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The Worst President in History?

ShadowBoxing said:
I'd like to hear this...why is he the worst (among the).

Started towards over powerful federal government and disregarded constitution.

And no one will care about what Bush thinks in 3 years.
Worst can mean so many different things. How about Garfield. Wasn't he only in office for a few months.
Olcanucklehead said:
I seriously have no need to justify my stance on Bush as I know that anyone with half a brain can see the HE is missing more than half. And for those who support him and his outlandish, arrogant, indignant, DUMB ASS behaivor, i already know that you and those like you would not be sued in you opinion even if he launched nuclear war heads at every populated country in the world! But thats ok, soon enough he will have started a civil war in which all americans will be forced to stand with him or fight against him, and half of our nation will be destroyed......either that or he decides to declare world war, and even then we will lose the majority of our allies and find ourselves along with half of the world will be wiped out of existance. But thats ok, you continue to support this coniving, beer swilling, egomanicale, self proclaimed deity, mongoloid all ya want, I can stop ya and I wont try to argue with you, but while you ****ers are under the supresion of a redneck dictator, i myself will be kickin it in Japan or Switzerland waitin for the gunfire to die down and everyone to kill themselves.

............God how I wish for that man to eat more pretzels..........we almost had our solution the first time!

God are you nuts. If you really believe this, please get help. You're as radical as a neo-con on the other side of the wing. So what if people are pro-life, support the war in Iraq, and are against stem-cell research. None of these issues are enough to cause a civil war or revolution. I suggest you study history. Revolutions and civil wars were caused by absolute governments or rediculous taxation. If you feel this strongly, just get out of the country. If you wish him to die, wow is that low. Just because you disagree with his politics is no reason for you to want the man dead.

BTW, I doubt you'd survive long in Japan since they hate immigrants.
8Ball2/JanG5 said:
Worst can mean so many different things. How about Garfield. Wasn't he only in office for a few months.
Does he even count?
How many god damn anti-bush threads does the hype need?
My vote would go for the 'great Indian killer' Andrew Jackson.

History notes him as a bully, very pro-slavery, and an Indian killer.

Let's see Bush beat that! :p
tomahawk53 said:
My vote would go for the 'great Indian killer' Andrew Jackson.

History notes him as a bully, very pro-slavery, and an Indian killer.

Let's see Bush beat that! :p
Yeah I cannot stand his genocidal a$$ either.
tomahawk53 said:
My vote would go for the 'great Indian killer' Andrew Jackson.

History notes him as a bully, very pro-slavery, and an Indian killer.

Let's see Bush beat that! :p
Pro slavery? He continued many of Lincoln's policies, even if he wasn't exactly MLK Jr. Jackson sucked, but not this bad.
rdh007 said:
Pro slavery? He continued many of Lincoln's policies, even if he wasn't exactly MLK Jr. Jackson sucked, but not this bad.

You're thinking of Andrew Johnson.

Not Mr. Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson was the 7th President and was in office from 1829-1837
I thought Franklin Pierce was declared worst, then the second president John Adams...

He's history's greatest monster.
Erzengel said:

He's history's greatest monster.

I somehow doubt that. Stalin, Dracula even the lowly Hitler seem just a smidge worse. A smidge.
stryfe said:
I somehow doubt that. Stalin, Dracula even the lowly Hitler seem just a smidge worse. A smidge.

Seriously my jokes? Not that far out most of the time. :confused: :(
Erzengel said:
Seriously my jokes? Not that far out most of the time. :confused: :(

Did you note Dracula among the list?
Spidey-Bat said:
Because Bush isn't the worst president in history. I'd suggest you pick up a history book and read about some presidents before. You'd be amazed at how some people got to office and stayed considering what they did.

I'd have to agree there, to name a handful; Carter, Nixxon, Ford, Lincoln. Heh, Reagan threatening Russia with his Star Wars death ray....man I wish I had been around to vote for that man.:(
Genesis 1.0 said:
I'd have to agree there, to name a handful; Carter, Nixxon, Ford, Lincoln. Heh, Reagan threatening Russia with his Star Wars death ray....man I wish I had been around to vote for that man.:(

You list Nixon, Lincoln, and Reagan as history's worst presidents?

I'll admit I haven't read the entire thread because I'm sure it's mainly people listing recent Republican presidents but these three on the worst list? Why?
Carter AND Ford: Bumbled policies, to be more specific pushing just about foreign policy to the side for the next guy in office to take care of. Check out the employment rates, the overrall well being of the country and you'll see that both of these men were complacent when they weren't making things worse. It's just as bad to blundering when you just put the nation on cruise control and watch as Congress and the House bicker back and forth. Both of these guys were indecisive and they surrounded themselves with Cabinets just like them.

Lincoln: What do you remember about him? What do kids read about? Abolishing slavery. Anything else? I thought not. Lincoln did next to nothing and when he did stir the occasional edict, it fell flat on it's face. The hard truth is that he didn't abolish slavery because he was some great and virtuious man, he managed to pull the biggest political 180 in history with that one act. Go and read through his term outisde that one moment and you'll find more than what they've pushed to the surface. One of which the media would have clawed him to death for today is that he was NOT a free trader, he is notorious for massive tax burdens, even discounting the war.

Nixxon: This guy wrote the book on dirty. Watergate was just the straw that broke the camel's back, the last in a long line of scams enacted by his own bills and policies he put in place to benefit big business and therefore himself. Nixxon was all about siphoning money from anything he lay hands on, he didn't give a damn about the general public.

Reagan: More of the Nixxon deal with the ecominic policies, they don't call it 'Reganomics' for nothing. Middle class America got more shaft during that run than most porn stars in a year.
stryfe said:
I somehow doubt that. Stalin, Dracula even the lowly Hitler seem just a smidge worse. A smidge.

Vlad Dracula wasn't bad. He protected Western Europe from the Turks. He may have killed a lot, but they weren't the innocent civillians that Stalin and Hitler killed.
Spidey-Bat said:
Vlad Dracula wasn't bad. He protected Western Europe from the Turks. He may have killed a lot, but they weren't the innocent civillians that Stalin and Hitler killed.
If we want to go the Count/Countess route...Elizabeth Bathory was the worst Countess of all time.
Interesting article. Bush is definitely quite a horrible leader :down:
AndThePickles said:
Interesting article. Bush is definitely quite a horrible leader :down:
I would agree he is bad. I think he is slightly underrated:) , but bad none the less. He has done some good things and currently I like how he has refused to pass the punitive bills against immigration, I like how he is looking into alternative energy, I think he has some good plans about summer gas prices, and the economy (for now:o ) is stable.....if he did not have the war I think he would be considered inept, but no one would be calling him Hitler. The Patriot Act is one of those things I think our future generations will be ashamed of...but not to the extent of the Alien and Sedition acts or the Indian Removal Act. Most of what he does will be seen as misteps and lapses in judgement, but I truly doubt (barring anything that hasn't happened) he will go down as a Hitler figure...or even a Krustchev figure. He is just a bad decision maker with poor leadership skills, and thats about all you can say.
I think it's a little harsh to say he's the worst. I think maybe he lacks forethought sometimes, and I kinda feel like he may be in over his head...
Oh he's in over his head alright. But that's no excuse. If he didn't have his cronies around him he'd be completely lost.
Abe Lincoln was definitely the worst president. His actions such as the laughable "emancipation proclamation" which ended up causing the US it's worst casualties. All that because Lincoln didn't like the newly formed Confederacy because they seceded. He could've cared less about slavery staying or going, he just didn't want to look stupid.

Ego much?

Plus....he was creepy looking. :eek:

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