Sylvester Stallone's The Expendables.

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Finally saw this and oh man did this kick all sorts of ass.

By far THE best action movie of the summer year.
The blu-ray is awesome. The making of documentary is 90 minutes of awesome.

A-Team was better written.
But Expendables had the better action.
The Losers was just a massive letdown.
how big a role does Jet Li have in this? and is he good in that role?

any signature Jet Li martial arts fight scenes? or is it just guns and explosions? lol
how big a role does Jet Li have in this? and is he good in that role?

any signature Jet Li martial arts fight scenes? or is it just guns and explosions? lol

Jet Li's role isn't too big, but he gets some moments to shine in a car chase and the hand to hand fight that happens right after it. Only problem is the camera work was kind of crap(edited too quickly), so it doesn't show off Li's fighting well enough.
Jet Li was my favorite character in the movie. He does have a few great action sequences but he is also pretty funny in his non action parts.
They should have done less shaky cam in the fight scenes. I would have preferred better angles on the ass kicking
I bought this on Blu ray Tuesday. The behind the scenes stuff is great! The actual movie is good but not great. The action scenes were awesome but the dialogue, editing is crappy in some parts. And if the movie didn't have big name action stars in it and just sly it would have been a straight to DVD flick. With all that said I still enjoyed the heck out of this movie. Recommend for any action fan.
how big a role does Jet Li have in this? and is he good in that role?

any signature Jet Li martial arts fight scenes? or is it just guns and explosions? lol

He's probably the funniest character in the whole movie. He's a down on his luck schmo who wants a pay rise.
What I like about Jet Li is that he isn't this big unstoppable machine like he is in every other movie. The last big action piece starting from when they're planting the c4 til the end of the movie is some of the best action in years aside from some horrible horrible cgi fire. Sly doesn't get greedy with the camera and he allows everyone on the team to get a lot of moments during it. He doesn't utilize the shaky cam all that much during which is nice because there is just a lot of awesome hand to hand and gun fights during it.
That's why his fight against Lundgren, IMHO is probably the best fight he's ever done. Sure it's shaky and choppy at parts, but the underdog role is so much different and better than he normally is.
Even with the shaky cam it's really entertaining. During the fight I didn't find the shaky cam to be too much of a problem but during the car chase right before it. yeesh you can hardly see whats going on.
The only problem I had with the actions scenes is the fights in the building during the climax. Sometimes you can't tell who is who because they're all wearing the same thing
Even with the shaky cam it's really entertaining. During the fight I didn't find the shaky cam to be too much of a problem but during the car chase right before it. yeesh you can hardly see whats going on.

Yeah that car chase was terrible. Compare that to the one it's homaging in Cobra and you can see why the 80's was a better decade for action.
This movie started out kinda good,but it was too much of the same crap through out the movie that made it kinda sucked.All of the expendables are basically unkillable or unhittable is crap.
This movie started out kinda good,but it was too much of the same crap through out the movie that made it kinda sucked.All of the expendables are basically unkillable or unhittable is crap.

Much like the action films of the '80s which is what Stallone was going for. He's said in a few interviews that the movie is intended a bit as satire.
This movie started out kinda good,but it was too much of the same crap through out the movie that made it kinda sucked.All of the expendables are basically unkillable or unhittable is crap.

Because the henchmen always manage to shoot Batman and Spider-Man. :whatever:

And in what other movie has the one main physical villain (Austin) beaten the film's main hero (Stallone) in a fair fight?
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Watched this again over the weekend and enjoyed it as much as when I first saw it. The final act is simply awesome. Definitely has that 80's action movie feel.

Also watched the DVD extras. Really enjoyed the 'making of' documentary.
i had such high hopes for this movie. so disappointed by it. i was seriously expecting something along the lines of commando but it just felt too rushed and bland. the acting wasnt really good either. statham was the only character i enjoyed watching but thats cuz he was the only one with a story. maybe if this was a sequel to an 80's movie or something from 15 years ago it would have felt more credible but as it was, i just felt very let down. the action was kinda crappy compared to even 80s films.

anybody kno what the supposed directors cut is going to offer for this film? maybe i need to see it with more story but the dc is the only time i will attempt to rewatch this film.

wasnt horrible, but certainly wasnt fun
Loved this film. Easily one of the best action films of our time. I'm greatly looking forward to a sequel. Still need to watch the extras!!
Could have used more Charisma Carpenter. Maybe the next Expendables could involve more women. Imagine if the next movie had the biggest female action stars going head to head with each other like Brigitte Nielsen, Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton or Milla Jovovich. Would have definitely loved to have seen Weaver & Hamilton going head to head in battle in their prime.
Because the henchmen always manage to shoot Batman and Spider-Man. :whatever:

And in what other movie has the one main physical villain (Austin) beaten the film's main hero (Stallone) in a fair fight?
Which was good till the horrible fight scene with the worst character in the movie
Could have used more Charisma Carpenter. Maybe the next Expendables could involve more women. Imagine if the next movie had the biggest female action stars going head to head with each other like Brigitte Nielsen, Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton or Milla Jovovich. Would have definitely loved to have seen Weaver & Hamilton going head to head in battle in their prime.

Would be nice, but it'll probably be Michelle Rodriguez.
Finally saw this. It was good, but really the camera work was too shaky at times and I dont think the Expendables save for Statham and Stallone got enough time to shine. They all had badass moments but not enough IMO. Also other than the action scenes and so dialog moments I really didnt dig anything else.

Good, but disappointing

Ok I finally saw it and I will say this it was good but could have been way better.

If I was to have wrote this I would have the team like Mask have a **** load of people men and women to be use at anytime. Oh and I would have had members dying off left and right hence the name Expendables.
This movie started out kinda good,but it was too much of the same crap through out the movie that made it kinda sucked.All of the expendables are basically unkillable or unhittable is crap.


Looks like you don't "get it".
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