Iron Man Iron Man attempt at Movie costume

Nice to see your work as well. Your costume is coming along quite well too. This last helmet is the best I've seen. Kudos to your sculptor. The profile of the helmet looks awesome. Breathability and the wearer's vision must be pretty bad though. I imagine it'll be pretty hard to work in the electronics and still be able to see. You guys are the experts though. I'm sure it'll be great..

I don't know if you guys have seen this sculpt of the body armor. They were posted by Facelift but he doesn't know who the sculptor is.





Thats TMP first sculpt from months back on the RPF see link here for updates.
I should have figured that it was his. Great detail. He does some great work.

Yup Gundam is bang on. When i started my project, the only images of Iron Man were one shot from the front and to the side. Nice but very little detail.

Once I saw TMPs progress pictures I had something to work with. I differerd my design a lot, for one I just was not up to the chalenge of all the fine details as to TMPs armor. But his pictures gave me the push I needed to get other ideas on what to do.

He never knew I used his photos as a bit of a template till I posted the pictures here of my own suit for him to see.

The only way I could have got more info was to have gone to Stan Winston, and I dont think he would have given me production design photos (lol) ! TMP has talent, why he has not been contacted by the movie industry to bang this stuff out is beyond me, thats where I think he should be working.

On that note, I have no clue where he works so maybe he does ? :huh::woot: But yes his quality is 2nd to none.
Well it wont fly............yet ! :woot:

My initial plan was to not reveal this till the movie premier, but I allready posted up some pictures on a few other forums so thought I would do that here as well. The armor I am building will never be as awe inspiring as our fantastic armor builder " Timeless movie props" Would that my feeble efforsts ever get 30% close I will be content.

Anyway, when building my armor I wanted to see if I could leave enough space in the fore arm to incorporate some electronics. I was able to do that and this is what I am working on fitting into the arm itself. If you see the movie trailer you will note when Iron Man fires off a missle at a tank. Well I cant fire it off but I do have a missle that lifts up into place. The electronics are not to complex but crowded to say the least, I am sure there was an other way of being able to do this but this system I knew how to build. The arm structure you see is all of about $50.oo in parts, about 1/3rd of that is battery costs.

If you have ever looked at a model rail road and the electronics that make te tracks swith over, this is very similar.

I have a power button on the botton part of my hand, under the center light. This activates a small motor the unclips the missle platform and raises it up the forearm into what will look like a launch positions. Note the positioning of my arm in the pictures is to show off the palm light and the missile itself. The missile part will be on the back of my arm not as I have it picture here. Before firing I just push down on the back of the forearm unlatching the fiberglass, then when I push the button, the missle raises up and pushes the fiberglass section over to one side. The forearm is set up with a hing on the inside of the armor.

The only thing I cant get this to do is to close by itself. I have to close the fiberglass section down, once I do that the lacthc for the missle reconnects holding it in place. I did not have the room or power to make the missle lower down. This would have requiered more juice from my central battery and also 1 more moter running in reverse of the one I have now, and a seperate switch / button to lower down. As is in the arm, just for the light and switch, are 3 AAA batterys, and 6 AA, the rest of the jucie comes from my central battery that will be the power scource as well for my Voice Amp, chest light and eye lights. From experimenting I have around 6 hours of juice before it starts to dim down a lot. The arm structure will be fitted itno the fiberglass arm after the suit has been all painted.

The left arm is only going to have the palm, light . Also, the red rings on my arm are what I am using to cover over any open areas on my suit, under the arms and legs ect. The color you see is the same as wha tthe suit will be painted up in. The silver power cord will be hidden under my arm so will only be visable that way. Each side of the suit under the arm will have what looks to be 3 power cable, only the one on the right arm will go down to the forearm and be functional, the rest are for show only. Last note, the central battery and light will be mounted into the chest, they are only hanging from my shoulders to keep everything in line for testing.

And yes my wife thinks I am a bit over the edge Note the pictures of the arm and the movie stills .

Thanks again for all the nice comments :im:




you sir are talanted plain and simple.your wife thinks your over the edge?huh. mine feels the same about me and i couldn't even attempt something on this scale. good for you
Thanks, much appreciated.

