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Rank the suits.

Anybody who saw the scene where Batman interrogates the Joker knows how effective Bale's eye contact was. His eyes were so brilliantly lit too, it was like they were just a little white light peeking out, staring into the joker. But without being soulless. You could tell he was thinking about what the Joker was saying.

I agree it was well done but what does that have to do with the suit or any of the previous suits?
no way. i dont agree with that at all. B89 suit looks waaay more batman-ish then any of the weirdly shaped nolan suits. the suits from nolans movies look way more "fake" then the older ones with the muscles. and the comic books have real musculature, thus the B89 suit looks more accurate.

I disagree. I think the flowing cape and cowl work much better than B89.

The B89 cowl is thick and weird looking. The suit has fake muscles. It is also more shiny so it comes across like some weird S & M garb.

The Nolan suit is too bulky (so is the 89 version anyway) but the way it is shot in the film, it is hard to tell. For instance:


Awesome BB shot here.



All very Batman-like.


Here the mask is too chunky and the belt and symbol are too much like a toy Batman figure. Batman also shouldn't have to wear fake abs. Nevertheless in the dark, it can look cool:


Still, Keaton just looks like he can barely move. Note the way his nexk never moves in this scene. It looks clunky, like an action figure.

But when the Batman Begins suit is shot in light it too can look poor:


Fortunately, his is hardly ever shot in the bright light.

But this works well in the light because it is more streamlined:

I disagree. I think the flowing cape and cowl work much better than B89.

The B89 cowl is thick and weird looking. The suit has fake muscles. It is also more shiny so it comes across like some weird S & M garb.

The Nolan suit is too bulky (so is the 89 version anyway) but the way it is shot in the film, it is hard to tell. For instance:


Awesome BB shot here.



All very Batman-like.


Here the mask is too chunky and the belt and symbol are too much like a toy Batman figure. Batman also shouldn't have to wear fake abs. Nevertheless in the dark, it can look cool:


Still, Keaton just looks like he can barely move. Note the way his nexk never moves in this scene. It looks clunky, like an action figure.

But when the Batman Begins suit is shot in light it too can look poor:


Fortunately, his is hardly ever shot in the bright light.

But this works well in the light because it is more streamlined:


I'll agree that the cape is a better flowing cape in BB but the cowl looks too small in my opinion and there are too many bumps and indentations for me. Also, let's not forget about the cape clips, I think that ruins any good thing about a cowl and cape. As for the 89 suit having fake muscles, they all have fake muscles. The armored looking suits like Returns, BB, and TDK have the look of human muscles and padding in the shoulders, chest, and definition in the abdominal area. True, they may not be "muscles" but anyone can see they are there to resemble muscle definition so in fact every costume has fake muscles. For the S & M award I would totally give that to the TDK suit with it's straps, geometric shapes, a weird man-bra, and rubber plates all over the place. As for the TDK being more streamlined I have the same issues, how is it steamlined to have obvious shoulder pads, straps going perpendicular to the straps, and a railroad mapping system on the legs? The 89 suit has it's issues like you said, I agree, but I give it credit because it's the first of it's kind and it was almost 20 years ago. I would have hoped to have something better in the present time and I personally don't believe that we have improved on the look at all.
I prefer the cowl design in BR over them all as it is not oddly shaped with small ears like in BB and TDK but also is better sculpted than the B'89 cowl.

I also think the BB suit looks better than the TDK suit as it is molded into a sleek simple look and doesn't look like overdone riot gear as in TDK. I like TDK and know it is the best moving suit and the most flexible but this is not about which is the most agile (as each movie's suit was better than the last in that case) it is about which just looks the best.

P.S. I know people now hate the yellow oval cause it is no longer in vogue, but I grew up with it and will always like that big yellow circle that says "shoot me" or something of the like.
I prefer the cowl design in BR over them all as it is not oddly shaped with small ears like in BB and TDK but also is better sculpted than the B'89 cowl.

I also think the BB suit looks better than the TDK suit as it is molded into a sleek simple look and doesn't look like overdone riot gear as in TDK. I like TDK and know it is the best moving suit and the most flexible but this is not about which is the most agile (as each movie's suit was better than the last in that case) it is about which just looks the best.

P.S. I know people now hate the yellow oval cause it is no longer in vogue, but I grew up with it and will always like that big yellow circle that says "shoot me" or something of the like.

