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The Flash The Flash season 3 episode 10 "Borrowing Problems From the Future"

You shouldn't be able to breathe in that situation, detective. And if you're wide awake to witness the whole thing, you can witness that one opened the door for you.

H.R. is still an idiot. He makes a good point about income, and raises the question I asked so many times about the tech, the Cisco never asked about it, but asked about the place's decorum: "Who pays for all this?"

Currently in work so cannot access any vids, but from the one still I've seen of Plunder I immediately thought 'David Hasselhoff Nick Fury'.
There is that resemblance
You shouldn't be able to breathe in that situation, detective. And if you're wide awake to witness the whole thing, you can witness that one opened the door for you.

H.R. is still an idiot. He makes a good point about income, and raises the question I asked so many times about the tech, the Cisco never asked about it, but asked about the place's decorum: "Who pays for all this?

There is that resemblance
we know the writers don't care about this detail though other'a keep saying its barry but it becomes harder to believe the way make him do things realizing that .

your just making your self nuts with the writers of the show weirdness about it all on the bills part. we'll also have to see where they go with this insane museum idea. it's likely an excuse to have more break in's and tech stolen cause they don't lock that place up properly and don't have any security of any sort. Sigh. it's how the writers want it after years with it with lex and the arrow which is the worse.
This is fallowing in the coat tales small ville . the only shows to buck the trend are Gotham via thomas wayne biometric bank vault and home security tech and max lords security in super girl.

the fortress of solitude failed recently with the real hank Hensaw, yes but that was a one time deal thing there .(for now)

the rest of the flarrow verse security in earth one is more of joke that hasn't been funny in years.
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That ending reminds me of The Terminator.
we know the writers don't care about this detail though other'a keep saying its barry but it becomes harder to believe the way make him do things realizing that .

your just making your self nuts with the writers of the show weirdness about it all on the bills part. we'll also have to see where they go with this insane museum idea. it's likely an excuse to have more break in's and tech stolen cause they don't lock that place up properly and don't have any security of any sort. Sigh. it's how the writers want it after years with it with lex and the arrow which is the worse.
I drove myself nuts thinking about the disappearing of the chin piece in season 1, and that was merely an appetizer compared to the bills question.
There is also Barry's experience with changing the present, buuuut he needed H.R to tell him the future is fixed, and Barry witnessed a change he made to the future.
Time travel rules in this show are insane.

This is following in the coat tales smallville . the only shows to buck the trend are Gotham via thomas wayne biometric bank vault and home security tech and max lords security in super girl.

the fortress of solitude failed recently with the real hank Hensaw, yes but that was a one time deal thing there .(for now)

the rest of the flarrow verse security in earth one is more of joke that hasn't been funny in years.
I think some bits there are better spoiler tagged, and I don't meant the Smallville stuff.

No matter how hard I try to stop thinking about it, I can't help it.
it them writers fault for not caring sadly and when you have people from, japan showing them up in animated form,... there's problem. it's worse when ha lf of us fromt he fan base enable them and look how freaking long it took Barry to tell the others about iris impeding problem . I'm ticked at him for that. I want to pimp slap him for days and I mean the entire year. for waiting so long after chrstmas. that would be my freaking good morning for him zen, Smack Barry

May be it jump star some brain cells. But he's not the onlyo ne that needs it in earth one it seems .
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Poor Julian. Being Caitlin's LI on his show is like the kiss of death. Also poor Caitlin, poor woman just cannot catch a break. Also it is too much to ask for him NOT to die or turn out to be evil. Can we be a little less predictable show, pretty please?

I'm actually kind of shocked. For once, the two leads getting together seems to have IMPROVED their dynamic. Looking at you Barry and Iris, you actually make fr a cute couple. Now hopefully the writers don't screw it up moving forward.

I'm curious to see how Gypsy is.
This episode was alright, imalittle worried if the main focus the second half is on iris death
I really liked how Barry used science to save that man in the fire in the beginning of the episode. Is it just me, or is Barry becoming more independent of the STAR Labs crew? It seems like he solves more problems on his own these days than what he did before.

