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Should Marvel take a break from the big screen?

i say keep the movies. more budget helps make better movies. i know some people don't like the newer marvel movies, but if they go to the small screen, they'll get even worse.
Oh yeah they should stop and just call it quits and go out of business. LOL

There are so many hundreds if not thousands of stories to pick from and so many characters heroes and villains we haven't seen. It's not gonna end in your lifetime. This isn't a fad it's something all children grow up with and want to be like. It's fantasy. It's not going anywhere.
fangrl06 said:
I remember when Marvel first started making movies. When the trailer for X-men or Spider-man would come on, the crowd would cheer at the end or gasp when it would begin. I was at the Movie theator recently and they showed the teaser for Spider-man three and someone in the crowd actually said "Oh good, another superhero movie." I am a huge Marvel fan I always go out to see the new marvel movies, but people who don't read the comics like me are beginning to get burned out. Would it be so bad if the took a break from the big screen and came out with a couple tv shows of comic we actually read like Spider-man and X-men?

tv shows will burn people out even more because its more accessible and is more in your face. Marvel doesn't need a break from the big screen, they need to put out better movies and use characters that people actually want to see. Eltetra should never have had her own movie. When a lot of mediocre products get rammed in your face, there's bound to be some sort of backlash. Marvel's problem is that they put out too much too soon. This lead to the majority of their movies either sucking or rated as mediocre and thats just something people, especially the fans dont want to see.
Advanced Dark said:
Oh yeah they should stop and just call it quits and go out of business. LOL

There are so many hundreds if not thousands of stories to pick from and so many characters heroes and villains we haven't seen. It's not gonna end in your lifetime. This isn't a fad it's something all children grow up with and want to be like. It's fantasy. It's not going anywhere.

True but consider that some people want to be sad and want to completely revise comic book characters just so things can appear to be realistically plausible. Whats the point of suspension of disbelief, when you've got idiots banging on about, "how the hell did he/she get that costume" or "the colour scheme is too much like the comic, it'll never work". For goodness sake, these are comicbook fictional characters, they can be in ver good and compelling stories, with excellent action and visuals and drama but dont rule out a certain level of extravagant ridiculousness, its what makes these type of films what they are and a testament to what made the source material so great in the 1st place.

If this wasn't the case, people would have red other types of graphic novels and not bothered with comics in the 1st place. Its an escape of realism and into the entertainingly absurd.
James"007"Bond said:
tv shows will burn people out even more because its more accessible and is more in your face. Marvel doesn't need a break from the big screen, they need to put out better movies and use characters that people actually want to see. Eltetra should never have had her own movie. When a lot of mediocre products get rammed in your face, there's bound to be some sort of backlash. Marvel's problem is that they put out too much too soon. This lead to the majority of their movies either sucking or rated as mediocre and thats just something people, especially the fans dont want to see.
True, but there are only so many Spider-man movies and X-men movies...I mean, Spider-man is the best in Marvel movies right now. How much more are people going to be able to take? Yes, we should stay away from the mediocre heroes, but we can only see so many Spider-man movies. I say we take a break from the movies, come out with some Marvel tv shows and then in another 10 years when people are looking back at the "cheesy effects from the 2000 era", it will be time for some more Marvel movies!
The Knight said:
marvel needs to make a tv show like dc did with superman, smallville is doing very well, if marvel makes something like dc did with smallville that would be great

I love smallville but really all WB did...brilliantly I think...is put Superman in spiderman's shoes to a degree. He's not a nerd but put him in HS with all the teen drama and the love affairs and not being able to tell the one you love what your powers are, its basically the beginning of the spiderman comic. Its brilliant and would work for spidey too as far as stories but I don't know about effects and stuff. If they call off the movies after Spiderman 3 then if they were smart they would look to turn into a TV show.
Spider-man is not Superman. I do not think the Spider-man show should resemble Smallville in anyway. I think Marvel can do better.
They should focus on making the major characters, not the minor ones.
fangrl06 said:
Spider-man is not Superman. I do not think the Spider-man show should resemble Smallville in anyway. I think Marvel can do better.

Well they can't now because smallville beat them to it so it would seem like a copy but this should have been a spiderman show. A teen hero coping with his powers while trying to get through HS and all the teen love drama. That's stan lee's spidey for the first few years.
Funny that you guys are mentioning 'Smallville' and 'Spider-Man.'

