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Iron Fist Season Two, Episode 10 "A Duel of Iron"

Mike Murdock

Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Episode Ten

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In the season finale, Iron Fists collide as the fate of New York City hangs in the balance.
So much to process in this last episode. First off, the resolution of the Davos story was good. Not great, but good. I think what's more interesting is what happened after. They found a lot to do. I'm not positive about giving Colleen the pwoer of the Iron Fist, but I was sort of accepting it because it looked like it was building towards a Daughters of the Dragon spinoff. Then we get to the final moments and things took a sharp left. I'm really curious where they'll go now. Loved the name drop of Orson Randall.

A lot of the season dealt with themes of destiny. Sometimes those destinies turned out to be true, but I like the scene with Ward where his wasn't - the fact that he found out he's going to be father wasn't a sign things will be happily ever after.

Four and a Half Stars.
Just finished the season. So much better than season one and both season of Luke Cage. For once I can agree with Grace Randolph's view. :D
Funny I didn't realize this was a 10 ep season. I was watching this thinking, how are they going to wrap up in the next 3 eps. Feels like I've just watched a finale.... Hold on wait lol.

I welcome the idea that Coleen is the new Iron Fist, or at least a variation of Iron Fist. Change is good. It's not like this is the first time they've taken liberties with the source material
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Just finished the season. So much better than season one and both season of Luke Cage. For once I can agree with Grace Randolph's view. :D
Although Grace hasn't even seen season 2. Not really the most credible source for a review. How does she know if Luke Cage season 2 is good if she hasn't watched it?
Funny I didn't realize this was a 10 ep season. I was watching this thinking, how are they going to wrap up in the next 3 eps. Feels like I've just watched a finale.... Hold on wait lol.

I welcome the idea that Coleen is the new Iron Fist, or at least a variation of Iron Fist. Change is good. It's not like this is the firs time they've taken liberties with the source material

People might not know this, so this is a quick way to know they have their own version adapted for TV , For me it wasn't a complete surprise, the mind melting wasn't really an option in the TV show. It kinda sets up more options for more stories that exists in the source material, then a chance for a Daughter of show is really there. Then Iron fist is on his own again, IF this happens. I hope so.
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With the Disney streaming service on the horizon, I would be very surprised if Marvel lets Netflix start any new MCU shows.
With the Disney streaming service on the horizon, I would be very surprised if Marvel lets Netflix start any new MCU shows.
Then they better make that streaming service world-widely available.
I am torn on this season's ending. It presented a bunch of questions. While Danny may not be the best character on the show, I am not sure I liked giving Colleen the Iron Fist. But I was happy Danny still seems to have either retained or gotten Iron Fist power again, but now he has this weird western motif. It seems like they're going with a Iron Fist infused weapons thing, which I think may lead to it not really being a martial arts show now. Now it will be about some form of weapons gimmick based on the way it ended, and I am not sure it's a direction I agree with. Seems like the Iron Fist is now going to be a "It's Morphin Time!!!" type gimmick. I am also sure we're going to see more people with Iron Fist powers, and I like the idea of going into the history of the fist and its legacy more, but by that same token...do we need another potential villain who has like the same power (but maybe a different weapon) when we just had Steel Serpent? I am not writing it off as a concept, but I am dubious. I also think this season overall operated under the assumption that Danny sucks, and it played up to that idea as opposed to trying to keep fixing the character like they were on their way to doing with LC S2. I liked the season overall, but I think it was the weakest S2 of the Netflix shows. It is an upgrade from season 1 overall, but I don't think it was as much of an upgrade as many on here do. I liked some elements of season 1 more, honestly.

