Thieves Stole Coppola's Laptop Containing Work on New Movie


Dead By Dawn
Jul 22, 2005
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Thieves broke into the Buenos Aires home of film director Francis Ford Coppola and made off with a laptop containing work on his new movie, an employee said Thursday.
The Oscar-winning director of "The Godfather" movies was out when five thieves raided the house late Wednesday, injuring a member of the production crew working on Coppola's next film, "Tetro," due to start shooting in February.

"Coppola is very sad and the only thing he's asked for is to get back his computer, which is essential for him and for his work," the employee, who was not identified, told a local television station.
She said the thieves took computers and other digital equipment including a camera.
Coppola, 68, is living in the Argentine capital during the making of "Tetro," which is expected to launch 2009. It is a story about an artistic Italian immigrant family in Buenos Aires and is said to be reminiscent of his life.
Punishment for godfather 3

How bout Jack?

Like he doesn't remember what he wrote... he'll just have to write another one.
I bet the thieves will sell the laptop to the tabloids. damn thieves.
or this film will come out as an independant film ten years from now and two relative unknowns will be launched to hollywood superstardom.
I actually liked that film myself. "Jack" was a pretty good story, all-around, although I could've done without the boys buying porn. I haven't seen the film in a few years, but I'd still give it a 7/10.
While you watched the movie and said to yourself you could've done without that , I thought to myself I could have done so much more with the 2 hours I wasted watching it.
I haven't seen that movie since I was a little kid. It still seems absurd to me though that this amazing director who made The Godfather and Apocalypse Now made a Robin Williams movie about a child trapped inside a 40 year old man's body.

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