Because for the past year now I have been busy, putting together a pitch to studio execs and Marvel on a concept for 'Spider-Man: The Series'. This series would premiere years after the "last" Spidey film, thus- maybe 10-15 years give or take.

By that point of time the effects will be handle a show of this proportion, I mean- just look at the effects that are on 'Smallville' right now. The biggest challenge would be the webslinging which does not necessarily need to play a major aspect in the show to work. There will be web slinging, but there will be primarily ways of 'showing and not showing'.

I will try to have the series be filmed in New York City. Because NYC is a very important character. If not, I'll go the 'Heroes' route and use "tv magic" to bring NYC to life.

Spider-Man is the character most suited for TV. Because as Stan Lee said, Peter is a regular teenager with regular problems- he just has to battle evil on the side. The series is going to take the same approach as the classic comics in these regards. The show will be rich with characters and their development as the series progresses.

The series is not going to be a 'spin off' of the film in any way, shape, or form. It's going to be it's own being drawing inspiration from all sources.

As a film maker/ tv producer/director my main interests have always been the psychology of the characters, and a sense of maturity from boy to manhood. And that is really what this series will be about. Peter's becoming Spider-Man, Peter will wear the costume but responsibility is a journey.

The show is also Shakespearean in some of the directions that it goes, in that I view the life of a hero as a tragedy. That is not to say that the series is going to be depressing. But, there are serious subjects at hand- such as the death of Gwen Stacy, the fall of Harry Osborn, etc. Alot of dark psychological aspects and character development.

As for the overall tone of the show, best way to describe it is 'Smallville' meets 'Crime drama'. It's going to be light hearted, yet on the other hand it is also going to be gritty and somewhat grounded realism at the same time. Most current example of what I would be aiming for is 'Heroes' type of tone.

There will be cameos from early on, which may or may not lead into spin-off series a la the 'possible' spin-off series from 'Smallville'. I will also use alot of the rogue gallery villains, the major and the minor villains- but, in my book there is no minor villain. To me, Big Man is just as important as Vulture or Doc Ock for that matter. You'll see alot of the villains, and similarly to the Spider-Man films they will be updated in a sense and will contribute something to the overall series.

There will be a wide range of supporting characters outside of Peter's high school. Such as Ben Urich, Captain Stacy and even the Kingpin.

Expect to see various arcs from the comics. Including what happened to Peter's parents.

As for writers and other producers. I would love to work with Jeph Loeb (Spider-Man: Blue) and other Spider-Man writers. I'm going to try to establish a great team to have this series be the best that it can be.

That's all that I will say.

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up and say that it's looking pretty good. I am currently attending Hofstra University, whose former alumni include Avi Arad!!! Who I am hoping to possibly establish a 'connection' with.

So, that's all for Spider-Man: The Series for now....
fangrl06 said:
True, but there are only so many Spider-man movies and X-men movies...I mean, Spider-man is the best in Marvel movies right now. How much more are people going to be able to take? Yes, we should stay away from the mediocre heroes, but we can only see so many Spider-man movies. I say we take a break from the movies, come out with some Marvel tv shows and then in another 10 years when people are looking back at the "cheesy effects from the 2000 era", it will be time for some more Marvel movies!

What I'm saying is, Marvel and their respective studio partnerships need to slow down and get their priorities in order. Time and care is what is needed as opposed to putting things out there just for the sake of it.
Right now, Ironman looks like the only other MC that stands a good chance of actually being good. We know that some great actors are going to be involved, a director who actually knows the character well. This is the sort of approach that should be taken with all of Marvel properties.

captain america
black panther......

......these are just some of the movies that should NOT fail and be treated with an epic scale.

Forget the tv shows, lets stick to the animated series/movies......assuming Marvel can fix up and stop screwing up.
I think Thor should be good, I don't think they'll go for the entire film in asgard route, so we'l be alright(I HOPE), as for the other films u mentioned, I'm not that much bothered about them
At the rate Marvel is moving I don't think it's a good thing for the superhero genre. They're just gonna burn it all out. It just looks like their just riding the cash cow for all it's worth, but I could be wrong.
As long as the stories are well-written, they should continue.
there's never enough.. Marvel should take their time with developing to get them right, but hell-- fans had been waiting for decades for "ANYTHING" to finally come out by the time BLADE hit theaters.. The comics-culture magazines up until then were peppered with "in development" this and that-- for nothing to ever come of it.. at the very least, DC had a decent streak going in developing the Batman & Superman films.. for a while, anyway-- it took the marvel success for them to be re-energized for their characters-- still, we've yet to see a non-Batman/Superman film come out--
Tempest19 said:
Funny that you guys are mentioning 'Smallville' and 'Spider-Man.'