I'm actually kind of shocked. For once, the two leads getting together seems to have IMPROVED their dynamic. Looking at you Barry and Iris, you actually make fr a cute couple. Now hopefully the writers don't screw it up moving forward.

That rule applies when watching the "will they or won't they get together" question play out is actually entertaining. Iris and Barry circling around one another was pretty dire.
Plunder's gun was pretty cool. And I loved seeing Flash and Kid Flash together.

I would be shocked if some museum visitor didn't find all the Flash stuff.

If Julian and Caitlin fall in love... he gonna die.
Plunder's gun was pretty cool. And I loved seeing Flash and Kid Flash together.

this remind of what I said in the arrow threads often before I dropped the show/ series. when diggle was looking for a code name and before oliver told him to get a mask. and came up with the idea to call diggle ordinance (and they went with spartan )and have Cisco make some smart bullets /rounds for him specifically and even tought about the argus armor (prototype version from the comic's . And plunders rifle is a good place to start and it'll be of great help to Oliver in the field to do so.

also they can make new arrow heads for Oliver, with fallow the smart bullet tech for diggle too. Putting the two on equal ground as partners.

With diggle they can make another version of that rifle plunder had since Cisco has it now. And Cisco can make pistol's also for diggle and SMG's. And make sure that only he can use those guns. if anyone other then diggle tries to use it should have security/saety features. Like ether shutting off so no can use other then diggle . if they try to force to it work by hacking into it should electrocute that person.

And if they are still stubborn to make it work, it should self destruct.

I would be shocked if some museum visitor didn't find all the Flash stuff.
loltit';s as ?I said it all a set up for it to be robbed often withe writers they refuse to put barriessuit inthe time vault itseem eobard was the smart when he was there.

If Julian and Caitlin fall in love... he gonna die.

nah I doubt they putting those two together.
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I still think that it was an unnecessary add-on by the show, and it does make many people feel, awkward about this romance (at least from what I've seen/heard/and read).

Really just cut that one detail out and there's no problems. But then again, these writers seem love to do weird/awkward romance plots in-general.

Also it didn't help that earlier this season Barry referred to Joe as "OUR father" when talking to Iris, and has compared Joe to a dad on numerous occasions throughout the show.
I consider my uncle like a second father, not because he's my mother's brother, but because of the role he had in my up-bringing. If he hadn't been my uncle I would still consider him a second father. And that's something between me and him and not my cousins. So I do relate to Barry and Joe's relationship and I do get that there's no awkwardness between Barry and Iris. In the beginning the awkwardness came from Joe and Barry because of their relationship. He didn't want to feel like he was weirding Joe out by dating his daughter.

It's not that hard a concept to understand. The only folks crying incest are the people that want Caitlyn to be the object of Barry's affections which is a non-argument.
No that's a drastic oversimplification. My friend has no interest in a Barry/Caitlin romance at all, and she still finds it weird.

It's simple, just don't add THAT detail and there's no issue at all. They made it more complicated for themselves for no good reason really.
I consider my uncle like a second father, not because he's my mother's brother, but because of the role he had in my up-bringing. If he hadn't been my uncle I would still consider him a second father. And that's something between me and him and not my cousins. So I do relate to Barry and Joe's relationship and I do get that there's no awkwardness between Barry and Iris. In the beginning the awkwardness came from Joe and Barry because of their relationship. He didn't want to feel like he was weirding Joe out by dating his daughter.

It's not that hard a concept to understand. The only folks crying incest are the people that want Caitlyn to be the object of Barry's affections which is a non-argument.
truth be told i don't care for caitlin to get with barry. Infact I don't want it and would rather Rony return and we'll likely be getting that soon.

As to the whole Barry thing being adopted or not there was something in season 2 where I think joe was talking to barry about this as kid on their kitchen table. and from what understand not every one that's adopted changes their last name. << regardless there are alot of adopted people that KEEP THEIR FORMER LAST NAMES. there just are

I think barry was adopted. ether way foster child or adopted, joe's still seen as and called his father.
even captain singh said joe was barry's son other they meet they say that . So it's not just joe , they tell people that.
and I was only talking about how icked joe was that both iris and barry drove joe nuts about that refusal to date out OF HIS HOUSE. the weirdo's and HE went yup barry time to move out.

