
Kneel before 'Drox!
Jul 19, 2003
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NRAMA: First of all, no Cap? How come? Where is he?

JQ: All will be revealed soon enough. To reveal that would unfortunately reveal our plans for a new book or two…

Yay! More new books! :dry:

NRAMA: Well then, you may need to address this for us. Over at Amazon, there's a listing for Iron Man: Steve Rogers, a new collection of Iron Man coming in June. For spoiler's sake, we won't go into too much detail about the contents, but it appears that Tony Stark will be taking a role with SHIELD...first off - many people are suggesting this is misdirection or a teaser it real? Anything you can say about the description?

JQ: Sorry, Matt, I went to the link and there's nothing there. Can't help you with this one.

NRAMA: Okay, there was a listing – and it’s been seen all around, with a figure in a red, white and blue “Iron Man” suit. Publishing strategy-wise, how do things like this get out so early?

JQ: In all seriousness, this is the constant battle that we have to fight between promoting our books and keeping storylines as secretive as possible. Also, with so many different and growing avenues by which to solicit our product mistakes are bound to occur, especially as all these different avenues have different solicitation cycles.

It doesn't make me happy, but it's the cost of doing business on a larger scale.

So I think he confirmed that is ineed an actual item, like on Conan.
Cap goes underground and gets his own ongoing as a new character a la Nomad with Brubaker at the handle.

Half an article on footnotes,seriously.
Joe Q's spin abilities make me dizzy!:(:yellow:
-Dwelling on the footnote thing's funny how little boxes with thought captions don't detract from the stories but a little box with a footnote does.:D:up: NICE!
-People didn't complain about "Cap's kooky quartet" and had no problem calling them "Earth's Mightiest"'s a shame the same couldn't be said about New Avengers and I'm not talking about the new lineup either.
-And I love the whole CW is over and it's complete on its own (no, it isn't read the other stuff) but the other minis are there just to add a little meat to the story.
-The whole non-answer to the "Iron America" thing was cool too.

This Joe Friday's was a big meh-fest to me.:dry:
Cap goes underground and gets his own ongoing as a new character a la Nomad with Brubaker at the handle.

Half an article on footnotes,seriously.

But Cap already has his own Top 40 selling book.:huh:
I've been complaining about the lack of footnotes for years now... it was one of the main reasons I like the Marvel Universe more than the DC one, because footnotes allowed for a more cohesive universe.

Self-contained stories... :cmad: :cmad: :cmad:

what the hell was this?

that was probably THE WORST joe fridays i've seen in a LONG time.

wtf?! who gives a **** about cadium yellow?!
So Iron Man: Steve Rogers, is the real deal.
JQ: On 1.) Yeah, I kind of think, “So what?” Almost none of these characters are newbies by a long shot - Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Spider-Woman - these aren't a bunch of also-rans but established pillars of the Marvel Universe, more so than a lot of characters who became Avengers in the past. And most of these guys have been Avengers now for two-and-a-half years, so their status as actual, genuine, card-carrying Avengers really shouldn't be in question.
I'm not sure I'd called Luke Cage, Iron Fist or Spider-Woman "established pillars of the Marvel Universe" until 3 years ago they were D and C lister’s at best and even now they are B lister’s.
And for 2.): Four words for you: Captain America, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch. Hell, even if you add Goliath and the Wasp into the mix, I’d still bet on our new line-up in a fight, and nobody had any problem with “Cap’s Kooky Quartet” being the Avengers, and being dubbed “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.” This to me is just a case of what fans are comfortable with versus any new status quo. “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes” is a tagline and over the glorious history of the team, there have been some mighty heroes and there have been some not so mighty heroes. In the end, what's important is the chemistry of the characters and how the writer and artist handle and convey that chemistry.

And by the way, we'll definitely get to see how Mighty or not the Mighty Avengers actually are.
You said it yourself Joe the Avengers are "Earth's Mighiest Heroes." The difference is Captain America, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Wasp have proven time and time again they are worthy of the title.

What the hell have the New Avengers done in 26 issues besides get beaten by ninjas. I can’t recall them even facing a world threat, you know something that would involve them I don’t know saving the world.
I just hope its a metaphorical thing.

My monies on it just being a symbolic thing but Given how quickly they are 'What If'-ing more recent stories it might be something like that too (ie: "What if Captain America died in Civil War and Iron-Man took over from him?"

Would be a kinda reversal on what they did in 'Bullet Points', which is really just an extended What If/Ruins type thing anyway.
My monies on it just being a symbolic thing but Given how quickly they are 'What If'-ing more recent stories it might be something like that too (ie: "What if Captain America died in Civil War and Iron-Man took over from him?"

Would be a kinda reversal on what they did in 'Bullet Points', which is really just an extended What If/Ruins type thing anyway.

It's not a what if, you can practically see Joe squirming as you read each fetid word that came out of his fat mouth.
What if Darthphere just gave up on Marvel? :csad:
I'm not sure I'd called Luke Cage, Iron Fist or Spider-Woman "established pillars of the Marvel Universe" until 3 years ago they were D and C lister’s at best and even now they are B lister’s.

Yeah! I was laughing at this myself as I read it. The other one that had me rolling on the floor was the whole "we'll rewrite parts of a story to insure they're in accordance with continuity." It's a good thing I wasn't drinking anything at the time 'cause otherwise my screen would have been a mess and I would have probably choked to death because I couldn't stop laughing for a long while.:D
"The difference is Captain America, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Wasp have proven time and time again they are worthy of the title.

in fairness, "Kap's Kooky Quartet" were anything but tested when that team was introduced. that was the fun of that book. it was captain america and 3 villains who just converted, meaning the avengers have gone through wholesale changes since early on. true, captain america was there, but that lineup was a longshot and it worked.
It's not a what if, you can practically see Joe squirming as you read each fetid word that came out of his fat mouth.

Well, maybe yes, maybe not...It's just that synopsis sounded so awful and is a ret-con that is so practically impossible to implement in any logical fashion whatsoever (without some major insulting of the readers intelligence...) it just doesn't seem plausible at all to me....

Then again, ask me a few years back if there was a secret cabal of heroes pulling the strings unseen since the decades past Kree/Skrull war I wouldn't have believed that either...Or that Bucky's death would ever be undone...or that Gwen Stacy would be ret-conned into humping the Green Goblin and bearing his twin children behind Peters back too....

Damn...that crap could be for real couldn't it?

Oh well...time will tell soon enough.

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