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The Plot Holes in Spider-Man 3

Does anyone else smell bull****?

a) JJJ didn't give a crap that MJ left his son in SM2. He was more concerned with the caterer. Next.

b) Connors is a physics teacher, not a Spider-Man fan. He never figured out what the goo was beyond a symbiote.

c) MJ knows nothing. Peter kept her in the dark, because Peter never tells anyone about all the craziness that happens to him.

d) Bernard is the butler. He's in the house 24/7. The idea of Harry accidentally stumbling onto the secret chamber and Bernard never knowing about it is foolish. That's like me coming to your house and finding your money jar before your wife/parents/kids can.

e) The burgular in the first movie had no time to talk.

f) Connors isn't a biologist. Google "plot hole."

g) Eddie had a plan when he met Sandman... that means he had done research on the guy... news reports about the Rikers escapee had to have circulated by that time, a little research was easy.

h) After Venom's transformation, which we DON'T know how long it takes... both Peter and Eddie leave the premises... nothing interesting happens there, so it's not even shown.

i) And the whole silicon thing not changing the locket has been explained... I thought it was pretty clever, though I did actually wonder about this during the movie.

Seriously guys? Eddie was mentioned in SM1? JJ doesn't forget people? Or pretend to forget people? Hasn't that been clearly established? What if it was Eddie Brock Sr? Get real. And it's not a PLOT hole if the only conflict is with things from DVD commentaries... DVD commentaries are NOT part of the plot, they are NOT canon.

I mean we can all scream 'lots of plot holes' and 'lots of coverups' (like, we weren't sure, so we didn't tell you rumors like they were facts, Mrs. Parker, which makes absolute sense)... but man... where are they? People are just coming up with stuff that wasn't spelled out or that they wanted done differently and calling them plotholes, and it's crap.

One actual thing worth saying here was that the suit climbed on a maskless peter, and Peter woke up with his mask on... this seems odd, but when you realize that the suit also knew how to webswing wherever it wished, duplicating, or simply putting on Spidey's mask is no biggie.

And Peter doing things that any human in good shape (with excellent coordination could do) does not equate to people putting two and two together (He swings on a chandelier? it's spider-man!)... neitehr does showing a little black fabric equate to anyone noticing especially with so much else of interest going on... do you notice the design of people's undershirts while they're in a fight? didn't think so...

Another apparent inconsistency is that JJ is a liar and slanderer, but fires Brock of a photoshopped picture. Well, photoshopped pictures make a paper a Tabloid... Brock destroyed Jonah's credibility, so he had to go. Also, in real life, Slander isn't lies, but rather the Truth out of context...

sylabdul said:
they casted someone to play eddie brock in the first one

See? Now sylabdul is telling is Eddie Brock was in the first movie... that's how Newspapers do it, not by lying, but by cutting out parts of the truth, TOTALLY different from photoshopping.

And finally, the only substantive inconsistency so far: Spider-Sense.

If you've been paying attention to the movies, Spider-Sense doesn't work like it does in comics... it's not natural, or automatic... it requires you to be paying attention, and isn't it's own distinct feeling. Classic example: When New Goblin jumps Peter. Just before Peter is swooped off of the ground, his face screws up really hard. His Spider-Sense obviously goes off... but what does he do? He doesn't see any accident up ahead, and he's in normal clothes, if he does anything insane, he may be identified as Spidey... and before he can figure out what to do, he's already swept up...

The Spider-Sense is there, it's just not perfect like it is in the comics... Spidey-sense has always been like this in the movies...
d) Bernard is the butler. He's in the house 24/7. The idea of Harry accidentally stumbling onto the secret chamber and Bernard never knowing about it is foolish. That's like me coming to your house and finding your money jar before your wife/parents/kids can.

It doesnt matter if Bernard knows about the goblin hideout...the fact still remains he knows exactly ZIP, ZERO, NADA about what a 'glider' is, or the fact that it has retractible blades OR the type of wound they would make.

Besides, it's really not all that far fetched that Bernard wouldnt know about the hideout - it's pretty obvious by it's layout that Norman moved all the stuff in himself, and dont forget...Bernard goes home at the end of the night as is evident in Spidey 2 ("I'm leaving for the night, sir"). So he's NOT in there 24/7. Not to mention there has to be some kind of nifty way to get in, and I seriously doubt ol' Bernard has a habbit of throwing knives at mirrors....

Like I said before - it seems to me Sam pretty much started the battle royale, knew Harry was going to go in yet...forgot HOW to get him there. The Bernard revelation wasnt needed in the least....the theme of the film was revenge and forgiveness....why does Harry need a talking too from his butler to forgive? He should have done it on his own and shown his strength and love for his best friend....not get an earfull and be all "Well damn, I WAS wrong! How about that!"