Yup our gals have it rough, mind you mine has had to watch me work on this for the past 5 months almost non stop (lol) Mind you my wife and I , both work busy so offten, have allways kept our friday night / sundays to do things togther. So kept to that routine, or yah and the dogs would be good rooming buddies by now.:whatever::hehe:
Here is a picture of the 90% completed leg with partial foot armor.

90% of the armor will be done by next week, just some tweeking on the butt and groin armor and some final work on the hands. Most of the suit will be painted, or a good portion anyway, by late next week.

Forgot to add in some shots of some of the suit painted up. As well as some new parts completed. New cod piece, and completed articulated leg.

Will have some more and likly a good test fit of 90% of all the parts after the 20th. Off on a bit of a holiday so wont get anything done till after that.

Pics in order are 1) cod piece ie groin armor. 2) leg & boot completed 2 pics, 3 ) painted forearm. 4) painted shoulder bells and biceps, 5) painted chest. 6) painted chest and trial test painted abb section.







Hey Gang

Have not updated here for a bit. Here are a couple new shots of the upper chest, helmet and shoulder armor all painted up. Still has to have some chrome paint applied to spots on the neck seal and side of the armor, as well as the gold for the biceps and arms. Getting there, will have some more next week. :cwink:

Front side showing neck and shoulder seal. Note the piece sitting by the right arm, this is the part for the back of the helmet.


Full front.

Few more pictures with Gold added to some of the other armor sections. I wont post up any shots of me wearing the full suit till it is complete. Will be done by May 18-20th.

Arms and chest details.

Standing Leg

Both legs and groin armor
Any one else working on a Tony Stark "light up heart"? I'm thinking about building one that could work for display in a glass case "Proof Tony Stark has a heart" and also wearable for a costume.
Good job tk1780. These look amazing and something I could never do. Keep it up!
Looks good, but the helmet is ind of Ultimate Iron manish. Love the painting.
Dude! That's awesome, seriously, good luck on your project, so far it looks very well done.

I actually took on building one myself. I posted this in the "Replica Arc Reactor" thread. It's my first attempt. I'm actually working on my 2nd version now. Even more screen accurate than this one.




Hey Team

Well I was waiting to bring this out but as I am starting to cause some problems with not being up front I am moving this along before everything is done.

Team, I am not the builder / sculptor of my Iron Man project. I have kept that under wraps for these many months and kept a lot of the main builders details secret case. Once I started on this project and started posting pictures the email traffic went nuts. So not wanting my builder to be overwhelmed I masked his identity and kept that under wraps. And on a few websites claimed, the sculpting and construction my own. This was all to come out in detail with the U-Tube clip that was aired once the suit was completed, now I am moving that along without that.

I have to retract my comments however on the building part, the only part of the suit I have built is the electronics and the right arm armature for the suit, yet to be installed. Still working that out. The rest of the suit was built by an incredible local talent.

However credit needs to be put where it should be and brought into light. The young gent who has been building the suit in it entirety is Travis Shewchuk. Travis and his Dad Terry have been the driving and creative force on building up the suit, not I. As with TMP and his Iron Man build, I felt it necessary to keep this quite and under wraps till the project was complete. However as it now almost done, and the U-tube clip may not happen this needs to be brought out to the public.

Here is a picture of the genius behind this.



I have caused some hurt to Travis by not bringing him into light a lot sooner on this and keeping this part of the project masked. Again he is the suit builder not I. I am just the funds behind the project.

Travis is a incredible talent and has conceived this project from the early photos I gave him back in mid November. He and with the help of his Dad have worked diligently to produce the armor such as you have seen in these pictures. My only creative part of the process was some insite into some of the design as Travis constructed the armor.

So again team, please give these 2 a hand and feel free to give Travis an email if you are interested in obtaining a suit. Travis and I have talked about that before, and many of you that have emailed me wanting to know how to get a copy, now you have the access to contact directly to find out how you could get a copy. [email protected]

Travis does not yet have a webpage up and running but that will be rectified sometime soon in the future. In the mean time, let him know what you think of the armor.

Completed pictures of the whole suit assembled will be up in a few days. But again team, I must retract the comments on the construction phase.

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