Star Wars: The RPG ~ Episode VII: Dawn of the New Republic OOC Thread

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Star Wars: The RPG Character Application

Screen Name: Carnage27

Character you wish to play: Admiral Ackbar

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc): Mon Calimari

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): New Republic

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!):

Character Class (choose one): Soldier, Supreme Commander of the New Republic Defense Force

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech:Times New Roman Orange Bold/ Thoughts

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc): Admiral Ackbar was not known for his fighting skills, but I would think he carried a blaster with him. But I mean he's got the entire navy under his there's always that.

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): A military genius on the highest level, Admiral Ackbar commands the navy of the New Republic. A hero of the rebellion, Ackbar believes in freedom for all species.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Good

Why have you chosen this character, and what are your plans for them: I choose Ackbar because he is a vital, yet over-looked character in the Star Wars Universe. His strategy pretty much singlehandedly wins the Alliance/New Republic countless battles. I also can't pass up the oppertunity to possibly go up against Thrawn...:cwink:

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG: A huge knowledge of the Star Wars Universe

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG: As many as needed as long as I don't have to much homework.

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):

I quietly strole onto the bridge of Home One. She's a fine ship, and it's a miracle she's still in one piece. It seems like only yesterday that me and the old girl were in the most important battle in the history of the galaxy. Us and a handful of ships versus half the Imperial fleet and the second Death Star.

The past few weeks have been quiet. Only a few pockets of Imperial resistance have engaged us in this sector, which is the complete opposite of our intel...

I'm roused from my musings by my communications officer.

"Sir, Rouge 1 has made contact."

"Very well, patch him through."

"Rouge Leader here., Admiral."

"What do you have for me, Wedge?"

"The Imperials seem to have a much larger presance in the system than we thought, Admiral. This isn't going to be the cake walk it has been so far."

"Oh I'm sure we can handle it Rogue Leader. Send me your information, and bring your boys home. They're going to need their rest."

Before I finish the sentence I see the read outs from the Rogues. The Empire outnumbers us...but not by much.

I thought things were going too well.

I head to my quarters for a quick nap. I've got a long day ahead of me.

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Star Wars: The RPG Character Application

Screen Name:
Byrd Man

Character you wish to play: Han Solo

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc): Human

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): New Republic

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!): A smuggler and all around scoundrel, Han Solo became caught up with the Rebel Alliance, courtesy of Obi-Wa Kenobi, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa, whom he helped rescue from the Death Star. Solo helped Skywalker destroy the Death Star when it attacked the Rebel base at Yavin 4, where they had taken Organa. Solo became an unofficial member of the Rebel Alliance, and fell in love with Organa. He helped destroy the Second Death Star at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, in which Emperor Palpatine was killed. A year later, the New Republic was founded.

Character Class (choose one):

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech: Comic Sans MS and black

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc):
"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han carries his trusty DL-44 blaster pistol

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc):
Han Solo is known for his cockiness, dry wit, rudeness, piloting skills, and his fast draw. His ability to think up inventive and often extremely unorthodox solutions to problems on the fly proves to be a constant source of frustration to all enemies he encounteres. This, combined with Han's peerless skill at the hands of the Millennium Falcon as well as the legendary "Solo Luck" more than compensates for any lack of Force sensitivity.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Good

Why have you chosen this character, and what are your plans for them: C'mon. It's Han Solo! Who can resist? As far as goals, well I want to play Han and get in some scraps with Chewie by my side.

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG: A decent RPer

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG: As much as needed

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):


"GRR!" Chewie bellows out from the Falcon's co-pilot chair.

The Republic sent us on a mission to Naboo, the homeworld of the Emperor. Our job is to sneak on the planet and kidnap some guy who used to be the Emperor's right hand man. Intel told us that what's left of the Empire is off trying to hold on to Courscant. So we just get in, grab and go.

"Steady, Chewie." I say as we come out of light speed.

"I mean how hard can it be?"

We pop out of lightspeed right in front of the blue planet.

I look over at my furry friend and smile. About that time, a Star Destroyer lumbers out from behind the planet with two dozen TIE fighters heading towards us.

My smile dissapears as we start evasive manuevers.

"I hate it when you're right."

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype:

Holy ****.

