Is Pixar's Newt dead?


point blank
May 13, 2005
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Remember this is all speculation, but according to, animator and blogger Floyd Norman (whose supposedly well known in the animation circles) states that Pixar's post Cars 2 movie, Newt, is dead.

Directed by Gary Rydstrom, 'Newt' is about " the last remaining male and female blue-footed newts on the planet are forced together by science to save the species, and they can’t stand each other?"

Let's rewind for a second: Cars 2 is due out in Summer 2011, while The Bear and the Bow is due out in Dec 2011. Newt is still scheduled for a 2012 release but if this newly minted gossip rings true, then Pixar might have a prob with their current release slate.

A couple weeks back, there were rumors swirling around about a possible delay for Cars 2, due to production problems, but that got dismissed by Disney's PR..for now. 'Bear' is still slated for December 2011, but that too is still UP in the air. (waka waka)

Okay, let's say this is all true right? I would probably push back Cars 2 to Dec to fix whatever problems they have, and then bump 'Bear' to 2012, so it can take over 'Newt's' old slot. We don't really need two Pixar films in one year, with one being the 'money maker' and the other 'the oscar contender'. Pixar doesn't need to swing that low.

That, or they could just make Monster's Inc 2 Pixar's big 2012 release.

But like him or hate him, Devin has a point: Pixar can't keep on milking the sequels.
Hope Newt isn't dead, because the concept sounds like it could become another unique Pixar film!
They should have scipped Cars 2 instead, because the first one was by far the weakest Pixar-movie! But its all about merchandising and money...
Still hope Newt will be done, because I am really looking forword to it...maybe it will just come out some years later instead?!
Yeah, sometimes certain movies that are 'dead' aren't really dead but just scrapped. If I'm not mistaken Disney is still trying to do the "Snow Queen" after all these years.

What they can do is bring in another director to fix the problems of the film, just like Ratatouille with Brad Bird. Or even Toy Story 3, when Pixar took over production when Diseny was going to do it on their own (this was when Pixar left Disney during Michael Eisner's reign).

But I think 'Zac Chase' from the forum makes an interesting argument:

It almost looked like they were going to go the route of "one for them, one for us." Or maybe, in this case, "one for the cookie jar, one for the good of cinema."

CARS and MONSTER INC. sequels would be balanced out by NEWT and THE BEAR AND THE BOW. Which is why it's a little troubling if NEWT is canceled.

But I still find it commendable that Pixar will shut down a movie they know is not working.
I hope not. Newt sounds really good compared to The Bear and the Bow and Cars 2.
Disney has two Marvel films in 2011, but June 2011 would be empty if Cars 2 packs for the winter. I don't want sequels galore either. They better get another if not several orginal animated films in there before Monsters 2.
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'Newt' sounded pretty cool, I hope they don't cann it.

There's going to be a Mosnter's Inc 2? When was this announced, I'm happy but it's not necessary.
I hope this isn't true. Out of all the upcoming Pixar movies, "Newt" was the one I was looking forward to most after "Toy Story 3".
Cars 2 isn't needed. Monster's Inc. 2 sounds fun though.
Cars is unanimously Pixar's weakest effort but it brought an estimated $5 billion in sales and merchandise so it's not really surprising it's going to get a sequel out of all their movies.To be honest i would rather have a Cars 2 with the possibility of a failure rather than a sequel to Ratatouille,Wall-E or Up which would be completely unnecessary.

The only movies that could have a great sequel are The Incredibles and Monsters Inc considering how much ideas they threw out of the window for the first one.
The thing is though, Up & Wall.E don't need sequels. They're perfect as stand-alone films.

Cars, I could actually see becoming a franchise. I liked the first one, so I don't mind it.
Read an article about this on /Film a while ago. Disappointing news to say the least. Newt could have been another standalone Pixar hit IMO.
Car$ was just 90 minutes if cartoon cars making silly faces at the camera. Pixar pretty much phoned that one in because they thought they were leaving Disney and that was going to be their last movie with them. It's one of Pixar's only movies that is clearly intended for small children, which is probably why it's the only Pixar movie that sucks. It's a shame that it made such a buttload of money that making a sequel was pretty much inevitable.
All sequel studio now eh? Should have figured...
I did dread Pixar making this film. The premise, to me, sounded way too much like the cliches Disney is famous for. I'm glad they changed are pursuing richer story telling too.
Thank God we got Cars 2 instead :o.
What a shame..I still don't understand why Pixar didn't pull a 'Brave' or 'Ratatouille' and bring in a new talent to fix the film. Sure Brave didn't completely work in my eyes because I felt the conflicted vision(s) of the story, but hey it got released.
I wouldn't be surprised if this someday gets made. That art is beautiful.
Yeah, I think I read both of those newts are rare or the last of their kind like those birds from Rio. Maybe if they changed some things in the script, it could work... But wow, those are some beautiful concepts.
John Lasseter said:
"We've put movies into development and some get further than others and then we feel like things just aren't quite ready we put them to the side and that's just been put on a shelf and we'll see where that goes in the future," said Lasseter. "It's story was very similar to a movie that's out in theaters right now with a blue parrot. Oh my! Wow, we were like … no, there was no … great minds think alike, I guess. It was really pretty similar."

John Lasseter said:
"We've put movies into development and some get further than others and then we feel like things just aren't quite ready we put them to the side and that's just been put on a shelf and we'll see where that goes in the future."

Big Screen Animation said:
Correction: A source at Pixar tells me that Lasseter was 'simply commenting on the similarity of elements of the plot', not in any way confirming that as the cause of Newt being shelved.
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lol, told ya. :p
That sucks though. It couldve been great

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