Playstation 3 review by The New York Times - It ain't pretty.

I'm not gonna read all that Mentok, but one word:

Speaking of the PS2, they should just get off their asses and release God of War 2 already. Or better yet, cancel the PS2 version and Ninja-Gaiden-Sigmify it for the PS3. That'll be a damn good incentive to pick up a PS3 early. God of War has such amazing art direction, it's sequel deserves a hell of a lot better than to be released on an ailing console breathing it's final moments.
I thought NG:Sigma was coming to PS3 already :huh:
farmerfran said:
I thought NG:Sigma was coming to PS3 already :huh:

I meant porting God of War 3 to the PS3 with prettier graphics like Ninja Gaiden Sigma.
Oh... you mean porting God of War 2 to PS3.

Which I agree with.
Typos be damned. Oh and posts counts too. I want a bigger avatar already. That puny 50x50 size makes me seem like a tiny, insignificant, inferior being here or something. :mad: :(
I don't know Fen. Its not like EVERYONE got their PS3. IMO, God Of War 2 sshould be the PS2's swansong, you know? The last goodbye (of sorts).Let those who still don't have their PS3's yet finish off playing the last generation of Video games before moving on to Next-Gen. Besides, God of War feels a lot better with vibration...something Sony NEEDS to address. That and a Joystick controller

I was actually hoping for a game like Ico or Shadow of the Colossus as one of the launch titles. Instead we got...Genji...
God of War 2 would sel a hell of alot more as a PS2 title.
Definitely. On top of it fully utilizing the PS2's graphic power and vibration, its a kickass story-driven game that pushes the M-rating to the max. Anymore and it be a snuff flick. Heh. Maybe this time Kratos ends up in Lesbos where he takes it upon himself to show the wayward Greek women the error of their sexual preferences.

Plus its cheap. Definitely cheap.
I know, but the glory and magnificence of God of War 2 is much better suited on the Playstation 3. As a gamer, I don't give a **** about sales, only what would make a game better and the PS3 would have been a far more appropriate platform to get the most out of the game.
But God of War 3 on PS3 in 2 years would also rock.... If GoW2 didnt sell well as a PS3 title I doubt they would make a third one :(

Anyway.. PS3 has waaaaaaay too many ports already :D
If you feel that way but mind you, there are more economic-minded people in the world. Moreover, and this is mere opinions mind you, God of War was created by SCEA, as in America. Now as compared to Japanese consumers (suprisingly), American gamers are rather conscious of their spending behavior on games. Its funny cause I always thought that Japs would squeeze pennies harder than a schoolgirl's ******* but when it comes to games, they go for everything top of the line. Its apparent by the sales of the exorbantly expensive PS3 over there
Hrmm...Less shooters more Fighters. Hopefully. Well that's just my wish anyways. Also...very...very slim chance but I really really love strat games. Now that the PS3 is easily Mouse-capable, I hope producers will be able to port higher-end strat games to the PS3...namely Sega/Creative Assembly's Medieval Total War 2. Now that game is spectacular...
I don't care as long as KingdomHearts3(when they finally make it) becomes a non-PS3 title.
Mike059jig said:
Gran Turismo is coming to the rescue!!!!!!!!!.....but wow...I a big sony fan but this doesnt sound good but come I'm still getting friend told that PS3 was suppose to cost more than 600 cause of the bluray disc thing.....but sony put a lower price tag out on it.....

That would mean something if the GT series didn't suck so much.:ninja:
farmerfran said:
Umm... PS3 is $600, with the 60 GB hard drive.

$500 for the 20 GB model.

Yeah no kidding, however what does that have to do with what he said? he said it was supposed to be OVER 600 but Sony lowered the price.
Extromaniac said:
Yes, except he's already clocked several hours on the PS3, and all of this is written from the view of a critical consumer. If it was written by a Microsoft Exec, it would've been slanted to make Xbox 360 look like King while PS3 was a lowly piece of crap. Obviously he doesn't do this, he just points out that the PS3 has several flaws that rank it behind the 360 in ways of usability. :o

Get over yourself, you're just trying to protect your precious 'Sony'. There is no rhetoric you can spout that hasn't been said before, and no faux-reasoning you can point to that hasn't already been disproven ten fold.