Byrd could be my future brother-in-law. :eek:
RPGing ain't like dusting crops, boy. Now approve me.
glad to see we're in business. I'll get my app in soon...(as soon as I can sit up for more than 10 minutes before my back gives out....damn back injuries....:cmad:
glad to see we're in business. I'll get my app in soon...(as soon as I can sit up for more than 10 minutes before my back gives out....damn back injuries....:cmad:

Been there.

*hands him narcotics*
Thanks Wieg...

I may get my app up tomorrow, I got most of it done already, its just a matter of getting the sample rp done and tightening some things up
Byrd, you're approved.

Carnage, you need to fill out the Background section for Ackbar first.
Darn it! Beaten to Ackbar. Looks like I'm gonna go with plan B
Byrd, you're approved.

...I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.
We don't have an Ackbar yet.

...I smell death match! :D

En Garde!

Screen Name: raindog13

Character you wish to play: Admiral Ackbar

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calamari, etc): Mon Calamari

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): New Republic

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!): When Imperial forces invaded Dac (Mon Calamari) shortly after the Clone Wars, Ackbar and his people were conquered and enslaved. Ackbar soon came to be the leader of a resistance movement which drove the Empire, albeit temporarily, off the planet. The Empire returned with a swift counterattack, defeating the Mon Cal and capturing Ackbar. Ackbar was then presented as a slave to Moff Tarkin. During his tenure as a slave, Ackbar learned much about Imperial doctrine and tactics as well as the Empire's secret projects such as the Death Star. After being liberated by the Rebels, Ackbar joined the Alliance and rallied his people to their cause. He quickly rose through the ranks, eventually being named Supreme Commander of the Rebel Fleet by Mon Mothma. The Admiral led the assault on the second Death Star during the Battle of Endor, aiding the Rebellion in its greatest victory yet. Ackbar now oversees the New Republic's military operations and plays a large role in the political arena.

Character Class (choose one): Soldier

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech: Orange, Times New Roman

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc): Ackbar tends to be unarmed but if the situation requires it, he will carry a blaster.

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Intelligent, noble, and soft-spoken, Ackbar is a brilliant tactician and great leader. He dislikes politics, despite his large role in the New Republic’s political affairs.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Good

Why have you chosen this character and what are your plans for them: I've always had a fondness for Ackbar and though it would be cool to play a Roosevelt/Eisenhower-like war hero turned political leader. I have plans for him aiding the expansion of the New Republic diplomatically as well as leading the campaign against the Imperial Remnant/Sith/ any other baddies the Republic encounter.

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG: A character that can be important in establishing the New Republic and someone who can recognize traps.

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG: As often as needed, I suppose.

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):
Ackbar stepped out of the shuttle, squinting as the sun shone down on his face. He looked around and gazed at the sparkling blue oceans which surrounded the landing pad. He gave a deep sigh of relief and continued his way down the ramp and onto the landing pad’s surface. He was home.

“Welcome home, Admiral,” said a Mon Cal aide who had been awaiting his arrival.

“Thank you. It feels very good to be back.”

“Good to hear, sir. Tels is awaiting you in the Quarren Tower.”

“Thanks again. Goodbye.”

Ackbar made his way towards the massive, dome-like, floating city. He had a meeting with Seggor Tels, a rather infamous Quarren leader. Tels has long been rumored to have been allied with the Isolation League during the Clone Wars, though it had never been proven. He had, however, admitted to have aided the Empire’s invasion of the planet. Tels had despised the Mon Cal and hoped the Empire would end their meddling in Quarren affairs. The Empire’s invasion led to the enslavement of both the Quarren and Mon Cal peoples. Tels then allied himself with the Rebellion and joined his planet-brothers against the Empire.

Although Tels’s hate for the Mon Calamari has seemed to have diminished, their relationship is still shaky at best. Ackbar had arranged this meeting in hopes of improving it. Despite his controversial past, Tels was a very influential figure in Quarren culture. His support could greatly benefit the New Republic.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open. Ackbar stepped out into a round, beautifully decorated room with large windows that overlooked the seas. The Quarren leader sat at his desk, peering down at a datapad. He glanced up at the Admiral and then back down at his desk.

“Admiral,” he said stoically, eyes still fixated on his datapad.

“Greetings, Chief Tels. It’s been a while since we’ve spoken.”

