER again.

Power changes:
- Lifeguard's powers are now her physical gold skin mutation and the ability to transform into any animal she wants or becoming a hybrid of human and various animals. Shi'ar connection deleted.
- Specter creates creatures from shadows.
- Loa's tattoos on her skin release random energies or metals at high speeds.
- Angel Salvadore can disperse her body's particles into a swarm of various bugs.
- M just has super-strenght and flight.

Misc. Notes
- Wolfsbane and Sunfire have their AoA looks.

The following are the remaining mutants of the MU:
- Abyss
- Alchemy
- Anais
- Anarchist
- Angel Salvadore
- Anole
- Apocalypse
- Avalanche
- Banshee
- Beak
- Beast
- Beautiful Dreamer
- Big Bertha
- Bishop
- Bling
- Blink
- Blob
- Bogan, Elias
- Bohusk, Tito
- Bruiser
- Callisto
- Cannonball
- Chamber
- Chance
- Cloak
- Colossus
- Cyclops
- Darkstar
- Dazzler
- Dead Girl
- Destiny
- Doorman
- Dragonwing
- Dryad
- Dust
- El Guapo
- Empath
- Emplate
- Espinosa, Gil
- Ever
- Exodus
- Famine
- Fatale
- Feral
- Fever Pitch
- Fixx
- Flex
- Freakshow
- Frenzy
- Frost, Adirenne
- Frost, Emma
- Gorgeous George
- Greystone
- Guthrie, Elisabeth
- Haven
- Havok
- Hellion
- Hemmingway
- Hisako
- Husk
- Iceman
- Indra
- Infectia
- Inkose, Shola
- Jeffries, Maddison
- Jubilee
- Karima (XMU)
- Karma
- Kid Omega
- Kiwi Black
- Kleinstocks
- Krakoa
- Lacuna
- Lifeguard
- Loa
- London, Lois
- M
- Maggot
- Magma
- Magneto
- Malice
- Mammomax
- Manikin
- Marrow
- Masque
- Meme
- Mercury
- Micromax
- Mirage
- Mondo
- Mr. M
- Ms. Steed
- Multiple Man
- Murmur
- Mystique
- Neophyte
- Nightcrawler
- Nightwind
- Nocturne
- Northstar
- Ocean
- Omega Red
- Omerta
- Ortega, Armena
- Ortega, Chamayra
- Outlaw
- Paradigm
- Peepers
- Penance
- Phantazia
- Phat
- Phoenix
- Pirouette
- Polaris
- Preview
- Prodigy
- Psychobabble
- Psylocke
- Puck II
- Pyro
- Quill
- Radian
- Radius
- Rain Boy
- Rasputin, Mikhail
- Reaper
- Revanche
- Reyes, Cecilia
- Rictor
- Risque
- Rivera, Evangelina
- Rogue
- Roulette
- Sage
- Saint Anna
- Scalphunter
- Scanner
- Selene
- Scarlet Witch
- Shard
- Shaw, Sebastian
- The Sign
- Skein
- Sketch
- Skin
- Slick
- Specter
- Spoilsport
- Squirrel Girl
- St. Croix, Claudette
- St. Croix, Nicole
- Stacy X
- The Stepford Sisters
- Storm
- Switch
- Sunfire
- Sunpyre
- Sunspot
- Surge
- Surgeon
- Tag
- Tarot
- Tattoo
- Tempo
- Toad
- Tores
- Thunderbird (Shaara)
- Typhoid Mary
- Unus
- Unuscione
- Ursa Major
- Vanguard
- Venus
- Vincente
- Vivesector
- Voght, Amelia
- Wallflower
- Warpath
- Wicked
- Wind Dancer
- Wolfsbane
- Wraith
- Xorn
- Zero, Mary

New Mutants will be a book about the school where they must fight for the coveted position of being part of the main group, which gets priveleged training with the X-Men, special field trips, missions, etc. There will be four squads of seven: the New Mutants [the lead group], Generation X, Alpha Squadron, and Excelsior.

