The Flash the flash season 3 episode 18 abra kadabra

Anyone get a picture of the new flash suit from the scenes from next week?

I hate that they might be going with the "evil KF" thing. First of all, it totally craps all over Barry's big moment in the actual KF episode. And two, this whole storyline has cliché and problematic from the beginning.

Here's an idea show, why not let KF be a hero while also doing an arc about her struggling/needing to learn how to control her powers? That sounds so much more interesting imo.
Originally Posted by vantheman77
If Caitlin is full-on Killer Frost, could this mean she may not return to season 4 as a series regular?
they'll get her back but it will take a few episodes . truth be told Julian had time to put that neck less back on her neck the sec no minutes he saw her wound heal . so you have to wounder why didn't he ? ....
hey Abra Kadabra is played by the same guy from The Dark Knight and Gotham :up: is he doing a DC tour? im half expecting him to show up in Arrow and Legends and Supergirl now :woot:
Abra Kadabra was a far better villain in this one episode than Savitar has been in the entire season. Plz do Rogue War next season.
hey Abra Kadabra is played by the same guy from The Dark Knight and Gotham :up: is he doing a DC tour? im half expecting him to show up in Arrow and Legends and Supergirl now :woot:

From what I was told the actor is also working on a comic of his own from what one of my siblings told me. he 's an interesting guy.
I really wish that they would give a reason as to why the Legends haven't gotten involved when it comes to villains from the future messing with present day events.
I really wish that they would give a reason as to why the Legends haven't gotten involved when it comes to villains from the future messing with present day events.

hopefully they'd get around to it.

.... or maybe this is the start of it. perhaps we'll see Abra Kadabra in Legends in the near future?
hopefully they'd get around to it.

.... or maybe this is the start of it. perhaps we'll see Abra Kadabra in Legends in the near future?
him showing up on that show is alikely given . butthe legends not showing up won't be answered for him cause they are always gonna be put ina state that have their own problem with villain at hand and it would only make sense. If they were a larger organization to not show up using that excuse by the writers. the writer's of each have their own thing's happening for each series until they feel like they should or shouldn't intersect. it's just how things are.

In other words they won't show up unless the writers of both shows feel like it.
Wonder why they didn't just put the necklace back on Caitlin's chest.

Since Abra Kadabra has a history with Flash, doesn't that mean he eventually escapes?
I'm guessing they probably were going to put it back on, but didn't expect the s*** to hit the fan as quickly as it did and wanted to make sure that she'd fully healed.
Wonder why they didn't just put the necklace back on Caitlin's chest.

Since Abra Kadabra has a history with Flash, doesn't that mean he eventually escapes?
Yeah I said the same 7 post's up.

I'm guessing they probably were going to put it back on, but didn't expect the s*** to hit the fan as quickly as it did and wanted to make sure that she'd fully healed.
I think the wound closing up infront of you is enough. waiting for her to wake up
and say she's fine after what she went through is pushing it abit. but there were minuts that passed. oh well what done is done .

and it's the future happening as it should apparently. it kinda reminded me of what barry original plan was ? knowing details of the future to stop the events from happening. yeah he had clue's from that news feed in the bus stand, but I always said that wasn't enough. after that talk with H R about the domino effect.

Barry would have to know every single angle /aspect of what happening til the point of iris 's death . and the only way to do that is to have stayed in the future and research every thing for months to a year there. and there's no way the show writers will let him do that. though he should if he bent on stopping it. then there the issue of getting back to the proper time .
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I hate that they might be going with the "evil KF" thing. First of all, it totally craps all over Barry's big moment in the actual KF episode. And two, this whole storyline has cliché and problematic from the beginning.

Here's an idea show, why not let KF be a hero while also doing an arc about her struggling/needing to learn how to control her powers? That sounds so much more interesting imo.

I think that is their end game. I don't think they have the balls to keep Caitlin bad for to long.
Dasmaltchain is all over comic book properties. Dude's been in TDK, Ant-man, and now Flash. Good for him.

Dasmaltchain is a big comic book fan. He had a cool chat with Kevin Smith on Fatman On Batman.

Briana Venskus is the female equivalent of Dasmaltchain.

Venskus currently has four recurring roles as a supporting character on comic book Tv shows.

D.E.O Agent Vasquez - Supergirl
Shield Agent Piper - Marvel's Agent's Of Shield
Oceanside Communities Beatrice - The Walking Dead
Officer Nunez - Outcast
I don't know about Kadabra. He didn't seem showman-y enough. should have been a larger than life character.

Should have been a proper, mustache twirling villain.
There's something about DC series season 3 on the CW. Thought Arrow S3 was horrendous enough but CW might just outdo themselves with The Flash S3.

What was the point of this episode anyway? Great to see Abra Kadabra brought to life but ultimately, this episode only served to give Bary the idea to travel into the future - an idea which could have been mentioned when they had the characters coming out with ways to save Iris.

The scene at the end with Caitlin/Killer Frost was the only cool (excuse the pun!) part of this episode.
Whoa at that ending!

Julian pouting about Caitlin stealing a piece of the philosopher's stone made me realize how thoroughly fed up I am with contrived CW relationship drama.

Abra Kadabra, OTOH, was a pretty awesome villain. One of the best of this season. The scene in which Barry was chasing him through the city was great.