“Yes, yes. Enough formalities, why is it you’re here, Admiral?”

Ackbar frowned. This may be harder than he thought.

“The New Republic is growing, Seggor. Peace and order are returning and we’ve been asked to be a part of that new order. The Mon Cal are in full support of the New Republic and we’d like it very much if our planet-brothers would share our support.”

Tels groaned. He had little tolerance for inter-galactic affairs.

“Seggor, Dac needs representative in the Galactic Senate. We’ve had our quarrels in the past, but its all history now. You’re a strong leader, Seggor, and I believe the entire planet would be honored if you took on that duty.”

“And why not you, Admiral? Wouldn’t the Republic rather have a precious, trust-worthy Mon Cal like yourself making decisions for others? No, I don’t think I want myself or my people being dragged into any more politics and wars.”

“It’s not like that, Seggor. Please don’t be so dismissive. At least consider it. Consider what you could do for your people as well as the entire planet.”

Tels sighed.

“Very well, Admiral. I will ‘consider’ it. Is that all you wanted or do you have more politics to bother me with?”

“That is all, Chief. Thank you for your time.”

Ackbar stepped out of the room and into the halls. Tels was a stubborn individual, though there was a chance that he would accept Ackbar’s offer. Ackbar knew Tels well and he knew that despite his dismissive attitude, Tels was in fact seriously considering this offer. He would just never admit it.

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Screen Name: Eddie Brock

Character you wish to play: Mara Jade

Race: Human

Faction: Former Emperor's Hand.

Background: Chosen by the Emperor himself at a very young age, Mara spent most of her early years training to be the most effective assassin the Empire could afford. Working directly under the Emperor, Mara carried out tasks that others could not do. Mara didn't know that she wasn't the only one of the so-called "Emperor's Hands." She envied Darth Vader and often dreamed of taking his place at the Emperor's side. Her hopes, however, were ultimately crushed when the Emperor was killed. The life of privilege and luxury that Mara once knew was gone with the fall of the Empire. Forced to travel the galaxy like a nomad, Mara has found a home in the smuggling organization headed by Talon Karrde. Her motivation to keep going comes from her Master's dying command: KILL LUKE SKYWALKER!

Character Class: Force Sensitive

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech: Bold Red Verdana

Items: Lightsaber, blaster pistol, vibroblade, security and computer spikes.

Character Personality: Mara's wit is matched only by her cool demeanor. As a former enforcer for the Emperor himself, Mara has been taught to keep a level-head in any situation. Mara often strives to be the best at whatever she's doing, even to her own detriment. This seems to give her an air of arrogance at times. Mara's loyalty knows no limits.

Character Alignment: Neutral (at the moment)

Why have you chosen this character, and what are your plans for them: Mara is very much a Jack-of-all-Trades. Or should it be Jill-of-all-Trades? Anyway, the point is that she is incredibly versatile as a character. The transition from unquestioning Empire enforcer to wise Jedi, in particular, will be a highlight of my time as Mara. Of course, it won't be something that happens overnight - Mara has quite a few hills to cross, I'd say.

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG: Not midichlorians, I'll tell you that. I guess you could go with the generic response of "reliability" and "enthusiasm."

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG: I can post at least once a day, if it's demanded of me. Otherwise, I prefer to space it out.

Sample Post:

"Again," the raspy voice commands.

Panting, I manage to pull myself up on one knee. "But, Emperor, we have been going all morning," I reply in between breaths. "If I could just but get one moment to catch my breath..."

The next thing I know, pale knuckles slam against my face, knocking me back to the ground. As I gasp desperately for air, the looming figure of Emperor Palpatine hangs over me. Sneering, he sighs. "Just say it, Mara. 'I am not strong enough,'" he commands condescendingly. "'You overestimated me, my Emperor. You should have left me on that godforsaken planet from whence I came!'"

The piercing sting of a lightsaber is the next sensation that floods my body. I wince helplessly as I hold my arm. And for a few moments, the hum of the Emperor's lightsaber is the only sound in the room.

"You are angry," the Emperor hisses. "You wish to humiliate me now as I have humiliated you. Go ahead then, Mara. Unleash your anger. It is your most powerful weapon."

