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MSN/XBox look to revive 'Heroes'

Interesting pick. Just don't cheap out on the budget like Amazon did for Zombieland.
I was always hoping that the whole Uluru thing would end up tying the origin of super powers to Aboriginal Australian mythology about the Dreamtime.

We have a lot of the same feelings about this. It really REALLY sucks. Whenever we found out they were actually introducing Takezo Kensei that we were going to be getting a lot of historical/mythological content mixed in with the Company founders and whatnot.

The crazy thing is, never in the history of science fiction or superhero fiction has a show and it's universe come into the pop culture lexicon and made such a massive splash and then have that splash dissipate so quickly. They created a wonderful and expansive universe especially with the graphic novels and within just a couple years, nobody gives a **** anymore. My local comic book store's used shelves are chock full of Heroes GNs. Same with used video stores, Heroes boxsets everywhere. People LOVED this show and within just maybe 2 years, they hated it. It's so sad to me too just because it was going to be great. That much was obvious. But as soon as Kring's original plans went out the door then the Writer's Strike happened and just sucked all the wind out of the show's sails. There was a point when I was more obsessed with this show than I EVER was with Lost. And they just **** all over it
God I loved season 1 so so much and forgave a lot during season 2. But man it went straight downhill, and fast. Would love to see it brought back if the quality is there.
I got out with three episodes left to go in season three.
I watched all the way to the end but I had to force myself to do so because I couldn't let go. Season 4 was truly dire.
I stopped at some point in season three. Probably not even halfway through.
Seasons 3 and 4 had some good ideas but just way too much dumb ****.
I watched every minute and would watch a reboot just to see what it was like.
even though season 2-4 weren't that good, i still enjoyed watching it, so i'm definitely interested in seeing where this goes.
They really should have stuck to their guns and had the cast change completely between season 1 and 2. The biggest mistake was to keep Peter alive since he'd become far to powerful and the writing had to completely ****** him in order for to keep him from simply fixing everything.
Unlike some I really liked the villains volume of season 3 but hated the fugitives
volume.Season 4 they clearly didn't know what they were doing with example
of them dragging out Nathan.

I don't think replacing the entire cast after season 1 would have been good Idea
but they should never have keep most of season 1 cast alive.If their was no purpose In the show's main storyline

If this happens 2 characters you probally won't show making return appearances
are Claire and Sylar.Hiro also may not be In It.
The show went downhill beginning at the S1 finale.
Seriously though, wtf has Masi Oka been up to since Heroes ended? I haven't seen him in ****. Same for Greg Grunberg. Can at least say I've seen Milo and Hayden in a few different things
I loves season 2. It was cool and it had some amazing scenes.

Season 3 was, on the other hand, so bad, that it was hard to watch. I do not remember anything from S4.
They really should have stuck to their guns and had the cast change completely between season 1 and 2. The biggest mistake was to keep Peter alive since he'd become far to powerful and the writing had to completely ****** him in order for to keep him from simply fixing everything.

It wasn't even a complete cast change! It was maybe half the cast would have been taken out of the spotlight (or killed). That would have made room for great new characters and stories, but no, they had to keep *everyone* (except the black guy). Boo to that.

Peter was already plenty restricted in Season 1, he had just reached the point where he could actually control his power at all, much less well. They had him growing slowly, a setback - like having to deal with blowing up his brother in a nuclear explosion - would have kept him well in check, and made for an interesting superman-type journey that could have gone on a few more years. It's only when they threw out focus on his power being Empathy, and his ability to duplicate powers coming entirely out of his ability to identify with their feelings, and the associated non-X-Men myth building that includes, that his power got out of control.

I want them to bring back the cast!

Yeah... that's why Season 2-4 sucked. They kept bringing back the cast, even when their stories were well done, and focus on new characters could have kept the show on its premise instead of new characters just being fodder to retell the same story arcs with the same characters.

We have a lot of the same feelings about this. It really REALLY sucks. Whenever we found out they were actually introducing Takezo Kensei that we were going to be getting a lot of historical/mythological content mixed in with the Company founders and whatnot.

The crazy thing is, never in the history of science fiction or superhero fiction has a show and it's universe come into the pop culture lexicon and made such a massive splash and then have that splash dissipate so quickly. They created a wonderful and expansive universe especially with the graphic novels and within just a couple years, nobody gives a **** anymore. My local comic book store's used shelves are chock full of Heroes GNs. Same with used video stores, Heroes boxsets everywhere. People LOVED this show and within just maybe 2 years, they hated it. It's so sad to me too just because it was going to be great. That much was obvious. But as soon as Kring's original plans went out the door then the Writer's Strike happened and just sucked all the wind out of the show's sails. There was a point when I was more obsessed with this show than I EVER was with Lost. And they just **** all over it

I feel the exact same way.