Get over myself? My precious Sony? You have NO idea what you are talking about.

Note, I did not say it WAS written by a MS exec, I said it was written like it was done by a MS exec. The writer did nothing but bash Sony with a couple of rays of sunshine thrown in.

I own both PS2 and xbox and my xbox gets way more playtoime than my PS2 does, mainly due to the fact that I get games for 5 bucks each but still. Keep your stupid insults to yourself. One thing I notice is that MS fanboys do nothing but talk **** to anyone else, while the Sony fanboys are actualy fairly polite. This really tells me something about you.
LongDong said:
Get over myself? My precious Sony? You have NO idea what you are talking about.

Note, I did not say it WAS written by a MS exec, I said it was written like it was done by a MS exec. The writer did nothing but bash Sony with a couple of rays of sunshine thrown in.

I own both PS2 and xbox and my xbox gets way more playtoime than my PS2 does, mainly due to the fact that I get games for 5 bucks each but still. Keep your stupid insults to yourself. One thing I notice is that MS fanboys do nothing but talk **** to anyone else, while the Sony fanboys are actualy fairly polite. This really tells me something about you.

I'm pretty sure you are a sony plant. No one could be this naive.
LongDong said:
Get over myself? My precious Sony? You have NO idea what you are talking about.

Note, I did not say it WAS written by a MS exec, I said it was written like it was done by a MS exec. The writer did nothing but bash Sony with a couple of rays of sunshine thrown in.

I own both PS2 and xbox and my xbox gets way more playtoime than my PS2 does, mainly due to the fact that I get games for 5 bucks each but still. Keep your stupid insults to yourself. One thing I notice is that MS fanboys do nothing but talk **** to anyone else, while the Sony fanboys are actualy fairly polite. This really tells me something about you.

Yes, alot of bad with a few rays of sunshine is called a SUBJECTIVE review. They're not going to praise the ****ing console if there's blaringly large flaws (like the ones he pointed out) in it's design. Just because you can't be happy with anything other than, "PS3 iz da L33tzorz!!! Everybody go buy now, it has blue-rai player!" Doesn't mean you should piss all over the review.

If you can't handle something you like getting a bad review, stop playing games. I wonder how you deal with review sites scoring games you like lower than '10s'. "BILL GATEZ HAZ INVADEDED REVEIW SIGHTZ!!!" Frankly, that sort of outlook on life is nothing short of childish.

And actually, the 360 fans in general here actually use logic and reasoning to point out the misnomers of systems like PS3, and what they get in return is a *****fest of cry-baby Sony fans shouting "BLLUE-RAII!!!" and "MGS4 LOLLERSKATEZ!!" or something else completely stupid. Polite my ****ing ass, the fact that you jumped on this thread to claim that the article (by a journalist from the Times, why the hell would he be scheming against the PS3, by the way?) was biased to the '360'.

Zenien needs to find a new SDF. :o
LongDong said:
Get over myself? My precious Sony? You have NO idea what you are talking about.

Note, I did not say it WAS written by a MS exec, I said it was written like it was done by a MS exec. The writer did nothing but bash Sony with a couple of rays of sunshine thrown in.

I own both PS2 and xbox and my xbox gets way more playtoime than my PS2 does, mainly due to the fact that I get games for 5 bucks each but still. Keep your stupid insults to yourself. One thing I notice is that MS fanboys do nothing but talk **** to anyone else, while the Sony fanboys are actualy fairly polite. This really tells me something about you.

Both the Sony and MS supporters argue with each other, but we keep it civilized.

You are just a ****in' idiot.
farmerfran said:
It wouldn't have hurt Sony to wait six months and release it, so they could manufacture more units, and incorporate more features to copy the 360 more :o

yea **** im stuck on the waiting list for 1 at wal-mart which would probably would not come until after christmas
farmerfran said:
Both the Sony and MS supporters argue with each other, but we keep it civilized.

You are just a ****in' idiot.

Thanks for proving my point!!!

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