I agree, I like the Returns mask also, the overall design and ears fit the Batman image for me better. Also, I agree that the Begins suit is better than the TDK suit and I don't like the Begins one very much at all so that should tell you what I think of the TDK one. I personally don't care at all about agility with these costumes as long as they look the part. Give me a costume that looks like Batman and let the storyline, director, editor, and fight cheographer figure the rest out. It's all about looks not function when watching a movie. I like the yellow oval only because it makes you notice the bat symbol which was needed on the first three suits. If a suit was made dark grey and the symbol was black (without a man bra behind it) that would be good too. I just think the symbol should be seen again for looks. Once you say the word Batman everything becomes pretend so I would like to see a costume that looks like Batman for once.
I think the BB cowl looks really good when shot at a side angle, like the picture of him crouching posting above. My only real complaints with the BB cowl is that the neck is VERY fat (about as wide as the cowl itself), and that I guess the way the cowl fits on Bale, it makes his head kind of lurch forward at all times. Now, the fat neck thing looks cool sometimes, giving him a more beefy, threatening look, but it looks really bad at times too, mainly on the straight ahead shots of him.

As for TDK suit, I just really, really hate those shoulder pads. The cowl has grown on me, but there's still something a little weird about the mouth area. The way it's molded around the cheek bones is cool, and it does make his eyes look cool too.
i like the new suits the best, followed by returns and then b89. let's not discuss nipplegate here ;)
I'll agree that the cape is a better flowing cape in BB but the cowl looks too small in my opinion and there are too many bumps and indentations for me. Also, let's not forget about the cape clips, I think that ruins any good thing about a cowl and cape. As for the 89 suit having fake muscles, they all have fake muscles. The armored looking suits like Returns, BB, and TDK have the look of human muscles and padding in the shoulders, chest, and definition in the abdominal area. True, they may not be "muscles" but anyone can see they are there to resemble muscle definition so in fact every costume has fake muscles. For the S & M award I would totally give that to the TDK suit with it's straps, geometric shapes, a weird man-bra, and rubber plates all over the place. As for the TDK being more streamlined I have the same issues, how is it steamlined to have obvious shoulder pads, straps going perpendicular to the straps, and a railroad mapping system on the legs? The 89 suit has it's issues like you said, I agree, but I give it credit because it's the first of it's kind and it was almost 20 years ago. I would have hoped to have something better in the present time and I personally don't believe that we have improved on the look at all.

All the suits are anatomically correct. That is, they have a raised chest and shoulders etc. However, the B89 suit actually has muscles molded into it. The BB and TDK suits are based more on technology. They are survival suits that are utilitarian. They don't have fake muscles molded in like the B89 suit but are designed to look anatomically correct.

The TDK suit is streamlined when you compare it to all the other suits before it. It is essentially a thin chain like material with small pieces of armour attached. Compared to the B89 and BB suit, it is much tighter fitting and not as chunky.

Now, I don't dislike the B89 suit. I think it is better than most of the other ones. But you have to agree that in the film Keaton could barely move. That's why they had him stand there a lot of the time taking down bad guys with one punch and even watching one fall through the floor as his stood there motionless. As limited as the BB and TDK suits are, you have to agree it is cool to see Batman actually move, kneel, turn his head etc. And when shot in the dark, I think the cape and cowl look more Batman-like than the weird mask from 89.

But I think everyone agrees no suit has got it quite right yet but at least in Nolan's films, each suit makes sense.

As for the symbol. I hate the yellow. I loved it when TAS redesigned the Bat suit, toning down the yellow and using a more raw look. The yellow makes me think of a toy action figure with a bat "logo". The absence of a clear bat symbol helps differentiate Nolan's Batman from the standard bat symbol. It makes him a man who isn't concerned with branding himself with a clean, marketing logo like coca cola. The symbol is raw, like the character.
I've read many a complaint about the lack of prominence in Bale's symbols. But to me it's like a depiction of vanity if the chest symbol stands out.
I think the "Shoot me here" explanation for the yellow oval works. I just don't like it aesthetically. In the movies that is. It works ok in the comics although I still like the giant bat emblem a lot more.
I prefer the cowl design in BR over them all as it is not oddly shaped with small ears like in BB and TDK but also is better sculpted than the B'89 cowl.

I also think the BB suit looks better than the TDK suit as it is molded into a sleek simple look and doesn't look like overdone riot gear as in TDK. I like TDK and know it is the best moving suit and the most flexible but this is not about which is the most agile (as each movie's suit was better than the last in that case) it is about which just looks the best.

