REVENGE IS SWEET! I'm dating the ex-best friend of my pscho ex-girlfriend!

Hey thanks for all the support guys!! :up: It was a good way to wake up this mornin :)

Don't worry, our relationship isn't going to be based on the hatred for Angie, its just a reeeeeeeeeealy nice bonus! No in fact we have soooooooo much in common. We actualy used to be great friends before Angie started telling lies about me to her, then she hated me for a bit, but once she found out that it was all BS she imediately started hanging out with me again, and two days later WE WERE A COUPLE! Shes so fun, I've never been with a girl like her.........the best way I can describe her personality is Mechile Rodrigez in The Fast and the sexy!
Your new gal is lucky, you sound smitten :up:

I hate girls who lie about abuse, it only makes officials less willing to believe genuine victims and can be devastating to a guys life, selfish biatches
Maury Povitch is a talk show host here in the states, he's married to Cony Chung, most of his shows involve cheating spouses or paternaty tests.........................I watch to much television....
btw Canucklehead your new girl is a lot hotter than your ex :up:
Lol, thanks, thats what i keep hearing.........and its TOTALY true........why God, why was I blind for so long.......
Olcanucklehead said:
I'll let you judge the ex for yourself.





Shes scrawny, has no fashion sense, no boobs, wears to much make up, and couldn't be more of a *****! Not to mention a complete and total vicious psychopath...........but if that yer kinda girl?????

I know it's the wrong side to be on but....

DANG....She's CUTE!

and the last two pics are downright hot.
Why are the crazy ones always more attractive than the sane ones? :(
The new one is better looking than the crazy one: she look about 11 or something?

No offence Canuckle :p
Which on looks like shes 11, the old one? Ya I agree totaly! I say again BLIND!

But I don't know if I would call my new gal sane........she listens to heavy metal and Death Metal, she's a Batman fan, knows more about computers than I ever will, has kicked some serious ass, and is an admited ***** who makes great strides at telling off anyone who pisses her PERFECT!.....more like it... :) I love her :D
How long has this blessed union been underway, Olcancuckle?

Almost 2 months today. I've been so busy with her I've hardly even had time to get on the hype.......but she makes up for it :D
Ahhh. Sounded like a relatively new relationship. If you can find ways to make that enthusiasm and adoration go on and on, like my wife and I have over the years, then you will truly have found something special. I wish you much happiness. :up:

Well....with her company......and.....nakedness.....and......stuff....:D
jaguarr said:
Ahhh. Sounded like a relatively new relationship. If you can find ways to make that enthusiasm and adoration go on and on, like my wife and I have over the years, then you will truly have found something special. I wish you much happiness. :up:


Well thank you sir :)
So um do you still have her number?
Olcanucklehead said:
Alright, since you guys here at the hype are like a second family to me by now, I had to let ya know. My psychotic ex girlfriend put me, my family, and my friends through hell! She cheated on me, more times than you can count on your fingers, she lied to her parents, my parents, and an intire town, all trying to destroy my reputaion! She acussed me of rape and batery, both behind my back, BOTH WHILE WE WERE STILL TOGETHER! She filed charges against me, I went to jail for this B.S., and the she just turned around and goes "Oops, I lied!" WTF?!! Not to mention a barage of deception and fraud she tried to pull on her two closest friends Laurie and Westly. She is a raving psychotic, and a horrible ****TY ***** of a person!..............but now.............its all ok. Her best friend Laurie, now hates her guts! She found out about lies that Angie was teling about her, saying that she was a drug addicted ****e basicaly, and then she found out that everything she had heard about me a a'RE A FRAGIN COUPLE BASTICH! And I have never been happier! Its the perfect revenge for us both! And not only that......get this.....her ex-boyfriend, is my ex-best friend! I hate the guy now because I found out that he was beating his sister and molested a little boy. If I ever see him again I'll proly kick his head in........unless Laurie gets to him first! This guy used her bad! And for the last month before we got together he was stalking her as much as he could! I put an end to that though......(*whistle*) Anywho, I just wanted to get your opinions on the situation, is this not the most perfectly constructed revenge???

*We don't use full names here without the person's consent, unless they're a celeberity--Drak

Your ex-girlfriend is going to castrate you tonight when you sleep.

Hell hath no fury like that of a woman.
Kritish said:
Your ex-girlfriend is going to castrate you tonight when you sleep.

Hell hath no fury like that of a woman.

you forgot the scorned bit..."Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"

But on second're version might be more appropriate on a generral level :O
Ya but I was the one scorned......and my technicaly...would that mean that my Girl is gona go and chop off her clitoris?

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