Little things like Jessica being MPD... obviously not. MPD doesn't make marks representing having a power appear on your shoulder. They just retconned their own mythology away. It was stupendously horrible.

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Peter, Nathan and Sylar should all have died at the end of season 1. Keeping them around dragged on the story and made it unable to move forward imo.

Sylar only really worked as a villain when he was this big unknown, mysterious threat. By keeping him around for season 2 they failed to properly introduce a new villain.
Also, was it just me or was Arthur Patrelli's motivation really vague? Maybe I'm just remembering it poorly, but what exactly was he trying to accomplish?
I do disagree with the general consensus that season three was an improvement on season two. Season two was flawed, and didn't further the story in many meaningful ways, but I still found things in it I enjoyed a lot. Season 3 was an absolute mess that wasted an enormous amount of potential.

I was especially let down by how they used the founders of The Company. They could have played them as a sort of black ops Justice League, saving the world in secret and ultimately using more and more brutal methods until they're running an Illuminati-esque organization and have sort of become the bad guys. But then they had that superhuman internment camp X-Men rip off nonsense in their backstory and all around didn't actually flesh them out in any interesting ways.

Wait...what? S3 was easily the worst season. It had twists for the sake of twists, and characters doing things completely out of character. I can't believe people thought S3 was better.

S4 was an improvement. And the kind of season I had been hoping for since S1, but by the it was too late.

I wouldn't mind if they set the series in the aftermath of Claire "outing" the superhumans. Deal with a new cast of characters that now have to deal with the world knowing they exist. And try to keep the tone in keeping with Season 1.
Also, was it just me or was Arthur Patrelli's motivation really vague? Maybe I'm just remembering it poorly, but what exactly was he trying to accomplish?

He was one of my biggest disappointments in the season. They way they talked about Arthur, they said he was very much like Peter. Idealistic, wishful, the kind of person that wanted to change the world. When I heard he would be a villain, I was excited, because I was expecting to see a "dark Peter" basically. The kind of person Peter could become if he was corrupted by power or was twisted by the misfortunes of fate.

Instead we got a generic "mob-boss' esque villain. With absolutely no resemblance to Peter in character in any way.
Peter, Nathan and Sylar should all have died at the end of season 1. Keeping them around dragged on the story and made it unable to move forward imo.

Sylar only really worked as a villain when he was this big unknown, mysterious threat. By keeping him around for season 2 they failed to properly introduce a new villain.

Nathan should have definitely been dead after season 1. That was his redemption arc. It was over. He saved everyone by taking Peter away. He dies a hero. The end. Instead, doesn't he "die" like three times over the first 2-3 seasons? I stopped watching after season 4 premiere.

Sylar should have died as well, being killed by Hiro. If not dead, he should have laid low, MAYBE showing up in the shadows or as brief cameos in season 2, only to make a return more badass than ever before the end of season 2 or 3 and be taken down for good by all of the good guys.

Peter should have disappeared for a while, but he could come back. When he did show back up, it should either be as the darker, scarred-face character, or as a damn near omnipotent Dr. Manhattan character. In that role, he either takes down uber-Sylar for good, sacrifices himself by dispersing his power/essence to the other supers (or normal people, creating more heroes) similar to X-Man, or becomes the big bad of season 2 or 3.
He was one of my biggest disappointments in the season. They way they talked about Arthur, they said he was very much like Peter. Idealistic, wishful, the kind of person that wanted to change the world. When I heard he would be a villain, I was excited, because I was expecting to see a "dark Peter" basically. The kind of person Peter could become if he was corrupted by power or was twisted by the misfortunes of fate.

Instead we got a generic "mob-boss' esque villain. With absolutely no resemblance to Peter in character in any way.

And they killed Monroe for no reason, he had so much damn potential.
I wouldn't mind if they set the series in the aftermath of Claire "outing" the superhumans. Deal with a new cast of characters that now have to deal with the world knowing they exist. And try to keep the tone in keeping with Season 1.

Eh, that's still too X-Men to me. Season one gave the impression that the supers had some kind of greater destiny and purpose, that there was a reason for their existence. That's why I didn't like it when they delved into the "world that fears and hates them" metaphor for bigotry schtick.
He was one of my biggest disappointments in the season. They way they talked about Arthur, they said he was very much like Peter. Idealistic, wishful, the kind of person that wanted to change the world. When I heard he would be a villain, I was excited, because I was expecting to see a "dark Peter" basically. The kind of person Peter could become if he was corrupted by power or was twisted by the misfortunes of fate.

Instead we got a generic "mob-boss' esque villain. With absolutely no resemblance to Peter in character in any way.

Robert Forster sleeping through every scene he was in didn't help matters either.

Seriously though, wtf has Masi Oka been up to since Heroes ended? I haven't seen him in ****. Same for Greg Grunberg. Can at least say I've seen Milo and Hayden in a few different things

Haven't seen Jack Coleman in anything either and he freakin rocked it.

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