The Dark Knight Rises The Dark Knight Batman Vs. Bane Spoilers

you can present every plausable argument to these guys and they still go on about rage, batman only winning due to breaking the mask. The way i try to see it that with the mask or without in a normal fight you would target the face and whether you hit an air providing mask or a bare jaw its still gonna do damage to the air supply or knock them out if its a bare jaw. And i agree bane fights always with advantages. When he had none of these to rely on in the final fight, look what happens!

Seriously, some people in here are in denial. Bane was superior to Batman in every way. Show me where Bruce Wayne was just as powerful, explosive, athletic and agile as Bane (from Begins and Knight). You can't. A prime Batman still would have fallen to Bane in their first go-around. Nolan's Bane feels no pain and is quite skilled in hand-to-hand combat. He's not the Bane from the comics. You folks need to come to grips with that.

And what exactly are you talking about when you refer to Bane's power, agility, explosion, and athleticisism? What instances are you speaking of? Because Batman also beat up many thugs and goons? Sometimes rather easily although he may not be as violent. He also kicks thru a wall even in his rusty retired shape like Bane punched thru the pillar. And of course he pulled up Ràs which we did not see Bane doing anything like that. And even while they are fighting Batman seems quicker, especially in the second fight. And athleticism and agility? Bane doesn't "scramble across rooftops" like Batman. He is skilled and very powerful yes, but he's still not the Batman. You never even saw him running or even walking briskly haha how can you say he's more agile and athletic than Batman?
And what exactly are you talking about when you refer to Bane's power, agility, explosion, and athleticisism? What instances are you speaking of? Because Batman also beat up many thugs and goons? Sometimes rather easily although he may not be as violent. He also kicks thru a wall even in his rusty retired shape like Bane punched thru the pillar. And of course he pulled up Ràs which we did not see Bane doing anything like that. And even while they are fighting Batman seems quicker, especially in the second fight. And athleticism and agility? Bane doesn't "scramble across rooftops" like Batman. He is skilled and very powerful yes, but he's still not the Batman. You never even saw him running or even walking briskly haha how can you say he's more agile and athletic than Batman?

When was Batman shown to be scrambling on rooftops? I don't seem to recall such an event (other than in Begins, and I seem to remember Bruce getting injuried in the process).

Hmmmm, when did Bane display his agility, power and athleticism? Oh yeah... both encounters with Batman. The sewer fight, however, perfectly highlighted Bane's superiority over Batman. Please show me where TDK Batman picked up 200 lbs over his head, executed head movement and performed a flying spinning Superman Punch.

Are kidding me? Batman didn't display any blazing agility during the Penthouse and Hong Kong scenes. He was moving at pretty average speeds to me.
Oh yeah... both encounters with Batman. The sewer fight, however, perfectly highlighted Bane's superiority over Batman.

Well...yes. But then there was (considerable) exposition addressing the issue of Batman not being the same man he was a decade before.

In fact, Bane himself lectures Bruce on the issue.

Please show me where TDK Batman picked up 200 lbs over his head,

This is a disingenuous argument.

To suggest that one character cannot do something based on the fact we don't see them do it is an obvious fallacy that I shouldn't have to point out to someone of your calibre DoomsdayApex.

I am not suggesting that Gordon could lift 200lbs, but I think it is in keeping with the context of the films to suggest that Batman could acheive that feet.
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Nolan's Bane feels no pain and is quite skilled in hand-to-hand combat. He's not the Bane from the comics. You folks need to come to grips with that.

I thought it was fairly obvious that Nolan borrowed heavily from Knightfall (even copying the back 'breaking' moment almost frame by frame).

Obviously the circumstances have been altered to better reflect Nolan's story and vision, but the core principles of the character remain intact.
Nolan's Bane feels no pain and is quite skilled in hand-to-hand combat. He's not the Bane from the comics. You folks need to come to grips with that.
If he is so much better why did bats win they both faught each other with every tool they had and bats won. People can't say if he didn't need the mask bats wouldn't have won cause you can't know that and unfortunately he does need it and bats disables it. Both are extremley good fighters its just bane has a major advantage with mask on and disadvantage with it off. They are never truly fighting equally
Seriously, some people in here are in denial. Bane was superior to Batman in every way. Show me where Bruce Wayne was just as powerful, explosive, athletic and agile as Bane (from Begins and Knight). You can't. A prime Batman still would have fallen to Bane in their first go-around. Nolan's Bane feels no pain and is quite skilled in hand-to-hand combat. He's not the Bane from the comics. You folks need to come to grips with that.

Oh, okay, well since YOU’VE spoken we can move on. Can we get a mod to close this thread please?

