The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 8 "Too Far Gone" Discussion Thread

Hershel's death was seen coming in the last couple of episodes but it still got me,I already miss him,Very emotional episode!
The scene with Rick's speech and then ultimately Hersel's beheading was absolutely perfect, it defined the major players in a clear light and had some wicked action. Even though I knew what was going to happen (as a reader of the comics) I was for a moment convinced by Rick's speech and that The Governor was going to accept, until that awesome delivery of "liar". Fantastic episode, very pleased, very excited for the next half. One great thing about TWD is that we always get new places, so when one starts to get a bit stale they can move on.
Definitely great was starting to slow down for me with the Governor centric stuff the last two episodes whic were interesting but really did nothing to develop the show...On another note anyone else think theyre gonna start a Daryl/Beth love story? Seems like thats the route theyre going considering Daryl's female fanbase probably wants to see him get some lovin.
I know the show wants us to realize the stakes are real -and that it somehow follows the comics path-, but why killing interesting and beloved characters so often? Is frustrating.
Jeebus, that seemed like two episodes. Loved the parallels to the books, right down to the dialogue.

Beth really needs to take a level in badass. Hopefully Daryl can work on that with her.
Jeebus, that seemed like two episodes. Loved the parallels to the books, right down to the dialogue.


To be fair, I'm thinking that one girl is on her way to becoming a cold-blooded psycho, and the woman she shot was about five feet away from her.

Lori and Beth just saw their father get killed and were shooting at people much farther away. It's pretty understandable that their aim wasn't the best there.
Kind of a nitpick, I admit, but why the hell was Carl using a century-old lever-action rifle when there are assault rifles lying around?
Evidently it costs a small fortune to rent a modern battle tank, that's why they used an obsolete M60 tank. Apparently that hand grenade trick wouldn't work with a modern tank, so, lucky Daryl.
A little nitpick I had with Daryl's badass moment, specifically the "zombie shield" part: Okay, so time and time again we've seen how zombies are apparently so fragile that their flesh routinely slides right off their bones when someone tries to grab them, but for some reason this particular zombie can stop multiple bullets from an assault rifle? Really?
I thought that too, especially since they were shooting at him with what looked like an M4. You can't use a living human to block a barrage like that, much less a decomposing zombie.

But hey, it looked cool.
Kind of a nitpick, I admit, but why the hell was Carl using a century-old lever-action rifle when there are assault rifles lying around?

That old gun is probably more accurate and easier to manage.

A little nitpick I had with Daryl's badass moment, specifically the "zombie shield" part: Okay, so time and time again we've seen how zombies are apparently so fragile that their flesh routinely slides right off their bones when someone tries to grab them, but for some reason this particular zombie can stop multiple bullets from an assault rifle? Really?
Hollywood convienence. Things that aren't bullet proof in reality are in movies and television. Zombies also have varying ages of decay. A freshly animated zombie would be more intact and bullet resistant than one literally falling to pieces.
That old gun is probably more accurate and easier to manage.

At that range?

I suppose it wouldn't bother me so much if we hadn't see Carl hold his own with an M4 just a few episodes back.
I'm not sure on the range he was shooting at exactly. And besides which there is the possibility he's more comfortable with it, although the M4 episode was much closer range if I had to guess.
Unless you really like spin cocking, it's just an odd choice.

No one in their right mind would pass up an assault rifle for a lever-action rifle in an... assault. Then again, we have Daryl taking on a small army with a crossbow (and winning), so maybe I'm overanalyzing.
Daryl also took out a tank on his own with one grenade and a flimsy zombie "shield." The logic sometimes stretches credibility.
There's a lot of moments like that throughout the series, it too bothers me greatly but I try to block it out. It still remains one of the shows weaknesses but meh.
So I finally watched this episode just a minute ago. :csad:

Going to miss Hershel. Always enjoyed him injecting Rick with some insight. We all kinda knew where it was going episodes prior but it didn't make it any less depressing to see it unfold.

Also, the Governor really likes to fight dirty doesn't he? He took Merle's fingers on his remaining hand prior to execution and kicked Rick's gunshot wounded leg while he was on the ground.

Speaking of Rick, he'll be shooting lefty a little while longer. After that brawl his right hands healing was set back awhile.
This is the first run of episodes I've watched start to finish, and already, I feel fatigued. As that tank rolled in blowing up structures seemingly at random, I muttered "this is kind of dumb," and my fiance', a viewer and a fan since episode one, said "I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that."

I'm sorry, but I just can't buy in to it. This big battle felt like something that was there because it was predetermined and a mid-season finale, not because it was arrived at naturally. I don't believe that this large group of people would follow this clearly insane man into a suicide mission against people they've never met to take a complex that could only be conquered by destroying it. I just don't believe it. And even after only 8 episodes, I don't see how this show is sustainable. How can a show with this premise ever have an end goal? Where the hell can it go? Is it's only message one of absolute nihilism? This isn't a terrible show. It's capable of some good set pieces. I think of the one where the zombies kept falling through the roof (that said, I disagree with just about everything I've read that the assault on the prison was a good set piece. I found rather tedious what with all the ineffectual gun fire and the stupidity of everything involving that tank.) It occasionally will get me invested in a character. But then it kinda meanders or gets overly melodramatic. There's no inexorable narrative momentum to propel me through.

Le sigh.
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Well, I think it was rather dumb, but the Governor was insane, and that tank operator wasn't the smartest guy around.

Why all the other people were going along with it... got me.
Why all the other people were going along with it... got me.

A mixture of being lied to, not wanting to stand up to a blood-thirsty maniac who had just decapitated a helpless old man who did nothing to him (which worked out better for them, we saw what happened last time Governor's group said no to him.), the idiotic trigger-happy right-hand man that was yelling at Tara to participate having a tank and not knowing Daryl Goddamn Dixon was there.

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