RIP Shirley Walker

Damn this sucks. She also conducted the score for Batman 89 too. Damn. She was the only composer/conductor I feel that came close to Williams or Goldsmith.
I can't say I knew her, but she did great work on Batman, and I will miss her for that.
Holy crap! This is the first I've heard of this.

She was in my mind the DEFINITIVE Batman composer. Not Elfman (though he was great too). Her batman music is THE Batman music.

She was also involved with the innovative score of Apocolypse Now.

This is so sad.

IMDB tells me she was going to score The New Frontier too. I doubt she even started work on it since the project's nowhere near completion.
I was watching Mask Of The Phantasm last night thinking on how great the music was. RIP Shirley Walker, your music will live on.
Sad, sad news. Great composer, and she sounds like a wonderful lady. Go with God, Shirley. :csad:
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :( This is so sad!
I am literally in shock right now. I can't believe this.
RIP Shirley.

You gave so much to the world of Batman.
My God, NO!

...I don't even know what to say.... F**k mortality!
Rest in Peace Ms. Walker, may you live on forever through your music, and our memories.

For me, the music she created was the epitome of Batman music. She seemed so in-tune with the Dark Knight, her music simply embodied the essence of who he was.
Now that she's gone it will be very hard to find someone so musically close to Batman as she was.
TAS would not have been the same without her.
Well this does it, first my two friends die, than my cat, now Shirley Walker! 2006 is the worst year of my life. :down I am having such I hard time accepting she's dead. She was just so talented and was such a nice woman. She didn't deserve to die the way she did, and the fact she ws only 61 makes it worse. I hope Bruce Timm and Paul Dini make it through this ordeal okay.
This is very sad news indeed. It's pretty weird though - last night I just started watching Superman: The Animated Series and I figured the theme song was by her as well, so I IMDB'ed it just to make sure. And then this happens . . . :(
I know, I was just listening to her on the commentary for the BTAS episode "Harliquinade" on tuesday and I commented how glad I was that she composed the scores for MOTP. It sounded like her and Bruce were really good friends so I give my condolences to Shirley and Bruce Timm's families.
Does a person know if they have a brain aneurysm? How are they detected?
buggs0268 said:
Damn this sucks. She also conducted the score for Batman 89 too. Damn. She was the only composer/conductor I feel that came close to Williams or Goldsmith.

i totally agree with you!!!! omg i loved her!
Maybe this will prompt Warner Bros. to release all of the music she scored for the BTAS episodes, and STAS? So then we can enjoy all her work. She said on the "Harliquinade" epsiode commentary all of the show's music is archived and could be released.
Batattack said:
Does a person know if they have a brain aneurysm? How are they detected?

Your head hurts really really bad, then you're gone most of the time. There's no real symptoms but the pain, and by then it's usually too late. That's what the doctors say, at least. You could possibly detect it if you get a CAT Scan shortly before it happens.

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