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Days of Future Past "Romeo & Juliet Return?": The Official Jean Grey/Cyclops Debate - Part 2

Too bad its a fake. I would do anything to see Jean and Cyclops return.
I'm trying to find the matching pic of Famke from where this manip was made...having trouble finding it though
Well I wouldn't necessarily say it is fake. Although, I have not seen Hansel and Gretel I did google her to see if she does wear a cloak, and she doesn't she wears a feathered black dress. The reason I say it could be real is for various reasons first being that the x_men_series IG page got low quality fake looking pictures of quicksilver months before an actual photo of him was released by an anonymous user, which turned out to really be him. http://instagram.com/p/c7LXIvM9z9/ http://instagram.com/p/c7N56wM94a/
The second reason reason is, Hugh Jackman, while filming was really excited about an X-men reunion on set that he tweeted about, but that if he said more he could get in trouble and told fans to get it out of Bryan Singer. I cannot find that tweet anymore either, which is weird because if it was just a reunion on set why delete the tweet. Third, she also denied she was in Wolverine and kept doing so even after people saw her in the trailer, so her comments on not being asked back could be false. Reason number four, was when Bryan was asked about Jean and Cyclops being in the movie to which he replied "who wouldn't want to see them". Reason number 5 is James Marsden was seen returning from Montreal on the same plane as Halle. The photo could be fake, but all signs point to a yes on seeing Jean and Cyclops whether they are young or not; I don't know.
I'm trying to find the matching pic of Famke from where this manip was made...having trouble finding it though
When you do let me know because I am hoping this is real! I was trying to compare the background to everything that has been released to see if they just photo shopped her into an already released image with the same background but I can't find one either.
Okay, let's "assume" this pic is real, for the sake of having nothing to talk about. Anyone want to speculate as to what Jean would be doing in the temple? How do you think they would try to work it in the movie? Especially since whenever there's a rumor of Jean appearing in DOFP, it's never been at the temple.
Its fake



Moving on :)

It was fun while it lasted (all of a few hours)
She looked a little too evil too be jean anyway :o
I have to admit, it would have been a great look for Jean in the future. Love the cloak and the hair...even if it is the chemically died shade from X3..... But the photo would have raised some awesome speculation if it was real....Who's to say she would come back as good Jean Grey? Or who's to say if the future changed, that she would have been an X-Man all along?
There's still a surprise cameo in the future, anyways.
There's still a surprise cameo in the future, anyways.

Hoping it's for Cyke though...he deserves it more.

Although, I hear it's Rebecca Romijn..can anyone speak to that?
She didn't look evil in the wolverine just psychotic tbh :o
You didn't watch The Wolverine, did you? :o

To be fair she showed a range of personalities in The Wolverine. She was the temptress, the conscience, the voice of reason, the devil's advocate, and supportive - sometimes all at once, like in her last scene.
She seemed really perverse in the "dream within dream" opening scene IMO.

To be fair she showed a range of personalities in The Wolverine. She was the temptress, the conscience, the voice of reason, the devil's advocate, and supportive - sometimes all at once, like in her last scene.

I was referring to her first scene.
And BTW Janssen really did a good job showing all these emotions.
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I liked Jean's participation in The Wolverine! If she doesn't come back, I will not be sad. 4 movies for her is not bad and her last scene in the Wolverine is a good closure for her character.
If Jean was alive, they wouldn't need travel to 1973. She would destroy any Sentinels in few seconds.
She wouldn't be hard to kill, though.

One of the Sentinels just need to make sure they stab her in the stomach like what Wolverine did in X3.

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