Plot hole? Yes. Large enough for a Decepticon to fly thru. =)
Spider-Sense did he even have it in this movie because Spidey got surprise attacked lots of times in this movie.
the bomb that hit peter and the one that hit harry aren't the same (no doubt harrys gear is more potent as well as cool looking)

and two, spideys mask provided some, however minimal, protection(ie, if i'm wearing a leather coat i'm sure i candle will scar my arm)


someone said it already, but the butler however stupid, didn't tell harry about his fathers habbits and more importantly his nature for the same reasons peter didn't...and not just because the guy asked him not to.

uh oh, his a physicist and not a biologist...
did u also notice that spidey actually shoots webs from his wrists?
or that the spider that bit him wasn't radio active

just cause it's different from the book does not a "plot hole" make!

besides u all noticed he wasn't teaching biology from the day one and now it's a problem?

more to come
and also.....why didn't spidy get squished flat by sandman's huge hammer shaped hand pounding on him like that during the final battle? All that sand at that size would weigh tons.

What's farfetched is that he watched Harry, a person he says he loves in Spider-Man 3, become close to an alcoholic and obsessive in Spider-Man 2...and not say a damn word to ease Harry's pain.

I'm sorry, but when he shows up in this film, it just flat doesn't work at all. And there's no amount of arguing that's going to change that. It's just lazy screenwriting, period.
and also.....why didn't spidy get squished flat by sandman's huge hammer shaped hand pounding on him like that during the final battle? All that sand at that size would weigh tons.

LOL yeah that looked stupid, it was like a cat playing with a bird that doesn´t wanna kill just yet
d) Why did Bernard wait so long to tell Harry about something he knew about Norman's death? What does HE know? Yes, it was his glider, but so what? There's something here I don't understand

g) How does Venom knows about Sandman's daughter? As far as I know, Spider-Man didn't know about that, so why the symbiote should?

d) Harry is in denial about his dad. Wanting to protect his dad's memory, he wants to believe he was a great guy in the end, and Spidey killed him. Bernard also wanted to protect Norman's memory, and kept this a secret from Harry and everyone. Had he know Harry was running around as a super villain, he would certaintly have told Harry sooner. Now obviously, Harry knows that his dad was the Green Goblin. But he still wants to believe that he was somehow a good guy in the end.
It's kinda like how there were firefighters in the World Trade Center that went below and started stealing money. When they found the bodies with money in their pockets, they removed it before bringing them out. Not wanting to make them look bad.

g) Yeah, that one really annoyed me. I can see why Venom knew about Flint Marko...but his daugther? No idea.

The only reason this is a plothole to you people is because YOU all ASSUMED it was Eddie Brock when there was NO INDICATION that his last name was BROCK. God.

There's a feature in the 1st movie dvd, where yu watch the movie and dome movie facts appears on screen.
When that scene comes out it says written: The Eddie mentioned is Eddie Brock, a photographer(is that right?) that becomes Venom.
Yes, but, because they don't like the movie, the plotholes matter to them, but because the liked the other ones, they ignore it. It's ****ing hypocritical.

please enlighten everyone on here about the glaring flaws in 1 & 2. im not saying they were 100% perfect but even with their flaws they are great movies.
if you think 3 was a great movie on par with the first 2 your standards are pretty low. if spiderman 2 wanst so universally loved peeeps probably wouldnt have as amany issues with 3 but the bar was set so high that a rushed story, poor character development, and illogical retconning (why why why did they change uncle ben's death) just dont cut it. this was no xmen 3 but we have come to expect better from raimi and co.
again, i was reasonably entertained and i thought there were some really amazing moments but overall it's a very flawed movie. its obvious that they tried to cram too much into the running time and the story suffered. the script doesnt hold a candle to the first two and there were many wtf? moments in the film. im not saying they did or didnt ruin the movie but they are there, staring you right in the face. you cant explain them away with noprize logic.

one need look no further than the titles of the threads in the spoiler forum to see that there are problems with this movie.
I'm still not convinced on the whole Bernard-revelation bit. It simply makes NO sense.

What does a butler know about the gliders? Nothing. I doubt Norman and him chatted about what new defense contracts ol Normy was getting.

How do you know that? Bernard, butler or not has to have a history. Maybe he was in the military. Maybe he has some scientific knowledege. Maybe Norman liked chatting with him about his concepts. All plausible.

He cleaned his wound? So what? Again, he knows exactly DICK about gliders, so how would he know about the blades?

He's 'seen things'? Again...so what? He's a freakin' butler! What does he know about performance enhancers, personal transportation devices or grenades that vaporize people?

Being Osborn's butler, likely since before Harry was born, he'd have been in the mansion for more than 20 freakin' years. He'd know the ins and outs of the mansion, including secret chambers. It's not in the least far-fetched that he'd have seen the Goblin lair. Seen the glider, seen the projecting blades and their unique shape.