Also, we now have 2 seasons of Iron Fist. In half the episodes of the show, Danny has either been unable to use his power or had it removed from him. I find that sort of lazy. I would like them to have embraced Iron Fist more as a kung-fu show where Danny could actually use his super power, but even though he has it again seemingly at the end of this for season 3, his entire gimmick seems different. It's like the show is embarrassed to be a kung-fu show. I don't hate this season by any means. There was plenty I really liked about it (Davos, Mary, etc). But, I do have concerns moving forward. I hope season 3 alleviates my concerns.
I think they are steering towards stories from the comics, with Randall's Gun Fu, they found his stuff (Western stuff) in Jakarta it seems and are still looking for him, which would mean he can give Danny proper Iron Fist knowledge, that would be good for S3.
Colleen in the comics can control chi, less than an Iron Fist, so this would be actually close to canon. Plus she got this ability from Iron Fist (in a different way though).
I hope season 3 splits Danny and Colleen up and introduces Danny's Iron Fist as the main hero again when he comes back to NYC, with a buck-load of lessons from Randall.
Gun Fu just isn't Danny to me. Introducing another character with that gimmick I think I would have preferred. I would like to keep Colleen in the show, but I would like Danny to remain the central character of the show. But having Colleen do a 1 off season of DotD or something would be cool. But I don't want her to outright leave the show.
Gun Fu just isn't Danny to me. Introducing another character with that gimmick I think I would have preferred. I would like to keep Colleen in the show, but I would like Danny to remain the central character of the show. But having Colleen do a 1 off season of DotD or something would be cool. But I don't want her to outright leave the show.
For me Colleen would be in a mini series with Misty and then also in S3 of Iron Fist, maybe she is the Iron Fist of NYC max. 2 episodes before Danny returns with a whole new set of skills and takes over from her. But not the guns, I hope they just use that as a wink to Randall and that maybe Orson gets a small part. Guns are for the Punisher, not for Danny, agreed.
Sadly, I don't think Danny's ever gunna get his show back from Colleen... the entire internet community sucked her d*** last year, plus all the "whitewashing/white savior" bs and now Marvel feels she needs to be the lead

And am I alone in thinking Colleen is not nearly as insteresting as everyone makes her out to be?? She's bland and her fighting didn't even look as good this season, somehow. Misty is my DoD crush, lol
I like Colleen as a character just fine. I just don't want to see Danny take a demotion. I like both characters just fine and I am fine if they're co-leads. Colleen and Danny both having powers are fine by me. I just don't want the show to become a gimmicky everyone has a fist now, just with a different color, weapon, and motif. I am afraid that is where we are going.
Sorry guys, the ending did nothing for me. I was hearing people hype it up but it...just did nothing. Its interesting, sure, but I feel so....unfulfilled with the direction they've taken Iron Fist. Unfortunately it did not whet my appetite for more. Luke Cage season 2's ending had much more impact for me personally.

This, or more specifically the last 15 minutes of this episode reminded me of how I felt about DEFENDERS. That was lackluster all around BUT I liked the characters and the character interactions the end of the series did make me want to know what was in store for all the characters going forward. Unfortunately the three follow ups did not ring my bell. Luke Cage was a snail paced slog, Jessica Jones spun it's wheels for half it's run and then zoomed to finale that felt forced in the extreme and now Iron Fist gave me a season that was all over the map and seemingly charted by a creative team that just DIDN'T want to give me what I wanted form a live action version of this character... And then they give me the last 15 minutes to rope me back in. FINALLY things like the legacy of the Iron Fist from the Immortal Iron Fist run. Finally a chance at Orson Randall and the Book Of The Iron Fist. Finally seeing the Iron Fist power expanded beyond simply punching (For those wondering empowering weapons, including fire arms with the Dragon Chi isn't something the show came up with it's from the comics), FINALLY... Well finally in those last few minutes sans a proper costume for Danny I got a taste of the show I was expecting.

This episode still had the same issues for most of it's run time that the whole season had though. It's not that everything was bad but there were major issues, not the least of which is that characters made such strange choices or more to the point, the writers gave them really odd motivations. Often there was manufactured conflict a ton of contrivance and a whole mess of elements that while perhaps not done poorly just came across as being put in there because the creators didn't want to do a kick ass marital arts super hero show... I'm sorry but I while this wasn't trash it just wasn't what I want from live action Iron Fist. And even those last moments that got me hyped have their issue. Danny goes off and BOOM we don't even see his journey to regaining the Iron Fist. We don't see how Wing learns to harness her power either. It's great that it whets the viewer's curiosity but... It feels like a cheat given the lackluster and contrived season we got.
I liked the episode.