I can't believe it didn't occur to Barry until now to visit the future.
Wonder why they didn't just put the necklace back on Caitlin's chest.

Since Abra Kadabra has a history with Flash, doesn't that mean he eventually escapes?

My suspicion for why Julian didn't put the necklace back on is that he was trying to turn her into Killer Frost. When he went to kiss her earlier and she flinched and questioned his bedside manner, maybe that was him reopening up the wound or aggravating it so that it would cause precisely this situation where she begins to crash and die. And then when she does, he knows that she can't be shocked back to life so it looks like there's no choice but to pull off her necklace, as if he's doing it in the heat of the moment.

But maybe we'll see when the show returns another point of view where we see what he was really doing. Maybe Julian still is Alchemy and working for Savitar (either consciously or unconsciously) and is the one to betray the team.

I've suggested before that Savitar could actually be Julian all along, because otherwise there's no-one else in this season whom Savitar could be revealed as. Maybe the whole Alchemy schtick was all a pretence, and he is both Alchemy and Savitar. And the reason he's several steps ahead is not because he knows the future as such, but because he's right there with the rest of the team and listening to their plans on how they intend to stop Savitar.

So maybe he's actually trying to make the prophecies come true. He could have pushed Caitlin to actually become Killer Frost rather than allowing her to turn into her herself. And so maybe he withheld the necklace from her rather than putting it back because he knew precisely what he was doing.
My suspicion for why Julian didn't put the necklace back on is that he was trying to turn her into Killer Frost. When he went to kiss her earlier and she flinched and questioned his bedside manner, maybe that was him reopening up the wound or aggravating it so that it would cause precisely this situation where she begins to crash and die. And then when she does, he knows that she can't be shocked back to life so it looks like there's no choice but to pull off her necklace, as if he's doing it in the heat of the moment.

But maybe we'll see when the show returns another point of view where we see what he was really doing. Maybe Julian still is Alchemy and working for Savitar (either consciously or unconsciously) and is the one to betray the team.

I've suggested before that Savitar could actually be Julian all along, because otherwise there's no-one else in this season whom Savitar could be revealed as. Maybe the whole Alchemy schtick was all a pretence, and he is both Alchemy and Savitar. And the reason he's several steps ahead is not because he knows the future as such, but because he's right there with the rest of the team and listening to their plans on how they intend to stop Savitar.

So maybe he's actually trying to make the prophecies come true. He could have pushed Caitlin to actually become Killer Frost rather than allowing her to turn into her herself. And so maybe he withheld the necklace from her rather than putting it back because he knew precisely what he was doing.

I have a hard time seeing Julian as Savitar.
But the past few episodes, I felt he was acting weird, and this episode was the worst yet.
The whole "clumsy me" part was a off.
I didn't even think he did that on purpose to get her to flat line and turn into KF.
That's great thought!
The way he's been acting makes sense then!
But I don't think it's because he's Savitar, that would be kinda anti-climatic.

One thing I DO know for sure is they really really need to STOP letting people hang out there anymore! damn....
I have a hard time seeing Julian as Savitar.
But the past few episodes, I felt he was acting weird, and this episode was the worst yet.
The whole "clumsy me" part was a off.
I didn't even think he did that on purpose to get her to flat line and turn into KF.
That's great thought!
The way he's been acting makes sense then!
But I don't think it's because he's Savitar, that would be kinda anti-climatic.

One thing I DO know for sure is they really really need to STOP letting people hang out there anymore! damn....

Well even if he's not Savitar, he could still be Alchemy or still acting under Savitar's influence. The clumsy me bit did seem a bit odd. I get the feeling they'll reveal he actually did that on purpose. Since I was already suspecting him of villainy, all his actions in this episode did look a bit suspicious.

And he fits the pattern of the villain being someone who has gotten close to the team and become attached to Caitlin.

I suspect that when they made him channel Savitar and Savitar spoke through him that he was actually conscious the whole time and didn't really black out but knew exactly what he was saying. He just feigned reluctance to go under the influence again.

BTW, I agree that Abra Kadabra could be a big bad for next season. It would be better than having another speedster again or someone who joins the team and betrays them. He would be a bit similar to Wells/ Thawne from the first season though, because he'd be from the future and would know that he is an enemy of Barry and might be trying to alter the future in his own favour. But he can get away from them quickly without having to be a speedster, because he can disappear or reappear whenever he likes without having to use speed.
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I was convinced up until last nights episode that I only thought he was a bad guy because I couldn't stop picturing him as Draco Malfoy.

Now I feel confident that he IS a bad guy in some way...
Where was Tom Cavanagh for most of this episode? Has it said where he was in real life that he didn't play much here?
I was very impressed with this episode. AK was sinister and the visuals were amazing. I have no doubt that he would have been a better choice to be the big bad of season 3 than Savitar.

I must also say that the scene where Caitlyn guided the operation on herself was masterfully acted all around. That was truly dramatic to behold.
Where was Tom Cavanagh for most of this episode? Has it said where he was in real life that he didn't play much here?
he said he was doing something with that lady they hired for the flash museum or something like that and cisco was ticked cause he was worried about before caitlin wen critical I was thinking people from the fan base would suspect him for that.

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