The Elseworlds you wanna see.

I want to see an Elseworlds where Superman has long hair, possibly a mullet.
The Leaguer said:
I want to see an Elseworlds where Superman has long hair, possibly a mullet.
We don't need an Elseworlds for that. He came back from the dead with one.
What about an elseworlds where Krypton never expoled. Zod rules Krypton with an iron fist and sends his best general, Kal-El against the other planets to annex them to Zod's domain. Each world has a different colored sun granting KAl-El with a different power. When he reaches Mars, the yellow sun gives him all the powers at once so he becomes power hungry. His next stop is Earth. Kal-El knows of the a group trying to stop him and lets them so he can have a greater challenge.

But a team of heroes emboding the last of each of their alien races comes to Earth to tell the heroes:

GL Hal Jordan: Earth native and highest ranking Green Lantern. Leaves duty on Oa to lead the new heroes to Earth.
Hawkgirl: Raised as a soldier on Thanagar. The perfect soldier.
Orion: Raised on New Genesis. The perfect soldier
Lobo: Super powered scumbag of Czarinian. Found nobility in fighting the Kryptonites. Keeps his sense of toilet humor.
Martian Manhunter: Last of the Martians. Powerful psychic and shape shifter. KNows how to stop the Krptonites but is in coma due to recent attack.

These aliens team up with Earth's greatest heroes:
Aquaman and his wife, Wonder Woman: Both claim to be the King of atlantis and Princess of the Amazons. No body believes them but they due bring results. Aquaman has the real Superman's persona.
Batman: Know only has urban myth in Gotham City. He finally makes himself known in order to stop the aliens. He is accompanied by a boy genius and acrobat, Robin.
Flash: Fastest man on the planet. Same as real Flash.

Kal-El is actually going against Zod's wishes of destroying planets rather than annexing them so Zod makes a move to stop him, but its a long jounrey from Krypton to Earth.
GoldenAgeHero said:
is batman in darkest knight a good read?

No. At least, I didn't think so. I think the problem is while Batman and Green Lantern are both excellent concepts, when they are merged together, they both lose something. At least I think they did here. Maybe if the writing and the art had been better... but personally, I've always found GL (Hal, Kyle or other) more interesting when he's off in some distant galaxy battling some cosmic bad guy. When ever he's just on Earth flying around, its kinda dull. So when you think that Batman is the type of guy whose world is Gotham-centric, well... you can see why I, at least, didn't like this story.
So Elseworld's is What if? right? And they did Kal-El as Batman? Well what about Bruce Wayne as Superman?

So Earth is deemed too sinful by higher powers...And the Spectre begins destroying the world except for when he gets to Gotham, he is aware of Bruce Wayne and his parents. They are the only good beings in the whole city, and since his parents have been shot and are dying, The Spectre sends Bruce to another planet..

A planet which, in elserealm, never was destroyed. Krypton.

And then Bruce Wayne is found by Jor-El and raised along side Kal-El, and is renamed B-Wel or something. But because he is weaker than everyone, Jor-El gives him access to lots of technology and has him tutored and things far above and beyond he put Kal-EL. So B-Wel uses his skills and such to become a champion of justice.

Having never experienced the "Bat" thing...He uses the "S" to represent himself and becomes "Superman". Something like that.
ChineseFooD said:
So Elseworld's is What if? right? And they did Kal-El as Batman? Well what about Bruce Wayne as Superman?

So Earth is deemed too sinful by higher powers...And the Spectre begins destroying the world except for when he gets to Gotham, he is aware of Bruce Wayne and his parents. They are the only good beings in the whole city, and since his parents have been shot and are dying, The Spectre sends Bruce to another planet..

A planet which, in elserealm, never was destroyed. Krypton.

And then Bruce Wayne is found by Jor-El and raised along side Kal-El, and is renamed B-Wel or something. But because he is weaker than everyone, Jor-El gives him access to lots of technology and has him tutored and things far above and beyond he put Kal-EL. So B-Wel uses his skills and such to become a champion of justice.

Having never experienced the "Bat" thing...He uses the "S" to represent himself and becomes "Superman". Something like that.

Cool concept but it's pretty much been done... except it wasn't with Bruce Wayne. In "Last Son of Earth" (I think that's what it was called), young Clark Kent is a human who is sent to Krypton moments before Earth explodes. Once there, it is discovered that he can only survive on this planet with the help of Jor-El's technology.
i'd like to see a decent elseworld of if superman crash landed in britain.
cos the superman:true brit is the most godawful pile of crap ive ever read.

maybe have him land during world war one or something..make him kinda captain america-ish(but british!)

or maybe an elseworld where batman fell in the acid that created the joker and have him be like a nutcase batman.

or a what if darkseid gained dominion over earth.

or maybe a DC zombies..maybe DC vampires or werewolves or something!
has there been an elseworlds with a medieval Justice League?
or maybe one where Superman lands in the marvel universe?
^that would kick ass, Batman would have to be in his fifties for that. but that wont stop him. The Dark Knight series by Frank Miller is very similar to V for Vendetta, at least to me.
A book where Superman lands on Thymiscara and is raised by the Amazons.
SpeedballLives said:
^that would kick ass, Batman would have to be in his fifties for that.