Didn’t get why Colleen and Danny had to break up, but ok.

Davos probably will show up somehow next season.

I was hoping we would see the other persona of Mary but I guess she and Joy will explore that later.

Colleen looked cool as the Iron Fist... imagine if she had the mask on.

Misty’s arm is stronger than I thought it was. I thought she was just punching through concrete alone and not part of the metal door too.

Ward seems to have loosen up a little bit.

Not sure how I feel about Danny and the guns. I assume he never has to reload them.
Honestly, I think we said all we need to with Davos. I would like a new antagonist.
Although Grace hasn't even seen season 2. Not really the most credible source for a review. How does she know if Luke Cage season 2 is good if she hasn't watched it?

I wasn't talking about Grace's view on Luke Cage season, those were mine. Her general spoiler views on Iron Fist season 2 I can for the most part agree on which is shocking as more often than not, I don't agree with her views.
That ending has me excited for season 3 but it's still not what I envisioned a live action version of Iron Fist would be
I was initially excited for this season as I felt we'd get to see more of Kun-Lun and traditional "Iron Fist" stuff but what we got wasn't enough.

The gun-fu ending was super lame. I can't believe that's the note they left us out on.

I hate having to go "well, maybe next time they'll get around to XYZ." It feels like we're on season 2 of a Batman show where he still hasn't donned the cowl or built the bat cave yet. I'm not invested enough in this world and these characters to wait patiently while they get to the good stuff. The best stuff in this show by about a billion percent is Ward, but he shouldn't be the most interesting character in a show about a guy who fought a dragon to get a magic fist. Ugh.
I was still bummed that something as simple as the yellow mask didn't find its place in the show yet. Not the way as represented in the comics.

Apparently the writers also felt what I did. After two seasons I still knew little about Danny other than he wields the Iron Fist.

Still processing the last episode.
The last couple of episodes dropped the ball for me. The whole Danny giving up the Iron Fist to Colleen was a coward's move. That wasn't progress for his character, it was a big step back. It felt really weird for Colleen to actually accept it and Misty to be cheerleading the idea.

Davos and Mary didn't ultimately work for me. Mary never really went anywhere other than hinting what she could be and though I enjoyed Davos' journey over the season, his characterisation weakened once he had the Iron Fist. The confrontation with him didn't do it for me either. I think the fighting was more competently shot this time round, but choreographed with less imagination.

This episode also suffered from ending upon endings to the point that it felt like it was half the episode and we were actually more story. There were some interesting things that helped me feel less dismayed by the end such as Danny suggesting he wants to be worthy of the Iron Fist rather than just give it up as well as the promise of actual Iron Fist Lord next time.

And while I like Danny, Colleen, Misty as characters I still feel Ward is the best character here. Though I'm glad he's now travelling with Danny which seems interesting.
I've been pretty hard on this show, but I loved much of this last episode and now I'm STOKED for a season 3.

The thing is...this season was burdened with rehabilitating an unlikable hero...and trying to fix the many mistakes of season 1 with flashbacks and bigtime involvement from the Meachums (I really am done with Joy and wish she was dead...I'd have preferred Mary move over to Daredevil or something instead of continuing with a character that I dont like). But it did the almost impossible and reset Danny while also pushing the story forward, resulting in an awesome starting point for a potential season 3. That's a pretty remarkable accomplishment, even if it meant that I wouldn't like the hero or storyline for much of the season.
What's supposed to have happened at the end? How did Danny get some Iron Fist power again? I thought he had lost it.

I wouldn't mind the show to revolve around Colleen instead, at least for a season. I thought she'd be the sole Iron Fist and only maybe later next season she gives it up to Danny again. Seems they're both going to be some sort of Iron Fist.

And how come Colleen didn't get the same dragon tattoo but something different? And how come she got it on her arm instead of her chest? I thought that's where the Iron Fist tattoo is meant to be.

Why can't someone have the costume? Scott Buck is not working on this and yet they still can't find a way to use the costume? :doh:

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