Don't tempt me. I find myself back on my feet faster than even I can realize. As if I'm acting entirely on instinct, I draw a magenta blade to rival the Emperor's.

"Goooooood. You may be ready to carry out my bidding yet."

I am Mara Jade. And I was once the Emperor's Hand.

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Star Wars: The RPG Character Application

Screen Name: Asteroid-Man

Character you wish to play: Anakin Skywalker (Force Ghost)

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc): Force Ghost/Human

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): Well he WAS a Jedi

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!): Haha, go watch Star Wars 1-6. The whole thing is about him.

Character Class (choose one):

Scoundrel (all smugglers, cutthroats, outlaws, and general rogues)

Soldier (stormtroopers, Moffs, tribal warriors, New Republic commandos, fighter pilots, and all other warriors and soldiers)

Force Sensitive (Jedi, Sith, Witches of Dothamir, Emperor's Hands, and all other Force Users)

Bounty Hunter (strictly Bounty Hunters, whether a member of the Guild or not)

Beaurocrat (all Senators, Governors, representatives, and general diplomats)

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech:
This one

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc):

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc):
Humble (at least he is now), most powerful, the chosen one etc.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Good, Nuetral, Evil

Why have you chosen this character, and what are your plans for them:
I'm hoping we can have Obi-Wan, Anakin and Yoda (maybe even Qui-Gon) Force Ghosts as Luke's aids. So they could be the new Jedi Council with Luke helping him out. I've also found that Force Ghosts can infact take a physical form for a limited amount of time which means they could fight, but I don't plan to have Anakin go running around with a lightsaber. Don't worry. I just thought it was cool.

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG:
A lot of experience in Star Wars and Star Wars Official RPGs. I'm big on superheros but bigger on Star Wars ;)

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG:

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):
I'll get back to this one.

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I don't know how else to say this, A-M, so...

I think that having PC Force Ghosts is a terrible idea.
I would have to agree. Sorry, A-Man, but no Force Ghost PCs. You'll have to find somebody living.

And you're approved, Eddie.
And you're approved as Ackbar, Raindog.

Sorry, Carnage, not trying to be a dick, but that's the system I'm afraid. :csad:
And you're approved as Ackbar, Raindog.

Sorry, Carnage, not trying to be a dick, but that's the system I'm afraid. :csad:

Nah it's all good. It's my idiotic fault for missing a section of the app. I'll have another one up tomorrow night sometime. There's plenty of SW characters to go around.
I'd be a little more upset about someone beating me to Luke if Wieg wasn't an awesome RPer. Now I just hafta figure out who I want to play instead.
Has Coruscant been liberated by the Rebels so far?
Actually, now that I think about it, I know exactly who I want to play.

Star Wars: The RPG Character Application

Screen Name: Andy C.

Character you wish to play: Wedge Antilles

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc): Human

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): The New Republic, Rogue Squadron

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!):

A Corellian with a knack for piloting, Wedge was orphaned as a teenager when the orbital station where his family worked was attacked by pirates. After gaining a small measure of revenge and striking out on his own, he witnessed the repeated cruelties of the Empire, and was resolved to fight against it.

Wedge began smuggling missions for the Rebel Alliance, but eventually found his way into the cockpit of an X-Wing starfighter. From there, he became one of the Rebellion's most legendary pilots, second only to Skywalker himself.

After the Battle of Yavin (wherein he was one of the very few Rebel pilots to survive), he and Luke were instrumental in the forming of Rogue Squadron, an elite fighter wing meant to take on the Alliance's most dangerous missions. During their time in the war, the Rogues repelled subsequent Imperial attacks on Yavin IV before assisting with the planet's evacuation, defeated the ruthless Moff Kohl Seerdon, fended off AT-AT Walkers on Hoth, and destroyed the Super Star Destroyer Vengeance. Wedge himself was a crucial role in the Empire's downfall, assuming the role of Red Leader and delivering critical blows to the second Death Star at Endor.

Following the death of the Emperor, Rogue Squadron has become a vital part of securing the safety of the New Republic, and Wedge Antilles is still leading the charge, to bring the fight to all who threaten peace and freedom in the Galaxy.

Character Class (choose one):

Soldier (stormtroopers, Moffs, tribal warriors, New Republic commandos, fighter pilots, and all other warriors and soldiers)

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech:

Georgia, bold, Red.

