Infinity War The Fantastic Four in Infinity War?

Reasons why Doom won't show up:

1. Marvel doesn't have the right
After the epic fail that is Fant4stic, common sense would suggest otherwise.
2. The relationship between Marvel and Sony is much more amicable than the one with Fox.
That seems to have changed now that Perlmutter is out of the picture with Disney letting Fox tighten their gripe on the X-Men property.
3. Marvel starts filming for both movies next year.
Marvel may have already gotten the rights, and it doesn't start shooting until late 2016.
4. Doctor Doom doesn't do anything significant in
the Infinity Gauntlet Storyline. Cap facing down Thanos is much more iconic than Doom trying to snatch the gauntlet.
I never said it wasn't. And Doom's betrayal is actually built up throughout the story, and while not as iconic as the Cap standing up to Thanos, it's still a pretty memorable moment.
5. This isn't the comics
Your point?
6. Dr. Doom is new, so rushing him into the movie would be forced.
The same thing could technically be said about Spider-Man in Civil War regardless of how much money he makes Disney.
7. Marvel uses post-credit scenes to set up future movies, not to introduce some random villain the general audience is largely unfamiliar with. The Black Panther end credit scene would most likely be about Infinity War or Ant-Man and Wasp.
Fair enough.
8. Marvel already has a Dr. Doom type character that can fit Doom's rather minor role. His name is Loki.
And if Marvel already has the rights to the character, then there's no reason why he should be replaced by another character.
9. Spider-Man makes money for Marvel. Doom does not.(This is probably the best reason why.)
That could easily change if Marvel starts boosting Doom and F4 like they're doing with GOTG and Ant-Man.
10. Most fans would rather want the tv characters, like Defenders or Daisy from Agents of Shield to show up.
Why not both? Almost everyone should be involved in this world-breaking event anyways.

No he isn't. This isn't the comics. This isn't the comics. Even if it were, tell me what Doom does in the Infinity Gauntlet storyline that's so vital he shows up?
It's a memorable moment, and it would establish in the MCU that Doom is treacherous and can never be trusted.
Ya what, maybe Doom is in it. Maybe Marvel does have F4 rights back. Hell, I'm convinced they do now. Clearly the only possible way to move this conversation forward is too agree with you. So let's all just believe the F4 is under rights of the MCU now. Now what?

I think Doom should secretly help the heroes beat Thanos in the background somehow. I don't know how, but it'd be cool. Also if their throwing F4 in this. It'd be cool to see the interact with the Gaurdians and Avengers and Defenders. I mean the more the merrier right? All the heavy hitters sluggin Thanos. Cage, Groot, Hulk, Drax, Thing. So awesome. And a battle of the brains. Rocket, Stark, Reed and...does Defenders have a genius? Meh.

The cast will be truly massive if this really is an all out thing. I mean Defenders, F4, Old and New Avengers, Other Solo Heroes, Gaurdians, possibly Agents of SHIELD. It'd be like the biggest most fantastic thing in the history of the universe. But if the films are as long as AoU or a few minutes longer then it can certainly be pulled off in two parts as long as they keep the exposition to a minimum of the important details.
I think with the waves of the Infinity Gauntlet's altering of reality, we could have a cosmic wave hit a spacecraft and leave that be. Then in Phase 4, we jump right in Marvel's First Family doing their thing, with adventuring and such. Doom could be already Latveria's ruler. Just get into things. Jump into issue 144 or whatever. You know? No major origins.
After the epic fail that is Fant4stic, common sense would suggest otherwise.

Contracts are guided by very specific agreements between parties, not common sense. Unless you know what those agreements are, you really don't know anything.

That seems to have changed now that Perlmutter is out of the picture with Disney letting Fox tighten their gripe on the X-Men property.

That's a baseless assumption at best. Besides, when the contract was made, it was with Marvel Entertainment, not Marvel Studios.

Marvel may have already gotten the rights, and it doesn't start shooting until late 2016.