And barry had to live with Cisco since. so it's still a thang for Joe . he rasied it's just weird for him and it's weird that iris ppushing the issue. it doesn't he doesn't them happy together. ity just mean there will be certain point of weirdness.

All that said I want barry to end up with iris. but the writers always want controversy and that's plain annoying. and I would liked it if Barry had an aunt, uncle or God parent and I stated it's even more ridiculous that the writera wouldn't even allow barry a god parent cause it's too stupid that Henry and his wife didn't have friends of all things, in their time living of school life, to have even that. if not any cousins or sibling.

As I said they over romanticize the hero has no family left angle too much & too often. it's not likely especially with god parents who are suppose to be from your parents FRIENDS . why that wasn't allowed by the writers is strange

when I said what I said it was to avoid that nonsense cause it should even been an argument of all things

so no one better think I want barry with Caitlin. IT'S LESS THEN MINOR

I just got sick of the argument really fast cause it was there for nothing theN weirdness FACTOR with the writers and nothing more, then it. And I know they were aware of it.
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I am not really a fan of using knowing the future as the focal point of drama for an episode. It's lazy writing

I take it your not a fan of Columbo? It's basically you know the ending but have to figure out how they get there.
what sucks is they've made wally to be more of a hero than barry in terms of powers.

already wally is almost as fast as barry so he says based on his speed tests, wally advanced that fast when it took barry years to get to where he is...kind of makes barry look weak in comparison.

if they made wally just as fast as barry, then they couldn't keep the intro the same having barry say he's the fastest man alive....wouldn't be true unless you want to consider wally a kid but in the show wally and barry look like around the same age or close to, i would consider them both young men, not one being a kid the other a man and therefore saying barry is the fastest "man" alive.

would be nice if barry said he's always holds back during tests then goes out there and destroys wally's numbers, just to make the point on who's faster....Hey writers how about adding a quick scene like that in the show!!
what sucks is they've made wally to be more of a hero than barry in terms of powers.

already wally is almost as fast as barry so he says based on his speed tests, wally advanced that fast when it took barry years to get to where he is...kind of makes barry look weak in comparison.

I think people from the fanbase are misinterpreting things.

they said wally he faster then barry was when barry started out withthe labtest at starlabs . He's not faster then barry currently is. there's a difference. But they say it so often and it's in way that is a thing hung on that it's overly pushed and not the state of how things are currently that barry slower then him now. whichthe latter has never ever been stated.

they never stated barry slow then wally currently.

I'm seeing those fans weirdly threatend and I'm sure will get annoyed hearing it over and over. They do over use it. even though they are talking about a past tense event, And not the state of how things currently are between these two.

Which is asinine.

if they made wally just as fast as barry, then they couldn't keep the intro the same having barry say he's the fastest man alive....wouldn't be true unless you want to consider wally a kid but in the show wally and barry look like around the same age or close to, i would consider them both young men, not one being a kid the other a man and therefore saying barry is the fastest "man" alive.
Wally's not, just as fast or skilled in the use of his powers. as I just stated the problem is they have over used certain words in an even of when barry started out. Barry is more seasoned and skilled then him and they haven't had a race like barry or super girl have had to prove it.

please calm down. a simple race will solve it I guess
would be nice if barry said he's always holds back during tests then goes out there and destroys wally's numbers, just to make the point on who's faster....Hey writers how about adding a quick scene like that in the show!!
And they should have same friendly race, with each other that Barry and kara had , to put a rest to this issue for fans.

And you'll see that it was when barry started out and not in how they are currently . As I said there's a difference between when Barry started out and how barry is currently speed wise .

after that things will be put to rest and afterwords hopefully that frequency show is cancelled next to vamp diaries ending and they can put wally on the live action Titans cause they have two slot's for tv show space's open and the that fact Geoff john's said he hasn't given up on putting the Titans on tv.

the other tv net work won't let live it chance are better on the cw.