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc):

Wedge carries in his fighters the standard emergency/survival equipment of a New Republic soldier, and is rarely without his blaster pistol.

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc):

Wedge is fully and totally committed to his squadron and the New Republic, but often keeps himself distant from his fellow pilots, to keep himself from being hurt by their deaths. He sometimes displays a rather large ego from having been through so much, but also feels the pangs of survivor's guilt, since so many of his friends didn't make it through the Rebellion.

Despite this, he maintains a tight and fiercely loyal group of friends, and is always ready to take on impossible odds for the greater good once more.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Good

Why have you chosen this character, and what are your plans for them:

Wedge is the quintessential war-hero type, and one of the few SW supporting characters who isn't known for the color of his lightsaber or the cool-factor of his helmet. I plan on using him and Rogue Squadron for big daredevil space-battles, and to show how non-Jedi do things in the trenches.

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG:

I'm a dedicated role-player, and have been a massive SW fan my whole life. I can bring back some of the spectacular space combat and hair-raising dogfights that were so iconic in the classic trilogy, stuff that gets tragically forgotten once everyone starts swinging sabers around.

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG:

As often as necessary.

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):

Hold formation, Rogues. Not yet.

We maintain silence over the comlinks, but I give the order in my head anyway. These men are better than good--better than most of the best, in fact. Still, just one of them jumping the gun could lose us our target.

Two minutes ago, a New Republic strike team engaged an Imperial refinery. Two Mon Calmari cruisers, backed up by three flights of X-Wings and A-Wings. They made quick work of the two Victory-class Star Destroyers orbiting the facility, but the fighters are having trouble dealing with the larger Imperial-class, and the cruisers are taking a pounding from the gun platforms down below.

Not yet.

A trio of TIE Interceptors pursues one of the X-Wings around the Star Destroyer's tower, before one of the ship's turbolaser turrets picks it off. One of the cruisers lurches to one side as a bolt from the planet-side ion cannon shorts out all of its power.

Not yet.

Suddenly, a massive shadow blots out the light of the nearby star, blanketing even the huge cruisers. A Super Star Destroyer has just emerged from hyperspace.


R5 twitters a response, and I slam on the throttle.

The field of debris surrounding a seemingly derelict transport lights up, as my X-Wing and a dozen more erupt from the wreckage. A swarm of TIEs banked towards us, but were quickly mowed down as we flew past the Imperial-class. I can't help but smile, and think if the Imps have started to realize that the refinery wasn't our real target. It was just what we needed to draw out the big one.

We speed towards the looming figure of the Super Star Destroyer. Within the hour, it'll be gone.

Just business as usual for Rogue Squadron.

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype:

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Star Wars: The RPG Character Application

Screen Name:

Character you wish to play: Lt. Bastion Renn

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc): Human (Corellian)

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): The Imperial Remnant

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!): Born as the Clone Wars ended, Bastion was raised by a very poor family on Corellia. One day, two inept Rebel operatives broke into the family house, attempting to hide out from pursuing stormtroopers. Bastion's father attempted to get them to leave, but in their panic, they shot and killed him. A few moments later, the stormtroopers entered the house and killed the rebels. From that day on, Bastion nursed a deep hatred of the Rebel Alliance. When he was old enough, he ran away from his home on Corellia, abandoning his mother and sister, and joined the Imperial Army. Whilst under the intense training to become a stormtrooper, his actions were observed by one of the top instructors of the academy - one Captain Fordo. Upon a particularly outstanding training mission, in which he saved fifteen of his comrades from a botched bomb, he was given the option to join the new Storm Commando program. Under special training from Fordo himself, Bastion learnt a variety of new skills, from sabotage and subterfuge to starfighter piloting and space battle tactics. Bastion's Commando team was utilised in the final months before the Battle of Endor. After a particularly long and brutal campaign against Rebel forces on Jabiim, Bastion was called back to Coruscant. While the Imperial Officers stationed there were arguing over control now that the Emperor was dead, Renn organised the defence of Coruscant himself. He held the New Republic forces off for seven days and seven nights, even going so far as to used downed AT-ST's as road blocks. Eventually the Imperial forces were overwhelmed, and Bastion was among the last men to leave the planet, firing until his gun ran out of ammunition. He took the loss of Coruscant as a personal insult, and now runs strike missions on the New Galactic Republic.