True, but Marvel has priorities. GOTG starts filming in Febuary, Thor: Ragnarok starts filming next summer, and Marvel still needs to cast Captain Marvel as well as any other ESSENTIAL characters for Infinity War. Introducing a new villain just to have him do this one thing in a movie is just a waste of time, money, and screen time.

I never said it wasn't. And Doom's betrayal is actually built up throughout the story, and while not as iconic as the Cap standing up to Thanos, it's still a pretty memorable moment.

And it could be just as memorable, if not more so by having Loki be the one who tries to steal the gauntlet.

Your point?

The movies have a completely different continuity, characters are different, relationships, you name it. Even if Marvel can make something happen in the movies, it may not translate that well into a movie, and avoid it altogether. Marvel also likes deviating from source material so fans want know how the story plays out.

The same thing could technically be said about Spider-Man in Civil War regardless of how much money he makes Disney.

Money is the #1 motivating factor in this, well any business. If Doom made half of what Spider-Man did, then Marvel would be doing everything to get Doom in the MCU. Since he doesn't, then the motivation to get doom rushed into the MCU just isn't there.

And if Marvel already has the rights to the character, then there's no reason why he should be replaced by another character.

Except for the fact that he's a brand new character. Screen time would be needed to establish the character and build him up, just to have him do that ONE thing. With Loki, people already know about him, so Marvel wouldn't have to set anything up and it would feel more natural.

That could easily change if Marvel starts boosting Doom and F4 like they're doing with GOTG and Ant-Man.

What, like give Doom his own movie? That will never happen.

Why not both? Almost everyone should be involved in this world-breaking event anyways.

There is such a thing as too many characters. The MCU is the culmination of 20 films, as quoted by the Russo Brothers. Just off the top of my head, I can think of 30 heroes that have at least a pretty good chance of showing up in Infinity War and this doesn't even include Agents of Shield or The Defenders. Doom is just a character that we won't need and would just steal screen time from other characters.

It's a memorable moment, and it would establish in the MCU that Doom is treacherous and can never be trusted.

Save him for phase 4, provided Marvel even has the rights to him. The F4 should be the first ones to encounter Doom, btw. The fans don't want him or need him, only a small contingent of hardcore comic book fans do.
^Speakin my language. Really speakin my lingo.
Even if Marvel has the rights to FF back already they would gain nothing by rushing them into the MCU picture. Their intro into the universe would get lost in the shuffle if you tried to shoehorn it into the Infinity War two parter.
I think, there is a possibility, but it would be a lot of work to do in the next few months.
Re-writing the script, cast at least 6 actors (F4, Dr. Doom, Silver Surfer - Galactus too)..

And, there are already enough players around - lets end the phases (1-3) with them, and do not introduce so many new players in this packed movie.

But i am almost sure, that the announcements for 2020 was because of the F4!!!
So, maybe we see a small cameo from the group in "IW2"...
Small Cameo in PT2 that doesn't take up more than 2 minutes of screentime. Perfect. Major plot moving role that changes the fate of the MCU and takes away precious screentime that could be used for the battle between Avengers and Thanos. No sir.
Small Cameo in PT2 that doesn't take up more than 2 minutes of screentime. Perfect. Major plot moving role that changes the fate of the MCU and takes away precious screentime that could be used for the battle between Avengers and Thanos. No sir.

Yes. During a space battle, a craft is hit by cosmic waves from Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet and then leave that little nothing alone for the rest of the film.

FF in MCU's movie trailer is them already a year or more into their adventuring and sometimes superheroing and go from there. No drawn out origin or "whoa, powers" moments. Just get to it with the F4.
If Marvel has any respect for the F4 franchise, then they'll put the F4 in their own movie before they shoehorn them in an Avengers movie. The F4 should get the same treatment the new heroes being introduced in phase 3 are getting.
True, but Marvel has priorities. GOTG starts filming in Febuary, Thor: Ragnarok starts filming next summer, and Marvel still needs to cast Captain Marvel as well as any other ESSENTIAL characters for Infinity War. Introducing a new villain just to have him do this one thing in a movie is just a waste of time, money, and screen time.