But all that doesnt matter in the first place - to keep the secret because he didnt want to tarnish Norman's name? ....uh....the guy was a murdering psychopath and his SON was slowly going insane and was about (and did) follow in his footsteps...WHY NOT TELL HIM?

Are you saying you've never heard- in REAL LIFE even of people who keep secrets of loved ones? Who "love" people in their families, or friends who they know have done every wrong, including murder? Bernard is of the age to be fro that class of Old School Manservants who keep their master's EVERY indiscretion a secret. It's how they live. It is in fact their life. Their code of honor.

As for Harry, Bernard might not have been totally clear on how far he was going, as obviously the night Harry attacks Peter is his first night out as "Goblin Jr." So, then Harry is hurt and forgets about the Goblin. So Bernard has no reason to bring back the memories. Finally, he sees Harry's burned face, overhears the convo with Peter and realizes that Harry's going down the same exact path as his father. So Bernard realizes that it would be more destructive that he keep silent than reveal the truth.

That entire scene looks like it was filmed as an after thought when after Sam watched the movie he realized "Dammit...I forgot about Harry!"

Or... Sam had to have someone that Harry trusted, and had nothing to gain tell Harry the truth about Norman. There was no one but Bernard. Short of Norman coming from beyond the grave and admitting his sins.
The thing about the gay butler is... is he a crime investigator that knows who killed Norman? All the movie makes you understand is that he cleaned his wounds, the rest is all made up to cover holes in the plot.

I dont know if its a plot hole or not but anyways. The symbiote arrives on Earth in a extremely hot, burning comet and is completely fine. In the end, a huge symbiote creature is destroyed by a bomb:huh: that didn't make sense to me. I mean the goo was just so small in the beginning and it should have burned up, but it didn't.
Does anyone else smell bull****?

a) JJJ didn't give a crap that MJ left his son in SM2. He was more concerned with the caterer. Next.

b) Connors is a physics teacher, not a Spider-Man fan. He never figured out what the goo was beyond a symbiote.

c) MJ knows nothing. Peter kept her in the dark, because Peter never tells anyone about all the craziness that happens to him.

d) Bernard is the butler. He's in the house 24/7. The idea of Harry accidentally stumbling onto the secret chamber and Bernard never knowing about it is foolish. That's like me coming to your house and finding your money jar before your wife/parents/kids can.

e) The burgular in the first movie had no time to talk.

f) Connors isn't a biologist. Google "plot hole."

g) Eddie had a plan when he met Sandman... that means he had done research on the guy... news reports about the Rikers escapee had to have circulated by that time, a little research was easy.

h) After Venom's transformation, which we DON'T know how long it takes... both Peter and Eddie leave the premises... nothing interesting happens there, so it's not even shown.

i) And the whole silicon thing not changing the locket has been explained... I thought it was pretty clever, though I did actually wonder about this during the movie.

Seriously guys? Eddie was mentioned in SM1? JJ doesn't forget people? Or pretend to forget people? Hasn't that been clearly established? What if it was Eddie Brock Sr? Get real. And it's not a PLOT hole if the only conflict is with things from DVD commentaries... DVD commentaries are NOT part of the plot, they are NOT canon.

I mean we can all scream 'lots of plot holes' and 'lots of coverups' (like, we weren't sure, so we didn't tell you rumors like they were facts, Mrs. Parker, which makes absolute sense)... but man... where are they? People are just coming up with stuff that wasn't spelled out or that they wanted done differently and calling them plotholes, and it's crap.

One actual thing worth saying here was that the suit climbed on a maskless peter, and Peter woke up with his mask on... this seems odd, but when you realize that the suit also knew how to webswing wherever it wished, duplicating, or simply putting on Spidey's mask is no biggie.

And Peter doing things that any human in good shape (with excellent coordination could do) does not equate to people putting two and two together (He swings on a chandelier? it's spider-man!)... neitehr does showing a little black fabric equate to anyone noticing especially with so much else of interest going on... do you notice the design of people's undershirts while they're in a fight? didn't think so...

Another apparent inconsistency is that JJ is a liar and slanderer, but fires Brock of a photoshopped picture. Well, photoshopped pictures make a paper a Tabloid... Brock destroyed Jonah's credibility, so he had to go. Also, in real life, Slander isn't lies, but rather the Truth out of context...

See? Now sylabdul is telling is Eddie Brock was in the first movie... that's how Newspapers do it, not by lying, but by cutting out parts of the truth, TOTALLY different from photoshopping.

And finally, the only substantive inconsistency so far: Spider-Sense.