Every semester, the squad lineups change, with each of the students trying their hand at leading. They all compete in field day exercises and competitions.

There are a lot of harsh feelings between a lot of the students. Tattoo and Radian were given residence following the events of M-Day, and it is definitely something that does not sit well with the Cuckoos nor many of the other students. The kids become very competitive and it leads to a lot of broken hearts and hurt feelings.

Wow, wow, wow stop right there man where is elixir?
*I'd cancel every X-Men book except Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, Wolverine, and New Mutants.Uncanny would be the flagship X-Men book. The Uncanny nook would have the Blue team, while the X-Men book would have the gold team

*Blue Team: Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Phoenix, Beast, Shadowcat, Emma Frost, Colossus

*Gold Team: Angel, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Havok, Gambit, Bishop, Deadpool, Psylocke, Polaris, Rogue, and Sage

*I'd bring back Jean, But keep her and Scott apart. In fact, I'd explore a relationship between Logan and Jean, if only to show once and for all that would NOT work in the long run.

*Storm and Cyclops would be Co Leaders.

*The Uncanny book's HQ is the mansion, where Scott is the headmaster, not Emma's B*tch. He calls the shots. The X-Men book would take place in different HQ's set up across the globe.

*The Uncanny book would the ""Old School" X-Men book, while X-Men would be the edgy title.

*No Magneto or Xavier for at least a year.

*both titles would have an ongoing plot about a new, underground brotherhood, its leader a mysterious villain

*Beast reverts back to his old look.

*When Jean is revived, it'd be in a way so that she can NEVER have the powers of phoenix again. however, she would keep the costume and codename.

*Except for Bishop, all future/Space related characters are gone. My X-universe would be a little more realistic.

*Both Uncanny and X-Men would have their own side characters. Uncanny will have Nick Fury and SHIELD as supporting characters. Uncanny will have the X Corporation, headed up by Banshee and Sunfire.

*I'd bring back Thunderbird and give him more of a character.

*Wolverine is on ONE X team only, which is why I put Deadpool on the gold team. He'll be that groups "Badass with healing powers".

*Forge would be a character in both books, supplying the group with tech and weaponry.

*The Brotherhood would act very much like terrorists.

*At the end of my run, The war between Mutants and Humans finally begins.

*Mr. Sinister becomes a main villain in place of magneto
That book would be about Teen Mutants. The team from Uncanny X-Men would appear as teachers.
Well,i have some new ideas for Deadly Genesis.I have heard some information about the "3rd Summers Brother" feelings are pretty mixed at this point.Personally,i would have Gambit become the 3rd Summers.If that was even wanted.
GreatWhiteWhale said:
Well jean would come back in fieryness.And SCott would stay wiith Emma, there would be disagreements with some of the old-school X-Men about where to take them which would cause a division of three teams, still under the X-Men banner though.

X-Men Red would Be Jean as leader, with Havok, Marrow, Chamber, Jubilee and Colossus. (The darker violent X-Men book, Jean sees the future of mutant/human relations as being through "The Children")

X-Men Gold would be Angel as leader, with Iceman, Gambit, Rogue, Sage and Nightcrawler (The soap drama book I suppose, except with pivotal action stories, Angel's goal is the "Charitable rescue of mutantkind")

X-Men Blue would be Cyclops as leader, with Emma, Beast, Wolverine, Kitty and Banshee. (Same old Astonishing, clever Mix of both Drama and Comedy, the flagship title for continuity advancement. Cyclops goal is "Increase good mutant PR".

Bishop would join X-Factor, Storm run to the professor and try and wake up universal support, Polaris would run to Magneto and seek comfort (X/Storm and Mags/Polaris would be fringe characters) and Rachel and Psylocke would go to Excalibur.

Course there would have to be some epic stories thrown in there, I don't know about the whole future predictions/alternative universe/space stuff, that stuff is hard to get right, but it could be done. I know i'd want to see some decent character arcs, and dig into the charcters, I envision big big changes for Iceman.
I'd also like to see some good male Bonding between Iceman, Angel, Beast, maybe Wolvie Nightcrawler and Gambit. I mean these guys are OLD OLD team-mates, and pretty much best-friends. Plus they've been manipulated so many times I imagine they would want to take comfort in the people they can trust.

