The Official Mass Effect thread

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It's funny how Liara and Ashley are diametrically opposed. I'm walking through the Citadel Tower and Liara's talking about how pretty the landscaping is while Ashley's all, "Those stairs would totally make for good defensive positions." :funny:
Yeah, aside from twice (once being accidentally) I never really could bring myself to do the Liara romance.
I'm romancing her and Kaidan right now, with the intention of sticking with Liara. I'm still not sure who I'm gonna kill off on Virmire. Has anyone actually ended a romance by killing the romancee on Virmire?
My female Shepard did Liara. Admittedly, it was mostly because I dicked up the Kaidan romance while getting my ME2 playthrough ready, so I just bounced to her.

In retrospect, it worked out great for all kinds of RP reasons.

And Corp: It just mostly treats it as if there was no romance.
Oh, there's no special mourning dialogue or anything on account of Shep being in luuuuurve with the dead person?
Well, I think by that point you had only flirted.

"Ash and I, well we never got together but I think there was some kind of spark there. If only we had more time, I might have tapped it. Alas!" *begins to cry and Garrus helps him off stage.
Haha, that would be genius. But of course you only flirt. All you ever do is flirt in the game until right before Ilos, when whoever you've been flirting with shows up in your cabin and is all, "blah blah blah mission blah," and you're all, "blah blah blah witty comeback," and then all of a sudden you're doin' it. Much like the rest of Mass Effect, there is no real sense of scaling up. You're at one level and then all of a sudden you're up at a different level--only instead of jumping from level II armor to level VII armor, you're jumping from talking to... well, the other person's bones. :awesome:
That's how it is in real life. Whenever I sleep with a woman I get a level up message on my phone.
right so I got this recently cause of the reviews for number 2 being very good and wanted to play this one first - I am loving it so far

just completed the Virmire mission, and now grounded on cidatel, how much of the game is left, cause I have kind of neglected the side missions abit as I thought the main story would be like 30 hours and wanted to get some main story under my belt first, but now worried Im close to the end after losing 2 crew members on Virmire
yea you're pretty close to the end least with 2 I got to see two places I wanted to see
right so I got this recently cause of the reviews for number 2 being very good and wanted to play this one first - I am loving it so far

just completed the Virmire mission, and now grounded on cidatel, how much of the game is left, cause I have kind of neglected the side missions abit as I thought the main story would be like 30 hours and wanted to get some main story under my belt first, but now worried Im close to the end after losing 2 crew members on Virmire

You are very close to the end of the main story. Playing straight through, the main story is actually pretty short. Be sure to do everything you can on the Citadel before you leave, and then go do some side quests.
right okay - I think ill hit up as many sidequests as possible before i finish then - damn i screwed that up lol
right so I got this recently cause of the reviews for number 2 being very good and wanted to play this one first - I am loving it so far

just completed the Virmire mission, and now grounded on cidatel, how much of the game is left, cause I have kind of neglected the side missions abit as I thought the main story would be like 30 hours and wanted to get some main story under my belt first, but now worried Im close to the end after losing 2 crew members on Virmire

Hahahahahahaha. You can blow through the game in like 10 hours if you just do the story quests only.
ye im like 9 hours in right now and I have done a few side quests

its cause im too into the story and in a "just wanna see what happens next" frame of mind - if only I had done a few more side quests poor rex coulda been spared
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My first playthrough only lasted 11 hours so I know what you're saying.
Damn, my first playthrough was like four times that. Haha.
Yeah its all that uncharted planet/hopping around in the Mako nonsense designed to artificially lengthen the game. I'm glad 2 decided to just fill that time with actual original content.
I liked the Mako

I didn't dislike the Mako so much as what the stuff that came along with the Mako (all those cut and paste planets in place of actual content). We're getting a new vehicle in March though so its all good as far as I'm concerned.
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