The Marvel Heroes Battle Thread

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Stay thy hand troll!
Sep 6, 2006
Reaction score
Since the last thread ended and nobody ever started a new one here goes!

First up






i hate sentry, but this is one of the few i think he'd lose.

Sentry is only ever worth a damn on days that don't end with the letter Y.
Thor, although I'm tired to death of the fanbase's belief that Thor can never, ever lose and any defeat he suffers is blasphemous. For that reason alone I should vote Sentry just to rattle some folk, but I'm not too fond of Sentry.

The I-love-to-hate-Sentry hatedom for Sentry is just as annoying as the fanworship "can do no wrong" fandom of Thor, but at least Thor has amounted to something while give Thor his victory already.
The Sentry. When he actually tries. This is a fight, not who won't run away first.
Exactly. Sentry would walk away from this with the win, no matter what the Sentry Counter Culture says.
Thor, although I'm tired to death of the fanbase's belief that Thor can never, ever lose and any defeat he suffers is blasphemous. For that reason alone I should vote Sentry just to rattle some folk, but I'm not too fond of Sentry.

The I-love-to-hate-Sentry hatedom for Sentry is just as annoying as the fanworship "can do no wrong" fandom of Thor, but at least Thor has amounted to something while give Thor his victory already.
Where are you seeing these people who think any loss Thor incurs is blasphemy? :huh: That generally only happens with characters who actually win almost all the time anyway--the Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Batman, etc. Thor gets his ass kicked every other day. Both of the really major fights he's gotten into in his current series (the Destroyer and Bor) have nearly killed him before he managed to barely pull out a win. In fact, while Thor, being the most powerful god of the most powerful pantheon on Marvel's Earth, should kick most other characters' asses with ease, he very rarely ever does.

But he'd totally kick the Sentry's whiny ass. :)
Meh, no one and I mean NO ONE loses more fights than he should win than Sentry. Underwritten? Badly potrayed? Underwhelmed? Should demolish 99% of the guys he comes into contact with including THOR?


Sounds like it's the THOR fanbase that's whiny.
The Sentry actually has a reason for sucking, though. It's part of his character. He's got more neuroses than a grown-up child actor. People just put on blinders to how utterly f***ing ridiculous the character has become under Bendis because of how good Jenkins' initial mini-series was. Yes, the Sentry can be good. But let's face it: those days are done because Bendis has his claws in him and he ain't letting go.
Where are you seeing these people who think any loss Thor incurs is blasphemy? :huh:

Just about any site that engages in comic debating. This isn't a recent thing for me. I've been seeing it over the years. Hell, this site, SHH itself is my main example.
Eh, maybe it's drowned out by the legions of Hulk and Batman fanboys in practically every comic debate I see on here.
By the way since us regular posters can't edit thread titles if any mods want to fix the typos in the title:up:
Is this match near a body of water or on land?

It makes a significant impact.

On land, herc; in the water, Namor
On the shoreline. So on land but near water where Namor can stay fresh and possibly force the fight into the water.
Herc. Even if he's close enough to water for a good power boost. I think Herc could still take him in the end. Hell of a fight though. Hell of a fight.
You gotta remember that every time Namor gets wet he heals all injury and fatigue.
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