So you can no long have to be weirdly threatened . the point is it should be a debate. but it's not cemented in stone that ether's faster then the other. and Barry has two years and few months on wally and knows how to use his powers better then him for now. he's the one still teaching. barry is his mentor even though they made wally irritating next to the cop played by the actor from heroes baiting him (which the latter's worse )to a degree which you should on the writers about too. just remember they gave barry irradiating character trait's and the others too.

Linda park still has the issue being short tempered with people around friend or not to degree and Barry him is getting denser in other ways in how to treat people and taking too long tell other when troubles coming. he wait two months after what saw in the future with their Christ mas , so he can screem in bed next to her about the impending death of iris . which is why I want to pimp slap him up side the head for life. He didn't need that long process that.
freaking 2 months really?

And there was what Cisco did during alien event.
lol now I know Cisco called him out. I didn't like that Cisco was doing but now...... its still bad but if that the case with barry. and don't get started with on the show dropped which worse about that.

and Joe had some character things /trait that are terrable. I nearly want slap the taste out his mouth with when he blames others for something he know's he shouldn't be blaming them for and should let them know about some time ago.

there's a whole list with others with TERRIBLE character trait. It's not just him .
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Its also worth noting that, while Wally is fast, he hasn't demonstrated nearly as many speed tricks as Barry. I wouldn't be shocked if all the focus on him getting faster has caused him to miss out on developing the wider range of abilities. Which is, note, a valid way to distinguish the two: Wally is plenty fast, even starting to compete with Barry, and more capable and inclined to just punch out the villain. However, that's *all* he can do, whereas Barry has a whole array of speed force tricks ( including the "screw it, I'm desperate and not thinking about my limits anymore" arbitrarily high speed trick ).
I enjoyed this episode, but gosh darn were there some odd parts.

So, Barry basically took his entire inheritance from the first Wells and spent it on a HUGE, double-storey, modern penthouse apartment in Central City, complete with a huge amount of furniture and home wares? I guess investing in real estate isn't the worst way to spend all of his money, but it seems awfully extravagant for just Barry and Iris. I guess he wants Iris to live a life of luxury before her imminent death, but it still seems a little reckless to waste money in that way.

I'm torn about Barry telling Iris about her future death. On the one hand, thank the speed gods that Barry is no longer keeping secrets from Team Flash. On the other hand, it seems like a really cruel and twisted thing to do: "Hey Iris. I love you. We were going to be happily married in the future. But, I think you're going to die in four months. Let's go home for more sex". And it's weird that Iris isn't even slightly concerned that Barry is destined to "disappear" (i.e. potentially die) in 2024 according to that newspaper headline. Sure, she's go other things on her mind, but that's still a pretty big detail.

When are they going to provide some kind of explanation for "Killer Frost". No other metahuman in the entire Arrowverse has suddenly developed an "evil" and murderous alter ego as a result of acquiring metahuman powers. Why is Caitlin, who is a perfectly nice, friendly and hero person, suddenly battling what she views as entirely separate "personality" which is apparently trying to take control of her body simply through the use of her metahuman powers?

I get that they want Caitlin to struggle with her powers and based on the headline, they're pursuing the Killer Frost story. And that they're no doubt building to a heroic sacrifice by Ronnie to "cure" Caitlin with his unstable Firestorm abilities once he emerges from the vortex. But, it makes so very little sense to me and it's bizarre that no-one in Team Flash has questioned why the "Killer Frost" personality exists. It seems to me that Caitlin should be seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist to learn how to overcome the "Killer Frost" thoughts / actions instead of simply seeing her metahuman powers as the problem.

How entirely ... squicky for Joe to give Barry and Iris a photo from their childhood when they were raised as BROTHER and SISTER under the same roof! What would a new friend make of that photo and what would Barry's explanation be: "Sure, after my parents died, I was adopted by Joe and raised as Iris' brother. We lived under the same roof for many years. Now we're romantically involved in a way that is totally normally for adoptive siblings".