Also I was thinkng relationship between Bobby and Sage. Hah, go figure, I'm a nutcase.

me like these ideas very much.
I've skimmed through most of this, but don't have a ton of time and want to post this up while I'm thinking of it. Heh. For the most part, I've got to say that I fall into line with many of GreatWhiteWhale's brain workings.

As for me:

Unfortunately, I can't erase House of M, or any of the utter crap that has been birthed by it, and so I do the next best thing: retcon it. Don't ask how. Shh. If you ask how, your brain shall be stricken by my secret telepaths. DC does neato stuff to their universe and setting with their Crisis, so.

Uh. Somehow I erase this stuff through retconning. Yes. We go back to the CC (or supposedly written by CC) "The Day After" one shot. (Because, you see, everything happening after that has been a trick by Wanda [read all those issues knowing about Wanda what you now know about Wanda and what you now know about those issues kthx], in addition to bad storytelling, and I apologize profusely through many a journalistic medium. And for heaven's sake, anyone who bought all eight issues of the main House of M title get returned to them money equaling three issues, because House of M should not have been longer than five issues. To further please the fan-base, Bendis is executed. Killed with him, for thought-crimes and the travesty to writing that has of late been called X-Men, is Milligan. And Kirkman gets thrown off Ultimate.

Iceman loses his powers. They stay gone. None of this stupid mumbo-jumbo about how his brain was secretly blocking his powers even though he has no memory of HoM events and blah blah blah. Iceman = gone. If the writer of X-Men wants Polaris's powers gone, too, then she stays depowered. Depowered, also, are other A-list players, not just all the random mutants used to fill in numbers and never seen by the readers. We want casualties.

Whether or not Magneto and Xavier are depowered or not is up for debate. Xavier losing his powers but getting use of his legs back, for now, is one of the few things I dislike about Deadly Genesis. I was no real fan of Magneto losing his in the first place.

Son of M stays as it has been. Deadly Genesis, too.

I take a sort of fascist, rigid control over the creative process. Writers are to abide by guidelines and deadlines, to report to their respective editors. Editors shall govern books and meet with each other to, you know, DO THEIR JOBS. They shall make sure nothing is out of continuity. They shall make sure that books being sold in the same week shall make sense with each other: i.e. We shall not see Apocalypse attacking the X-Mansion the same week that Cyclops is being held prisoner by Vulcan, while at the same time outrunning the Sentinels who are getting pegged by Apocalypse. Tie-ins, references, et al shall be made.

If 90% or whatever of the mutant population is gone, then we shall see factions form through GOOD storytelling. If Apocalypse makes a comeback, he makes a comeback with a good writer in a format that screams mutant salvation and world domination. On that same vein, Magneto begins a build-up to save mutants from the once-again oppressing human race. And seemingly stuck in the middle would be the X-Men, probably with their heads stuck up their collective rears, not sure which way to turn. *GASP* CYCLOPS MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE TO LEAD. Not to mention this brings out the countless possibilities of defecting mutants.

The X-Men are forced to shift into different teams, with specific memberships, to handle specific tasks. Let Cyclops's team, by all means, go with Whedon's original idea of building human-mutant relationships by acting the part of the superhero. Havok (devoid of all his baby brother issues brought back by Milligan) again takes control of a separate team, who work as a sort of black ops strike team. And then... eh, I don't care. Whoever else. If the Sentinels are at the mansion, then Havok's team drops off the map to be able to move around without problems, perhaps with Val Cooper's cooperation. A throw-back to their X-Factor days.

Speaking of X-Factor, that book stays, and it stays written by Peter David. Unless he wants Havok's team. Heck, he can have 'em both.

At the very least, my X-books would usher in a new era of reading. Let the rest of Marvel rot.