P.S. I know people now hate the yellow oval cause it is no longer in vogue, but I grew up with it and will always like that big yellow circle that says "shoot me" or something of the like.
I never hated the oval but I do prefer him without it. I feel that the field of yellow around his emblem just makes him look even more like a Superman knockoff. Too many attempts have been made to brighten Batman & make him blend more into the "fraternity" of superheroes, & it just shouldn't be that way.
I think the "Shoot me here" explanation for the yellow oval works. I just don't like it aesthetically. In the movies that is. It works ok in the comics although I still like the giant bat emblem a lot more.

The biggest problem with that, for me, is over time word should have gotten out that Batman's suit is bulletproof. The whole camouflauge & hiding in the shadows motif is useless when you've got this bright yellow target drawing attention. Is noone smart enough to see the emblem & just shoot a few inches above it?
The point is, Batman does not give you enough time to think. You're out there doing your little coke deal, suddenly you see a giant bat coming at you. Maybe you have enough time to draw your gun and aim. But the one thing that is going to stand out of the picture is the yellow oval. That's the one thing that will catch your eye, and that's where you're going to shoot.

You don't have time to go "Where am i gonna shoot? Oh look at this bright yellow oval! Oh but wait, Mikey told me he tried it last time and it was bulletproof". No, it doesn't work like that. Batman attacks fast, and he knows what you're gonna do because most humans would have the same reflex and aim at the yellow oval. Not because they're not smart. But because they don't have the time to think about it.
That would fly for a year or two, but at some point you'd think these people would not be so easily startled by him. At least not to the point of their brains shutting down. Batman has to think & react quickly. You mean to tell me that NONE of his enemies do? Especially if you're working for somebody like Penguin, Joker or Two-Face & HAVE BEEN TOLD to anticipate his arrival.
Thugs, nah they'd crumble quick. Now Joker and Two-Face as you pointed out would probably become accustomed to him and not startled, but they don't need a yellow emblem to realize theyshould aim for the head. Seriously with all the times people have opened fire on Batman it is pretty ridiculous he has never been capped in the head to date.

As for the yellow oval. I know it is less logical, but I grew up with it dammit and I think it is badass and nothing is changing that opinion for me at this point!
I don't know if I'd go as far as "badass" in describing a costume detail that clashes w/the overall motif. As dismayed as I was when they first got rid of it, that was simply b/c I'd grown accustomed to it over the years.
Chris Wallace said:
That would fly for a year or two, but at some point you'd think these people would not be so easily startled by him. At least not to the point of their brains shutting down. Batman has to think & react quickly. You mean to tell me that NONE of his enemies do? Especially if you're working for somebody like Penguin, Joker or Two-Face & HAVE BEEN TOLD to anticipate his arrival.

Well of course, my point concerns average thugs that run into Batman once and will never see him again, because they a) were scared so much they're not gonna talk again properly for the rest of their lives or b) are still in jail/hospital as we speak.

Concerning the main bad guys, the yellow oval doesn't work, but I think Batman and those villains are past the point of "I'll put a bullet in your head".

The yellow oval as a shoot-here sign works only in the cases of random thugs who have never seen Batman and only know from hearsay who he is and what he does. The... superstitious and cowardly lot if you prefer. The ones that, once they finally see Batman, are gonna panick and resort to their reflexes to try (hopelessly) to kill him or outrun him. Those will definitely shoot the yellow oval.

And even though we don't get to see these thugs very often in graphic novels for obvious reasons (They're all the same uninteresting mindless worthless criminal dirtbags) it is safe to assume that those guys are actually the ones that Batman fights all the time. The Joker can't be out there every single night trying to spread some Joker gas on the masses. But the random thug is ALWAYS there, trying to steal, rape, kill, ...
I think the "Shoot me here" explanation for the yellow oval works. I just don't like it aesthetically. In the movies that is. It works ok in the comics although I still like the giant bat emblem a lot more.

I always thought that explanation was a bit silly. Why not put the target somewhere where they are no vital organs then. Why encourage a bad guy to shoot your chest (i.e. heart) even if you have armour there? Why not discourage it completely! :yay:

Plus, why would you even need a target? The whole person is a target if you are trying to shoot them. I seriously doubt anyone is going to stop for a split second to aim for Batman's chest. They'd just start shooting like crazy to stop him.
the_scream said:
I always thought that explanation was a bit silly. Why not put the target somewhere where they are no vital organs then. Why encourage a bad guy to shoot your chest (i.e. heart) even if you have armour there? Why not discourage it completely! :yay:

Because body armour is efficient. Because you'd better get some bruises and broken ribs (worst case scenario) than die with a gaping hole in your head or get your fingers or other more sensible parts of your anatomy) blown off by a gun. Your question does not make a lot of sense.