If you've been paying attention to the movies, Spider-Sense doesn't work like it does in comics... it's not natural, or automatic... it requires you to be paying attention, and isn't it's own distinct feeling. Classic example: When New Goblin jumps Peter. Just before Peter is swooped off of the ground, his face screws up really hard. His Spider-Sense obviously goes off... but what does he do? He doesn't see any accident up ahead, and he's in normal clothes, if he does anything insane, he may be identified as Spidey... and before he can figure out what to do, he's already swept up...

The Spider-Sense is there, it's just not perfect like it is in the comics... Spidey-sense has always been like this in the movies...

I agreed with everything you said in your post, but the Spider-sense part is bull and you know it.
This is bothering me. How exactly is short term memory loss three years. Harry reverted back to high school. He acted like he didn't know he lived in the apartment but that was always his home.

Not trying to nitpick seriously. I've seen it twice and still can't figure it out.
This is bothering me. How exactly is short term memory loss three years. Harry reverted back to high school. He acted like he didn't know he lived in the apartment but that was always his home.

Not trying to nitpick seriously. I've seen it twice and still can't figure it out.

He did say some damage to his memory, specifically short term memory. There may have been other damage such as amnesia, that would've caused the 3 year gap.

please enlighten everyone on here about the glaring flaws in 1 & 2. im not saying they were 100% perfect but even with their flaws they are great movies.
if you think 3 was a great movie on par with the first 2 your standards are pretty low. if spiderman 2 wanst so universally loved peeeps probably wouldnt have as amany issues with 3 but the bar was set so high that a rushed story, poor character development, and illogical retconning (why why why did they change uncle ben's death) just dont cut it. this was no xmen 3 but we have come to expect better from raimi and co.
again, i was reasonably entertained and i thought there were some really amazing moments but overall it's a very flawed movie. its obvious that they tried to cram too much into the running time and the story suffered. the script doesnt hold a candle to the first two and there were many wtf? moments in the film. im not saying they did or didnt ruin the movie but they are there, staring you right in the face. you cant explain them away with noprize logic.

one need look no further than the titles of the threads in the spoiler forum to see that there are problems with this movie.

The contrivity of a rock from space so happening to carry a black alien goo, just so happening to land beside the only registered meta in this (movie) universe
is matched if not surpassed by the "oh what a coincidence" factor of the christ like peter parker just so happing to get bit by a just so contagious genetically altered(uh oh that's not like the book:huh: ) super spider!

for one
God damn, shut up about the butler. He knew about the damn Goblin lair. What does a butler do? Serve and tidy up the place. When the lair was discovered by Harry in Spider-man 2, a year after his father's death, everything seemed pretty clean and organized in there. I don't think Spidey stuck around to do it himself in the first place, much less come in for a weekly dusting.

Case closed.
We have all gone over the coincedences in all three films. This movie had no more than those that happened in SM1 and SM2. The 'contrivity' of Ock robbing the same exact bank Peter and May were at when there are hundreds, why was Harry at John's inauguration? He has nothing to do with the Jamesons and did not know MJ was with John, how convenient it was that Ock picked Aunt May out of the crowd to grab when there were dozens of people in front of her, the coincedence of Peter writing a paper over Ock who just so happened to be funded by Oscorp who just so happened to be working on fusion to which Peter was writing a paper over. I mean come on, coincedences happen all the time and it helps the movie flow and come together around the main character. How else would you have wanted the symbiote to get to Peter? Any way you try to explain it, it will boil down to coincedences.
i dunno if anyone has brought this up yet cuz i havent read everything...

but right after peter gets the symbiote...he like...somehow wonders out onto a random building......wtf :huh:

it just shows the symbiote cover his face and then all of a sudden hes just on some random building....i dont get it....rofl

what a stupid movie

the only good thing was venom

too bad he was only in it for like 10 minutes...

for a minute there i thought u were laughing at the fact that u don't get it
Okay someone explain this to me ...How did harry get super healing power his wounds seem to heal quicker so is he really dead?
wow, you guys are fullof ****e with your trying to justify the butler not saying anything. Especially when copmparring it to Peter not telling him.

Peter constantly tried to talk to him about it afterwards. Harry just never let him. Bernard had to have just been an ass to have not said anything because he HAD to have known that Harry knew about the goblin.

No way he would know everything about Norman's stuff and nothing about Harry's.

So no need to not sully his fathers name either. Harry already knew.

It was a rediculous throw away solution to neatly wrap up Peter and Harry's conflict. Horribly contrived.
it's only been a month or so of harry knowing "peter" killed his dead
it's also been a month of harry litteraly not talking to peter
it's also only really been a month or so of harry knowing about the goblin lair thus his dad being the goblin..

up until then he thought spiderman just killed his good old pop

so yea...peter not running up to harry on the streets a few years back and telling him his dead was an ******* in a ranger suit who tried to kill him for many reasons one of which being the guy asked him not too
is kinda sorta comparable to "B-nard"

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