Suicide Squad: Review/Discussion (NO SPOILERS)

Pretty much this. I expected a sort of simple story line but didn't expect it to be handled in a very undemanding and forgettable way. I think it would have fared better with a plot similar to the one of Assault on Arkham.

Yup, some shady covert operation would definitely work better and make much more sense for this sort of team. Would also make it a less of a "save the world" generic flick.
i loved it a solid 8/10 for me will smith and margot robbie were amazing the best i've seen will in a good decade i loved all the characters and they had great chemistry and team dynamic they all just meshed well.i really liked the rapid pace ,bad ass action,and this is the tone all dc films need to be to was darker but also had personality.

sure the plot and villain were very weak but i just had so much fun and entertainment that it didn't bother me too much

bar scene was my favorite reminded me of the heart to heart moment in gotg
what the ....

are they employ psychopath as film critic nowadays?



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that is just ridiculous. if he paid any attention he would have noticed that batman was administering CPR and that she kissed him to throw him of his game or just to irritate him. he was not amused.

epic fail that review.
I sometimes wonder how famous critics land their jobs when they find no value in a film like this. It wasn't perfect, but it was very fun and, more importantly, did justice to many comic book characters that had seen little-to-no previous live-action adaptation. It was a solid 8.5.

While I don't agree that MoS and BvS were the dour experiences that so many critics of the films contend, Suicide Squad should have been the subversive, irreverent romp that those people wanted. I expected this to be even darker than BvS, but I was surprised with the Guardians of the Galaxy vibe that I got from it.

The most glaring problem of SS was the awful, irredeemable version of the Joker. Leto's tittering, purring delivery was hard to watch. His personality and modus operandi echoed those of a bland, common thug. He seemed to have truly deep feelings for Harley, which as anyone familiar with those characters knows, he shouldn't have had.

As for the positives in this film, Will Smith as Deadshot tops the list. Deadshot's powers aren't the most original, so most of what makes the character work is his moral struggle between his skill set and his desire to be a good father. Smith did an excellent job conveying this.

Likewise, Margot Robbie overcame her monumentally awful costume to capture Harely's personality. The film had me at the flashback of her jester outfit and "Puddin." Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje and Jay Hernandez each did excellent jobs at giving their respective characters a sympathetic human side. Viola Davis, of whom I was a bit skeptical in this role, didn't disappoint as the morally ambiguous Amanda Waller.

Enchantress was also skillfully done, both from the perspective of Cara Delevigne's ghoulish acting and the perfect CGI that conveyed her various, godlike powers. One of my favorite story points was her motivation that she had not only been held captive by humans, but that she had been replaced by modern technology. The creepy way that she made her minions was also a nice touch.

I don't want to spoil the mid-credits scene for anyone, but it added a layer of excitement to the upcoming DCEU. It's long overdue, but it's finally here!
just saw it. was aware of all the reviews and everything so i didn't go into this completely blind.

my take away - meh.

will smith played his normal will smith character.
robbie did a good job as harely quinn.

but overall...everything just seemed rushed. some dialogue was a bit cring worthy and the music was very jarring. i didn't like how alot of the movie was edited together and leto's joker didn't really move me emotionally while watching.

i also thought the end fight was visually too dark and confusing as you couldn't see anything really clearly.

it wasn't a terrible movie but it definitely wasn't a good movie. the more i marinate on it, the worse the impression it leaves.

this is really a shame b/c overall, the story was not that bad a story. imho, it's just poorly put together.
Saw this for a second and last time and overall I still really enjoyed this.
Caught this tonight and was entertained enough by its craziness & action, but for me it just wasn't nearly on level with the DCAU Timmverse, which I view as the gold standard by which I judge all things DC. ;)

I was never a fan of the direction Ayer took from the beginning, with the overall "goth emo" look of the movie and the tattoed Joker, which was just really off-putting to me. In fact, kinda didn't want to see the movie at all because of that artistic direction, but the negativity of the reviews and rumored Batman cameo got me curious. :o

While Ayer certainly did get some things on point, like Harley's personality, and Amanda Waller, I wasn't a fan of his deviations from Joker, Deadshot, and Flag. Joker wasn't a pyschopathic enterprising criminal, Deadshot got way too humanized for my liking (he should've been left more mysterious as a character and literally behind the mask more often but I guess you can't do that with the ever-charismatic Will Smith), and Flag wasn't enough of a stoic hardass.

The one thing that SS left me thinking was: how come no one's been able to replicate Hamill's Joker in live action yet? How hard can that be? Surely I can't be the only one who wants a Joker in that vein. Hopefully I'll get to see that kind of Joker in live-action sometime in my lifetime....

These recent DC movies have been depressing me since I really like the DC characters in the material that's come out of WB's Animation department over the years ever since BTAS, but BvS and now SS have left me disappointed. I'm hoping next year's Wonder Woman turns things around for me, because its trailer is awesome!

Btw, I recommend not watching SS back-to-back with the horror movie Lights Out that's also in theaters right now, as the female antagonist in that movie resembled Enchantress a little too much. :p
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Very entertaining film. Loved the flashbacks and music pieces catered to each character. I also enjoy films when they jump right into the story. I had no issues with the editing or pacing. Some cheesy dialogue yes, and minor plot issues, but overall a fun action film. Critics are idiots, convinced more than ever.

