State your unpopular film related opinion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 32

I didn't get love for Get Out, it had a few good moments and techniques, otherwise it wasn't particularly good, innovative or even convincing/believable.
What’s the consensus on Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2? I know some folks that love it because it’s different from the first, but I mean…yikes, it’s kinda bad.

I just remember it being over the top and silly . It's probably a guilty pleasure for some. For me , it's not even worth revisiting.
This might not be unpopular per se, but it is unpopular for... me?

Anyway. For the first time in ages I am a bit more excited for the future of DC films than Marvel's. With the obvious exceptions of those two Avengers films, Deadpool and Daredevil, there's nothing particularly exciting for me that's coming up on their front.

The drop in quality post-Endgame has been a big issue for me, and Love and Thunder was the... (I don't want to say 'nail in the coffin')... but it certainly was the last bit of excitement that was left in me.
Once Upon A Time in Hollywood is Tarantino's best movie. There, I said it.
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Once Upon A Time in Hollywood is Tarantino's best movie. There, I said it.
Yeah you know what, it's becoming my favorite of his.
I haven't rewatched many of his films in a long time, but Once Upon a Time has a feel-good energy to it that none of his previous movies had. It's so rewatchable and that's probably why it might be my favorite.
His best though? That's really hard, almost every single one of his movies is really really good.
Yeah you know what, it's becoming my favorite of his.
I haven't rewatched many of his films in a long time, but Once Upon a Time has a feel-good energy to it that none of his previous movies had. It's so rewatchable and that's probably why it might be my favorite.
His best though? That's really hard, almost every single one of his movies is really really good.
Exactly. Just purchased the 4k today from Amazon and I plan on giving it yet another rewatch. I find it to be a relaxing movie, and I think that was kind of the intention. We're spending the day with these 2 people in the late 60s and theres something so engrossing about that for me, personally. It's just a pure joy to watch, and with so much talent involved, that makes it even better.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood gets better with each viewing. I'd also recommend reading the companion novel because that really enhances it.
Exactly. Just purchased the 4k today from Amazon and I plan on giving it yet another rewatch. I find it to be a relaxing movie, and I think that was kind of the intention. We're spending the day with these 2 people in the late 60s and theres something so engrossing about that for me, personally. It's just a pure joy to watch, and with so much talent involved, that makes it even better.
Yes, he has talked about "hangout" movies before, you know those movies were you just want to hang out with the characters, like Dazed and Confused. I think he achieved that.
I agree. That or Reservoir Dogs.

And Jackie Brown is his third best.

Yes, he has talked about "hangout" movies before, you know those movies were you just want to hang out with the characters, like Dazed and Confused. I think he achieved that.

My list is probably gonna be controversial, but here it goes....

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Django Unchained
Kill Bill Vol 1 + 2
Inglorious Basterds
Jackie Brown
The Hateful Eight
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Death Proof
For me, Tarantino's best is Jackie Brown.

I love the idea that audiences went into this movie expecting Pulp Fiction Redux and instead got a bittersweet love story about two middle-aged losers. I love how the movie treats the crime elements of its story as an afterthought. I love how Tarantino is one of the few directors outside of Tim Burton who knows how to properly utilize Michael Keaton's unique form of manic energy.

And mostly, I love the movie's suggestion that everything we do in life matters, and how our pasts can't help but inform our futures.

I'd personally like to see Tarantino do more contemplative, lower-key films like this as he enters his dotage.
IMO there's really no wrong answer when it comes to the choice for best Tarantino movie but Death Proof is the only choice for his worst. And I don't think it's a bad movie, it just pales in comparison to the others.
Eh, I think The Hateful Eight is also pretty mediocre and forgettable by Tarantino standards. I would be very surprised if I ever saw someone rank that the top of the pile, but I'm sure there's someone out there.
IMO there's really no wrong answer when it comes to the choice for best Tarantino movie but Death Proof is the only choice for his worst. And I don't think it's a bad movie, it just pales in comparison to the others.

