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The Dark Knight Rises Things You Want In The Future

Why doesnt anyone talk about like Clayface, or Dummy and the Mobpuppet guy or something. Those are some really crazy messed up characters. Clayface would be awesome like a darker and obviously better sandman, the Puppet and the Dummy would be crazy like a chucky meets Saw but still PG-13. I also think there should be Harley Quinn, shes definately a destructive character and someone with Helena Bonham Carter's acting skills would be perfect! I also think they should reference to one of the other justice league characters or robin but not actually have them in full frontal superhero mode, or make it lame like in smallville where he wears the red and blue outfits every episode. I never want to see the Penguin or Catwoman again, because Danny Devito was the best and theres no way anyone can do better than that, also catwoman not exactly great but maybe Selena? as a love interest?
I think for the third film, or just a film made down the road, I'd like to see a new pacing. It would have to be set up correctly, but instead of "Batman finds out about villain, has encounter with villain, recuperates in the cave, final battle" I want to see more detective work. Like Batman finds out about the villains plot to start a war between the mob and the freaks. Does some looking into it, realizes Two-Face set the whole thing in motion, but has to fight through what seems like everybody to reach him.

Sort of the whole Knightfall thing, where Bats has to fight until he is wiped out. I wanna see just like a frickin' hour long action sequence. But not typical action adventure with the unnecessary explosions and all that. I mean a Batman action sequence, showcasing his ingenuity, fight skills, and gadgets. Like Shoot 'Em Up without the guns and explosives. Just f***ing bad-a$$ fighting. Epic s***. Something that shows Batmans commitment to justice.

Oh, and I also REALLY liked that idea of seeing a 1930's Batman flick. It'd be even more *****in' if they kept the original costume and name. The Bat-Man.

edit: if we ever DO see Robin, I would love to see an old school Robin mask. Y'know like the Ninja Turtles wore, only without the knot in the back. And a very dark costume. Very dark red, with like a Pine green, and for the yellow cape, well there I'm stumped. But none of this half-cape crap. A full cape, like he wears now. Not that wimpy cape like he used to, or that Captain Marvel wears. I hate that cape.
Why doesnt anyone talk about like Clayface, or Dummy and the Mobpuppet guy or something. Those are some really crazy messed up characters. Clayface would be awesome like a darker and obviously better sandman, the Puppet and the Dummy would be crazy like a chucky meets Saw but still PG-13. I also think there should be Harley Quinn, shes definately a destructive character and someone with Helena Bonham Carter's acting skills would be perfect! I also think they should reference to one of the other justice league characters or robin but not actually have them in full frontal superhero mode, or make it lame like in smallville where he wears the red and blue outfits every episode. I never want to see the Penguin or Catwoman again, because Danny Devito was the best and theres no way anyone can do better than that, also catwoman not exactly great but maybe Selena? as a love interest?

Ok, you mean Scarface and The Ventriloquist. Yes, they would be awesome. Especially considering the Ventriloquist and Scarface are two separate entities.

Second, I appreciate your enthusiasm for DeVito, but be a little open-minded here. Someone could do a better job of Penguin. Maybe not as the mutant sewer dwelling freak that Burton made, but as the high class aristocrat of the comics, definitely.

And lastly, Selina Kyle without Catwoman? That's what makes the whole Catwoman/Batman, Bruce/Selina relationship interesting. They have romantic interest in each other as Bruce and Selina, but as Batman and Catwoman, they have the world's most screwed up love/hate relationship. It's just how it works.
The Catwoman. Played by Keri Russell, Eliza Dushku, or Marion Cotillard
Gotham City's shocked by the news, the city's rich side new top criminal is nothing more and nothing less than a woman, who has raised th terror among Gotham City's rich people that has been damaged in many ways by this girl who has taken the theatrical motif as seriously as The Batman, but this time she dresses up like a cat, irradiating a strange sexual magnetism, she atracts soon the attention of the Dark Knight.
A turkey sandwich with mayonaisse, mustard, Lettuce, tomato and american cheese or a hero not a roll
Id like to see Bane in the third movie. He seems like a character Nolan would use, since Nolan wants to be grounded in realism (which explains him rejecting Penguin) and you could just make Bane into a body builder on massive amounts of steroids. We have yet to see a villain that actually challenges Batman on the physical level to the point where he has to go to unconventional means to beat the person in a one on one brawl. I like the riddler as well, but I really cant see these 2 having the joker like magnitude that can carry a film. I think if you have Riddler and Bane working together Batman fighting them, and Two Face doing his own thing fighting everyone, it could be pretty interesting.

Honestly if I had my way, I would bring Ras al ghul back. Batman would be focusing on Two Face, and his revenge streak, while at the same time uncovering clues to some new plot thinking that its something Two Face is up to, not knowing all along that Ras Al Ghul has returned with new master plan to destroy Gotham. If Ras does not work out, use his daughter. It seems that TDK story does not really have a large evil master plan, but anarchy in the Joker. I would like to see the traditional story arc come back when the joker is finished with.

As for the title, I think it should reference Harvey's "The dawn is coming" statement in a way but most importantly, it should be catchy and related to Batman.

heres some I have

The Dark Knight Returns
Knights End
Shadow of the Bat
Somebody mentioned this before on the boards and I thought it was a really cool idea, so I thought of a way they could do it or pull it off…

A Gotham Central Series – have Gary Oldman star in the first episode to give the series some continuity, and the end of the episode he decides to get away from Gotham for a while on vacation(Ireland or sumthin) he hands his job title to a Michael Akins, who could be the lead role of the series. Akins sometimes has to cope with the presence of Batman and use his information but he will eventually take down the bat signal and enlist Batman as a fugitive. Each episode could explain the background and personality of each character from Renee Montoya to Harvey Bullock. Dr. Kirk Langstrom could help the police during the show and slowly develop his obsession with his new cancer treatment that will eventually turn him into the man-bat.

