


anyone here think that it is possible mystique's "selling out" of magneto was a set up by both of them?

hear me out:

in comic book world we all know mystique would have turned on magneto, it would be classic mystique behavior.

however, look only at the movies. in these movies, mystique is fiercly loyal to magneto, she is his right hand woman, he is her hero of sorts, and it is very clear she is willing to die for him.

another thing we know about "movie mystique" is her hatred of humans, ferver for mutant rights, and willingness to do anything for those rights.

Yes, magneto leaves her behind, and it is very much possible that she was scorned heavily by this. Consider this: isnt it possible that though she is now a human (maybe temporarily) she still identifies with mutants, living as one her entire life? And if this is so, would she really set up the mutants who are about to wage war on mankind?

another thing to consider: we all know magneto is incredibly smart, but did he really have the forsight to say well mystique will sell me out, and plant multiple man there? If that is the case, how did mystique find out where his secret camp was? What resourses does she have as a regular human being that the united states military doesnt have?

I personally havent decided how I feel, but I think it is definitly something to consider.
I doubt she'd help Magneto anymore.

Now that she's human, she is an enemy to Magneto now. Knowing that, Magneto might have figured that Mystique would rat him out, hence the decoy.
WorthyStevens4 said:
I doubt she'd help Magneto anymore.

Now that she's human, she is an enemy to Magneto now. Knowing that, Magneto might have figured that Mystique would rat him out, hence the decoy.

that still doesnt answer how she knew where he was. She was turned human before he had established a base. and as i stated earlier, she doesnt exactly have the resources to find him anymore.
mizeidman said:
that still doesnt answer how she knew where he was. She was turned human before he had established a base. and as i stated earlier, she doesnt exactly have the resources to find him anymore.

My bet is that he's had that base for a while.
Exploding Boy said:
Dont "bump" unless you have something usefull to say.

I am attempting to get people to consider something that I have yet to see on these boards. I would consider that useful.

Did you really post here just to say that? did you read the topic? No? It was just to be a jerk on the boards.

Nice one
i think mystique already knew of the base. the underground lair reminded me of X1. when magneto asked her if she found what she was looking for about the cure. i think she was trying 2 find information for him and got caught. like what she did in X1 and X2. she was more like a spy. peace.
hasent anybody considered the possibilty
that magneto used madrox as a decoy not because mystique tipped him off
but because he was leaving the camp to attack alcatraz and he just wanted to cover all eventualities?
WorthyStevens4 said:
I doubt she'd help Magneto anymore.

Now that she's human, she is an enemy to Magneto now. Knowing that, Magneto might have figured that Mystique would rat him out, hence the decoy.
but as we seen at the end with mageto,the cure might be temporary:)
Of course, he also knew that wolverine had been to his camp....and he thinks of the xmen as uncle tom's
mizeidman said:
anyone here think that it is possible mystique's "selling out" of magneto was a set up by both of them?

hear me out:

in comic book world we all know mystique would have turned on magneto, it would be classic mystique behavior..

yes it does sound like a set-up for the next film.

wouldnt it be ironic if X4 was the "truest" comic book movie of the franchise?

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