Batman moves just as well as Bane when he rescues Blake. Again, I think this is because Nolan is really striving to show more of the fights. In BB he beat up 10 or 12 armed thugs at the docks but Nolan had no idea how to show it, instead we see Falcone’s reaction. He also rescued Ra’s in “Begins”.

You’re right, Batman never showed extreme agility. Like the kind it would take to dive off a building, open an improvised hang-glider, and maneuver into a somersault through a window. Or to dive off a building and glide into a swat team member in the same fashion. Or to ride a bike that’s nearly impossible to turn under a semi, up a wall into a 180 and back down. Or to jump from one build and sore 30 feet across and 20 feet down and catch himself on a railing. Or to find a way to hang upside down behind people before they know he’s there. Or to stand on poles while people hit him with sticks and land in a push up position between said poles. How about hanging from a moving train by one hand then flinging himself up, around, and through the train window?

Edit: When the train drives off in BB and Bruce shoots the grappling gun you know he’s holding it with one hand right? And he holds his weight, and another man’s while they fly into the air at 20mph. This unnoticed feat of strength is probably greater than any other in ALL of the films. Probably the most impossible as well.

Bane’s ONLY feat of strength that we may reasonable argue Bruce couldn’t do is to hold a man up with one arm like that. Bane uses two hands to lift Bruce and one hand to hold him. Then, even more impressively he punches him while holding him there. Don’t cite the chain. I can do that, to the bottom, then climb back up. Nothing super human about that. Millions of people could break hundred year old cement while on anesthetics and panicked! Go talk to some old school cops about PCP.

You guys aren’t understanding a key element of all this and Bane summed it up in one line: “But I never escaped!” So a man who is more agile, physically superior in every way, and who Batman could never beat in the first encounter, couldn’t do what Bruce Wayne did four months off his death bed? A feat entirely comprised of strength, agility, and will power. Hmmm, kind of sounds like a fight. Get outta here.
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When was Batman shown to be scrambling on rooftops? I don't seem to recall such an event (other than in Begins, and I seem to remember Bruce getting injuried in the process).

Hmmmm, when did Bane display his agility, power and athleticism? Oh yeah... both encounters with Batman. The sewer fight, however, perfectly highlighted Bane's superiority over Batman. Please show me where TDK Batman picked up 200 lbs over his head, executed head movement and performed a flying spinning Superman Punch.

Are kidding me? Batman didn't display any blazing agility during the Penthouse and Hong Kong scenes. He was moving at pretty average speeds to me.

The second half of the second fight is all Batman. You guys all like to say: "Batman couldn't do anything until he broke the mask". What about the fist clench? You know, the one where Bane couldn’t move Batman’s fist for several seconds? Or how about after the fist clench, when Bats breaks free and lands about 10 unanswered shots. Yeah, I suppose Bane wasn’t trying. But Bruce is stumbling and hurt now and then. Yeah, that’s a side effect of pain. Bane would know if he felt it. Oh wait, he does, after another 10 or so unanswered shots Batman breaks the mask. Then a panicked, pain sensing, frightened looking Bane, gets obliterated while doing his best to end Batman. If anyone here argues that Bane didn’t do all he could to beat Batman during his panic they are watching a different film. Petition Nolan to make a Bane film if you want to see him beat Batman instead of a barely existent Bruce Wayne wearing the Bat suit.
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in a cell where one winner can get the key ....

i might have to say bane

batman can't hide in the shadows, so he loses some effectiveness there

bane would get 3 hits to 1 of batmans

batman would be so rocked, he can't analyze bane to find his weakness

once bane broke his back, he should've snapped his neck lol
And remember, Bane almost won. Because he had an ace in the hole. Only Selina saved Batman from death. So, count two losses against Bane.

Bane lost the second fight between him and Batman. He was saved by Talia, who repaired his mask which allowed him to get up and back to his old self, so he only had the upper advantage because Bruce/Batman was in pain from the stab wound from Talia. He was easily defeated once he got hold of the mask which he knew was his biggest weakness. Even if Bane had the slight edge before he got the mask, the fight to me still seemed pretty even, and Batman was much patience this time, and knew exactly what to do unlike the first fight. In the first fight it was the other way around, Bane was fully prepared, but Bruce/Batman wasn't even if he made it seem like he was. In the end after Bane was defeated his life was saved by Talia who stabbed Batman, only to be than killed by Selina in order to save Bruce. So really in combat fights, count one lost for Batman, and one lost for Bane. 1-1.
I don't know the answer to the question, but I would pay money to see it play out on film.
Batman is a formidable fighter with extensive knowledge in different fighting techniques that he studies every opponent beforehand and he's fought bigger and stronger foes, in his prime condition without his bad knee he could've easily whipped Bane flat.

Like many have pointed out he lost because he rushed into the fight without prep time..............and he just had sex with Miranda.

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