It could follow the format of the X Files by having a major plot that connects everything together and small individual episodes involving the many rogue villains like; Mad Hatter, Riddler, Bane, Deadshot, Scarface, Solomon Grundy, and all the others who could be adapted into the real world. Bane should be one of the main villains in the superplot. Imprisoned to serve for his father’s sentence he was forced to develop a super-soldier steroid for the Santa Priscian military. He was allowed to live a semi normal life where he meet his wife. His wife gets killed when a rebellion to overthrow the government breaks out. Bane uses his steroid now called venom to escape, which transforms his body only a little compared to the drastic change in the comics.

Also when the GCPD encounter Batman it is always short and to the point, but we never hear or see him. Oliver Queen could be in this also as a new hero, who was close friends with Michael Akins as a child. When he becomes Green Arrow, Akins has a conflict of interest.

If Gary Oldman wants, Gordon could come back during the 3rd season to clean up what Akins has already screwed up. There’d also be a CIA/GCPD rivalry that could go on with the super-plot.
^ Fantastic. It's also a great way to make a Batman tv show on the cheap.
if rachel dies....i would like to see catwoman ...for a new love/hate triangle
Agreed, and bad to say this but I hope she dies, don't really like the character for some reason.
yeah it aint the best one...but its the old superhero saves his love from the evil guy thing....so for the new there would be a female character wich can help her self but causes trouble for bruce...we could say that aint nothing new also...(for sure nothing new after batman returns)....but nolan could bring the necessary twists in for a more thrilling story...
^ for once it would be great to see the hero abandon the love interest favour of capturing the joker and preventing more deaths or rescuing a larger number of people. and then the woman dies, as a direct result

that said, i'd rather Rachael live through TDK
For the third movie...

-More detective stuff (possibly even the Holiday mystery?)
-Two-Face as the main villain
-Black Mask (My first choice for the next villain. I wanna see major villains we haven't seen on film before. Plus he totally fits in with Nolan's universe)
-Penguin as a minor character, an arms dealer for the major villains
-Catwoman as the new love interest/rival of Batman
-Another new vehicle. (It'll probably end up being a second batmobile, but a plane or boat might be cool)
-Another new batsuit
-I like the idea of a film set in the winter. It'd be perfect for the end of Nolan's trilogy

As for batfilms beyond Nolan's, I think a Dark Knight Returns will probably be made someday. And I wouldn't mind seeing The Long Halloween and Dark Victory adapted faithfully.
I want a batplane that could fit in the Nolanverse ! I have no idea for the design though !

After the tumbler, the batpod, it's time for a ride in the air .......

Ironically I'd want the exact opposite of people on the front page -- a plain suit. I'd like Nolan to finish up his trilogy, then I'd like someone else to begin a new highly stylised take on Batman with a grey spandex suit with black leather toning, without body armour. A Batman who makes impossibly large leaps and swings on ropes and all manner of implausible things.

I'd like a Batman like YO, who can get shot and gets injured. Some would argue its just nonsense that he would go out without body armour, but I disagree. If we don't use the logic "He's dressed up like a Bat, everything about him is nonseniscal" and instead rely on the fact that body armour is bulky as hell. If he was going to realistically wear a full bulletproof suit, he'd look like a SWAT officer. I wouldn't just want some giant Arnie-esque guy in the suit either, I'd go more with 'The Batman' in the thinner, more athletic build.

I guess I'd go with gangsters once again for the villains, maybe with them hiring some 'freak' to knock off Batman. I'd like to say Mr. Freeze, but after B&R I just don't think we'll ever see him on film again. Maybe the gangster mastermind could be Black Mask, then with some goon for a big showdown at the end like Killer Croc or perhaps even Bane. I wouldn't even consider Bane as the primary antagonist, he's a gimmick 'strong' character, alls he's good for is a really big fight.

I'd look to BTAS for the actual look of the show, with the blood red skies and the vintage buildings, all seeped in Noir.

for the Third Film:

*Catwoman, with Selina as the potential love interest
*Penguin in a minor role
*The Riddler
*Two Face as the main villain
*A Batsuit with the design closer to begins/comics with the mobility of tDK
A movie that continues to reach the standards that BB set, and TDK looks to eclipse
An all out villian war in Gotham including penguin, the riddler, joker, two face and black mask and the mob families a fight for total domination.
A batsuit that has actual cloth over the armor, so it looks like his suit from the comics
after Nolan's trilogy, i'd love to see a film adaptation of TDKR but give all of the cast time off maybe 5-7 years..
I want a Batman-Superma movie to be made with Black Mask and Metallo as villains.
I really want to see a 'Dark Knight Returns' style movie, with older actors playing the parts, and I'd like it to be an 18, and stay true to Frank Miller's vision. After first watching 'Begins' I immediately thought to myself wouldn't it be cool to jump straight from the new origin story to the Dark Knight Returns for the next movie, with a completely new cast, to kinda close the franchise. I can see that isn't gonna happen now with the forthcoming release of 'Dark Knight' (which I think is gonna rock anyway), but I would like it to happen one day.

Everthing about 'Returns' has the potential to make an excellent movie, Batman, in his 50's, brutally coming out of retirement, his epic battle with the leader of the Mutants, and his final showdowns with the Joker & Superman, who has now become a WMD/puppet for the government. The potential is limitless in the right hands.

PS. Hi, I'm new!!

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