Character Class (choose one):

Soldier (stormtroopers, Moffs, tribal warriors, New Republic commandos, fighter pilots, and all other warriors and soldiers)

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech: Franklin Gothic Medium

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc): A heavy blaster pistol, DC-15 rifle (modified, compacted version), Imperial Transport, E-11 sniper rifle, thermal detonators, Storm Commando armour, resources of the Imperial Remnant.

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): A trained and battle hardened soldier, Bastion had been known to disobey direct orders in the event of winning a battle. A good military tactician, he also knows when to sacrifice, and when to cut his losses and leave battle. He takes a lost battle as an insult, and has a deep, burning hatred of the New Republic.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Evil

Why have you chosen this character, and what are your plans for them: It was either Bastion or a Black Sun operative. I plan to make life as difficult for the New Republic players as possible.

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG: A much needed Imperial villain. Also lots of explosions.

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG: As many as I need to.

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):
The four commandos jogged up the hill, occasionally turning and returning fire with the Republic men who were following there. There was a series of bangs, followed by a large amount of screaming as the advancing force walked into the Imperial minefield. The commandos reached the extraction point, and dropped into cover behind a series of sandbags that circled the edge.

"Where's that blasted pickup?" Corporal Feran spat, raising his sniper rifle and picking off the most forward members of the force.

"You shut your mouth, corporal," Renn hissed "It'll get here,"

The Republic forces had cleared the minefield, and were now advancing up the hill towards them. Renn fired in a wide arc, making striking shots with some of the men on the front row. Return fire came over the top of their heads, and they ducked under their sandbag cover again. Sergeant Harneck pulled a thermal detonator from his pack and threw it over his head. There was a loud explosion as it took out a large circle of men.

"Rebel scum," he added, under his breath.

"T4-B heavy armour sir, advancing up the hill," Feran reported, using the zoom on his helmet.

"Serin, where's that anti-armour support?" he shouted to the fourth man.

No answer.

"Serin?" he asked again, then turned around. Corporal Serin was dead, a smooth hole of blaster fire through the middle of his helmet. A shot in a million. Swearing under his breath, Bastion crawled along the dirt floor until he reached the dead man's position. He pulled the anti-tank out of his comrade's cold, dead grasp. He stuck it on his shoulder, and pulled the sight out. It immediately targeted the T4-B. Pulling on the trigger, the rocket shot out and he saw the tank detonate.

<Lieutenant, this is your pick up, but be warned, I'm coming in hot. I repeat, I'm coming in hot>

Bastion swore, as he saw the Imperial transport heading towards their location at an alarming speed. Behind it came an X-Wing fighter. Renn raised the rocket launcher again, and locked onto the fighter. He pulled the trigger, and the homing rocket shot out, hitting the fighter right on the nose. It disappeared in a ball of fire. The transport landed on the ground. Harneck and Feran immediately sprang to life, advancing towards the ship, firing at the Republic forces as they backed away. Renn followed them, hopping on board as the pilot prepped for take-off. He breathed a silent sigh of relief. He had survived Jabiim.

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Screen Name: Affliction

Character you wish to play: Malek Raiko (created character)

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc): Zabrak

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): No current faction affiliation

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!):

In the time following the formation of the Galactic Empire, the natural strong-willed nature of the Zabrak people allowed them to resist Imperial occupation. This defiant spirit continued in the face of various actions that the Empire took against them, including garrisoning all of their worlds, destroying their industrial base, and raising taxes that drove them to near poverty.

Because of this a baby Malek was abandoned by his parents as they themselves struggled to survive. Malek was found and taken in by the owners of a Reek Ranch, breeding and selling the creatures that were often used as Zabrak war mounts. Malek grew up cared for, but from a young age had to earn his way working with the Reek. Loved by his adoptive mother and despised by his adopted father, a young Malek found companionship with the huge savage beasts they bred, learning well to handle them and their volatile nature. As he reached sexual maturity, the young Malek developed the sense to commune with the creatures, being able to sense their emotions and influence them also.

However, in growing up in such a difficult environment and suffering frequent beatings at the hands of his father, the young Malek grew an aggressive, confrontational streak that manifested a power deep within him beyond the abilities he had already developed.