Now, who hates my ideas? :D
Desired Touch said:
Power changes:
- Lifeguard's powers are now her physical gold skin mutation and the ability to transform into any animal she wants or becoming a hybrid of human and various animals. Shi'ar connection deleted.
- Specter creates creatures from shadows.
- Loa's tattoos on her skin release random energies or metals at high speeds.
- Angel Salvadore can disperse her body's particles into a swarm of various bugs.
- M just has super-strenght and flight.

WHY!!! I always thought her powers were so creative. Alas i really like all the others, Does Loa still have her "phasing/swimming/" powers as well?
Exploding Boy said:
WHY!!! I always thought her powers were so creative. Alas i really like all the others, Does Loa still have her "phasing/swimming/" powers as well?

I always thought her powers were a super-convenient plot device. What villain has a chance when her powers automatically kick in to stop the threat no matter what it is?
I would be cool if her powers gave her a power that she had to figure out how to use in that situation.
If I ran the X-Books? Not a chance. The only things I'd want right now is for Kitty to reunite with Peter Wisdom, and inform people that tigers do not live in Africa.
And it's your job to reorganize the X-books. You have to decide the roster for each book, how many books there will be, what the premise of each book will be, and what creative team works on each book.

I'll start.

Astonishing - This will be the PR team just as Astonishing was supposed to be when Whedon came on board. Their job is to present a media-friendly portrayal of mutants. They will be working directly with the government to stop terrorist attacks, bank robberies, and other typical superhero activities.


Cyclops: Both because of his boy-scout manner and the "orphan does good" aspect to him that will look good on the evening news.
Beast: Not only is he a famous scientist with a lovable personality, he also brings a lot of cred from his Avenger days.
Angel: He's VERY photogenic and he has some measure of influence over major communications companies.
Jean: Her "girl-next-door" charm will work wonders for PR and the image of a super-hero husband and wife will be eaten up by the media (even though she and Scott will not have reconciled, making the whole thing a farce)
Iceman: A class clown and X-man for a large part of his life, he'd be a poster-child for the X-men. He'd love the publicity as well.

Uncanny - The Mutant Affairs team. They're basically policemen who cover mutant issues. If there's a mutant criminal who needs to be brought in or some anti-mutant group, these guys handle it. *this takes place after the crossover when the mutant population returns to normal*


Storm: She lead the XSE which was basically the same thing.
Bishop: He's a cop.
Rogue: Her powers are the perfect interrogation tool and can bypass any legislation to prevent mind-reading.
Emma Frost: Her connections can help and beurocratic mess the team gets into.
Kitty Pryde: She's the tech-girl and can do some off the record investigations with her powers.
Colossus: He's the team's muscle.

Adjectiveless - The black ops team. These guy work "off the record" and completely on their own so as not to be traced back to Xavier's. They don't even reside in the mansion, but in a warehouse located in a different city. They do not co-operate with officials and break any laws they need to.

Banshee: He's a skilled policeman and has connections with Interpol that can help out. He's also walked on the wrong side of the law before.
Wolverine: Where else would you put a guy like him?
Gambit: Master-thief. Nuff said.
Juggernaut: Sometimes, firepower works better than discretion.
Nightcrawler: Good at infiltration and serves as the conscious of the team.
Forge: Tech support. He doesn't go on missions, he stays at the warehouse.
Astonishing X-men by Brian K Vaughn and John Cassiday - I would also make this the PR team. They stay at the mansion and run the school. I pretty much kept the same cast but swapped in Storm and Husk for Emma.

Uncanny X-men by Ed Brubaker and Billy Tan - This team will be the "global" team. They are based at the mansion, but their role is on more of a global scale and will do alot of trouble to fix problems as they arise
Archangel - co-leader
Phoenix (Jean) - co-leader

X-men by Mike Carey and David Finch - I'd make this team the underground team. They officially dont exist and the other X-men arent aware of their existance.

