Lexi Script - My Review

But not excellent enough for you to write his name right? :p
Could anyone PM me a copy of both scripts per chance?
Would be muchly appreciated.
thats opposed to an actor who's the star of a number of flops - Jane was good and all but stephenson is an excellent replacement...

I'm not saying he's going to be bad.

Given what I've read about what Jane wanted out of the new script and then reading a draft, I do believe he left on his own and was not kick off by the studio.
could be - it was just a feeling I got from the whole situation and a few things Lexi said about 'pretty boys' I will miss Jane he was very good but he was a bit short. I was distraught when he left and thought the sequel was dead, but given the choice of a sequel or a reboot the reoot wins hands down. I think Stevenson (?) will be good, really need to see a trailer tho...
could be - it was just a feeling I got from the whole situation and a few things Lexi said about 'pretty boys' I will miss Jane he was very good but he was a bit short. I was distraught when he left and thought the sequel was dead, but given the choice of a sequel or a reboot the reoot wins hands down. I think Stevenson (?) will be good, really need to see a trailer tho...

He left before a director was even chosen, so the "pretty boy" was her talking about actors in general or just talking out her ass.
I'm sure the script was cleaned up, it's the first action scenes that bother me. Someone in Montreal reported big explosions at the set of the docks(night). I hope trace was removed, not sure but they should have used obrien instead of him, as an ex-cia agent friend of micro.
so Lexi's script LEAKED, did any of the other rejected drafts leak? if so, could someone pm me or gimme a link?
I'm sure the script was cleaned up, it's the first action scenes that bother me. Someone in Montreal reported big explosions at the set of the docks(night). I hope trace was removed, not sure but they should have used obrien instead of him, as an ex-cia agent friend of micro.

Well, yeah they had four months they should have cleaned it up, if they didn't that is just too bad.

That table crawling scene is still utterly stupid no matter how many times I read it.
Can someone PM or E-mail me the script? My e-mail is [email protected]

Reading through this thread I am really worried about this film but want to judge the script for myself. One thing that bothers me is some of the comments here that Frank never shows emotions in the comics ...he cried a couple of times in Punisher Year one and I remember him crying over some kids who over dosed in one of the early issue of the first on going series.

There is no way the movie can have Frank exactly like he is in the MAX series...in that series he has been killing criminals for 30 years! Of course he shows no emotion by that point.
Yeah, but to the same degree, that's part of what makes his character so awesome in MAX. He's like this emotionless shell of a man who's only mission in life is to kill criminals.

That would be amazing on screen.
Yeah, could someone please email me both War Zone/PII scripts?
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Well, my problem isn't so much that he's showing some emotion, it's that they have all this over the top **** that's laughable, and then they go on to a scene where it's trying to emotional and it just doesn't work.

If you do over the top, you go for broke with it.

And before anyone says that Garth does it too from time to time; Alexander, Marcum, Holloway and Santora are not Garth Ennis.
From the snippets I have heard from the script it sounds awful but I am very curious to find out for myself.
He did it for the money, and I completely understand his angle. He's a starving kid offered a low-budget film that paid him 60,000 dollars for three weeks worth of work. Doing something he loves. It doesn't make him any less of a Screenwriter. Even Scott Frank's done it.

I lose respect for people who take money for something like that and then don't bother to try. When there are literally thousands of people who would have been pleased to have the opportunity and actually put effort into it.

Have you read Goyer's first draft of Batman Begins? (It's available on Simply Scripts). It's dangerously close to the final product, and proves he doesn't need a director to keep him in check.

It also proves that most of the flaws in the film stem right from Goyer's first script.
He did it for the money, and I completely understand his angle. He's a starving kid offered a low-budget film that paid him 60,000 dollars for three weeks worth of work. Doing something he loves. It doesn't make him any less of a Screenwriter. Even Scott Frank's done it.

I lose respect for people who take money for something like that and then don't bother to try.

Have you read Goyer's first draft of Batman Begins? (It's available on Simply Scripts). It's dangerously close to the final product, and proves he doesn't need a director to keep him in check.

It also proves that most of the flaws in the film stem right from Goyer's first script.
I couldnt have said it better myself.
So the PWZ script is out? Can I take a look at it? ;)

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