HR trying to do something good, other than drinking coffee and twirling his drum sticks, is a good idea. And it's about time that someone did something with that huge building (other than when it doubles as a concert venue on Arrow, etc). But, wouldn't it be better to actually start doing more scientific research and development? Caitlin and Cisco are regularly making new discoveries when helping Barry to defeat new metahumans. Do they share that research? Do they seek any beneficial / humanitarian or commercial applications for that research? Or are they keeping all of that information to themselves.

I do look forward to the STAR Labs museum becoming The Flash museum. Surely HR must know that anyone coming to STAR Labs to learn about the particle accelerator explosion is going to be most interested in the metahumans that resulted from that explosion, heroic and villainous. If they want to make some good money, then they need to work on a Flash exhibit ASAP.

Of course, their sudden need for money is apparently only relevant because Barry has spent his entire inheritance on that flash apartment for himself and Iris, which means that he can no longer pay Caitlin, Cisco, HR and Wally for their various services or for any of the equipment they need to fight bad guys and gals or for electricity, etc.

I do hope that we get a new HR next year. The actor is great, but this iteration of HR is one dimensional. I also really wish they'd bring back classic Cisco, instead of the grumpy, sarcastic version of Cisco. I don't want dark Cisco, I want light Cisco.

Adding Julian to Team Flash seems a little unnecessary. How is he the foremost expert on metahumans when he's just a forensic scientist, with a side of archaeologist as well. How many topics can one, young man be an expert in? Is he meant to be a genius, because he certainly doesn't come across as anything other than reasonably intelligent (although the fact that he didn't seek any kind of help when regularly blacking out, waking up in odd places, etc indicates that maybe he's not that bright).

Finally, I question the wisdom of a solar powered battery charger for someone who works very long hours multiple storeys underground. Couldn't they have just built another pair of bracelets, so one pair is always charging while Caitlin wears the other pair? And given how sensitive Caitlin is about her powers, the snowflake design seemed to be an unnecessarily cruel jab at her metahuman powers.
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Maybe I'm missing something but with all this time travel why aren't the alarms going off on the waverider?
I take it your not a fan of Columbo? It's basically you know the ending but have to figure out how they get there.

That's not quite what Columbo is. You don't know what happens at the end of the episode. All you know is WHO the murderer is from the start, and it's up to Columbo to prove that they did it, and how they did it. It's a Howdunnit rather than a Whodunnit. But the ending of the episode (or the future) isn't already predetermined (except you know that Columbo is going to catch the villain, but you know that for most series that the hero will probably catch/defeat the villain).

I wonder if the "Killer Frost is still at large" headline is going to still come true, but with a different interpretation. Maybe she's a hero, and the headline actually means that she survived a battle and is still at large.
That's not quite what Columbo is. You don't know what happens at the end of the episode. All you know is WHO the murderer is from the start, and it's up to Columbo to prove that they did it, and how they did it. It's a Howdunnit rather than a Whodunnit. But the ending of the episode (or the future) isn't already predetermined (except you know that Columbo is going to catch the villain, but you know that for most series that the hero will probably catch/defeat the villain).

I wonder if the "Killer Frost is still at large" headline is going to still come true, but with a different interpretation. Maybe she's a hero, and the headline actually means that she survived a battle and is still at large.
that's also what the show motive that's show inthe states as well does and what was sorta supposed to be the point cis but it was both a who dun it and why they did along with how .

So the show Motive took over from where Colombo left off. But that was a show that's shown in only both Canada and state side. I'm not sure any other place out side north america got it.
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Can someone explain why team flash think they changed the future already because kid flash caught that bad guy?

Didn't they say that the event of that guy getting caught and flashes girl friend dying was 4 months out? So whether flash or kid flash caught the guy (which they already did earlier in the episode) 4 months early not matter?

Unless i dont remember the news report i thought the news report said the flash caught the bad guy on the same day flashes girlfriend died. So doesn't that mean that the bad guy is going to escape again so there fore he will need to be re caught on the same day of flashes girl friend dying?
I thought it was bizzare that her 'death' is on my birthday (I had to rewind my video to make sure I heard May 23rd correctly) :eek:

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