James Bond vs. Jason Bourne

and Bond ****ed the chinese...apparantly they taste different.

Bond is better, simple as. It's not even a contest.
The first 4 Bond movies are more than enough to have Bond win by default.
Heh, I found this to be interesting:

The PR machine for "The Bourne Ultimatum" have been placing anti-007 remarks throughout media interviews in an attempt to drive a wedge between their character and the world's most famous spy.

But despite their best efforts to try and promote Jason Bourne as a more relevant character to today's cinema audiences than James Bond, the marketing team behind Matt Damon's latest outing has just been delivered a blow by the fans.

In an IMDB poll this week, readers were asked "Who wins in a spy-vs.-spy smackdown: Daniel Craig's James Bond or Matt Damon's Jason Bourne?"

Daniel Craig's Bond - 41.5%
Matt Damon's Bourne - 39.7%
They're both equally fit, call it a draw - 13.7%
I just can't decide - 5.1%

you liked all 21 bond films? damn. i voted bond obviously, because i liked about 14 or so...

oh and bourne would kill craigs bond by the way. easily.
Well, Bond is trained as a spy first, with enough close-quarter combat skills to survive. Bourne is trained as an assassin first, with enough close-quarter combat skills to make sure the other guy dies. This isn't about the quality of the films, but simply the characters. I'd give it to Bourne, but I will concede that Craig has done a lot to make Bond a badass.
Bond...lover, alcoholic, suave, and a killer...the perfect secret agent.
Bond has the government on his side, and that's a powerful tool.
Bourne. He at least looks like he could suddenly be behind you after he snuck in under an assumed identity.

Bond just blows s**t up and hopes that whatever it was, it was the bad guy.

Although they both are very good movie franchises.

have you ever even seen a james bond movie? they're nothing like that...well, except for those last 2 Pierce Brosnan ones, but everyone pretty much agrees they were trash...
I so want to see that!!:wow::wow::wow:

Go rent Bourne Supremacy....he beats the piss out of the guy with a magazine while the other guy has a knife...he doesn't kill him with it though.

Funny cause I was watching a Matt Damon interview on Extra and he said out of the 200 interviews he did for the junket he said the number one question was who would win Bond or Bourne....I think his response was Bond, except for Roger Moore:yay:
Craigs Bond Would Kick Bourne"s Ass
Connery Would Be Pwned
I think Jason Bourne would have made easy work with that guy in the truck, something Bond had a hard time doing. Craig's Bond is a mega badass, but Bourne is so damn smart and unpredictable.
When it comes down to it, Bourne is just a skilled assassin, not a Spy. Bond kills three assassins daily as a quota.

that said, I'd love to see the Craig Bond vs. Damon's Bourne, that would be fun!
didn;t we have one of these a while ago:huh:

anyhoo...Bourne would beat up bond unless said bond was craig and then it would only be slightly more competition for bourne.
I seriously can not believe anyone voted Bourne.... a new franchise that I think is nearing its finale vs. a film franchise that's been around since my grandfather was a young adult! Not even a contest. Bond is the best and Bond has the longevity to span GENERATIONS.

That's only because Bond get's a new face and body every 5 years... besides, Bourne can kill a guy with a magazine according to someone
Yeah, but Bond has a longevity as a pop culture icon. Sure he may be rooted in the '60s, but his dated background is what helps him evolve and become relavent.

You think when Damon leaves anyone would go see a Bourne 4 with Mark Whalberg or something? Hardly.

As it stands Bond is just cooler to watch, read and explore (when they actually try to). The Bourne movies I will say gave the bond franchise a dose of reality. They had lost their way since Goldeneye which was a great Bond movie that brought Bond to life in the '90s but TND sucked and while TWINE was a step in the right direction (I think it is a very underrated Bond movie that gets crapped on because it is sandwiched between two bad ones and people like to ***** about new ones) but then came DAD....

The Bourne movies then came out and showed the hardcore spy is back in flavor. Then we got CR. But c'mon, this all about Bond. Bourne Identity was great but Bourne Supremacy had some great scenes but was kind of boring as we didn't really explore Bourne at all. He just went around trying to find out who ****ed with him. The End.

The other has Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, The Spy Who Loved Me, For Your Eyes Only, The Living Daylights, Goldeneye, The World Is Not Enough and Casino Royale.

That's a list of fun good action movies thatrange from practical comedies to serious action/drama. Plus the first three had Sean Connery. 'Nuff said.
i'm not saying that Bond wasn't a bigger deal than Bourne, we're saying who could kick who's but, not who has the cooler catch phrase and better looking women
i'm not saying that Bond wasn't a bigger deal than Bourne, we're saying who could kick who's but, not who has the cooler catch phrase and better looking women

this is what the original poster posted...

Which one do you think is better? I honestly liked all the movies from both, and Daniel Craig's Casino Royale was awesome. I also can't wait for the Bourne Ultimatum in August. So when it comes down to it, which one do you think is better?

nowhere did he say that it's limited to ONLY ass-whoopery.

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