Coming home from a day out in the paddocks with the Reek, Malek found his adopted father beating his mother. Enraged and in the heat of the moment Malek drew his dagger and plunged it into the throat of his father, killing him almost instantly. His mother, knowing the horrors her adoptive son had committed cast him to exile rather than hand him over to the authorities.

Malek took all of the credits he had, a few provisions, saddled up a Reek and headed out into the desert. After a few days riding, he happened upon a small garrison town and a merchant by the name of Deebo Canet. Seeking provisions and a weapon Malek was shown a Lightsaber. Canet insisted that the weapon once belonged to a high raking Jedi Knight and was a relic from the Clone War. Malek was enamoured with the sabre, feeling like it was a part of him as soon as he held in his grasp. However, Canet insisted that Maleks Reek as well as all of his credits were the only price he was willing to accept for the blade.

Reluctantly Malek accepted and traded the beast and his entire purse for the weapon. Shortly after, he gained passage to Tatooine on the trading ship "Destaal" captained by an old Herglic, Tarvi-Oisin, offering manual labor to pay the debt of travel. It was during this time that Tarvi befriended the young Malek and realised the potential of the power that the young Zabrak carried within him.

Character Class (choose one): Force Sensitive, no current alliegiance.

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech: Malek Raiko - Dark Red, Century Gothic

Items: Malek carries a green bladed Lightsaber

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Like all Zabrak, Malek has a fierce sense of self-determination and an equally dominant need for independence. Malek is a proud, strong, and confident being. He believes that nothing is truly impossible, and strives to be the best he can be at everything he does. Some Zabrak carry themselves with an air of superiority, frequently discussing the achievements of their people with pride that could border on arrogance. Malek however, is quieter, ashamed of the parents that abandoned him and the adoptive father that never wanted him. He is a natural warrior and adventurer, and is dedicated, intense, and extremely focused. Malek is also fiercely loyal to his good friend Tarvi-Oisin.

Character Alignment (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Choose one): Neutral

Why have you chosen this character, and what are your plans for them: I have created Malek with the hope to be able to tell a good story and help this RPG grow beyond the constraints of popular canon characters. I want to tell a story that compliments the depth of the universe we're playing in.

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG: I can bring enthusiasm, dedication and a little pinch of creative writing talent.

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG: As many as is needed.

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):

The rickety old trading ship known as "Destaal" drifted lazily through the blackness of space. At the helm stood the old Herglic,Tarvi-Oisin. To his right the young Zabrak, Malek Raiko stood with his arms folded behind his back. His gaze focused on the abject blackness of the universe, seeing nothing but distant stars and dust. His long, dark hair was pulled back from his head and tied in a simple tail. His horns, mostly fully developed stuck out in a symmetrical pattern around his head.

Tarvi sighed noisily, the air releasing from the blow hole on the top of his head in a hauum sound. "You know boy, a problem shared is a problem halved?"

Maleks shoulders sagged and his head fell slightly. "There's no problem to be shared Tarv, I was just thinking about home."
The vision of his mother came back to him, the tears streaming down her face and the pain in the eyes as she cradled the head of her dead husband. Malek could still see the individual droplets of blood running from the next down the curve of the blade, the growing stain as it soaked into his mothers robes.

"Feeling home-sick?" the Captain grunted.

"No, I just... "

He heard her screams, raw and primal. Her fists beating against his chest as he stood there, frozen to the spot, unable to move or speak. He felt the tear roll down the hard lines of his face again as he remembered his mother losing the will to hit him and fall to her knees in front of him, her body wracked and convulsing with grief. Malek gritted his teeth and clenched his own fists, fighting the flood of emotion and memories back. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, releasing it and opening his eyes consecutively.

Ah, it's nothing. I'm just in one of those moods. forgive my melancholy.
" Malek turned and glanced at the hulking old trader. "Do we have any of that Andoan Ale left? I'm in the mood to melt my organs".

"Heh Heh! That's more like it lad", Tarvi chuckled. "Come on, we'll drink and talk of home and get it out of your system eh?"

Malek smiled and moved towards the old captain, patting his huge shoulder. "Sounds like a plan Tarv! sounds like a fine plan indeed!"

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