Is There Alien Life?

There are but...


I wonder, if we do contact intelligent extraterrestrials, will they be friend or foe?
Look people there is no government cover up... watch the history channel and see for yourself... its amazing how those shows stretch the facts. Then you see these lunatics with personal acquaintances with "the third Kind" or w/e that means (never saw the movie) and you can't help but laugh...

But from a scientific perspective... or radio signals have only traveled about 20-30 parsecs (1 parsec=3.3 light years) from Earth so maybe they just haven't gotten back to us... they also have to be listening at the exact sem frequency to the the last decimal to even intercept it... if we don't make contact in another 100 years though we might as well close the book on this. But human imagination will never reject the possibility
well we dont know if there are black holes... there just some scientists theories on why there isnt enough matter in space for the big bang to have happend, so with black holes, the big bang still happend, but matter got sucked into the holes

Are these "scientists" stoned or just stupid?

"isn't enough matter in space for the big bang to have happened'? So they counted it all and compared it to the amount of matter that they :whatever: there was pre-big bang and came up short?

There are theorists and there are crackpots, those scientists fall into the latter category.
Oh yeah and on Venomfan's quote... YES BLACK HOLES EXIST... there is proof that massive stars continue to collapse and the end of their evolutionary phases and become Black Holes... Black Holes are also created in mass tranfers in Binary systems... its all quite simple physics for scientists to calculate this day... yes there is not enough matter the Big Bang has accounted for... thats why they call it Dark Matter... we simply can not see it because it doesn't emit light
the only problem is that Black Holes eat **** so what do they have to do with Interstellar life? Nothing..
Ya true ^^^... and no Black Holes aren't wormholes that transport ppl to other galaxies so that idn't the way aliens travel... it was recently proven by some top physicists... I forget the dudes name... couple of books on it though if anyone is interested
Forgive me for not using exact numbers and whatnot, Isn't there like billions of galaxies? And within those galaxies billions of stars? And isn't there a possibility of planets orbiting those stars? Couldn't there be life on any of those planets? The universe is huge, I think it's hard to wrap our heads around the size of the universe. I forget who said it, but just because we haven't contacted or found alien life doesn't confirm that they don't exist.
I was going to mention that there's been a dozen of these threads but I get a kick out of these. Yes, there's aliens out there and only someone that's living in a fantasy land could assume that we're the only thing out here.
Forgive me for not using exact numbers and whatnot, Isn't there like billions of galaxies?

it's been said that there are more galaxies in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth's beaches.

Yeah! Now I remember, I was watching a television show about the universe awhile ago and they said something like that.

Truly amazing.
I believe there are more populated worlds out there, and some began life earlier than ours so they have higher technologies and come visit from time to time.

I do believe there's extra-terrestrial life. For the sake of mankind, I hope that it doesn't come here because you know there's going to be some jackass who thinks it'll be funny to start shooting at them.

Then we're all doomed.
Does Alien Life Exist?
Yes, they've already found Alien Life on Mars, admittedly only microbes, but still life

Does Intelligent Alien Life Exist?
Probably, if we have life on other planets here within our own galaxy then one would expect there to be other intelligent life in some of the other galaxies

Will we meet them?
Unlikely. Most planets have some cataclysmic event that destroys most of the life on the planet at some point in their history (for the record, we're probably overdue for our next major meteor hit)

However, even if they were fortunate enough to develop interstellar space travel, I would expect them to avoid an uncivilized planet like ours as if it were the plague
I doubt it. There are too many factors involved in the creation of life--planet has to be the right distance from the sun, have to have the right amount of organic compounds, etc.

Then again, the universe is a vast place.
I was going to mention that there's been a dozen of these threads but I get a kick out of these. Yes, there's aliens out there and only someone that's living in a fantasy land could assume that we're the only thing out here.
However, even if they were fortunate enough to develop interstellar space travel, I would expect them to avoid an uncivilized planet like ours as if it were the plague

Sensible post... interstellar travel is the key... if they cannot develop it before a cataclysmic event in their solars systems... or if they cannot develop it before killing each other in war... we will have never known of their existence... but b/c humans are probably a thousand years away from getting that technology... someone had to have figured it out by now... and if they had... there would be millions of civilizations floating around the galaxy... keep in mind civilization is only several thousand years old... imagine how advanced a million year civilization is... they wouldn't waste time with us
Sensible post... interstellar travel is the key... if they cannot develop it before a cataclysmic event in their solars systems... or if they cannot develop it before killing each other in war... we will have never known of their existence... but b/c humans are probably a thousand years away from getting that technology... someone had to have figured it out by now... and if they had... there would be millions of civilizations floating around the galaxy... keep in mind civilization is only several thousand years old... imagine how advanced a million year civilization is... they wouldn't waste time with us
Exactly, Our planet is the cosmic equal to Alabama, No advanced spieces would ever want to be here, unless they need food....:wow:
Again, a species capable of developing interstellar travel would also be able to create their own food from their own waste products using advanced bioengineering and hydroponics.
i believe that there are aliens out there so powerful that they can kill humans...

i can smell the plastic spock ears through my comp. this place wreaks of star trek geeks.
I believe in life elsewhere. The universe it too vast for it not to.

the problem I have is people ASSUMING life will develop the same way it is here. (ie quadri/bipedal locomotion)

Guess we will find out one day.
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