Entertaining in Michael Bay Transformers way. Ridiculous story, weird character moments, actions filmed in dark or too zoom in. Jared Leto as Joker is just awful

Will Smith is good though
Caught SS today, and I must admit i was a bit disappointed overall. Unfortunately I've had high hopes for this film since I saw the first trailer, so it was always an uphill battle. Basically almost everything the critics are saying is more or less correct. What we ended up with was the glimpse of a fantastic movie that was brought down by terrible editing and creative decisions that I can only assume came about from studio interference.

I enjoyed the characters and actors, although personally I felt that DS/WS (Deadshot/Will Smith)and HQ/MR (Harley Quinn/Margot Robbie) did in fact dominate the story. They did good jobs, but this meant that the other 'main' characters (Diablo, Croc, Boomerang, Kitana) were quite to very underused. And don't get me started on slipknot, what a waste.

The joker, for me, worked as a character. But as an icon of the new DECU? Not really. The joker is always going to have some big shoes to fill, and his feeling of irrelevance here (seriously, take him out of the move and does it affect the movie at all? No), made him feel extraneous.

The music felt forced as well. The best example I can think of was when they played 7 nation army (which I love). It played over characters talking, really detracting from the scene. And the editing was crap. I understand that these guys were probably working on a crazy schedule on re-edit 27 of the film, so it's more of a shot at the producers. Some of the editing was just jarring, the HQ/MR scene shown in the trailers breaking the window and saying 'we're the bad guys' was TERRIBLE. It literally felt like they paused the movie to show a clip from another movie.

Overall I give it a 6.5, projected to drop over time. I think currently people rate SS on their hopes rather than the messy end product. Fingers crossed that the Blu Ray release will have a BvS type of ultimate cut, because I felt that that made BvS better, and this film deserves to be better.
8/10. I finally got a team of heroes I can root for. I especially liked the dossier montage at the beginning.
Got back from it a little while ago. Didn't think it was nealy as bad as the critics were saying. Definitely better than BvS. But it did have problems. Some of the music placement was random and really takes you out of it in certain scenes.

Enchantress was a lame villain. Thought Leto's Joker was pretty bad. Wasn't as upset about a bunch of his scenes being cut after it was over. Probably would of taken him as the main villain over her though.

Overall it was pretty damn fun and went by very quickly. Thought everyone other than the girl that plays Enchantress and Leto were really good. Look forward to the Blu-Ray.
I liked it. The editing was bad especially in the beginning and the music got old quick. It felt like it we missed the first ten minutes. The Joker was terrible. Nothing against his look I didn't even notice it. The way WB portrayed him was terrible and Leto wasn't memorable. Enchantress was an okay villain, Waller was a better one. However it was a fun movie and everyone in the Squad was great.
Hi there, been checking out the forums for a bit and have finally decided to start posting.

Saw the movie opening night, can honestly say this is the worst out of the DCEU films. Enjoyed the batfleck cameo's and actually really dug Will Smith as deadshot, much more than I thought I would. Never been a fan of Harley Quinn in any media (comics, tv etc) and found the performance to be pretty cringe like the rest of the movie. Leto's Joker i'm unsure of now to be honest, need to see more.

Really dissapointed that Scott Eastwood ended up being nobody and had a bomb blow up in his face, was hoping for Roy Harper or something like that.

Lastly, the villain was laughable and Cara was flat and kinda bad as always


All my opinion. Glad to be here my dudes.
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I waited for a $5 Tuesday at a theater by my house. This movie was bad. Real bad. Maybe not THE worst movie I have ever seen, but it is up there. The plot was stupid and made absolutely no sense. The characters were cheesy at best. I HATED Jared Leto's Joker. He couldn't even talk right with those stupid teeth caps, and was just trying way too hard to be "Crazy." Will Smith was garbage. Margot Robbie was OK, and even her poorly written Harley Quinn got annoying as hell. Everybody else was just there.

Seriously, the only good thing I can say about this movie was the dirty witchy Enchantress looked really cool. That is it.

Okay, I just saw “Suicide Squad” for the second time. Surprisingly, there were 50-60 people in my theater (I was expecting maybe a dozen). There was still some laughter at the jokes, but obviously much less. I caught some one-liners I had missed the first time around.

I feel pretty much the same way I did the last time—if this movie had been 15 minutes longer, it would’ve been a whole lot better. More time to flesh out some of the minor Squad characters, to make the Squad’s bonding more realistic and to let the Joker have a couple of intact scenes. I still found Will Smith, Viola Davis, and Jay Hernandez highlights. I liked Margot Robbie more this time. Her accent was better than I gave her credit for, but there was at least once where she definitely sounded Australian. I noticed Captain Boomerang more, and I really do think this role works well for Jai Courtney.

This time around Cara Delevingne got on my nerves less; she really did seem to be having fun with Enchantress, but June Moone was pretty colorless. However, I can’t help wondering what Rick Flag would’ve been like if Tom Hardy hadn’t dropped out. Too much of Joel Kinnaman’s delivery is flat.

I watched the Joker’s scenes more closely and, honestly, it seems almost like they went out of their way to mess them up.
The scene with Griggs works for me. The Joker was stalking him and moving like a big cat, so the purring/growling makes sense in that context. Still can’t get over how badly they butchered the scenes with Monster T, the car chase, the helicopter, and the chemical wedding. It looked to me like they softened the focus on Joker after Harley had jumped into the vat, making it harder to see the thought process behind him starting to leave and then reversing course and diving in after her.
It’s probably a good thing Jared Leto never watches the movies he makes. I still want to see more of his Joker, though, as well as his Joker with Harley.

I wish they had traded in some of the fighting for more of the things that got cut. That’s when I noticed I was getting bored.

Still think it’s a 7/10

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