Since it would be an Elseworld he wouldn't "have" to be any particular age.
yea, true brit was garbage..i want my 20 min i spent reading it in boarders back (my friend was next door buying shoes)
Anubis said:
A book where Superman lands on Thymiscara and is raised by the Amazons.

Thats a good idea. Anyway my would be about what if Batman and Superman grew up together.
Union Jack said:
i'd like to see a decent elseworld of if superman crash landed in britain.
cos the superman:true brit is the most godawful pile of crap ive ever read.

maybe have him land during world war one or something..make him kinda captain america-ish(but british!)

or maybe an elseworld where batman fell in the acid that created the joker and have him be like a nutcase batman.

or a what if darkseid gained dominion over earth.

or maybe a DC zombies..maybe DC vampires or werewolves or something!

WOW - I'll be honest and say I'd never even heard of 'True Brit' - I've just read a review at :-

and saw it was co-written by John Cleese ( WTF?! ) and drawn by John Byrne (his artwork really declined in the last few years) - so i'm not surprised that it's garbage. I think i'll give it a miss.

How about an elseworlds story where Bruce's parents never got shot, and he never became Batman but Luthor (as I kinda see him as Bruce Wayne gone bad) becomes a vigilante ala Batman?
Anubis said:
A book where Superman lands on Thymiscara and is raised by the Amazons.

cool idea here...easy to make him and WW fall in love too..just like Elseworlds always do anyway
WOW - I'll be honest and say I'd never even heard of 'True Brit' - I've just read a review at :-

and saw it was co-written by John Cleese ( WTF?! ) and drawn by John Byrne (his artwork really declined in the last few years) - so i'm not surprised that it's garbage. I think i'll give it a miss.

How about an elseworlds story where Bruce's parents never got shot, and he never became Batman but Luthor (as I kinda see him as Bruce Wayne gone bad) becomes a vigilante ala Batman?

Actually True Brit isn't a bad read, but you need to to be British to really appreciate(understand) a lot of the humour. And you really need to forget everything you already know about Superman and read it like that
I'd like to see an Elseworlds that doesn't really follow any kind of concept, other than just being a really, really whacked out story, like if Mulholland Drive had been a comic book. Something like this:


Kal-El's ship crash lands in New Jersey in a car graveyard. The people who own the junkyard raise Kal-El (now named Kent Clarkson), and he becomes a huge car buff and eventually an automechanic. When he eventually gains superpowers, he finds that super-strength is very beneficial because he no longer needs to use a jack to work underneath a car. However, Kent doesn't like flying; he prefers to drive around in his Shelby Cobra Mustang.
Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne (whose parents were never murdered) decides to take up acting, so he bribes a bunch of Hollywood producers Paris Hilton-style to get him cast in some high-profile films. Unfortunately, Bruce is a terrible actor and becomes the laughing stock of the nation, topping #1 on the E! Channel's "Celebrity OOPS!" list for the year. Depressed, Bruce decides to give superheroism a go, but since he has no training, he quickly gets his spine broken and spends the rest of his life confined to a wheelchair. However, this does not stop Bruce in his quest. He pays world renowned scientist and inventor Lex Luthor to build him a pair of robotic legs that will allow him to fight crime again. Lex does so, and soon Bruce returns to a life of vigilanteism, hunting down criminals with the help of his superpowered, armored robot legs. He calls himself "The Asskicker."
Diana, meanwhile, has left Paradise Island to become a stripper in L.A. She eventually becomes addicted to coke, thanks to one of her regular customers, drug dealer Max Lord. Evntually Diana realizes that her life has become a giant mess, so she snaps Max's neck and checks into rehab. There she meats a bunch of other super-powered junkies, including J'onn Jonnz, Barry Allen, and Arthur Curry. Once they are all detoxed, they decide to band together and form a superhero team. Everything is going great until they raid a Columbian drug farm and decide that drug dealing is more profitable (and more fun) than superheroism, so they take over the cocaine farm and spend the rest of their lives wealthy and coked up.
UK_Stu said:
Actually True Brit isn't a bad read, but you need to to be British to really appreciate(understand) a lot of the humour. And you really need to forget everything you already know about Superman and read it like that

I might give it a read - as long as it's not just full of English stereotypes - thats one thing I cant stand in comics!! :mad:
I might give it a read - as long as it's not just full of English stereotypes - thats one thing I cant stand in comics!! :mad:

Well , there a few of those but its done deliberately - most of the writers/contributors are British and a lot of the book is just taking the p**s out of the whole sterotype thing. Which is why a few non- Brits might not get all the jokes
UK_Stu said:
Well , there a few of those but its done deliberately - most of the writers/contributors are British and a lot of the book is just taking the p**s out of the whole sterotype thing. Which is why a few non- Brits might not get all the jokes

Cool - although I have contradicted myself - I remember a character in 'Justice League Europe' back in the day called 'the Beefeater' (ironically styled after Cleese in 'Fawlty Towers') and laughed myself silly at some of the stuff he did.

Ah, memories........

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