Plus, why would you even need a target? The whole person is a target if you are trying to shoot them. I seriously doubt anyone is going to stop for a split second to aim for Batman's chest. They'd just start shooting like crazy to stop him.

1- You'd be surprised. If I give you a gun and tell you to shoot at someone who's running around all dressed in a white suit and white hood, you'll aim in the general direction of the person. Now let's take off the person's white shirt and give him a bright green one instead.You're not gonna aim at his legs. You will fire in the direction of his shirt. This is how your brain works. If you're not trained in firing weapons, if you are in a situation of panick, you will rely on your reflexes, and trust me, they will make you do it.

2- Batman still runs a lot of risks of course. The yellow oval is not there so that every single enemy he encounters will shoot at it, that won't be the case. But it's not about preventing all bullet wounds, it's about minimizing the chances of getting shot, even just a little. The oval is on his chest, which is the broadest part of his body, so chances are the majority of people would fire in this direction anyway, because limbs and head are much more difficult to shoot at. Of course, a criminal could get smart and aim a few inches above the oval and shoot his jaw off. Or a criminal could get lucky, aim at the oval poorly and shoot him in the head ny mistake. Or a criminal could carry a machine gun and turn him into a slice of swiss cheese.

Again not everybody will aim at the yellow oval, but the majority of the "superstitious, cowardly lot" will, because in a state of panick, they'll tend to act too fast using their reflexes only. And if you need to fire quickly in the direction of a moving shadow, and you see a yellow spot on it, your brain will record the information hastily and you'll shoot at it anyway, cause you don't have the time to wonder if there's a body armour underneath or the time to think that you'd better aim a few inches above it to shoot the head. That's just how human brain works.
I always thought that explanation was a bit silly. Why not put the target somewhere where they are no vital organs then. Why encourage a bad guy to shoot your chest (i.e. heart) even if you have armour there? Why not discourage it completely! :yay:

Plus, why would you even need a target? The whole person is a target if you are trying to shoot them. I seriously doubt anyone is going to stop for a split second to aim for Batman's chest. They'd just start shooting like crazy to stop him.

I agree. On the other hand, allowing for the possibility that the emblem does draw fire, if there were no bright yellow beacon in the sea of black, they'd have NO IDEA where to shoot. No matter how good your kevlar is, if everyone's concentrating their firepower on your chest, it will hurt you, maybe slow you down, maybe knock you down-leaving you open to a head shot.
I agree. On the other hand, allowing for the possibility that the emblem does draw fire, if there were no bright yellow beacon in the sea of black, they'd have NO IDEA where to shoot.

Increasing your chances of getting shot somewhere you don't want to be shot.

No matter how good your kevlar is, if everyone's concentrating their firepower on your chest, it will hurt you, maybe slow you down, maybe knock you down-leaving you open to a head shot.

It doesn't matter. The point is that you're protected, and therefore still have a chance. What are you saying? That you'd rather be shot in the thigh because getting shot in your body armour would slow you down and may give your enemy enough time to shoot you in the head?

In that case, let's spread the message folks. The police and army have it all wrong!!! Don't protect yourselves guys, you'll get slowed down by the hits!

Seriously... Batman wears Kevlar because he wants to be protected by it in case one of his enemies would get lucky. He also increases his chances of this enemy shooting at his body armour by wearing the yellow oval on his chest. That's all there is to say, really. It is the right thing to do.

Batman does not plan on being shot. He will avoid it at all costs. But IF it happens, then he'll have more chances of being hit in the chest, and will thus be protected anyway. It's not an infallible method. It just improves his chances.

Another thing, body armours are extremely efficient now, and Kevlar is being replaced with other materials that can stop bigger bullets at closer range or high penetrative-powered bullets from a greater distance. I've actually recently seen a video of a soldier being shot at by a sniper, falling on the ground, than immediately get back up and find cover. A sniper's bullet. That's not 9mm, or .38 ammo that we're talking about here.

Imagine what Batman, with all of his state-of-the-art gadgetry, came up with to protect himself from bullets. It would take a rocket launcher to even slow him down (I'm not serious, don't argue this point).
My Favourite suit has got to be Batman Begins, followed closely by the The Dark Knight

That first picture is great!! His chin looks like comic's Batman, he doesn't even look like Bale at all. Is it his stunt double?
My vote is the original, for three reasons...

1. It looks the most like the classic Neal Adams version.
2. It's kitted out for urban warfare (rather than all-out warfare as with The Dark Knight costume), it looks tough. These boots are made for kicking asses. Rather than the sleek Forever version, or the abstract Returns version, this costume builds Batman up into a complete badass.
3. It's just the coolest.


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