Because for the past year now I have been busy, putting together a pitch to studio execs and Marvel on a concept for 'Spider-Man: The Series'. This series would premiere years after the "last" Spidey film, thus- maybe 10-15 years give or take.

By that point of time the effects will be handle a show of this proportion, I mean- just look at the effects that are on 'Smallville' right now. The biggest challenge would be the webslinging which does not necessarily need to play a major aspect in the show to work. There will be web slinging, but there will be primarily ways of 'showing and not showing'.

I will try to have the series be filmed in New York City. Because NYC is a very important character. If not, I'll go the 'Heroes' route and use "tv magic" to bring NYC to life.

Spider-Man is the character most suited for TV. Because as Stan Lee said, Peter is a regular teenager with regular problems- he just has to battle evil on the side. The series is going to take the same approach as the classic comics in these regards. The show will be rich with characters and their development as the series progresses.

The series is not going to be a 'spin off' of the film in any way, shape, or form. It's going to be it's own being drawing inspiration from all sources.

As a film maker/ tv producer/director my main interests have always been the psychology of the characters, and a sense of maturity from boy to manhood. And that is really what this series will be about. Peter's becoming Spider-Man, Peter will wear the costume but responsibility is a journey.

The show is also Shakespearean in some of the directions that it goes, in that I view the life of a hero as a tragedy. That is not to say that the series is going to be depressing. But, there are serious subjects at hand- such as the death of Gwen Stacy, the fall of Harry Osborn, etc. Alot of dark psychological aspects and character development.

As for the overall tone of the show, best way to describe it is 'Smallville' meets 'Crime drama'. It's going to be light hearted, yet on the other hand it is also going to be gritty and somewhat grounded realism at the same time. Most current example of what I would be aiming for is 'Heroes' type of tone.

There will be cameos from early on, which may or may not lead into spin-off series a la the 'possible' spin-off series from 'Smallville'. I will also use alot of the rogue gallery villains, the major and the minor villains- but, in my book there is no minor villain. To me, Big Man is just as important as Vulture or Doc Ock for that matter. You'll see alot of the villains, and similarly to the Spider-Man films they will be updated in a sense and will contribute something to the overall series.

There will be a wide range of supporting characters outside of Peter's high school. Such as Ben Urich, Captain Stacy and even the Kingpin.

Expect to see various arcs from the comics. Including what happened to Peter's parents.

As for writers and other producers. I would love to work with Jeph Loeb (Spider-Man: Blue) and other Spider-Man writers. I'm going to try to establish a great team to have this series be the best that it can be.

That's all that I will say.

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up and say that it's looking pretty good. I am currently attending Hofstra University, whose former alumni include Avi Arad!!! Who I am hoping to possibly establish a 'connection' with.

So, that's all for Spider-Man: The Series for now....
Are you also Triligors? I know he is working to put out a Spider-man show. I wish you the best of luck, I would love to see a Spider-man show!
Hypestyle said:
there's never enough.. Marvel should take their time with developing to get them right, but hell-- fans had been waiting for decades for "ANYTHING" to finally come out by the time BLADE hit theaters.. The comics-culture magazines up until then were peppered with "in development" this and that-- for nothing to ever come of it.. at the very least, DC had a decent streak going in developing the Batman & Superman films.. for a while, anyway-- it took the marvel success for them to be re-energized for their characters-- still, we've yet to see a non-Batman/Superman film come out--
You know, you're right. It took DC five Superman films and five Batman films to even get to Wonder Woman. I'm glad it did though. I liked the Wonder Woman tv show, but a Wonder Woman movie in the 70s would have been lame. But I know you can never have enough Marvel films, but when they are a dime a dozen, the general public will get bored if they are not already. I would love more movies, but we wont get anymore if we don't space them out. Before you know it, Marvel will be bankrupt again. If they publish a few tv shows (Spider-man and X-men, the major heroes) the fans will get a weekly dose of the heroes we all know and love (outside of buying the comics) and the general public wont get bore with the over producing of Marvel films.

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