Iceman -co-leader. Yep, Id make him one. He has potential and has stepped up in this position briefly during OZT. I think it worked then, bc he was around someone who was inexperienced and a former villian. He didnt have his usual teammates around who he could lean on, so he had to take charge then. Same will apply here, but he has Sam for support.
Cannonball -co leader
Cecilia Reyes - She will function as the team's medic/science expert

New Excalibur- Id cancel it bc its useless and doesnt really add much
Astonishing X-Men

Scott Summers
Emma Frost
Kitty Pryde
Henry McCoy
James Howlett
Piotr Rasputin

Addition: Anna Marie d'Ancanto

Yup. Keep them the public team. Allow them to have a bit of celebrity, but along with that they have fully disclosed personal information. This means their identities are publicly known. The comic has them deal with higher profile events, and press conferences. This is balanced with a lot of time at the school. The political tone would be left at the level it is currently at. AXM is the book that best emulates the true spirit of the X-men and messing with it would be folly. Rogue would be added to the team strictly because when the characters are well written, there is a very nice dynamic between her, wolvie, Colossus, and Kitty, and it would be fun to explore that.

Uncanny X-Men

Marvel Girl (Rachel)
Thunderbolt (James)

Mutant police and rescue squad. This title would focus in on the social commentary that Claremont set in the early 80's. It's about minorities and deals with bigotry. As such, the team comprises X-Men who have seen the ugly side and have pushed themselves beyond it.


No fixed team. This book is an emergency response and special operations unit, so story arcs feature the right X-men for the job. While this wouldn't ever top AXM (so long as it doesn't change and Cassaday keeps drawing it), it could easily become the second best XM book out there.


aint broken. Status quo is best (though be nice if it had a regular artist)

New X-Men

Once again, this is a book that is doing well on it's own. Less pretentious than the New Mutants was. Could stand to have more teen issues and realism though. A lot more insecurities, more irresponsible characters, and dealing with drugs, sex, and self loathing.


Captain Britain

Basically the same story and tone, but legitimized by being written and drawn by a British creative team.

Omega Flight

Marty McFly

Marty goes back in time and prevents Bendis from killing Alpha Flight, thus creating a paradox that erases this stupid team. Next month: Alpha Flight by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitley. (so it won't suck)
Mmm. Will give it some thought and get back to you on that.



Storm: She lead the XSE which was basically the same thing.
Bishop: He's a cop.
Rogue: Her powers are the perfect interrogation tool and can bypass any legislation to prevent mind-reading.
Emma Frost: Her connections can help and beurocratic mess the team gets into.
Kitty Pryde: She's the tech-girl and can do some off the record investigations with her powers.
Colossus: He's the team's muscle.

DUDE. Storm, Rogue, Emma and Kitty in the same team???? :wow:

If that's not a recipe for disaster, I don't know what is. :woot:

I f****n love, Emma, but COME ON, she can't survive the onslaught of three Mary Sues. You know damn well she'll always come off as the "bit**" in whatever argument they'll have, no matter how right - or not - she is. Bishop *might* take her side once every decade or so and that's about it. :wow:

Either that or it'll come off as poorly written and insanely OOC UST... :woot:
Emma's *supposed* to be the b****! Thats why I put her there. Pleanty of internal conflict spices up the premise (since police work can get boring from time to time).
My point is that it'll be more than just *spicing it up* with those four.

Of course I know Emma's the b**ch. Doesn't mean she always has to come off as *wrong*. And she would like 95% of the time with that line-up.
I'd put them like this


Led by Storm we have Storm, Storm, Storm and Storm


Led by Storm we have Storm, Storm, Storm and Storm


Led by Storm we have Storm, Storm, Storm and Storm

All different alternate realities versions of Storm, from the AOA, from DOFP, etc :D
I'd put them like this


Led by Storm we have Storm, Storm, Storm and Storm


Led by Storm we have Storm, Storm, Storm and Storm


Led by Storm we have Storm, Storm, Storm and Storm

All different alternate realities versions of Storm, from the AOA, from DOFP, etc :D
are you trying to cancel the X-books?

Cyclops (Leader)


Storm (Leader)
Marvel Girl


Kitty Pryde

That'd be the teams. Bishop and Wolverine would fight for superiority of the X-Men team.

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