Marvel has already stated that they have contingency plans in case they acquired the rights to certain characters.

If Marvel does have the rights by the time Infinity War starts filming, they can always introduce the four before they got their powers in some way. IW would be a great way to set up a movie for 2021 or 2022.
Marvel has already stated that they have contingency plans in case they acquired the rights to certain characters.

If Marvel does have the rights by the time Infinity War starts filming, they can always introduce the four before they got their powers in some way. IW would be a great way to set up a movie for 2021 or 2022.

Yeah, but even if Marvel did have the rights now, they wouldn't shuffle any more movies out of the way. Marvel would rather give new franchise characters like Black Panther and Captain Marvel a chance before they ever try to revamp a failed franchise. Marvel has proven they can alter their plans by adding Spider-Man and Ant-Man and Wasp to the lineup, but because of that, the phase 3 lineup is stacked. Anymore changes to the schedule would likely result in Captain Marvel missing out on Infinity War, and Marvel wouldn't allow that to happen.
Yeah, but even if Marvel did have the rights now, they wouldn't shuffle any more movies out of the way. Marvel would rather give new franchise characters like Black Panther and Captain Marvel a chance before they ever try to revamp a failed franchise. Marvel has proven they can alter their plans by adding Spider-Man and Ant-Man and Wasp to the lineup, but because of that, the phase 3 lineup is stacked. Anymore changes to the schedule would likely result in Captain Marvel missing out on Infinity War, and Marvel wouldn't allow that to happen.

I think you completely missed the point I was trying to make. Marvel is introducing Spider-Man in Civil War, then he's getting his own film a year later. Marvel could do the same thing for the Fantastic Four in IW. It wouldn't alter anything in Phase 3 as far as Blank Panther or Captain Marvel goes. You would just have Fantastic Four for their own movie sometime in phase 4. The last phase 3 movie as of this moment is Inhumans(2019). So 2021/2022 is the most likely option.

This all of course they have the rights back and want to move in that direction.
Of course depends on if they can get the rights back before production begins.
Who cares about the FF and Doom! What I really care about is a big bad villain after Thanos and no one is better than Galactus. I would prefer Galactus on the after credits of Infinity War 2 to set him up as the next big threat. Maybe putting Thanos out of his misery after his defeat.
Have there been any push by MCU to re-attain the rights to FF & supporting characters?
Have there been any push by MCU to re-attain the rights to FF & supporting characters?

We do know they tried to make a deal with Fox to use Galactus and Silver Surfer in a Marvel Studios movie in exchange for an extension on their rights to Daredevil. Fox turned them down.
Fox & Team MCU must working together to making better FF movie and another title hero marvel like punisher, ghost rider, elektra reboot / remake
Puniusher and Elektra are on Netflix.
Even if Marvel did end up with the rights and got the Fantastic Four back into their universe for MCU then I wonder how they could incorporate Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben into this ever growing universe of heroes?
They're 4 people. Not very hard to incorperate it. Just say they're new heroes who have been active recently, like I'd say a year or two after the events of IW films and set them up as the new team of Marvel. But this time, sell the family angle.

Not family as in family friendly(thats a given), family as in how close the 4 are. The past they have. The history and connections they have. Get actors with a chemistry. When they argue make it like a family like argument. Not a team argument, when Johny and Ben get at each other make them like brothers. You get the point.

After IW I'm sure the Gaurdians will be back in space and there will have been a brief break for the Avengers. In that time have the F4 rise to fill in while the Avengers are recuperating. Also, cameo from one of the big brains for Reed. Maybe Stark funds Baxter Building. Reed is a past partner of Hank Pym. Reed is a fan of Bruce's research. Etc. Need to sell that they're in the MCU now. Maybe even a Spidey cameo.

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