Marvel Prose - Civil War


Aug 4, 2003
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HERE'S an article talking about it but Marvel seems to want to push their stories into the prose market. The novel edition of Civil War and three other books covering some major events of the Marvel Universe is coming in 2012. They apparently want to capitolize on the success of film and break into other media as well.

Yes, this has been done before but it sounds like this is more than just a random book here and there like what Marvel's done before. This is a push to link characters in books, etc. I'm kinda wondering if this is more like a Star War Expanded Universe sort of thing.

I've never cared to read a comic book prose before, though I've nearly bought the Venom Factor a time or two, but this one kinda interests me. I typically don't bother with books that I know the ending to but I don't know... I'm curious.

I'm also guessing that one of the other three novels will be Secret Invasion, which I think will make a good novel. I'm not sure on the other two.

Some decent options would be Captain America: Winter Soldier and Thor's Ragnorak/Disassembled story. Something good might come from Dark Reign as well though I'm not sure from what angle. I feel like there'd need to be a Spider-Man book too though. If they want modern then likely Spider-Island but otherwise I think Kraven's Last Hunt would be good. Maybe a rendition of the original Hobgoblin saga.
Oh, and while I think this is neat covering Civil War and other major stories, I'd almost rather them start their own line of original stories and connect them in a Star Wars: Expanded Universe type of deal. That would be more interesting to me.

Set up a status quo in the first book that is to define the setting for those that follow. Set up a core bad guy or something then have several books form a series losely around that plot until the core books close it... something like that. Pull in comicbook fans for original plot and non-comicbook fans for the movie interests.
I rather it be original stories than redoing the comics. I don't see the point in that.
Yeah, Marvel had some good novels back in the day. I recall Hulk: What Savage Beast and Spider-Man: The Venom Factor being quite good.
Oh, and while I think this is neat covering Civil War and other major stories, I'd almost rather them start their own line of original stories and connect them in a Star Wars: Expanded Universe type of deal. That would be more interesting to me.

They've done that twice now. Once way back in the mid to late 1970's, and then again in the mid 1990's to (i think) early 2000's....

Marvel even put out a few novels in the late 1960's: Avengers: The Earth Wrecker, and Captain America: The Great Gold Steal, but i don't think those two were connected in any sort of expanded universe type thing...


I've read a few of DC's prose market adaptions: Kingdom Come and No Man's Land...they were pretty good. I'd be interested in seeing a few Marvel stories get adapted.
But... but... I don't know how to read :(
I would have loved Origins to be exactly like the book. Would still make an excellent story to adapt to film.
I read a ton of spider-man novels growing up. Carnage in NY, goblin's revenge, emerald mystery, Return of the sinister 6, revenge of the sinister 6, and even venom's wrath. I remember really enjoying the sinister 6 ones and the dean wesley smith books.
I read a ton of spider-man novels growing up. Carnage in NY, goblin's revenge, emerald mystery, Return of the sinister 6, revenge of the sinister 6, and even venom's wrath. I remember really enjoying the sinister 6 ones and the dean wesley smith books.

There was a Spidey/X-Men trilogy that was really good: Time's Arrow. Did you read those?
There was a Spidey/X-Men trilogy that was really good: Time's Arrow. Did you read those?

Never read those Cap, mostly because I was afraid there'd be too much Logan in them for my tastes who as a child I absolutely hated. I did forget to mention, Goblin Moon was good too.

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