Well he aimed for something "less refined" with Death Proof. I think it was intentional to not be as impressive as his other work. A different genre too. It's a great little midnight movie and, I'd argue, more rewatchable than something like The Hateful Eight, for example.
The Hateful Eight is near the bottom of the list too but I rank it above Death Proof because it's better written and acted even though it's snail paced. It feels like a stage play adapted into a film.
Tarantino last couple films really haven’t worked for me, personally. Hateful Eight did feel like a stage play (and not in a good way) and I found Once Upon a Time… to be a big ball of nothing aside from some good performances. I guess I can see the “hang out” appeal of it because I did really like the two main characters, but I expect a bit more from Tarantino than that, especially this late in his impressive career. I also found Margot Robbie to be completely wasted. He basically just asked her to smile a lot while he zoomed in on her feet. And frankly, the film didn’t have the appeal of some other “hang out” films like the aforementioned Dazed and Confused. That’s a movie I could watch any day of the week and still love it. I’ve never felt the need to revisit Once Upon a Time.

I still love most of his films but I hope he gives us something more interesting the next time he puts something out. Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs will always be my favorites; I saw those movies when I first got into my film nerd phase and they changed the way I looked at movies. I think Django and Inglourious Basterds might be his technically best films but I feel like he didn’t know where to go after he did those.
I prefer the Yub Nub ending of ROTJ. I've seen a lot of people who, though they generally dislike the special editions and the changes made, still make an allowance for that new music at the end of ROTJ. Not for me. And it's not even an issue of nostalgia, as I was born in '94 and so I would have probably grown up seeing both the original and the '97 SE versions. I just genuinely find Yub Nub to be more fun, celebratory and happy. It gives me a much warmer feeling.
Avatar is just a modern day retelling of "cowboys vs indians" that we seen all throughout the 40s and 50s.
I prefer the Yub Nub ending of ROTJ. I've seen a lot of people who, though they generally dislike the special editions and the changes made, still make an allowance for that new music at the end of ROTJ. Not for me. And it's not even an issue of nostalgia, as I was born in '94 and so I would have probably grown up seeing both the original and the '97 SE versions. I just genuinely find Yub Nub to be more fun, celebratory and happy. It gives me a much warmer feeling.

I think the '97 music feels still influenced by the Ewoks but not, like "Yub Nub," going full and completely Ewoks-y, being about, from, by, about them, more appropriately feels mix of Ewoks celebration and our Rebel heroes and celebratory but also with some somberness.
This might not be unpopular per se, but it is unpopular for... me?

Anyway. For the first time in ages I am a bit more excited for the future of DC films than Marvel's. With the obvious exceptions of those two Avengers films, Deadpool and Daredevil, there's nothing particularly exciting for me that's coming up on their front.

The drop in quality post-Endgame has been a big issue for me, and Love and Thunder was the... (I don't want to say 'nail in the coffin')... but it certainly was the last bit of excitement that was left in me.

I'm with you... I feel it's lost it's way and almost treads on parody territory. I know many will disagree, that's fine... but I feel marvel only really has X men left in their tank and personally I would invest my time in visiting their x men world (if done right)... limitless possibilities.

Dc however, Superman has so much potential now - the bat family, green lantern, side characters have half a chance now.. I'm intrigued.

It could all come back to haunt me but I just have marvel fatigue.
Credit where credit is due/I'll eat my hat post.

I really didn't think Avatar 2 was gonna make this amount of money. I haven't seen the movie yet so I can't comment on it, but holy hell. I still don't get it.
The Batman is good, but it's not amazing. First half is fantastic, second half left stuff to be desired. At times I feel like the movie is so gorgeous to look at that it kinda makes it easier to overlook the drawn out runtime. Still a good film though, but certainly not the best.....

*Runs and hides*
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